Half of My Heart

Azure Tsubasa

I don't own Fairy Tail.

Lucy Heartfilia was put in a lot of weird situations, but to her... This was probably the weirdest. Her gaze focused on the modern-like chimney across of her. The air felt eerily still, for only their breathing broke out in the living room.

She had never expected someone to have those feelings for her. Sure, she's overly confident about her sex appeal and looks, those perspectives of herself and her very own confidence dissipated once Gray left her at the Sola Park.

Lucy stood immobilized, feeling the warmth emitting from his body. His scent carelessly drifted to her nose, as she inhaled it deeply. The blonde female couldn't much describe the scent, he just smelled like a man, a perfume of some-sort.

His hold on her tightened, to the point that the petite Heartfilia had to fight for little air. But this way, she felt so secure, like he would never let her fall down and leave her.

Her heart's pace started to quicken. Her mind swirled, would she really give a chance? Won't she be using him if she did so? That, she didn't know...

Gently, Lucy raised hands and put in on his hard chest, lightly shoving him away from her. And instantly, she missed his warmth. He still held her by the hip in a lose hold. She dipped her head slightly as his own face leaned closer to hers.

"I don't know..." and honestly, she really didn't. Her voice was almost hushed. Fidgeting with the hem of her skirt, her hazel brown eyes started to roam the area, avoiding his.

He let go of her. "I'm sorry about that." Sting rubbed the back of his head sheepishly. "Not sure what got into me, I'm a bit straightforward for my own good." He shared a half-grin, obviously embarrassed of the event that had happened.

And she let out a peal of laughter, breaking the awkwardness between them, he grunted playfully. "Glad you're aware of that." and she halted, a mask of seriousness was put on her features. "About the chance," she started. "I—I'll think about it... To be honest I'm quite unsure... About my feelings, I mean."

He gave her a look of understanding, and for a second, a spark of hope filled his body. "Lucy..." He advanced a step towards her, she did not move. And she lifted her sparkling eyes to his. "I've always liked you." And he told her the truth. "Those times when you were with that bastard Fullbuster," he paused, and hesitantly spoke again. "Whenever you're with him, I wanted to be him."

Lucy's eyes widened a bit. For this whole time? He really managed to keep it a secret for that long? "Oh, Sting." What else could she say? It would be really stupid to say 'Thank you for liking me', or some other rejecting shit, other than choosing her words carefully, she let a tiny silence flow. Lucy couldn't hurt him nor does she want to.

Ugh. So much silences. Lucy swore that she might lose her mind if it continued. She heard a rustle of clothing, and the rain seemed to have subsided already, due to the fact of the pattering noises were currently absent.

"It's getting late." Sting's voice stated coolly, as he peered at the wall clock. It's a quarter to nine.

Lucy nodded. "Yeah, I better head back. Ha-ha." She laughed sheepishly. She grabbed her bag that lie quietly on the floor. "Thanks." She said, as she shifted her bag in a more comfortable position. That thing can get pretty heavy. Before she head out the door, a hand grabbed her wrist.

"Wait, I'll walk you home."

She shook her head. "It's okay; I've caused you enough trouble." She smiled and waved him off but he still hasn't let go of her wrist.

"It's dangerous for a lady to walk home this late. I insist." He said, dead serious. "I can't let anything thing happen to you." And for a moment he realized what he had just said and clamped his free hand to his mouth. He muttered an apology as his neck grew warm.

Lucy started to blush. He was just too cute, and she blinked in reply. She couldn't say no to that. "Okay then." His smile grew as they started to walk back to Lucy's humble abode. They have chatted idly about school, shared a few laughs. Then they finally made it to her house.

"Welp! See on Monday then?" He said, stretching his arms. Lucy made a sound of acknowledgement and smiled.

"Thanks." She chirped happily. "Good night Sting."

He slowly advanced towards her. He bent down until he was her level and leaned slowly, his lips brushed her cheeks for a split second, and he turned around and walked slowly and quietly. Barks were heard around. Lucy brought her hand to the area of where she had been kissed.

It registered in her mind of what he did. And she turned as red as a tomato. Stiffly, she entered her house, the door making a creaking sound. She came face to face with her mom. Her arms folded against her chest. One blond brow quirked upwards, and the corner of her lips tugged a little higher that supposed to.

"Where have you been and who was that?" She inquired; her eyes glinted slight amusement.

Lucy laughed nervously in response, and rapidly scratched her head. "Well, he's a friend of mine." She laughed once again. Tiny beads of sweat formed on top of her brows. "Err; I was at his house because it was raining!" She told the last sentence as if it was a tongue twister.

The young Heartfilia squeezed her eyes shut, hoping she won't get grounded, after all, what parent wouldn't be furious if you see her daughter waltzing back home with a man she does not recognize at 10 o' clock in the evening? But instead of honey coated words, Layla placed her hand on her head and ruffled her blonde locks.

