I'm back with a slightly odd chapter. We do have the confrontation with Lucius but its not as big as I think you guys were hoping. There's an important reason why I promise. So review answering. I am from now on to save some space people who just say they like or update soon shall be thanked in one big batch at the top.
So thanks so much to: Jovigirl12, catspaw439, ILoveGeorgeEads, GatorLHA2, Suezanne, the arimithacer
V.L Crawford: Lily is part of the family I hate to break this to you. Aww you know I could do whatever I wanted and you'd forgive me. I'm just that loveable.
B00kw0rm92: What are you confused about? PM me and I'll try and explain my odd thinking.
Daughter of the Full Moon: Well if you got Voldie on your team you're definitely screwed. Did you miss the whole deranged mass murder. I gots Draco and the very amazing Padfootisawesome has joined the team. Plus I got V.L Crawford on my side and we all know she is mental and violent psychopath that is loyal to me. *sticks tongue out*
Lyaser53: LOL. Yeah this is since what will Voldy do without his cutest Death Eater.
Shinigami-Sama1: LOL do you want to read or just get spoilers?
Padfootisawesome: *Screams* OMG I love you. Yeah that isn't creepy at all. But you are so on the team. You get Draco hugs and my gratitude.
griffin-blackwood: OMG I didn't even think of that. It will be so good thanks.
Shadowdude333: Draco is practically brainwashed give the kid a break.
hotkittengirl: Wow just wow. I'm not sure what to say. Do you believe the ghost could get the dog preggers? Cause if so we will have a very screwed up baby running around Hogwarts. Casper meets Scooby-Doo.
Mathlover4444: I hope you enjoy.
horselovr171: She will eventually *duct tapes V.L Crawford's mouth* Sorry no one needs to hear the profanity that comes out of her mouth at the confirmation that Lily will be in the story.
Spring Raine: OMG I hope you feel better. *hugs* Don't worry about Sirius's skull its like trying to dent an icebreaker with a piece of paper. The wall wouldn't stand a chance. Andy and Amelia will reveal their finding in two or three chaps depending on how long the next one last. Neville is gonna come in a bit but a ton more next year though the story is gonna focus mostly on the pack. I adore Peeves.
Tighn Lwerka: A coo coo clock? Is that good or bad? I have a feeling that's commenting on my mental health.
No vigilance: I love how you make James look like Frankenstein. You inspired a line this chapter.
arturhawkwing11: DID YOU JUST CALL MY DRACO A JERK? *snarls* He was never anything but a sweet shy misunderstood brainwashed little boy. You made Drakie cry *hugs Draco* Apologize or I'm sicing Sirius on you.
Annabeth-Black-Potter17: Aww thanks so much. And Remus will be in as will Lily just in awhile. The little family has to get bonded.
Pirayan01: My head is gonna swell but thanks so much. And yes poor Draco.
hannahdaspannah: Aww glad you like. they are just so cute.
Darkwolf171: Sirius is gay I will let people know that. As for James well...
AriesASA: Oh don't worry Lucius shall meet James eventually *evil grins*
Boredom-Kills-Big-time: You won't sound anymore like an idiot then James and Sirius usually sound. Yes she will. Oh good more people are noticing it. VL says hi back. I just had to tie her up to keep her from fighting Lily over James.
Okay so note now. This fic and Escaping Hell will be updated together. It just makes things easier for me so for those of you reading both you know to go read the next chap of Eh after this one.
So go read my little hamsters.
It took Sirius a few minutes to figure out just what had woken him up. He was hungry but when was he not? He was warm and comfort...what just kneed him in the gut? He pried his eyes open and saw a blur of blond hair clambering over him before it disappeared from sight. Grumbling about annoying little Glaciereyes Sirius rolled over snuggling closer to James and Harry when he realized what Draco taking off probably meant.
"Damnit Draco! James wake up." Sirius leaned over and shoved the slumbering James as hard as he could. James kept right on snoring. Not having time for James games Sirius shifted into Padfoot and leapt on his chest whining and pawing at his best friend's face. James kept his eyes stubbornly closed. Sirius licked his face a few times coating the lightly tanned skin with a layer of doggy slobber.
"Are you trying to snog me? If so I think we really need to have a talk about your kissing technique." James mumbled and Sirius barked in his face nipping his nose lightly.
James sat up glaring at the dog that was all but sitting on him. "What is so important?"
Sirius gave a pointed look to the bed beside James where Harry was still sleeping peacefully curled up next to his father.
"Where's the other kid?" James asked. "Let me guess he decided to take off to go find that Death Eater?"
Sirius barked in agreement and shifted. "Yeah, that would be my guess. Wake the pup up and we'll go get him."
James nodded and lightly shook his son awake. "Come on baby we have to go fetch your idiot brother."
