Sipping on his scalding hot mug of black coffee, the engineer made a face at how bitter the cheap sludge tasted sliding down his throat. How did these agents function using this stuff? Shaking his head in an attempt to rid his mouth of the god awful flavor, the engineer instantly regretted doing so as a mind numbing pain crippled his thought processing. Gripping the table to hold his equilibrium, Tony took a few calming breaths and waited for his head to stop throbbing; for his world to stop spinning. Tony made a mental note to never get a concussion ever again. God, he was tired.

His eyes scanned over the last few bits of information floating about on the screens, the last of the files that needed to be filtered and copied onto an additional source that wasn't beaten or burned. It had been just a little over six hours since Steve fell asleep on the counter behind him and in that time Tony had gotten more work done that he thought possible. Between himself and Jarvis, the two were an unstoppable team. Not only was his work on the hard drive nearly completed, but in the little down time he had the engineer was able to work on modifications to his MARK suit. Leaning back in his chair, Tony was feeling pretty badass and oddly enough turned on by his achievements. Glancing over his shoulder, making sure the door to the lab was still shut and that Steve was still asleep on the table Tony took the liberty of allowing his hand to slide down the front of his dark grey joggers.

Palming himself through the fabric, the genius released a sigh of relief. In the back of his mind he knew he shouldn't be doing this as he knew he was being recorded—but if necessary, he could hack in later to delete the file—and Steve was soundly sleeping behind him—not that this wasn't almost déjà vu. In desperate need to release his pent up frustration, Tony prayed the blonde soldier behind him would stay asleep long enough to allow himself to pop off a quickie. Sure Steve had given him a hand job and a good fingering a few weeks ago, but Tony wasn't about to sneak over to the counter and wake the captain up to fulfill his dirty needs. Leaning back in his office chair, right hand still firmly rubbing over his hardening front, Tony's eyes flicked back up to the screens where Jarvis continued to sort and restore the data. Besides, he still had work to complete and if Steve got involved he was pretty sure nothing would get done. There were still modifications to compile on the MARK upgrades.

"Well it looks like the phase one testing was a dud, all the convicts died." Tony mumbled to himself as he read the files trying to piece together all the information before he was to pass it off to Director Fury. Swallowing back another mouthful of the substance the government agency claimed to be a caffeinated beverage, his stomach churned making him feel like he was going to wretch all over the counter. Sliding the mug off to the side, Tony made a mental note to not drink it again. Making sure Jarvis was copping this data onto his personal server's, Tony's left hand moved about the screen rearranging the files into a more flowing order.

"It does appear that way, sir." Jarvis replied softly into the ear piece in Tony's right ear. "The test subject from phases two through five were all the same, each subject died from organ failure and internal bleeding."

"So they can't think, they have reduced motor functions, can't feel pain, and generally die within the first seventy-two hours of inoculation. HYDRA messed up on this project. It looks like something in the Chitauri's blood is what's causing the organ failure." Grabbing the file Tony renamed something witty as the medical autopsy reports from the dead subjects, the genius flipped through the medical examiners notes to find that his theory was in fact correct, and that an unknown element in the alien race's blood was the cause of death for the convicted criminals. "Jarvis, run a sample through the mass-spectrometer and find out what is in the blood that is making these subjects die so quickly. Have Wall-E get a sample from one of the creatures that attacked at the house and have Dummy or Butterfingers run a comparison with any blood found at the tower. I at least want to know what elements are present; it would be something to work with."

Slipping his hand below his waistband and into the dark heat of his pants, the dark haired man bit back a groan at the feel of his calloused fingers gripping his erection. His eyes closed momentarily, reminding the man just how tired he was, before snapping back open to focus on the task at hand. Glancing over his shoulder slightly, he released a sigh at the sight of Steve still sleeping in the same position he left him in earlier; hand resting on his chest while the other dangled over the side, head cocked to the side supported by his oversized hoodie, legs bent at an awkward angle, and his mouth hanging slightly open. The way the soldier lay under the fluorescent glow of the overhead lights made him look serene, angelic like almost where all the exhausted shadows and left the corners of his face. Tony would have rather had the captain sleep in a comfortable bed, lord only knows that sleeping on a hard surface such as a tabletop couldn't be all that comfortable, but the man had been asleep for the better part of six hours and as long as he got his rest Tony wasn't up for complaining.