"I understand, dear." A small giggle escaped her lips. "It's time you get dressed; your hair is a bit damp."

"Hai!" She saluted her mom and dashed upstairs.

"Goodness, what an innocently honest child." She muttered, obviously amused and happy that she grew up to be what she is now. Deep inside Layla, she wanted to meet the blonde lad, for he, brought the heartwarming smile back to Lucy Heartfilia's lips.

Sting Eucliffe has made an impression to mother Heartfilia, a spring in the rain she thought. As cheesy as she thought, that was what he was at the moment; he was returning all the various colors of perkiness back to Lucy.

And she couldn't take him enough.





Click. Click. Click. Stop. "Ohhhh, violent cartoons." Lucy sat crossed leg at her couch, watching mindless cartoons. Indeed, this was how she spends her Saturday when she has no plans settled on her schedule. Jude Heartfilia was still on his business trip, and her mom usually goes out to tea with the rest of her book club.

The blonde groaned lightly. She needed her social life to be a little active. Her cellphone rang, as if fate answered her tiny plead. It was a phone call from Levy. She involuntary giggled as if she was crazy and answered quickly.

"Yo Lu-chan, wanna head to the mall later? We got nothing else to do." Levy said the last sentence grimly.

"Define "we"."

"Mirajane, Erza and I, duhh. Oh and obviously you." The aqua haired teen stated in a-matter-of-fact tone.

Lucy scoffed. 'You make me sound like I have a boring life, chest less midget…'

"Hey who are you calling a chest less midget?"

"Eh? You read minds now?" Lucy sounded surprised and slightly amazed.

"No, baka. You said it out loud."

"I did? Oh yeah… Whoops! I didn't mean that." She laughed.

"Sure you don't." Sarcasm, sarcasm written in her tone. "So, you up for it Lu-chan?"

"Yeah, totally up for it."

"Great!" And Lucy felt and smelled her grin from the other line. Yeah, you read right.

And they hung up on each other. "Well, I better take a shower." She murmured to herself as she escalated up the stairs and started to bathe. Once she was done, she tugged her clothes on which consisted a navy blue pullover and simple jean shorts. Hair tied into a messy bun. She applied a tiny amount of watermelon flavored lip gloss because watermelon tasted epically awesome.

It was already half past noon was she was done powdering her nose. So she grabbed her purse and set off to their usual meeting place in the mall.




It wasn't long until she reached Sola Mall, how can I describe this mall? It was like any other mall, except the fact that it was FREAKIN' huge. Their meeting places was always at this restaurant—slash—bar—slash—Fairy Tail Academy's best hangout called "Sabertooth."

It really was huge; it was enough to fill the whole school's population, but it still wouldn't be booked. It was wide and vast, and it's over two stories. The setting was wonderful; though it wasn't fancy it was still beautiful and comfortable. It has a mixture of medieval and modern. The second floor had a great view of the first floor, due to the fact it something balcony-like.

Once she step foot in the wide crystal clear doors of the hangout, her nose instantly absorbed different scents, hearing the bustling sounds clacking of kitchen utensils from afar, and the clinks of plates that are being settled on the table. Storms of voices mushed together. It almost felt like a nice home.

"Lucy!" Hearing the familiar voice, Lucy trailed at the source and looked up. There she saw Erza leaning on the rails, while Mira slowly walked up behind her and waved. And on cue, Lucy's feet moved hurriedly to that place.

"Hey!" She greeted them with a smile as she chose to sit down and sprawl at the bean bag, making herself feel at home. Mira and Erza followed.

Mirajane sweat dropped. "Lucy, you should really remember that this is a public area not your personal cage." She said jokingly, taking her milkshake from the tiny coffee table in front of her.

Lucy huffed and puffed but laughed either way. Erza chuckled, "Where's Levy?" Asked the redhead.

"She went to the little ladies room." Mira responded. "Oh, look there she is." Mira pointed downwards, as she was swiftly making her way up.

"Hello ladies, may I take your orders?" A smooth voice of a male echoed out. All three girls turned to see Sting in his glory. Wearing a long sleeved shirt which was rolled to his elbow; and the Sabertooth insignia by his chest.

"Sting, you work here?" Erza asked immediately.

"Sometimes," he said lazily. "Gramps owns this place, so when he's out of helping hands… Loke, Rogue and I help out. Just for the heck of it."

"Oh, so Loke is here too?" Lucy asked.

He nodded in response. "Yep, a waiter to woo the girls." He smirked. "And Rogue's the bus boy for the day." He clicked his tongue and brought his notepad. "So what would you like?" His voice was projected to Lucy.

