Here it is: the long anticipated wedding. You've all been quite anxious for it, but you don't have to wait any longer. Let me know what you think!

Alice must have stared at the mirror a full two minutes before she realized someone was knocking on the door to her room. She was distracted; she knew she should've invited Carol to the wedding, but she couldn't shake the feeling that her mother didn't want to be a part of Alice's future with Hatter. It wouldn't stop Alice from marrying him, but it hurt. She knew her mother was supposed to be a part of it. So was her father, for that matter, but Alice was already doing everything in her power to accept that he wouldn't be walking her down the aisle. Thinking about that was enough to make her tear up. Not ten minutes earlier, Alice had sent Cam on a coffee run so that she could clear her head and get back in the zone. It was hard to do that in the hotel room, without Hatter there to calm her down, and she wouldn't be seeing him until she walked down the aisle towards him in a few hours.

Very quietly, Dorinda entered the room and smiled when she saw Alice's hair set in large rollers.

"Oh my dear, you look beautiful," the older woman said.

"I'm still a long way from beautiful, Dorinda. Once Cam returns with my coffee, then I'll start to look alive again." Alice yawned, pulling on her cheeks to make the sleepy bags disappear.

"Pish posh. You are a bride, and you look beautiful on principle, with or without the coffee." Dorinda squeezed Alice's shoulder.

Alice turned around on the stool to face her soon-to-be mother-in-law; fake though that title was, Dorinda took to it brilliantly. When Alice and Hatter had parted ways the previous night, Dorinda had made sure that Alice was calm and had someone to talk to until Cam arrived the next morning. Now that Cam was there too, Dorinda just checked in here and there. Here she remained, because Alice looked like she needed it.

"How did you know you were ready to marry Charlie?" Alice asked.

Dorinda sat across from Alice on the edge of the bed. She paused for a moment to consider her answer, as she did for most things. Dorinda always said exactly what she meant to say.

"Charlie is a very good man," she said. "I'm not romantic, Alice, I never was. But he has always been very kind to me, and he needs someone to make sure he has clean socks. It's a very nice thing to be needed, my dear. You're lucky; you've found a great boy."

"I had to leave the realm to find him," Alice said, smiling. "I had a heck of a time finding somebody decent in this one. Plenty of fish, but all of them guppies."

"Perhaps that's why he's so special; he's a fish from a different sea entirely!"

"And he's hot, which doesn't hurt," Cam said, pushing the door open with her foot.

Dorinda knew that Wonderland wasn't to be mentioned around Cam, or any of the other people from Alice's world, so she simply winked at Alice and they shared a smile. Dorinda left the room quietly. Cam handed Alice a cup of coffee and leaned against the vanity.

"Thanks, Cam," Alice said.

"You already know he's a hottie, you didn't need me to tell you."

"I meant for the coffee," Alice laughed.

"Welcome, girl. Ready to finish getting pretty? The car's going to be here in a few hours." Cam opened a silver briefcase that contained an impressive selection of makeup.

"Let me get a little more caffeinated, and then you can go to town on these babies," Alice said, pointing to her dark under-eye circles.

"When I'm through, you'll look like you just slept a hundred years," Cam said. "Drink up that Folgers. I would've gone to Starbucks, but apparently the closest one is an hour away. I love you, but not that much."

"That's okay. This is the best part of waking up, remember?"

Cam laughed and offered Alice cheers with her paper coffee cup. "One of the downfalls of getting married where you went to summer camp, I suppose," Cam said as she finished off her coffee.

"Yeah. That and no phone service. Okay, fairy godmother. Make me a pumpkin."

Two and a half hours later, Alice stood in a clearing behind the cabins where Hatter couldn't see her. She was also about two seconds from a panic attack. She was already ten minutes late for the ceremony that was supposed to start at four, but she couldn't get it together. She had thought she'd be able to walk herself down the aisle, but she couldn't make her legs work.

"Alice, honey?" Cam asked. She appeared from around the closest cabin, concern evident on her face.

"Can you get David?" Alice asked meekly.

"He's not supposed to see you—"

"I need him."

Cam didn't try to argue. She turned and disappeared behind the cabins again. Alice set her small bouquet of tulips down on a stump and shook out her hands nervously. She felt like she might cry at any moment and ruin all of Cam's magical skills. Her heart was racing. Alice crouched down, wedding dress be damned.

"Sweetheart?" Hatter touched her shoulder gently and Alice jumped. "You're going to ruin your beautiful dress."

Alice turned and threw her arms around his neck. "Don't look at me, you can't look at me until we're getting married," she sniffled.

Hatter smiled and held back a chuckle. "I'm not looking at you, I promise. I only assumed that your dress is very nice, because you are very nice." He wound his arms around her waist. "What's got you spooked?"

"I always thought they'd be here," Alice whispered.

"Your parents?" he asked. She nodded.

"I want to marry you, but I feel so guilty." She was so quiet, he almost couldn't hear her. She was doing everything in her power not to cry.

"Your father would've been here if he could."

"I know, but he never met you as—as my Hatter, as my future." Alice squeezed her eyes shut.

"Sure he did. He gave me the note for you, remember? He knew I'd meet you in the future, even if he didn't know how." He rubbed her back.

"I wish he had."

"So do I."

"And Carol… Mom… I was so mean to her. I shouldn't have hung up on her, I should've—"

"Alice, hey," Hatter pulled her away from him slightly so he could look her in the eye. "She'll forgive you. She's your mother; that's her job." He turned away from her and gestured towards the path between the cabins. There stood Carol, wringing her hands. When she saw Hatter point to her, she waved a little. Alice looked up at Hatter in shock.

"You did this?" She whispered.

