HEY! Sorry for the long wait but here it is! This includes a lot of "girl talk" and a pissed off Sasuke, so enjoy! XD

She had Jun lying next to her as he was sleeping, it was already three in the morning but right after studying, she began to watch him. She called both Tsunade and Kurenai to ask about him almost never crying. They both said he was fine, it was normal since he was still a bit premature. However, they both offered to bring him back under the hospital's care if it was too much for her to handle.

She denied of course, she had been trained to handle these situations so she thought of herself as lazy if she chose to take him back. She was happy to see him growing and smile every chance she had to take the tube out of his mouth. She heard her door open and found her mother in her robe opening the door with a cup in her hand and a small plate holding it.

"I thought you'd still be awake. You never did sleep at regular hours"

Sakura smiled as she carefully sat up, hoping not to shift Jun to wake him up. She learned that he was very sensitive to movements that weren't his own.

"I brought you hot chocolate to help you fall asleep." her mother said as she handed it to her.

"Mom, I'm not seven" she whispered as she took it, gently holding her mother's hand to show her gratitude.

"Well you never liked coffee." her mother retorted.

Sakura grinned and it soon turned into a small smile as she saw her mother watching Jun.

"How is he doing?" her mother asked.

"He's fine, Tsunade said she gives him about a month and a half to start feeding, so these haven't gone down even a bit." she said holding her breasts and looking down at them. "They're staring to hurt a bit" she almost laughed at how she complained to her mother.

"Well I can make you some tea later to see if that helps." her mother offered.

Sakura smiled her usual thankful smile.

"Jun Haruno" her mother said as though it was the first time she heard the name. "He's beautiful" she commented.

"Isn't he? That's because he's got my momma's big beautiful eyes" Sakura whispered. Her mother smiled as though she were proud of the trait. "How are you sweetheart?" her mother asked.

"I'm fine mom, like always. I'm happy" she said.

"That's good honey. As you can see your father is always bright as day to see you home. He's been so cheerful lately." Mikan whispered as she watched Sakura carefully wrap the covers more securely around Jun.

"I know; he's here all the time, talking to Jun about his time in the military." Sakura said with a smile.

"And let me guess, he's talking to you too about it right?"

Sakura shrugged, "It's fun, I'm happy that he's accepted Jun so easily." Sakura said.

"Of course. Sakura, he's your baby. He's part of our family. We love him as if though he were you from twenty years ago." her mother said. "You wouldn't believe how many of my friends have asked about my new grandson." Mikan said in a very fondly manner.

Sakura smiled as she put the cup down by her bed and crawled on her knees to go and hug her mother. "I love you mom" she said above a whisper.

"And I love you Sakura. Always always." her mother said as she kissed the top of her daughter's head.

It was the middle of the night and Sasuke had gone to the police station to visit his long time friend. He opened the doors and the first thing he saw was Naruto typing on his computer in the main desk. He walked over to him and threw his phone down on his desk. Naruto looked up to find Sasuke fuming.

"What the hell?" Naruto asked.

"Find her" Sasuke simply said.

"Hell no, I'm not about to try that again. Last time I did that I almost got fired!" Naruto almost yelled.

"You can't do this, but you can go wife hunting around the corner for the easiest girl?" Sasuke asked as he glared.

"Hey, I'll have you know, it was a coincidence to find Hinata on that corner, she was walking by, and she's faithful you asshole."

Sasuke rolled his eyes. "Naruto, I'll pay you as much as you want, just find her." he said.

Naruto pondered this for a while before hesitantly grabbing Sasuke's phone and reading Sakura's number and typing it in his computer.

"Sakura, have you studied for the final?" Tenten asked.

Sakura sighed, "All day and half the night! Jun has more sleep in a day than I do in a week!" she said as Tenten laughed.

"So how is the little guy?" she asked curiously.

"He's great, he's about to start feeding the next couple of months." she said. "The boobs?" she asked.

Sakura clasped onto her breasts. "Yup, they're hurting like crazy right now" she said.

"Oh I know what you mean! When I fed Nari, she had no teeth and it still hurt like hell! The first time I used a breast pump was to "unclog" my boobs and it hurt so bad! Plus your boobs sag a bit so you have to get in shape like-"

"Gee thanks Tenten, now I don't think I want to breast feed my baby!" Sakura cut her off as she crossed her legs on the sofa.

