Hello, everyone! I know I said this chapter could be expected in the next week, but it took me a lot less time to get back into it than I thought! To recap: in the last chapter, Tamaki and Kaoru entered into a romantic relationship. Everything was going fine until Hikaru told Kaoru he had broken up with Haruhi, changing everything.

I genuinely hope you all enjoy this chapter! Please leave comments with your thoughts!

I hear my phone buzz a happy tune from the table next to my bed.

I sigh and close my eyes. While it would certainly be easier to just turn my phone off, I can't muster up enough energy to roll over the two inches it would take me to reach my phone from my bed. That would easily put a stop to the constant strain of texts I have been getting from Tamaki over the last week.

And yet…

If it were up to me, I wouldn't even put in the effort to charge my phone every night. But that stupid doctor wants to make sure I'm reachable at all times as a precaution. Hikaru has made it abundantly clear that he feels the same way.

I snort.


He and Haruhi have officially been broken up for one whole week. One week exactly, now that I think about it. It has also been exactly one week since I talked to Tamaki, after sending him a rather blunt text stating simply, "Don't know if this will work out. Sorry. –Kaoru."

I haven't been to school since breaking my arm. While Dr. Hiromi has assured me and my twin that I am in the clear to return to Ouran, I have convinced my brother that I still feel too sick to go.

He doesn't really believe me, but he complies. I think he feels guilty.

At that moment, I hear a timid knock on my door. Before I can yell at who is surely Hikaru to go away, the door begins to open.

"Is it ok for me to come in, Kaoru?"

Hikaru's voice sounds sad and defeated. A small pang of guilt pulses through me for just a moment before I return to the aloof state I have been in for, you guess it, a week.

"You know, Hikaru, it kind of defeats the point of knocking if you're just going to come in anyways," I say sarcastically, not moving from my current position.

He doesn't say anything and even though my eyes are closed, I know he has a small smile.

"Are you coming to school today, Kaoru? Everyone misses you," he says, ignoring my snarky remark. As always.

I picture the host club in my mind's eye, smiling brightly. The picture disappears as fast as it came.

"No, I don't feel well," I respond turning away from him and pulling my covers over me so that only the top of my hair can be seen.

He sighs sadly, "Ok, Kaoru. I'll have the maids check in on you while I'm away."

There is silence as I wait for him to leave, the only sound being the clicking of his shoes, which stop suddenly in such a way that I can only assume he's standing at the threshold.

More silence until, finally, "You should reply to Tono. He's worried."

The click of the door and the fading sound of my twin's feet.

I shut my already closed eyes tighter.

I know he's right, but I can't bring myself to do anything about it.

I recall the sadness in his voice as he had said those words to me.

Albeit selfish, I can't help but wish that sadness is directed towards me. I want him to be sad that I'm not coming to school with him. I want him to be sad I only talk to him in sharp, sarcastic replies. But I know it's for someone else.

An image of Haruhi appears in my mind. She smiles brightly, her eyes closed tight.

I know his sadness is for her. I know he expected me to react differently when he told me he broke up with Haruhi. I know he expected us to go back to normal.

But that isn't what happened.

It isn't his fault. He didn't know that Tamaki and I had recently entered into a romantic relationship. How could he? If I'm correct, Tamaki hasn't mentioned our brief romance to anyone.

I know that Hikaru is actually sad because he thought breaking up with Haruhi would benefit him in some way. Instead, he has lost both his twin brother and his beloved commoner.

When Tamaki and I began our risqué relationship, everything had finally started to fall into place. I never expected that Hikaru would sacrifice his relationship for me. It ruined everything, and I was angry.

I let out an audible groan. Why did he have to be so stupid?!

During the past week, I had attempted to do as much as I could without Hikaru's help, but this stupid cast was making that a lot more difficult.

Don't get me wrong, I have been able to master a lot of things and the maids are quick to do small chores in place of Hikaru. This makes one-on-one time with my mirror image a lot less frequent.

However, there is no getting around bathing.

There's just no way for me to wash myself with the cast limiting my motion. The maids refuse to bathe me and, honestly, I wouldn't want them to, anyways. While a shower would be an easy out, my mother is a strong believer in the relaxing environment that comes with a nice bubble bath. When building this house, she made sure there were no showers built in. Only baths.

Thanks, Mom.

So every other day, Hikaru undresses me and bathes me, each of us awkward and fumbling. It's the only contact we have.

The happy buzzing tune plays on the bedside table.

I feebly reach out my good hand to grab it. When I turned away from Hikaru, it put me in the perfect position to grab my phone. The perfect position to turn the damn thing on silent.