Giving himself a long pull from the base to the tip of his anatomy, Tony sucked his bottom lip in between his teeth to keep his vocals in check while his thumb played with the small slit at the head. He felt a single bead of pearly white substance push its way up to coat the tip of his thumb, followed by another and another soon after. If he wasn't careful, or extremely lucky, this was about to be the fastest hand job he'd ever given himself. Maybe it would be interesting to get caught by his captain again, toying with himself under the counter, but he was still sleeping; bummer. Shrugging off his disappointment, Tony resumed with dragging his fist up and down his stiff member at a languid pace, every so often allowing his thumb to pass over the sensitive tip to drag his leaking juices down his cock creating a lubricant for his hand to glide against.

"Jarvis, bring up the MARK VIII blueprints again, I think we can still modify the thrusters to exponentially increase the speed without having to use too much energy to do so. Maybe he could use the repulsor technology and combine it with the boosters, because I feel like the more I fly around the weaker the reactor becomes." A series of wireframes popped up on the screen, the files all containing the secrets of one of Tony's greatest creations. Highlighting one of the frames, Tony's body suddenly convulsed as his orgasm rippled over his skin forcing his body upright in his chair. Distantly he heard the chairs wheels rock against the tile; he hoped it wasn't as loud as he thought it was. Sweat coated his skin, layering his body in sheen of precipitation that was a direct result of his orgasm. Sinking his teeth down into his bottom lip, a bleak attempt to hold back a muted groan, Tony felt his stomach muscles clench at the stinging sensation from his now bloodied lip.

Feeling relaxed and lightheaded, Tony slumped back against his office chair in a heap. He took a moment to breathe, swallowing shallow gulps of air to resupply his body in hopes to make the room stop spinning. If every time he was to jerk himself off he was to submit to the unpleasant lightheaded feeling, the engineer thought for a moment that maybe ejaculating wasn't all that worth it. It was a hot moment before he laughed to himself reminding his body just how good it felt when Steve touched him and that he could endure the dizzy spells and lightheadedness if by the chance that Steve felt like indulging himself with Tony's body once again. It would so be worth it.

Pulling his hand free from the warmth of his pants, Tony dragged his sticky fingers over his flat stomach and up under his shirt to play with the soft hairline that traveled from a few inches below his navel down to the nest of curls between his legs. Swirling his fingers around in the substance, finger-painting small designs into his skin, Tony's eyes flicked back up to the screen with a triumphant smile on his face. "Good work Jarvis," he commended. The hard drive restoration had been completed.

"You did most of the work, sir."

Tony ignored his AI's comment, already knowing it to be true. "Make sure everything is backed up and prepare a report for the director." Weakly standing, his knees still slightly shaky from his release, Tony scratched idly at his lower stomach. His left hand came up to tap his chin in wonder before he moved over to a cabinet in search of one of his StarkTablets he had stored on the helicarrier. Bracing himself on the counter with his right hand, Tony pushed himself up on his toes to reach with his left hand for his hiding place on the top shelf inside the storing unit. The tip of his fingers brushed the polished curve of his tablet, the tech almost in his grasp. Mindful not to push too hard on his sticky hand supporting his weight, fearing his luck as he would slip and fall, Tony leaned heavily against the counter and pushed higher on his toes.

Just as the pads of his index and middle finger made contact with his tablet, the force of a firm body plastered itself to his back. Before he knew what was happening, strong fingers curled around his jaw, jerking his head back enough to allow his lips to slide perfectly against the engineer's in a dominating kiss. Tony knew the taste like it was his own; he didn't have to see the sun-kissed blonde hair or the deep cobalt eyes to know that it was Steve manipulating his body. Hungrily kissing back, his head cocked at an awkward angle over his right shoulder, Tony's left hand came up to twist his upper body and thread his fingers through the blonde's hair. Groaning as his body was twisted tighter than a pretzel, Tony fought to relinquish some of the force exerted upon his hips, desperate to turn fully into his captains body.