"Oh no, it's a blessing and what not, overall I mean!" Tenten said as she sweat dropped.

Sakura shook her head.

"Do you ladies need anything?" her mother came in with a tray of tea and coffee and placed it down on the table.

"We're fine here mom, how's Jun?" Sakura asked.

"He's fine, he's sleeping very peacefully" she said. Sakura smiled in gratitude. Tenten remained talking with Sakura for a couple more hours before deciding it was time to go home.

Sakura then heard the doorbell ring a few moments later. 'She probably forgot something' Sakura thought as she walked over to the door. Once she opened it, she was surprised at seeing the familiar face that made her feel worthless practically twenty-four seven. She was about to slam the door in his face before he caught it with one hand easily.

"We need to talk"

"No we don't" just looking at him made her blood rise.

"Fine, then just listen" he growled.

"Haven't you made my life miserable enough Uchiha? You know, besides telling the press "how much I begged you to stay and all that crap" the venom easily spotted in her voice.

"I was humiliated over and over again, you don't think that whore caused me trouble?" he asked.

"Well you asked for it smart one! I didn't ask for you to cheat on me." she stated in a matter of fact tone.

"I know, but like it or not there's something that ties us together" he said.

"Jun is nothing of yours, you think just because you dropped your sperm in me that he's yours? Sorry to break it to you, but you're not going to see him, not today, or any other day." Sakura was full-blown angry by the time she had finished her statement.

"Sakura, you need to understand that when I told you all those cruel things, I thought I was going to be happy, that I was going to start a family. I thought leaving you would be best for both of us. Try to look at this from my point of view. I have to leave someone with the company, an heir and you couldn't give me one at that time. That's why I thought I couldn't be happy with you."

Sakura rolled her eyes. "You gave up on me, way before that Uchiha" she said as he watched her eyes with his own. "

So then that's it? I can't see my son because of our problems?" he growled.

If she were a cat, the look she was giving him at that moment meant that she was about to claw his eyes out.

"Your son? Your son? You call him a lost cause and now that he's getting better, he's yours right?" she asked.

"I knew before that he was mine. What was I supposed to say? This wasn't the first time this had happened, so I thought it was the same thing with you." he stated.

She scoffed, "And that gave you the reason to leave him?" she asked. He remained quiet. "Sasuke, you knew I would be facing a difficult time with him, so you walked out, so do us both a favor and stop pretending to care and go back home to your fake ass life." she said as she slammed the door in his face.

She noticed he looked a lot better, he wasn't as tiny, his veins weren't showing anymore and his eyes weren't popping out.

"Hi baby! Hi honey, how are you?" she asked as the morning sun came in through the slightly transparent curtains on her window, showing a dim light on Sakura and her son. She didn't realize what two months could do to a baby, to her amazement, it helped a lot. He was stronger, and every time she held him, he would always want to pick up his head and stare at her.

Once he began to grow his hair, she noticed he had his father's black hair and her bright green eyes, and she loved him just the way he was. What she adored about him was that all he would do is stare at her, and she knew that a part of him loved her as much as she did him. Her mother came in just as she paced around holding Jun.

"Good morning!" she stated happily. She watched her daughter and found that she looked very tired. "Honey, why don't you go take a shower and get some rest? I'll watch the baby." she offered.

"No I'm fine, it's not Jun, it's work, I have to be going back next week and I have to brush up on a few things." she said as she continued to try and soothe her baby to sleep.

"No, you're not fine Sakura, you're very busy and I haven't seen you sleep in god knows how long. You're excellent on your work because every time someone calls, you know exactly what to tell them. Give me the baby, take a shower, when you get out I'll give you some pancakes and then tuck you in for a nap." she said as she carefully pried Jun away from her surprised daughter. She stood there as she saw her mother walking the baby. Mikan then gave her a stern look.

"I'm not going to tell you again lady, go take a shower before I give Jun to your father and bathe you myself. I'm not kidding." she said.

"Fine!" Sakura obeyed and went to her bathroom. Mikan looked at her grandson, who was staring at her.

"... We showed her, didn't we?" she said as she planted a kiss on his forehead.