Harry just gave the world's most adorable moody whine and Sirius could practically see James becoming even more wrapped around Harry's little finger. James scooped Harry up easily and Harry instantly cuddled into his chest, his little head resting on his father's shoulder. "I think I'm gonna have to carry him. Where's my cloak? I'll hide under it with him. Maybe I can give old Dumbles a kick in his ass if I see him. Or push Lucius down the staircase."
Sirius's head shot up. "What do you mean? I thought the cloak was destroyed with the house."
James looked at him as if he was insane. "Didn't I tell you that Dumbledore borrowed my Cloak? I figured after I died that he would put it in Harry's vault. I said in my will it went to him when he turned eleven."
Sirius shook his head. "No, you didn't tell me. And its not in the Trust Vault. I was just in there a few weeks ago."
James snarled looking ready to punch the wall until Harry squirmed slightly in his arms trying to cuddle even closer to James. The anger abruptly vanished as he gazed at his son and Sirius made a mental note to take Harry away from James if he needed James to go all vengeful spirit on Dumbles's ass.
"Come on lets go rescue our other baby Prongsie." Sirius grabbed the arm that wasn't holding Harry and hauled James to the door before giving him a stern look. "Try not to draw attention to yourself. I know that is very difficult for you Prongs."
"This is coming from the man that climbed onto the Gryffindor table in 6th year during the Welcoming Feast and did a strip tease."
Sirius smacked him upside the head a feat that James couldn't replicate do to his munchkin status. So instead James snagged Sirius's wand from the back pocket of his jeans and conjured a lamp shape which he placed over his head. "I'm ready to go. Like my outfit?" James spun around in a circle showing of the tight fitting black jeans he was wearing, the leather jacket, and of course the lampshade.
"Looks good to me." Sirius shifted and opened the door with a paw while James stepped through. Despite the decade that had passed Sirius instinctively took his old spot right on James's right side his shoulder brushing against James's leg with every stride.
You do realize someone is going to recognize you Prongs? McGonagall or Hagrid or someone.
James replied telepathically. So?
Do you think anyone will pull something? Can the Ministry have you exercised or banned from the school or something?
I dunno. I'd totally kick their asses in if they even tried. I say I could take about half the Ministry on by myself. You could handle the other half and then we could declare ourselves Supreme Rulers of Magical Britain.
You'd blow up the Ministry in a week Prongs because you got bored. Remember the Auror offices?
How was I suppose to know you couldn't steal a dragon hatchling and teach it to eat Death Eaters?
Tell that to Moody's eye.
Hey, he shouldn't have gotten near the tail. Fido must have thought he was a Death Eater in disguise.
I still can't believe you named a female dragon Fido. Sometime I even wonder about your brains James.
Why do you wonder about my brain? I don't. Last time I saw it it was running away screaming something about it couldn't take it anymore. I think it was going to Hawaii for holiday.
Sirius could only roll his eyes as he carefully made his way down the stairs making sure he didn't repeat his previous trip downstairs by becoming a canine bowling ball. Yes, he knew what a bowling ball was. Just ask Snape. Let's just say the bottom of the lake has a dozen bowling balls at the bottom of it.
They got several odd looks from students they passed but no one dared to even giggle with Sirius stalking along beside James. All of the sudden though James's form flickered and Sirius whined. Prongs what's happening?
I dunno. Best guess is whatever we did to make me solid decided to not work. I'm putting Harry on your back so take your leg off the floor.
Sirius held up his injured leg obediently as James woke Harry up. "Baby I need you to listen. Whatever I did to make me solid seems to be going away. Just in case I can't make it happen again I need to let you know that I love you more then the world my little fawn. You're an amazing kid Harry and I am the luckiest father in the world to have such a great son."
Harry started crying and flung his arms around his father's neck. "Daddy you can't leave. I just got you back. You can't leave again. Please stay Daddy." Harry begged.
"Oh baby I don't want to leave you but I don't have a choice. But I won't really be gone. Siri should be able to hear me still and I'll make him repeat my every word to you kiddo or else I shall send him to the vet for a little surgery."
Sirius's whined his tail tucking under his body to protect the parts he knew James was threatening.
Harry nodded bravely and James kissed his forehead hugging him tightly. "I love you Daddy."
"I love you too baby." James kissed Harry one last time and set him gently on Sirius back which Harry quickly slid down from. He flung himself at his father hugging him tightly and James wrapped his arms around his son as his form slowly began to fade but not before Sirius leapt forward rearing up on his back paws and licking James's face once, his usually playful gray eyes filled with tears. Then with a burst of light James was gone. Harry started sobbing and all Sirius could do was lick his face trying to convey with his eyes that he already had James blabbering away in his skull.
I need to be able to talk to Harry constantly. We need to figure out how to change the Pack Link spell so that the pups are added in or completely redo it. You can add figuring that out to your guard dog duties, teaching the pups to be Animagus, and figuring out how to make me solid.
