A/N: Hey guys! So I thought I'd make an attempt at making my own OC. Leave your thoughts? Please review!

Aly's day started out simple enough. She got ready for school, taking her time in the shower before getting dressed in a simple blue t-shirt that matched the dyed part of her hair and some jeans. Her mother always complained that she took too long in the bathroom. It wasn't her fault she loved the water. It was the only place she felt safe.

Aly studied herself in the mirror before walking out the door, her sea green eyes meeting those of her reflection. She ran a hand through her long black hair, fiddling with the dyed part, and took a deep breath.

Another new school equals more torture, she thought. Might as well get it over with.

She sprinted out the door before her mother could give her another 'pep talk'. Which always resulted in threats to be sent to Mexico with her aunts and Grandma. If only she'd threaten to send her with her father. She's say yes in a hearbeat. Sadly, the offer never came around.

She'd promised to behave and try not to get kicked out of this one. Although, that would be next to impossible with her ADHD and dyslexia. She would have to try, though.

Manhattan was way better than all the other places they'd lived, even if it was crowded compared to her hometown in California. She began walking to school and received a fair amount of whistles and catcalls from a few guys walking on the other side of the street.

She rolled her eyes and looked down at her hands. Not that she wasn't used to the attention. It just made her uncomfortable sometimes, though she never showed it. She twisted her ring around on her finger. It was the only gift she'd ever received from her father. Though, he hadn't given it to her directly.

Her mother had given it to her about eight years ago, when she was seven and had begun to ask questions about her father. She had waved off the questions and handed her the ring, which was strung on a thin silver chain.

"From your father. He left it for you when you were a baby. You'll learn to use it when the time comes." Aly had asked what other purpose it had other than being worn, but Sandra Gomez had simply smiled and replied with her heavy accent, "It will protect you when you are in danger," before walking away to watch one of her soap operas on the Spanish channel.

It was too big at the time, but now it fit perfectly on the middle finger of her right hand. She never tired of studying it. Instead of having a normal diamond or ruby on it like other rings, it had a small blue-green trident in the center. The silver band was engraved with small waves and when she put it in the water it cast of beautiful shades of blue and green.

She was so lost in thought that she slammed right into someone's chest. She stumbled backwards but he caught her arm before she could fall. She looked up sheepishly and half expected a 'Watch where you're going, loser'. Instead she met a pair of dark eyes and a small smile.

"Oops. I'm sorry. I guess I got a little distracted." She actually blushed, which wasn't normal for her.

"It happens." She studied him curiously. He wore black jeans with a chain belt, a black Van Halen t-shirt, combat boots, a skull ring and a leather jacket. He was pale, with messy black-brown hair and black eyes.

She steadied herself and stuck out a hand.

"I'm Aly. Aly Gomez. And you are?" He eyes her suspiciously, but took her hand cautiously and shook it. His was as cold as ice.

"Nico. Nico di Angelo." He glanced down at her ring. "Nice ring. Where'd you get it?"

She twisted it around her finger a few times, trying to keep her hands busy.

"It was a gift from my dad. The only thing he left me as a baby. Mom said the sea was calling. Literally.

His eyes widened. "What did you say?" She arched a brow and gave him a confused look.

"Er...she said he's in the navy. Always at sea. I've never met him."

"Oh." he composed himself quickly.

"What did you think I meant?"

"Nothing, nothing." He refused to meet her eyes. "So, are you new here?"

She looked at him suspiciously. "Yeah. Today's my first day." She looked around and took in her surroundings. She hadn't realized that she'd reached the school so quickly. It was pretty big and kids stood around talking and laughing, waiting for the bell to ring. She glanced across the street and spotted something that unsettled her.

Standing there, watching them intently, was a tall, dark figure in a hat and trench coat. Aly blinked, thinking her eyes were playing tricks on her. It was obviously a man...with a single, huge eye in the middle of his face.

She took a few steps back so that she was right beside Nico and tugged on his sleeve.

