I sat on my bed after another night of no sleep, remembering. Remembering the night my parents died, in front of me.

"Goodnight Buttercup" My dad kissed me on my cheek and left the room, closing the door behind him. I began to fall into a deep sleep when the sound of fighting and broken dishes woke me. I stepped out of my room to see my sisters' door's still closed. I quietly walked down the stairs to see my mom fighting this guy in a dark trench coat. She reached out to punch him in the face but he blocked and punches her onto the desk. She grabbed the lamp and smashed it on his head. He fell limp and my mom saw me on the stairs.

"Buttercup!" She screamed my name only to be attacked from behind. She fell and I ran to help. I pushed the couch so the guy fell onto it and punched him in the face. He was out colded, my mom grabbed me and signaled me to be quite. "Don't say anything," She moved me into the closet underneath the stairs, "Stay under here and DO NOT come out"

"But mom, what's going on?"

"Buttercup this is no time for explanation, just stay here" She placed a thick envelope in my hand and said "You'll know when to open it, but not now" And with that my mother left me in the closet alone. I started to panic. I was slightly castrophobic , and being here under pressure wasn't helping. I heard a loud boom, from upstairs. ' My sisters' I immediately thought . I began to frantically shake the nob of the door. I gathered all my energy, like they told me to in anger management class and kicked the door and made a hole. I went through the door only to see my house in the memories I had in this house were now gone. I then heard noises coming from the backyard. I ran toward the noise, to see my parents held at gun point and my sisters outcolded on the grass.

"MOM, DAD!" I saw tears streaming down there eyes.

"Whatever you do, Buttercup keep your sisters safe, for us" My mom said.

"You will always be my little girl, We love you." My dad eyes twinkled at me. I felt this sensational feeling go through my body; I lifted my hands towards to gunman. A green beam shot toward him. He dodged it; I looked down strangely at my hands. Only to notice my whole body was glowing.

"Buttercup your special, you and your sisters, never forget that. We love you all of yo" A bullet when right through my mom's head.

"MARILY-"A second through my father's. I watched their bodies fall from their murders grasp and the blood flow onto the freshly cut green grass. I saw a boy with forest green eyes knock my parent's murder out from behind him. A blonde boy kicks him in the gut and a red head cover my parent body with a blanket. The dark green eyed boy had black hair and he was about to finish the guy off, but before he could he said

"This is not over, we would stop until your kind is dead". The black haired boy took his head and twisted it in an unusual way. I gasped; the boys only looked to be 9, the same age as me. I saw my sister began to stir, and I motioned toward them but I was too weak. I tried my best to move but I fell into something warm and everything went black.

So what do you guys think about that ? Should I continue or just stop ?