Title : Girls [Prologue]

Pairing : Yunjae, Yewon, Eunhae, maybe other pairings

Disclaimer : All casts are belong to their self and God and also shoujo manga 'Girls' belong to the genius Kyoko Hikawa-sensei

Inspired : Shoujo Manga with the same title "Girls" by Kyoko Hikawa

Warning : Un-betaed, Genderswitch

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。)

Jaejoong P.O.V

It is on? I'm can start now? Okay. Thank you. Hi. My name is Kim Jaejoong. I'm 16 years old and this is my second year of high school. Nothing much to tell about myself. I'm just an ordinary high school girl who likes everything in order. I'm simple, nice (according to people), friendly, and sometimes a little bit of a mother hen.

I have two best friends, Kim Yesung and Lee Donghae (Donghae & Yesung: Hi! – Jaejoong: Girls, behave. Donghae & Yesung: Yes mom! – Jaejoong: *sighed*). Both are my best friends since I'm in my first year. We're in the same club as well. Anyway, I talk about them later on. Beside, they're going to introduce themselves too after me. Right now, I want to tell that I'm in an obscured situation. I've falling in love. Okay, maybe it sounds ridiculous to be a snag when you feel the most wonderful emotion that could happen in your life. However, I'm falling in love with someone who clearly loves someone else. The worst part is he's also my childhood friend. And speaking of the devil, he's coming my way. I'm always going to school with him by train and now, he's running to make on time before the train door close. He's always late like this. And I'm always waiting for him even though I could just go by myself. Well, that's what you got from falling in love.

I know, I know. Its cliché, but it's true. Sometimes I think its sucks to be in unrequited love circumstances. Hh.. Someone, please tell me what to do. Oh, almost forgot to tell that Yesung is next. It looks like I'm already talking too much and that's making Yesung wait too long because I spot her starting to talk to her pet turtle. Better stop now. Therefore, I'm off for now.

End Jaejoong P.O.V

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。)

Yesung P.O.V

Where's Jae? She's already finished introducing herself? So, it's me now. Okay. I'm ready. Hi. My name is Kim Yesung. I'm also 16 years old and in my second year of high school. I'm in the same class with Jaejoong and Donghae. They're my best friend.

Now, mention about high school, I love every single of the time I spend on high school, although I often get a teasing game by some people. I don't know why they did it. Maybe they want to know me well enough like Jaejoong and Donghae. Yeah, I think that's the reason (Donghae: They're making fun of you Sungie. You should let me beat them. – Jaejoong: Please be quite Hae-ah, Yesung is still talking. And don't beat people up. – Donghae: Oh right, sorry.).

Where was I? Oh yeah. Little things about me are I own a pet turtle (he's so cute), I like people and I'm always smile. But people once again tend to say that I'm weird and talk too much (Donghae: You are weird and talk too much. – Jaejoong: Hae-ah!).

Is this Hae turn? If yes, I could stop. Oh, Hae still later on. Okay I'll continue. Like I said, people tend to say that I'm weird and talk too much. However, I'm not weird. I'm just looking my surrounding in my own perspective. And I don't talk too much. I'm just being friendly like Jae. People always say she's so friendly, although she's doesn't speak like me. Hm, I wonder why.

Beside Jae, there's Hae (Donghae: That's me. – Jaejoong: Hae-ah if you disturb Sungie one more time, I will not very please. And you won't like it if I'm not pleased. – Donghae: Yes mam. I'm sorry mam. She's really gave me the goose bump. – Jaejoong: What's that?! – Donghae: Nothing.). I'm confused right now. Why Hae always appear like that? Oh, just continue with myself?! Okay. Hae is a girl who like sport, strong, and get angry easily. She's tough for a girl (Donghae: Hell yeah! – Jaejoong: *narrow her eyes* - Donghae: *shudder*).

No one dare to bother her. When someone even tried to pick fight with her, she always knock them down with the broom that miraculously there all the time when she need it or sometime I provide it if the broom closely to me. I'm always helping my girls. Anyhow, we'll talk about us next time. Right now, Hae seems impatient to start introduce herself. She keeps emerging in my introduction section. Pass on to Hae.

End Yesung P.O.V

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。)

Donghae P.O.V

I'm next? It's about time. That Yesung took a long time (Jaejoong: You're just being the eager little girl. – Yesung: *giggle*). Okay this is it. Hi. I'm Lee Donghae. Family and best friends call me Hae. I'm in second year of high school and 16 years old like those two, Kim Jaejoong and Kim Yesung. They're my best friends. They've already said it in the first time, but I'm just want to certain things up.

They are my best friends because they understand me perfectly. Never judge me because my riotous behavior, non constant emotion (mostly anger), and impatient nature (Jaejoong: You are what you are Hae-ah. – Yesung: We love you as you are, Hae *giving a hug to Hae* - Donghae: Thanks. Sungie, can't breathe. – Yesung: Sorry *chuckle*).

I don't know why I'm like this. I just don't like being underestimated because I'm a girl. I'm never back of a challenge and that's why I'm always getting into trouble. Lucky, I have Jaejoong (Jaejoong: Sure you are.) who can control me if she's near me or Yesung (Yesung: I'm here.) who always helps me with my fight, like provide me with broomstick to kick some jerks especially if those jerk being a nuisance to Jaejoong and Yesung.

Well, I'm not much of a talker (Jaejoong: Yet you disturb Yesung all the time she introduce herself. – Donghae: Yah!). I think that's enough of me. The rest of our story will be told next. Right now, I want to get on that boy whose been annoy me since I met him in first year (Jaejoong: Oh, not again. – Yesung: *prepare the broom stick*). Why is I've always been a classmate to him since first year? It is making me angry. I'm off.

End Donghae P.O.V

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。)


Notes : I write a new story (again). I'm sorry for not updating my other story as soon as possible. I'm just being thorough with my multi chapter fics. I'm not forgetting it or something; just really really try to make it sensible and readable.

I'll also look forward for this story to be readable as well because I got the idea when I'm reading all my shoujo mangas from the genius Kyoko Hikawa-sensei. It's supposed to be just a simple and innocent reading, but my chaotic mind makes my finger do the typing.

I really hope you will like this story, although this is just a prologue of it. If you like it, leave a trace and I will update it ASAP.

Well, I'm out of here.

Sankyu and peace all gorgeous people.