"Look over there and please tell me I'm not going crazy." He looked in the direction she was pointing and stiffened.

"You can see it?"

"Duh. What is that?"

"Looks like you won't be able to start your first day here. I'll explain later. Come on!" He took her hand and ran in the opposite direction of the school. They hid in an alley about a block away.

Aly reluctantly pulled her hand out of his. He turned to look at her.

"Will you please explain what's going on?" she asked impatiently. He looked around nervously.

"Listen. We have to get out of here. I'll explain when we get to camp."

"What cam- agh!" She was knocked to the side by a giant fist, slamming into a wall. Her head hit a rock on the ground. Black spots danced across her vision. Nico stood in front of her holding a black sword that she apparently hadn't noticed before, standing between her and the monster. It wore only a loincloth and held a giant club in one hand, made of what appeared to be the trunk of a tree.

The thing roared and slammed it's fists on the ground, almost knocking Nico off his feet. He rolled and lunged at the monster, stabbing and slashing at its huge belly. It swung the club at him, barely missing as he dodged.

"Prepare to die demigod!" it shouted gleefully. "Say hello to your father for me."

It definitely had only one eye. A Cyclops. But that was impossible. They didn't exist. They were Greek myths. Her mother's words rang through her head.

You'll learn to use it when the time comes. It will protect you when you are in danger.

Nico was still battling the Cyclops. It cackled as its club made contact with his shoulder. He flew across the alley, landing on his back, his sword flying out of his hand and skittering across the ground. He wasn't moving.

Aly panicked. On a hunch, she pressed the trident on her ring. It extended into a 3-foot-long bronze sword, the hilt fitting perfectly in her hand. The monster now loomed over Nico, raising its arms to crush him to pieces.

She ran towards the monster and leaped.

"Hey, Ugly!" It turned just in time to see her sword bury itself in its chest. The Cyclops shrieked and exploded, showering her in yellow powder. She ran to Nico and shook his shoulder.

"Nico! Nico, wake up! Come on. That thing just exploded. Let's go!" He groaned and opened his eyes, propping himself up on his elbows. He took in the scene around him: the yellow dust on the floor and in her hair, her sword.

"How did you...?" She shrugged.

"Instinct." She handed him his sword. He sheathed it and she held out a hand, helping him up.

"We have to go. Before more come." Aly didn't think she could survive another attack, even with her new sword. He took her hand again and led her to the shadows. "We'll have to shadow travel. It's the quickest way." She nodded, having no idea what it was, and clutched his arm. He didn't seem to mind.

Somehow they melted into the shadows. It was obviously dark and she heard strange noises around them. Shivers ran up her spine, making her clutch his rm tighter. They were going so fast, she felt as if she were sticking her head out of a car going full speed. It was a shock her face wasn't peeling off.

They appeared in the shadow of a huge blue mansion. Nico look exhausted. He leaned against a wall, his eyes closed.

"You okay?" she asked, worry apparent in her voice.

"I'm fine. Just need a nap. But we need to get you to Chiron first."


"Nico!" She turned to see a tall, blonde girl running up to them. Not too far behind was a guy with black hair and sea green eyes. Just like hers. They both looked around 18. Nico opened one eye.

"Hm? Oh. Hey Annabeth. Hey Percy."

"You're back early," said Annabeth. Aly studied her quietly. Her curly blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She wore an orange t-shirt with a simple pair of jeans. She was pretty, but her eyes were a startling gray. The guy wore a similar outfit. He had an arm wrapped around her waist, so she assumed they were a couple.

"Yeah, well, I kinda ran into a little trouble." He nodded towards Aly. "This is Aly. Aly, this is Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson."

Annabeth turned her stormy gray eyes to her and smiled.

"Welcome to Camp Half Blood."

What'd you think? I apologise if it sucks or if it's OOC. I tried my best. I've been in a writing mood lately. Ill try to update soon. Please review! It makes me update faster!