"Forgive me?" He smiled. "You need her. She's the only parent you have. Take it from me: no matter what she's done in the past, nothing is worse than having no family at all." Hatter's face was pained, but he continued to smile in spite of it.

"I'm your family," Alice said, stroking his cheek.

"Yes you are." He kissed her forehead. "I'll meet you at the end of the aisle."

Hatter released Alice and walked back towards Carol. When they passed, he said something to Carol that Alice couldn't hear. Carol took that moment to smile at him, and they exchanged a hug. Hatter disappeared behind the cabins. Alice waited for her mother to make the first move.

Carol took ages to reach Alice, it seemed. "Oh, baby. You look beautiful." Carol covered her mouth and her eyes were teary.

"Don't do that, mom, you'll make me cry off all my makeup!" Alice exclaimed. She fanned her own teary eyes.

Carol pulled Alice into her arms. "I'm sorry," she said brokenly.

"Me too," Alice said. They stayed like that for a few moments and then Carol returned to her normal, bubbly self.

"Well, now, let me look at you." She stood back and admired Alice's dress.

"Dorinda made it. Do you like it?"

"It's perfect. It's so you."

"I didn't want anything crazy elaborate," Alice said. She smoothed the ivory silk chiffon. The dress was a simple V-neck sheath, but Dorinda had embroidered a delicate floral design on the entire outer layer that made it ethereal. When Alice had seen the finished product, she had been afraid to touch it. It was a perfect fit, and she felt lovely in it.

"Did Cam do your hair?" Carol asked, brushing an errant strand away from Alice's face.

"Yes, and my makeup. Do I look okay?"

"Better than okay," Carol said, smiling. "Come on, baby. Let's get you married."

"I'm happy you're here," Alice said. She clasped her mother's hand.

"Me too. If it weren't for David, I'm not sure my pride would've let me reach out to you again."

"He's a keeper," Alice said. Carol laughed.

"Yes, he is. I'm sorry for not telling you that before now."

"You're here, and that's what matters. Love you, mom."

"I love you too, Alice." Carol hugged her daughter again.

Alice retrieved her bouquet from the stump and with Carol's help, made her way up to the ceremony.

Cam began to play a song of her own composition on her cello once Alice and Carol emerged from the cabins. It was nearly dark outside, but the whole ceremony site was illuminated by strings of lights. Charlie stood in front of a large tree, and the light strings came up to a point several feet above his head. Next to him, Hatter stood with his hands folded. Now, he looked nervous. He smiled as soon as he saw Alice. He looked handsome in a well-tailored brown three-piece suit that Alice had picked out for him. Cam's boyfriend Tommy clapped Hatter on the shoulder as Alice neared.

Carol handed Alice off to Hatter and took the bouquet. Charlie cleared his throat.

"Bienvenu!" The White Knight began. "On behalf of Alice and Hat—David, I welcome you to Camp Wanamaker. You are an important part of Alice and David's lives." From out of nowhere, Charlie produced a dinner bell, which he rung several times. The knight closed his eyes then, pressing a finger on his temple. Alice raised her eyebrows at Hatter, who bit his lip to keep from laughing.

"Feel your souls in communion, one with the other… Alice and Hatter, hear the air, the sounds of the woods, and my voice as we guide you to the place of the Imperion, the—"

"Get on with it, Charlie," Hatter whispered.

"Right," Charlie said, straightening up and pocketing his bell. He turned to Cam and produced a piece of music from his pocket. He handed her the sheet music, which she hesitantly propped up on her stand. "And a 1, and a 2!"

Cam began the piece, a strange and unique melody. Charlie cleared his throat again and Hatter scratched his eyebrow. "Oh boy," he muttered.

Charlie began to sing.

"I wonder by my troth, what thou and I
Did, till we loved ? were we not weaned till then ?
But sucked on country pleasures, childishly ?
Or snorted we in the Seven Sleepers' den ?
'Twas so ; but this, all pleasures fancies be;
If ever any beauty I did see,
Which I desired, and got, 'twas but a dream of thee.

And now good-morrow to our waking souls,
Which watch not one another out of fear;
For love all love of other sights controls,
And makes one little room an everywhere.
Let sea-discoverers to new worlds have gone;
Let maps to other, worlds on worlds have shown;
Let us possess one world ; each hath one, and is one.

My face in thine eye, thine in mine appears,
And true plain hearts do in the faces rest;
Where can we find two better hemispheres
Without sharp north, without declining west ?
Whatever dies, was not mixed equally;
If our two loves be one, or thou and I
Love so alike that none can slacken, none can die!"

Charlie stood with his eyes closed for a moment after Cam stopped playing, and then retrieved his music from her. He looked at Alice and smiled.

"Alice. Repeat after me. I, Alice, take thee, David…"

"I, Alice, take thee, David," she said, squeezing Hatter's hand. She felt her eyes start to mist.

"Into my sacred heart…"

"Into my sacred heart."

"As my husband, my partner, and my vassal…"

"As my husband, my partner, and my vessel," she said, winking at Hatter. He grinned.

"I will love you, honor you, and care for you…"

"I will love you, honor you, and care for you."

"Until the dust of the universe fades into eternity." Charlie finished with a tinkle of his bell.

"Until the dust of the universe fades into eternity," Alice said. It was an offbeat ceremony, but then again, it was Charlie. They went with it.

Hatter repeated the same vows and Alice couldn't stop the tears from falling, then.

"I now pronounce you Harbinger and Wife! You may seal your union with a kiss," Charlie said, smiling.

Hatter stepped closer to her, brushed her hair behind her ears, and touched her lips with his own.

A/N: There she is! I hope you enjoyed it. This has been a long time coming. :)

The song Charlie sings is a poem called "The Good Morrow" by John Donne.