Steve pushed him forward, slamming his left hand down onto the counter to brace himself as the blondes hands warped over the expanse of his torso. Fingers outlined the sensitive ridges of the lean muscles hidden beneath the SHIELD reserve cotton tee and traveled down to his flank to massage at the man's sensitive sides. The tablet that was teetering on the edge of the shelf fell onto the counter with a loud clatter, startling the engineer. His AI sensed the motion of the tablet and brought up the blueprints for the MARK VIII. Steve leaned heavily over the man's shoulder, his eyes scanning the improvements made to the boosters, repulsors and lasers as well as the intricate weapons system. Tony moaned as Steve pressed his hardened length against Tony's backside. The feel of the man's lips attached to his shoulder was an enjoyable reminder of a few weeks ago. "It seems you've been hard at work." Steve purred softly into the man's ear, offering a slight nibble to the man earlobe. Tony instantly knew Steve had caught him with his earlier activities. Apparently the noise was enough to wake the soldier.

Shivers rippled over his skin, the hot breath of the other man igniting a flame inside of him that he thought he'd already doused. Apparently he'd only saturated it with kerosene as the moment Steve's large hand sought out the stain on the front of his athletic pants Tony was instantly hard. He had to reevaluate his recharge time because the last time he was able to get it back up again so fast was back at the tail end of his college years. His hips involuntarily bucked against his captain's hand, pressing the soldiers hand against the hardware of the storing unit. Steve's fingers flexed in response around Tony's hardened erection. His fingers tightly gripped him to the point that it was almost too painful for the engineer's fuzzy mind to withstand.

Tony gasped, his response a breathy whimper falling over his lips. His hands flexed, fingers splayed across the cool surface of the counter seeking out something for him to hold onto. He could feel Steve's hand travel up from his hardened anatomy, his fingers dipping under the black tee to play with the hardening bodily fluid below the man's navel. Swirling his index finger around a bit before gliding his hand up the rest of Tony's torso, fingers lightly brushing past the warmth of the arc reactor, Tony jumped when the blondes large hand came to a rest over the Plexiglas. Slightly panicked, Tony pushed against Steve's body. "Steve—"

"Shh," Steve whispered. His fingers traced the rounded edges of the piece of technology inside Tony's chest, memorizing each curve and dip of the metal plating and welding that held the device together. Even though Tony couldn't feel the fingers like he would if they were against his skin, the act was enough to calm his mind and allow him to feel the sensations that were emitting from the epicenter of his chest. "You know I wouldn't hurt you." Steve's hand followed its path back down the smooth skin of Tony's abdomen, fingers dipping below the elastic of the man's waistband to seek out Tony's cock.

His fingers rolled the slick appendage around his palm momentarily, making an appreciative feel for how hard he was for him. The funny thing was, Steve had hardly touched him and Tony was this excited. He couldn't wait to see how responsive the man would be in light of other activities. Gripping the base of Tony's cock, Steve slowly drug his hand up to massage at the sensitive tip. He chuckled to himself, enjoying the feel of Tony's spontaneous convulsions against him every time he stimulated a sensitive area. Smoothing his thumb over the slit, Steve brought his hand down to continue with his lazy pull on the man's body. The smile that reached his lips as the brunette came with a shuttered gasp into his hand lit up his whole face.

His other hand, which had previously been massaging at the man's hip, reached down to nudge at the back of Tony's thighs. Confused at first, Tony glanced over his shoulder to stare at the soldier in a confused manner before the Captain nudged his knee again and assisted him in propping his knee up on the surface of the counter. Using his foot to prod the engineer's foot, Steve smiled in triumph at Tony's kneeling position on the counter. Releasing the man's body, Tony whimpered at the sudden loss. He felt Steve's hand guide his grey athletic pants down over his hips, dragging his black boxer-briefs with them. His legs were restricted by the joggers, but he was still spread beautifully before the blonde soldier. Feeling suddenly overly exposed, Tony made to turn around only to have the Captains hands stop his jerky movements by placing a firm hand back on his hip. Tony had a sinking suspicion that his protruding hip bones were a turn on for the blonde behind him.

Peppering the man's back with soft kisses along his spine, Steve brought around his slick fingers to the engineer's tight entrance. Tersely rubbing his index finger around the puckered muscle, Steve buried his finger knuckle deep and reveled in the pleasured gasp from under him. Adding a second almost instantaneously, Steve used his free hand to push up the man's black tee. His mouth sought out the tight skin, littered with healing cuts and bruises, before finding a receptive patch of skin to latch onto just below his waist line. His hand moved up Tony's back to rest at his shoulder. Applying some gentle force, manipulating the man's body forward slightly to raise his hips into a better position for Steve's fingers to work open his tight entrance, Steve smirked at how willing Tony was. Whether Tony would believe him or not, Steve had no idea what he was doing and really was just modifying a few things from what he'd over heard others talking about. Judging by Tony's responses, Steve had a feeling he was doing something right.