Would you like an order of fries with that?
Yes. I'm hungry.
Sirius would have face-palmed if he had hands. You're dead James. How the hell am I suppose to feed you?
Another thing to add to your to-do list. FEED ME!
You know I should have you exercised just so my head is my own again.
Yes, but your one remaining brain cell would be horribly depressed. You do realize he just started dating my one remaining brain cell. They're soulmates. You don't want to break up such a perfect couple now do you?
Harry finally stopped sniffling. "Can you still hear him?"
Sirius nodded and was pleased to see Harry smile. "Tell him I love him 'kay?"
Love you too kiddo. James thought warmly as Sirius began to follow Harry down the stairs in a desperate attempt to go save the idiot Death Eater spawn from his spawner.
They were on the second floor when the screams started. Sirius and Harry exchanged worried glances before taking off down the stairs.
That doesn't sound good. James murmured worry flaring in his mind as Sirius barreled down the stairs. He froze when he reached down the Entrance Hall Harry tumbling into him. Draco was in the Entrance Hall about twenty feet from his father who had his wand out pointed at the little boy. A crowd of students were gathering around the two Malfoys and even as Sirius watched Cedric came running out of the crowd and stood protectively at Draco's side. Snarling in outrage Sirius leapt the last few steps and landed in front of Draco, his hackles raised and teeth bared. Harry ran to Draco and stood on his other side so Draco was safely nestled between him and Cedric. Sirius prowled forward so he was only two feet from Lucius snarling right in his face. Lucius didn't look fazed at the dog that was growling at him. He glared at Draco who Sirius saw had silent tears streaming down his face. Harry stepped in front of Draco and James started cooing in Sirius head.
Look how brave my baby is! He is such a lion just like his daddy.
"I thought I made it quite clear Draco that if you did not find a way to fix the situation that I would very much have to reconsider your right to be my heir."
Draco glared right back seeming comforted by the hellhound wannabe crouched in front of him and his adoptive brother on one side and Cedric who had his wand aimed at Lucius.
"How can I help where the Hat puts me? I have no control over what my brain supposedly says about me. The Hat said I belong in Gryffindor. What am I suppose to do about it?"
"Maybe be make your family proud and not get yourself thrown in a House filled with Blood traitors. Just look at yourself. A Potter on one side and a goddamn Hufflepuff on the other. No child of mine would disgrace his family with being seen in such company."
Cedric and Harry bristled at his side and Cedric stepped forward. "Amazing how the House of Malfoy is brave enough to insult the heir to a Most Noble and Ancient House like the Potters now that the Lord of the House has passed on." Cedric flashed a grin when he said this and Sirius was forcibly reminded that Cedric had seen James's ghost only hours before. "My father used to work in the Ministry when Lord Potter was still alive. He told me a very interesting story about how James Potter came in with you half dead. Apparently he caught you torturing a muggle and you ran. He happened to have his dog with him. A dog that apparently was put through some kind of muggle police academy where they train the canines to attack people and sniff out drugs and stuff. I heard that you were in St Mungo's for a week because of the dog. A dog that if I'm not mistaken is standing right in front of you. That has also been trained to guard Harry here. Who you just insulted."
Malfoy's eyes widened and he looked down at Sirius who gave a doggish grin as recognition filled the cold eyes. Sirius stepped forward making sure the light reflected off of his pearly white fangs. Lucius gulped his Adam's apple bobbing and his already pale skin began to resemble rotten butter. James was rolling around laughing in Sirius's skull. Sirius took a step closer and sniffed at Lucius arm where he knew there was a scar that perfectly matched his teeth.
Harry seemed to be fueled by a rare spurt of bravery or possibly stupidity. He stepped forward until he was beside Sirius one hand landing on Sirius's back. "Yes would you like to insult my family again? Because I'm not the only one here that Padfoot is trained to protect." Harry turned to address the crowd of students. "I would like it to be known from this day forth that Draco Lucius Malfoy is hereby an ally of the Most Noble and Ancient House of Potter. I as its heir would like it known by all that any attack on Draco will be seen as an attack on the House of Potters. The person who does the attacking shall find themselves as Padfoot's chew toy before meeting the rage of the allies of the Potters. The Goblins who have agreed to prosecute anyone who harms my family under the full force of Goblin law." Harry sneered at Lucius. "And just to let you know Lord Malfoy my father was a personal friend of the Goblin King Ragnuk. And if the stories I have heard are true anyone that displeases him spends the rest of their short miserable existence wishing for death."
Holy shit have you been feeding my fawn red meat?
I think I've worn off on him. Sirius noticed that all of the purebloods had their jaws on the ground. Did Harry even know what he just said? You did not offer random Death Eater children sanctuary. As far as Sirius knew he was the only person in the last two centuries to be offered sanctuary by the Potters. Oh Merlin what did Harry just get them into?
