author's note: or author rambling if you don't want to read it scroll down to the line
I rewrote the story trying to make it less confusing but I also hope to bring to your notice something. this message is not for the nice people with the nice reviews but for the cowards with the evil ones that don't even review with their accounts. I always welcome constructive flames and I know my English isn't that good but reviews like
I imagine that I would have had a better time in Auschwitz than reading this travesty. I would rather have twelve AIDs infected dicks plowing my tight man-hole, screaming as no one hears my cries. I don't even want you to kill yourself, I just want you to move to a place where you have no access to the rest of society. Live long and prosper.
aren't really constructive or helpfull for that matter. I mean if you want to make someone you don't know hate themself well done then. and I have another one of them
This story is terribly written. It's all bunched together, improper grammar was used and this isn't even remotely close to being rated M. Do yourself and everyone else a favor, stop writing. You don't have a talent for it at all.
those were both written by someone I couldn't respond to I'm sorry that I'm still learning and when I read again I laughed at myself for ever writing that with so many mistakes in it but I like writing it relieves stress. and it wasn't M rated I know yet I also said so in my story. a note like it's terribly written, all bunched together and you spelt a lot wrong and used improper grammar and also you should put the rating lower is nicer. so to all those haters out there I would say man up and stop doing things protectively and annoymous behind your computer making other people feel down if you can't say anything good don't say it at all. but enough of my rambling. I hope you enjoy the story.
Good and Constructive reviews are alway appreciated.
It was a nice day. The sun was shining and not a single cloud was to be seen in the sky. Yet I'm here at my work. Soon the summer would start and Usami had planned a vacation with poor Misaki that was his reason for being here today. He had finished his story and even before his deadline. Now Usami was discussing the cover with the art director while Misaki was finishing his work. Ijuuin who had walked past here an hour ago decided to stay and stare at Misaki and Isaka was laughing his ass of at the boy's obvious discomfort. Serious this place was starting to look like a circus. I had enough of it. And with it I meant Ijuuin's and Isaka's behavior.
Ijuuin knew about the relation between Akihito and Misaki he had to the way Akithito was so possessive about his boy. And he kept on taking advantage of Misaki's shyness about his relationship with the older man. And that Isaka just thought it was funny, seriously I don't think he knows the words sexual harassment. Now I had a plan and it had been taking shape in my head for a while now and it was time to put it to the test. "hey boy's when we are all done here why don't have a mini party I know a great game for it."
when I said that Misaki looked at Usami and I saw the older man nodding. Ijuuin seeing that agreed to it at the same time Misaki pulled his mouth open and Isaka just agreed while still laughing his ass of at Misaki's red colored face. So I went to the mail office and collected all the fan mail for Usami. In it were various kinds of alcohol and snacks also flowers, chocolates and were that panties I saw. Man some fans are really desperate. When I came back the art director was gone and the boy's were placing some chairs and a table in the middle of the room. All the other furniture had already been shoved to the side.
After a while everyone had drank enough of alcohol for my to start the next stage of my plan. And it had to be fast Misaki's brother was picking him up in less than two hours and I saw that Misaki was still avoiding Akihito's attempts to get closer to him. This might need some explaining to you guy's you see. Misaki went to his brother for a week, this week. Because he would be going with Usami to England next week. Does it make sense? No, okay hmm this might work. Misaki's brother had wanted Misaki to come live with him again or to go and live on his own believing Misaki was a burden to his 'dear' friend Usagi. Misaki trying to stop this or delay this without telling him anything had said that he had plans in the vacation and would look for an apartment but still wanted to live with Usami because it was closer to his work than his brother's place.
This of course didn't make his brother very happy and he wanted to let Misaki see that the older man also could live without him doing his housework. Believing that this was the reason Misaki wanted to stay and life there. So he told Misaki that it was good as long as he lived a week at his place while going to work to experience how it would be and then make up his mind of course the younger boy excepted believing he could still have contact with his lover. And of course something has to go wrong, after the first day his text messages to Akihito stopped and the man had panicked and tried to call him but the boy wouldn't answer. It was horrible believe me I was there.
After a while he convinced me it was okay to leave. And I should have known better it wasn't and believe me if I had known what he had done I would have stayed. Yet I went back to work to find Misaki and ask him what was going on and when I did and he explained it I understood. So I went back to Usami's place thinking about how to explain it to him without him running to Takahiro's place and taking his lover away there because that wouldn't make either of the Takahashi siblings happy.
To my surprise or not, when I knocked at the door nobody answered so I opened the door with the key Usami gave me and went to look for him. After a few rooms I started to panic and when I searched the whole place I panicked. He wasn't there. I went out to look for him and called a few friends to help and finally after four day's we found him. In a bar in a neighboring village. Pulling him of his chair and handing my car keys to one of my friends I drove his car home with him in it and laid him on his bed. Then I looked at the papers I found on the passenger seat of the car and saw that he had finished his story. Reading it I started to cry so sad. The lover left for another one and never came back. Well this ending was unacceptable but I thought that he could finish it another time or I could leave the ending out of it and stop before it became so sad.