Tony felt the blonde's third finger penetrate his body. His muscles ached from the position Steve moved him into, his knees not used to such brutal treatment, but he didn't want to complain or move as the stimulation to his body felt so incredibly good. He was panting hard, gritting his teeth through his third erection that morning. A few papers that lay out on the counter were now a crumpled mess as his hands had gripped them so tightly they were now a scrunched mess beneath his fingers. The tablet that lay just under his hips continued to scroll through the blueprints of his MARK suit. Tony's dark, lustful eyes tried to focus on the math in one section, giving his brain something else to focus on other than the beautiful blonde soldier finger fucking him from behind, but Tony could see Steve's working hand through the glare on the screen.

A few drops of his ejaculate dotted the screen of his tablet, but Tony could still see plain as day the outline of Steve's large hand working and stretching him open. Watching him pull his hand away, Tony whimpered at the sudden loss. He could feel his body already start to tighten around the void and he desperately wanted Steve to finish him off. Willing his numb arms to start working, Tony turned to cock his head over his shoulder. "Steve—"

His eyes locked onto the soldier dropping the zipper to his TDU's. The button popped and the tented bulge in the man's pants only seemed to grow with the added space. Moaning, Tony wanted to reach out and take hold of the soldier's wide girth but didn't trust his muscles to not give way. Instead he settled for watching the soldier coat himself with the rest of his release and drop large mouthfuls of spit down over his leaking member. The soldier worked his hand over his stiff cock, working the makeshift lubricant into his skin before turning his attention back to Tony.

Reaching his hand out to tease the man's entrance once again, forcing the fluids back into the engineer's body, Steve lowered the man's hips once again. Aligning Tony with himself, Steve pulled the genius' shoulders back to rest in the cradle of his chest. "Do you know what you do to me?" He whispered as his breath ghosting over the shell of the genius' ear. "Do you know how many times I've had to watch you toy with yourself before I couldn't take it anymore? You're so fucking gorgeous, Tony." Tony's mind didn't have long to process the swear word that slipped from the soldier's lips as those fingers were removed forcing a moan from his lips. Apparently Steve had been watching him longer than he initially thought. Kinky…

Steve's head brushed against his backside. A shiver ran over his skin, jostling his nerve endings all the way down to his toes. Leaning heavily against the soldier, his hands coming up to support his body by gripping the edge of the overhead shelf, Tony felt himself be guided down onto the tip of Steve's hard cock. Easing himself, with assistance from Steve from behind, down onto the impressive girth between Steve's legs Tony hissed as his backside was stretched painfully. Sinking his teeth down onto his bottom lip, choking back a sound that could possibly stop Steve from continuing, the engineer focused his attention to the diagnostic display on the StarkTablet just under his line of site. Swallowing back large mouthful's of air as he slowly took Steve in, inch by inch, until the soldier had the engineer seated on his hilt. Adjusting his hands around Tony's hips, Steve rested his chin on the crook of Tony's shoulder.

"You okay?" One of his hands moved to feel the tight abdominal muscles clenching and relaxing as Tony's body adjusted to the large intrusion. Kissing the corner of his mouth, Steve patiently waited for Tony to acknowledge him. He had a feeling he was hurting Tony, as usually the muffled sounds of gasps, whimpers, or moans could be heard spilling over his lips but Tony was silent. When the man didn't respond to the gently worrying of his fingers into his hip, or the gentle massage of his hand on his stomach Steve knew something was wrong. Kissing his mouth once again, Steve moved to pull away gently pulling himself out.

"No, wait!" One of Tony's hands shot back to grip the soldiers loose TDU's, effectively holding him in place. Holding Steve still, Tony rolled his hips around in a circular motion about the epicenter of Steve's cock and sighed as his body swallowed Steve in more; muscles finally relaxing. Tony heard Steve groan softly. The man's body was suddenly at his back again supporting his weight atop the counter. Rolling his hips down, Tony gasped when Steve's hips moved up to meet his roll half way tearing a throaty moan from his throat. "Fuck, Steve," he begged. "Please move." He would beg all day if he could keep Steve buried in his body, filling him up to the brim with gratification.