After a few seconds of searching for my phone, my hand finally feels its familiar shape. I grasp it between my fingers and pull it towards me.

I finally open my eyes.

I don't want to see all of the texts, but it's an automatic response that I just can't resist.

I see on my phone that I have twenty-nine new messages and seven missed phone calls. Although I don't want to, I know it's in my best interest to check who texted me in the off chance that they aren't all from Tamaki and Hikaru.

I also can't deny the burning curiosity that I feel in my chest.

I open up the texts and, as I expected, most of the messages are from Hikaru and Tamaki. Next to Tamaki's name is the number fourteen and next to Hikaru's is nine. I avert my eyes and quickly scroll down, guilt and anger forcing me to look away from what could lie behind Tamaki and Hikaru's names.

Guilt for Tamaki, anger for Hikaru.

Underneath their names appears my mother's and Dr. Hiromi's.

I click on the text from my mother.

Hello Kaoru, my sweet boy! Hope you feel better! Here in Paris selling my newest line! Maybe I'll create something for people with casts! I can see it now! Send Hikaru my love! XO- Mom

I smirk. Of course she would immediately think of a new clothing line because of my broken arm.

I back out of her text and reluctantly go to Dr. Hiromi's.

Kaoru! Hikaru tells me you still aren't going to school! I know you don't feel like going, but you don't want to miss too much! Go to school and let Hikaru take care of you! If you have any questions, call me! – S. Hiromi

I quickly delete her message.

The next two messages come from Honey and, to my disgust, Haruhi.

Kao-chan! Why aren't you back at school yet? We miss you! Please come back, Kao-chan! :'( -Honey

Despite myself, a small smile comes to my face at the genuine concern I can feel just from Honey's text. My smile is replaced with a grimace as I choose Haruhi's text.

Hi, Kaoru. Still wanted to talk to you since we got interrupted the other day. I know things are hard now, but remember not to let yourself fall too deeply into your depression. Hope you feel better, we all miss you. –Haruhi

I roll my eyes. Of course, she feels the need to dish out her advice.

Her text joins Dr. Hiromi's in the trash.

The next two messages come from one person: Kyouya.

Kaoru, we need to talk. –Kyouya

His first message is blunt and vague, leaving me confused. What could Kyouya possibly want to talk to me about? I go to the next message in hopes of an answer.

Kaoru, I'll be over later in the week. –Kyouya

Sadly, this message doesn't give me any answers and is just as blunt. My heartbeat quickens as I realize that he sent this message three days ago, meaning he could be over any day now.

My mind swarms with questions. What could Kyouya possibly want to talk to me about? Why is he coming over? More importantly, when is he coming over?!

To try and relieve my anxiousness, I scroll back up to my brother's name to read his messages. Although it's not ideal, I hope they will offer me some answers or, at the very least, a distraction.

The first text is dated exactly a week ago. The day he told me he broke up with Haruhi.

I wish you would talk to me, Kaoru. I don't know why you're mad at me. I thought you'd be happy with my decision. Please respond. –Hikaru

The next message tells me it came a few minutes after the first.

I guess you still don't want to talk to me. I'm going to bed, if you need me, you know where I'm at. –Hikaru

Picked up some bananas today! Happy to share! – Hikaru

Everyone at the club misses you! The girls have been asking about you non-stop, of course. Wish you were here! –Hikaru

Doesn't feel right to be with the girls without you here. Wish we could do our act together. –Hikaru

I wish you'd talk to me, Kaoru. –Hikaru

Going to bed, text me if you need anything. –Hikaru

Dr. Hiromi wants you to call her. –Hikaru

Please say something, Kaoru. –Your Brother

I feel hot tears forming at the corners of my eyes. While Hikaru's texts give me the distraction I need, it isn't the kind of distraction I was hoping for.

Instead, I feel an immense mixture of emotions forming close to my heart. The burning feeling gives me physical pain.

How can he still make me feel like this? Why is he acting like he's the victim? I'm the one who should be hurt!

I quickly delete all the messages from Hikaru, which subsides the pain slightly. Now I won't be able to see them even if I want to.

My hand goes limp and my phone drops to the floor. I can't even bring myself to look at the fourteen messages from Tamaki: the person I betrayed without as much as a reason why.

After a few minutes of trying to will the tears back into my eyes, I hear my door slam open.

"Go away, I don't need anything!" I yell to the rude maid who didn't even knock before coming in.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, Kaoru. We need to talk."

I jump up for the first time since I woke up and look towards the door.

Instead of a maid standing in front of me, it is the Dark Prince himself.

To be continued...

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! We pick up next time with answers to why Kyouya needs to talk to Kaoru. Please leave reviews with your thoughts!