When he woke up his eye's had a far away look and the only thing he said was "I lost him, it's my fault" seriously that man was dumb and I was about to tell him then when he started to cry. And then I started pitying him this was the worst I had seen this man before me. Then I came to the decision there had to be something that I could do. Otherwise Misaki would be in for a big surprise when he came back home.
Back to the present I saw Usami's eye's that had gotten back his shine when he saw Misaki in the office starting to become dull again before he turned away giving up on getting the boy's attention and leaving the room and of course this worried the boy. He still couldn't not worry about him I saw it and hoped that Usami could see it to but the man was to far gone this moment. So like I said fase two of my plan.
"so about the game I was talking about before" everyone looked at me. Okay I have their attention so I made a sign for them to sit down at the chairs by the table. "does everyone know truth or dare" I said with an evil glint in my eyes. And Misaki noticeably gulped. "good then I'll start. Looking to Misaki that was sneaking worried glances at the door then to Ijuuin who was down right eye raping Misaki and Isaki that found it all very funny I decided to start with the biggest problem here.
"Ijuuin- sensei, Truth or dare?" I asked sweetly and Misaki already looked panicked at me. Fortunately he went for truth. "why do you alway's bully Misaki here?" he smirked at that and looked at Misaki. "because I like his reactions when he is angry or embarrassed and I love it" this made Misaki angry and Isaka go into another laughing fit. This went on for a while Misaki wisely always doing truth when Isaka or Ijuuin asked him. Then it was my turn again.
"Misaki" I said and he gulped again. "are you going to be a scaredy cat again and pick truth or are you doing a dare this time?" this shocked them he chose dare. Usami who was in the door also stopped form doing whatever he came here for to do. This was perfect "I dare you Misaki, to bring the person you like the most or even love in this building here and kiss him or her" this shocked everyone not expecting that. "on the lips" I added .Misaki blushing a deeper shade of red then I ever saw on his face looking around nervously, his eyes landed on Ijuuin who was smirking and already wetting his lips. Usami saw this and hung his head down in disappointment. "Aikawa-san can't I get another one, you know what I promised nii-san and I would ruin the atmosphere"
"no Misaki they both need to know, and if this continues he would destroy himself with you even not knowing about it." I answered him shocking him. But then I saw Usami walking away this is not good. Fortunately Misaki saw it to. He stood up yelling an I'm sorry over his shoulder to Ijuuin. And running after Usami. I stood up following them. Before I left I looked around and what I saw was good. The look on Ijuuin's face was so weird it was a mix between shock disappointment and anger. That'll teach him trying to steal Usami's Misaki knowing very well what he was doing to the man.
I heard an Usagi- san in the hallway and looked. Usami was in the elevator and Misaki stopped it. Pulling him out of it and letting it close. The older man then turned around. Staring tears in his eyes that were trying to come out. Misaki now seeing the older one up close was shocked. I would be to. The man's skin was pale not like usually but unhealthy pale, he had bag's under his eyes that were red from all the crying he hid them with his glasses and hair. He had grown a beard that he tried to shave off this morning. Cuts were on the places he tried. He had given up halfway. Fortunately his hair is a light color so it wasn't noticeably if you weren't up close. His hands were also injured from god knows what and he was skinny. The only reason he was clean was because I forced him under the shower the night that I found him. Still his hair looked like it hadn't seen a brush in years. I was glad he still found the energy to brush his teeth if even if that was all.
Then I noticed a drop of water falling on Usami's shoe. Looking at his eye's the tears were still in not one escaped. Yet Misaki that was now close to the man was crying. "Nii-san was wrong. You really can't take care of yourself on you own even if you are a grown man" the boy said with a small smile on his mouth but it didn't quite reach his eyes. Excepting an answer that didn't came the smile left. Good he finally found out how bad it was. I pushed them in an empty room. The office had those don't ask why. Thinking it was a good idea not to do this in a hallway where people could come any minute of the day. Misaki was hugging him crying and the man was just standing there looking to gods know what. It ticked me off that he couldn't see what was in front of him. So I did what I normally do when he is of in lala land. I went to him and hit him on his head, hard. That seemed to do the trick because his eyes became focussed again and he looked at me like I was a mad woman.
Then he looked down at the boy. I recognized what he needed now "this is real, not a dream he's here he always has been" I told him. Then he hugged the boy back. Tears now freely falling. He sat down pulling Misaki in his lap shocking the boy out of his trance. "Usagi-san I love you" he said and kissed the man on his lips. The older man got a look on his face that I knew. The old Usami was back and Misaki would know it.
We'll i'll give them some privacy won't you?