Happily obliging the man, Steve slowly drew back painfully slowly until on the head of his anatomy was squeezed around the man's entrance like a vice. Tony groaned, not particularly caring for the gentle pace, but when Steve forced himself back in and an ungodly moan ripped from his throat. The sound echoed about the room, bouncing off the hard surfaces making the moan seem all that much louder as it resonated in the couples ears. Not allowing Tony long to revel in the bliss of the initial thrust caused, Steve pulled back just as slow as before to repeat his motion, the head of his cock striking the engineer's deep inner walls with an unhindered force. Tony's head dropped back to rest on the crook of Steve's shoulder, the situation feeling more and more like déjà vu but only a thousand times more stimulating.

"You feel so good," biting a kiss into the brunette's exposed neck above the edging of his tee, Steve grunted. Rolling his hips into the man's body, finding after a few excruciatingly slow thrusts that the resistance in Tony's body seemed to lessen, Steve groaned loudly. His hands worked over the man's sensitive abdomen, massaging the muscles under his finger tips and thrusting in marginally faster into Tony's tight body. A slow pull out followed by a hard driving force back in had Steve's head swimming with pleasure. The way Tony's body was spread before him, thighs spread wide—his skin reddening under the friction of his joggers rubbing against his thighs—with him resting on his haunches, created the perfect angle for Steve to plunder against Tony's body with the least amount of resistance.

"You're going to spoil sex for me, Cap—"Tony's breath hitched in his throat, another slow pull out leaving his head dizzy with pleasure. "Anyone after this isn't going to be the same." Steve thrust harshly into Tony's body, the head of his cock striking the outer rim of the man's prostate. Tony nearly screamed, the sound only hindered by Steve's hand coming up with a soft reminder to keep it down. Steve's hand returned to Tony's hip and placed a soft kiss to the man's exposed throat.

"There won't be any others, Tony." Steve growled possessively. Hips rocking up into the man's body, forcing his erection deeper, a sly smirk crept slowly made its way to the soldiers face. "You're mine now." Thrusting unforgiving into Tony's body, the man cried out from either the force of Steve's body rocking into him or the possessive bite to his neck Steve wasn't sure, but he just knew he was the cause of the whine that followed after. "Tony," he panted.

Tony's legs were shaking so bad he found himself wondering how he was keeping himself upright. He had a feeling he was leaning most of his weight into Steve's strong body, but even with the transfer of weight the muscles in his thighs convulsed wildly. It was nearly too painful for him to stay crouched on the balls of his feet, his aged muscles screaming out in agony. His numb arms fell forward, palms crashing against the granite counter top, followed by his knees dropping heavily. His spine arched up forcing Steve's cock from his body as he fell forward, his hips now too high to reach Tony's tight entrance. Wheezing like he had just run a full marathon, swallowing down large gulps of air, Tony released a shuddering sigh as Steve's fingers sought out his body once again plugging three fingers in his abused hole.

Steve leaned forward, unable to help himself as his tongue rimmed the outer edge of the red ring of muscle tasting the sinfully delicious combination of himself and Tony on his lips. The man's hips bucked, not expecting the action, and his legs slipped from their high perch on the counter down into the tight space between Steve's firm body and the counter. Boneless and still fully erect, Tony rolled his face to the side to weakly look up at Steve through his lustful eyes begging for a release and to be claimed by the captain. Manhandling Tony over onto his back, making quick work of the grey athletic pants over his bare feet and laying him directly upon the StarkTablet, Steve leaned forward to claim Tony's slightly chapped lips with his own.

Nibbling lightly on the man's lower lip, silently asking for permission, Steve reveled when Tony vaguely dropped his jaw and met Steve's tongue with his own. His hand came up to tangle in the sunny locks of hair at the side of the captains head, forcing his body down further upon his own needing to feel Steve against him and begging for his captain to fill him up once again as the threatening bite of his orgasm started to recede. Whimpering into the soldier's mouth, his other hand running the distance of his impressive flank, Tony subtly opened his thighs to cradle Steve's trim waist in the angle of his body. Slanting his lips with Steve's, allowing his captain to kiss the breath from his body, Tony's hand fell from Steve's side to push himself up on his elbow. Propped up, his other hand traveled down Steve's chiseled jaw to seek out his saluting erection and offered a few hearty strokes.