Ahh Draco isn't that bad of a kid. I don't think he's going to be starting any wars. Plus I've always said that my family has been neutral for far too long. A war would spice things up nicely.
James did you somehow forget that you died because of a war? Isn't that spicing things up a touch?
Yes, but I don't think you can kill me twice. So I'm good.
For those of us that are not ghost?
I suggest that you avoid the scary beams of green light.
Helpful Prongs.
Aren't I?
Lucius face widened with shock then he grinned. "Fine then. He's your problem from now on." Lucius made as if to sweep away when a hand grabbed his shoulder. He spun around thinking it was Harry only to come face to face with Amelia Bones.
"I strongly agree that if that is how willing you are to give up your only child that he is better off as a ward of the House of Potter. The only problem with that is that I will have to pull the Potters will and find a wizarding family for Draco and Harry to be placed with on holidays. Since Wizarding Law states that a pureblood or halfblood child can only be placed in the care of muggles if they are blood related. Draco is clearly not related to the Dursleys so another family will have to be found to care for the boys. I will even offer myself as their guardian until a suitable family is found. I don't believe anyone will object will they Minister?" She turned her gaze to Fudge who Sirius hadn't even noticed was in the crowd. The Minister gulped twisting his lime green bowler hat in his hands worriedly. When he hesitated Sirius swung his head around to growl at him and Fudge nodded his head so fast that Sirius wondered if it would fly off.
James do you object? Sirius asked worried.
No. If they are checking out my will they will see all the spells and blood agreements that made it impossible to harm Harry. Maybe they will drop the charges against you if they realize you couldn't have betrayed your godson. Or at least Andy will get custody of my fawn instead of those horrible muggles.
From the crowd Andromeda Tonks stepped forward looking at Lucius as if he was a very ugly slug that had crawled near her. "I completely agree with you Madam Bones. This man is far from a fit guardian. I personally would like to testify to this man's treatment of my sister Narcissa."
James snicked. He deserves everything that he gets for trying to mess with our fawns right Siri?
Yes. Though I really don't want to have to live with Draco al...
Would you rather live with the Muggles? I heard they eat dogs.
James only laughed while Sirius did his best not to hyperventilate. He was not going to die so a muggle could have a doggyburger. No way in Hell.
Don't worry Siri. I'm sure you will die some kickass death. Like being murdered by an evil curtain.
I would not die from a curtain. I would go out fighting a dragon or a giant not a goddamn piece of fabric.
Shh focus on the getting my fawn away from the Muggles not your epic death scene.
Draco was just gaping his eyes were filled with hurt and pain. He whimpered slightly and Sirius whined knowing how hard it was to have a family that only cared about your ability to carry on the family name. Cedric wrapped an arm around his shoulder in comfort glaring with absolute disgust at the older man. Draco snuggled into his side watching as Harry shifted in front of him to block his brother from view. He glanced at Madam Bones. "Do you still need us Madam or can I take Draco back upstairs. I think he needs time to calm down and think."
Madam Bones smiled at him sweetly. "Of course sweetheart. Why don't you have Mr. Diggory stay with you. I'm not sure if you fully understand what you just did and I'm sure he will be glad to explain."
My fawn is not an idiot. He fully understands what he just did. 'Cause Sirius fully explained it to him right Pads?
Ummm maybe.
James was silent as Harry and Cedric steered Draco through the crowd Sirius snapping at anyone who gave the pups a weird look. By the time they had gone five steps the whole crowd was running to get out of the way except for four people. The girl Hermione that had been giving them the silent treatment came over and touched Draco's shoulder lightly not seeming put off by the warning snarl from Sirius. A moment later the two red headed twins from before jogged over and move to flank the small group making sure no one hexed their backs. Just before they reached the stairway another kid ran out the one Sirius was sure was named Neville and fell into step beside Draco.
Pads do you realize who kid that it is?
Which one? I seem to be running a daycare. I thought you were the only one mental enough to entrust me with a child.
Apparently not since old Luci there practically gave you his son. But I think that's Frank and Alice's baby. He was named Neville and that tends to be a Longbottom family name. And doesn't he look like Alice?
Sirius cocked his head to the side examining Neville. He definitely looked like he could have been the Longbottom heir.
As their procession began to make it up the stairs Peeves swooped down to ruffle Harry's hair lightly earning a shy smile from the little boy before he floated away and began to dive bomb Lucius Malfoy.
Draco leaned against Harry's arm and Sirius licked his hand.
We're really a family now. James whispered.
Sirius nodded in agreement wondering what Harry had gotten them into.
So what do we think? This chap was hard to write. I wasn't quite sure how to lead up to what I want the next chapter to be if that makes any sense. Review please.