Sakura leaned against the wall, in pure bliss as the luke warm water hit her bare skin. As her eyes closed, she pictured it being rain, and she could have sworn she blacked out for a quick second. The sleep was definitely getting to her. She turned off the shower and wrapped a towel around her. She walked past the mirror only to retreat to it and move her bangs out of the way. She almost gasped at how dark her eyes were from the lack of sleep. She quickly dried herself and put on her black sweatshirt and sweatpants. She went back to her room to find that it was empty. She left her room and saw her father holding the sleeping infant. He smiled when he saw his daughter walk over to them.

"I hope he hasn't bothered" she said as she watched her father rock Jun to sleep.

"No, if anything, your mother had to wake him up to give him his bottle" he said.

Sakura walked to the kitchen, finding her mother keeping true to her word and had a plate full of pancakes already done. Since she was facing the stove, she turned and saw her daughter staring at her.

"Goodness Sakura, you were in there for almost a full hour" she said.

"Yeah, I must have dosed off in there" she said as she sat down. Mikan then placed a plate down in front of her.

"Uh, mom?"

"Hm?" she didn't turn around as she continued to cook.

"... Don't you think this is a bit too much?" she asked, staring at the mountain.

"Well, you're going to be asleep for the rest of the day, so you might as well pack up because you're not leaving that room until the evening." her mother said. Sakura rolled her eyes as she poured syrup on the pancakes, certain that she wasn't going to finish them all.

"Now, I'm serious, I'll be taking care of Jun for the day and when I come back you better be-" Mikan turned around, only to find Sakura completely asleep with her blanket wrapped around her securely. Mikan smiled as she walked over and kissed her daughter on her forehead before leaving her to rest. She closed her door securely before walking back to the living room, where she found Raye with the sleeping Jun in his arms and reading the newspaper.

Mikan was rocking Jun to sleep when she heard someone knock on her door and Raye was in the bathroom taking a shower. She placed Jun in the bassinet in the living room right before she heard the doorbell ring. She walked over to the door and opened it and her breath hitched as she saw the familiar face.

"What are you doing here?" she asked as the man stared at her.

"You know why Mikan" he simply stated.

"I'm sorry but, my daughter wouldn't want to see you and I need to respect her decision because she's-"

"Please" she gave him a look of pity.

"Dear, the day of your wedding, before you and my daughter married, what did I tell you?" she asked.

He paused, he couldn't remember, he seemed far more worried about marrying for the company's sake rather than for her daughter's.

"Sasuke... I told you no matter what, I would always be there for you so long as you keep my daughter safe and happy... You didn't do that" she said.

"I know I f- messed up, but I want to fix it" he quickly replaced the bitter language in front of the proper woman that she was.

"Why now? After all of that time you had to fix your marriage?" she asked curiously.

"Because... because without her, there's nothing. There is no possible explanation for what I had done, but isn't there something I can do to try to fix it?" he asked. She looked at him sadly, his eyes were pleading acceptance, just as when she had seen his eyes the first time he had been introduced by Sakura.

"I... Sasuke, there are so many things that are wrong. But I believe it can be fixed with time. I'm not sure if Sakura would feel the same way, but I think for your son's sake she would try."

It felt as though there were a shock in the words. He has a son, his own flesh and blood, but because of his stupid want, he wouldn't be able to see him.

"If I can't talk to her... can I just see him?" he asked.

Mikan pondered this question for a while before she stepped to the side to have him come in. He hesitantly entered the room, and scanned the area, as though looking for someone.

"He went to bed early" she stated flatly.

He tried not to show his relief, the last thing he wanted was to see Raye raising arms at him. Once she closed the door, she realized that there was no turning back. What would Sakura think? She shook the thought out of her head as she carefully picked Jun up from his looked back at Sasuke and found that his eyes had gone wide and he was pale. She was hesitant to walk over to him. She stood a few feet away from him, about to hand him the child that he had rejected not so long ago.

"What the hell are you doing?!" They both paused and looked to their sides to see a a fuming Sakura glaring holes at them.

To Be Continued...

YAY! New baby in the HOUSE! He knows me sooo well ^-^ He was born two weeks early. He's now a healthy (and very TWITCHY! -_-) two and a half month old baby, and he just looks at me and he smiles! So as you know, it's heck the first few weeks taking care of him, then I got sick, I thought I would NEVER be cured. Ahh well, excuses excuses! :P I'll be uploading most if not ALL of my stories by the end of November. :D Please review and comment! I know it was a bit short but I'm trying to improve on EVERYTHING XP NO FLAMES! THEY WILL BE EITHER TAKEN DOWN OR REPORTED!