Steve grunted; the noise so soft almost silent but Tony heard it and he knew Steve was just as close as he was. Smirking he offered a few more pleasing strokes to Steve's impressive girth before guiding the soldier back towards his abused body. Straining his shoulder to stretch enough to nudge Steve's head against his body, Tony sighed when Steve rolled his hips burying himself back inside the warmth of Tony's body. Molding his mouth against the man's kiss swollen lips, Steve planted his massive hands on either side of Stark's head. Pulling back from his searing kiss, Steve smiled down at Tony's lustful expression and leaned in so his mouth hovered directly over the shell of his ear. Whispering something erotic into the engineer's ear, Steve latched his mouth against a reddening mark on the genius' neck. Thrusting into Tony's body, loving the way the new position rubbed his cock in all the right places, Steve canted his hips and pounded his hips against Tony's in a maddening canter.

The flaps of his TDU's brushed against Tony's backside, rubbing the skin on the back of his thighs red raw. Tony's legs encircled the toned waist of the soldier, drawing him in closer forcing the long thrusts to become deep and short, striking hard against his prostate. Hand's searching for purchase on Steve's body, Tony's fingers alternated between fisting the tight tee and gripping the man's incredible bicep. Mouth hanging open, a silent prayer hanging off the tip of his tongue, begging for the pent up release, Tony released a scream of pleasure as his body be seized with rapture. Steve capped his mouth over Tony's, swallowing the scream of satisfaction and moaned his own bliss into the dark cavern. Coating their stomachs with his release, Tony's body fell boneless against the counter as Steve rode out the remainder of his orgasm and released his own deep within the engineer.

Starring at each other, panting exceptionally hard for either of their bodies to consider being normal, Steve offered an apologetic smile. Softly nuzzling Tony's throat, coaxing the brilliant mind back down to Earth, Steve waited patiently for Tony's cognitive thinking to return. "Tony," he crooned. "You okay?" Fearing he had really hurt the other, Steve's eyes clouded with worry, a small frown pulled at the corner of his mouth.

"Yeah," he rasped after a few hard labored breathing attempts. "Sorry, I'm just having trouble collecting my head. It's still on, I assume?"

Steve nodded, a playful smile upturning his face. "Yeah, it's still on."

"Good," Tony agreed. He blinked his eyes, fighting back the darkness that an orgasm usually brought with it. Normally after a good masturbation session, Tony was ready to take a cat nap, but after three consecutive orgasms rocking his world the engineer found it difficult to focus on anything other than the fuzzy feeling of sleep that threatened to overcome his conscious state. "I'm tired."

"Let's get you to bed." Steve dropped a loving kiss to Tony's forehead, ignoring the noise of resistance.

"I still have—"

"You can work on it later." Steve placed a placid kiss against Tony's mouth and chuckled lightly as the man's dark eyes slowly dropped to find a resting place against his cheeks. Brushing his fingers through the sleeping man's soft locks of hair, Steve pulled away and slipped out of the others body with ease. Righting his trousers, Steve bent to pick up the stained grey joggers and gently slipped them back on over Tony's still quivering legs. Easily lifting Tony's light weight into his arms, cradling his body against his chest like a child Steve turned to make the long trip down a few corridors and into the barracks where a soft bed wait for the exhausted engineer.

Laying him under the turned down linens, Steve slipped in behind the man and pulled his sleeping body flush against his own. Placing one last kiss against his dark head of hair, Steve buried his face in lean muscles of his back and soon submitted to his own post coital exhaustion. A few more hours of sleep couldn't hurt, and as long as they weren't needed Steve saw no problem with napping well into the afternoon.


A/N again, I feel like that was mushy and terrible. But, between the slight heartbreak I get from working on I Wrote Your Name and not updating in what feels like forever I thought I'd drag it out a few extra pages. Hopefully that makes up for the delay, but I can't promise an expedient update as working close to 80 hours a week, taking 18 credits and somehow finding time to sleep I'm not sure when I will update again. Keep posted though, and thanks for all the reviews. You guys make my day better.