"Hm, cream soda." Then the Eucliffe started to scribble. And for a moment they locked eyes, a soft blush scattered her cheeks as she squirmed in his intense gaze. His eyes were pinning her, and his smirk grew. She started to fidget.

"Yo Sting!" A monotonic voice from the other table hollered. Sting immediately winked at her, and walked to the other table which was two tables across them.

All three eyes followed him, and to the person who interrupted their intense staring contest. And all three eyes widened to see who it was. It was none other than the infamous Gray Fullbuster in his icy glory, and across him was Juvia Lockser.

Lucy shook her head rapidly, a tiny bit of jealousy stung her. Levy came by at that time. "What was that about?" She asked Lucy. "The staring I mean." Lucy shot her a look of astonishment. "And yes, I saw the whole thing."

And before a second had completed, her face was red again. "O-Oh, that? It was nothing. Absolutely nothing!" She stammered, flailing her hands around.

"Is there something going on between you too?" Mirajane asked the tomato faced blonde and wiggled her brows.

"No, why would you think tha…?" She trailed off; her hazel orbs caught a glimpse of Juvia standing to sit right beside Gray and hugged his arm. "Oh, Gray-sama…" She tried to act seductive and started to nibble his earlobe, but it irked Lucy's companions.

Erza mechanically rolled her eyes. "Gray-sama? Really?" She spat in distaste.

"Ugh, she sounds a little—scratch that—REALLY desperate." Said Levy.

"Lucy, are you okay?" Mirajane asked the silent blonde beside her. She stayed quiet, and stared at them. A tiny feeling of jealousy attacked her. "Lucy, you can't give in. Don't be jealous, make him jealous." Mira said with determination.

Lucy wanted to say she can't. But nothing would happen if she kept herself in a mood like that. So she reluctantly slapped her cheeks. "Yosh. Don't worry about me," she smirked. "I'm fine!"

On the other table, Gray was secretly stealing tiny glances at the beautiful Heartfilia without letting the Lockser that was latched on to him notice.

But eventually she did, once his replies became slower than usual, that is. Gray saw Sting and Lucy together for several times, and he fought the urge to growl when he saw their little staring contest. He didn't know why, maybe it was a little habit. But he wanted to break that unnecessary habit and kept quiet.

But Juvia couldn't just sit there; she thought in her mind that she HAD to do something.


"Here is your cream soda." Sting had arrived and placed it gently on the coffee table. Lucy caught Gray's eyes. They were looking at her. Unbeknownst to Gray and Lucy, Juvia was looking back and forth at both of them. Her eyebrows furrowed.

Knowing that Gray's attention was briefly all on her, she abruptly stood up and took the cream soda from the table. "Hey Sting, would you mind tasting it for me first?" She asked cutely, making it audible to the other table. "Uh, sure." He replied smoothly.

And she glanced, and he was still watching, a little expression that was a little obvious to others but oblivious to Lucy, she only prayed that he would at least feel her pain of jealousy. Sting was about to take the spoon and taste it, but Lucy beat him to it, and started feeding him. He smirked, indicating that indeed tasted good.

Then he expertly took the spoon from her hand and did the same thing she did to him. She giggled. "Well, I have to get back to work." He smiled, and mouthed a 'Sorry'

Once he was gone, she sat back down. All three were staring at her with awe. "He l~ikes you." Levy said teasingly. And she stuck her tongue at her. "Don't roll your tongue like that." Lucy retorted.


Meanwhile… Gray was watching the whole scene unfold. It took a lot of courage for him to stay quiet, but he broke a bit. For the fact that he slightly twitched and let out a "tch" which, of course, was heard by the clingy Lockser beside him.

And that was the last straw for her. Instead of getting mad at Gray, she got mad at Lucy instead. Why was it always her? She stood up, "I have to go to the ladies room, Gray-sama." She said almost too sweetly, and stormed towards their table, but before she did, she took a full glass of root beer from a random table.

Once she passed by their table, she purposely threw all the contents of the glass on Lucy's head making her gasp in surprise. All eyes instantly snapped at their area.

"All's fair in love and war, sweetheart." Juvia stated and laughed sinisterly before walking out on them.

"War she wants? Then, honey, its war she'll get." She growled. Staring at her retreating figure and Gray who followed behind stiffly. Bastards, she thought coldly, glaring daggers at both of them.

Author's note: Omygod, I'm so friggin' sorry for not updating in like foreverrrr. I was just so busy. :( I've missed you guys AND OMG THANKYOU SO SO MUCH FOR LAST CHAPTER *GIVES CHOCOLATE CAKE* :D HAHAHHA. Okay, so... I hope you enjoyed, please tell me your reactions, or ideas. haha, it's much appreciated. :D Review for a faster update. Thankyou! :D

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