A/N: This is another one of my crazy ideas. And I do mean crazy. So bear with me here because it's going to get really twisted. If you're brushed up on your Greek mythology then you'll have some fun. Here's a character guide so far. It can get confusing.

Character list:

Tate: Hades

Violet: was Persephone in a past life

Chad: Hermes

Charles: Zeus

Nora: Demeter

Kevin: The Boatman

Hayden: Melinoë

"Please allow me to introduce myself

I'm a man of wealth and taste

I've been around for long, long years"

Sympathy for the Devil

Chapter One: An Imaginarium

Tate Langdon was an immortal man of wealth and taste. He drove his old Aston Martin into the driveway of his new home. It was home number 'I've lost track of how many houses I've lived in'. It was a large and beautiful mansion in Los Angeles. It had been built back in the twenties. A decade he recalled with absolute fondness.

The house came with a reputation and he was more than relaxed at the thought. The Murder House would not inconvenience him in the least bit. He was not fazed by the tens of murders that had occurred inside the house or by the rumors that ghosts haunted the halls. He was just interested in having a beautiful home in California.

When he saw that this house was for sale on a website, he jumped at the chance to live in it. In a matter of weeks he had a new identity and all of his belongings shipped to California. That includes the amazing car he was driving. He had loved the car since he got it in the sixties and there was no way that he would ever get rid of it.

Violet Harmon observed the new neighbor as he got out of his car. She noticed his beautiful face and angelic blond locks. He was a good-looking man in the prime of his life. The man, however, didn't catch her attention as much as his car did. I mean it wasn't every day that your new next-door neighbor owned James Bond's car. She scoffed at the thought that he was likely another one of the materialistic, designer-loving assholes that lived in this town. I mean, his clothes made him seem like a blonde James Bond next to the car. He just oozed the look of a pretentious asshole. He would eventually prove her wrong, though.

As Tate entered the house, he was pleased to find that his assistants had taken care of everything he had wanted. All his things had been placed where he wanted them. They saluted him in unison:


Tate sighed. "I fucking hate that name. Would you please call me Tate?" He begged.

"Yes, Tate."-They said.

"And please stop speaking at the same time. You are four different people."

They said nothing. Then Tate knew he had one last thing to check upon.

"Did Kevin get everything settled in the basement?"

"He did."-Said Chloe in a flirtatious way while she batted her eyelashes.

For some insane reason, Chloe had a huge crush on Tate. She was the most servile of his assistants and it annoyed him greatly. He had tried, on more than one occasion, to make her understand that he would never be interested. Chloe was usually smart but, in this case, the girl couldn't take a hint.

Tate rolled his eyes at her tone and whispered something at Amir.

He responded immediately. "In the bedroom next to yours."

"Thank you."

Tate went to the bedroom Amir had indicated and smiled when he saw the bust of his deceased wife, Persephone. Their love story was much different from what the classic myth relayed. The bust was proof of that. When Persephone had died, all he had to capture her image was a piece of marble and chiseling tools. He had kept her body in stasis long enough to capture her face before her body would decay and her soul would pass on.

He missed Persephone dearly, but he had at least made sure that she had gone on to a happier place. It comforted him. His loneliness, however, often made him miss her more than he should. When he became distraught, it took him days to recover.

The doorbell pulled him out of his reverie. Stephanie was the one that usually answered the door, but he didn't want people to know that he has four assistants and a boatman taking the with this identity. He chose to open the door himself by brushing Stephanie off and telling her to disappear. When he opened it, the most beautiful girl in the world was looking at him with a bored expression on her face. She stood next to an exhausted looking redheaded woman.

"Hello. My name is Vivien Harmon and this is my daughter, Violet. We're your next-door neighbors. We brought you some sugar cookies as a welcome."

Tate would not miss the opportunity to win over the beauty in front of him. Therefore, despite his foul mood and desire to see Vivien jump off a bridge, he put on his best smile and said.

"I'm Tate Langdon. Nice to meet you."

Vivien cleared her throat and Violet, who had momentarily been looking elsewhere, paid attention again and gave Tate the plate of cookies. Their fingers brushed and Violet felt a current pass through her. Tate smiled when she reacted to what he had done.

"Thank you for the cookies. I barely have time to cook, let alone bake."

"Oh, that's right. Your Realtor, Marcy, let slip that you're a lawyer?"

"That's right. Defense attorney. Working long hours is part of the job description."-He said keeping up his charming smile. "Would you ladies like to come in? I might not have time to cook, but I did just finish making some lemonade."

"Oh, no thanks. We'd love to but there's an appointment we have to dash off to. Rain check?"-Vivien said with a smile that she likely considered flirtatious but he could honestly care less.

"Sure. Goodbye Mrs. Harmon…Violet."

Violet felt a blush creep up her face when he said her name. Vivien hadn't caught his tone but Violet did. Tate had said her name in awe, adoration and just a hint of lust.

"Bye, Tate."-She returned seductively. Her mother slapped her arm but Violet just looked at her defiantly and walked away.

When the Harmon women left his doorstep, Tate walked inside his house and started hatching a plan. Violet would be his whether she liked it or not. See, Violet bore a striking resemblance to Persephone. There were but two physical differences between the women (three if you counted age): their hair and their eye color. Persephone was a green-eyed beauty with wavy hair. Violet, in contrast, had pin straight hair and soulful brown eyes.

Tate didn't know what he had done to deserve a second chance from the fates but he was going to seize it. He went to his bedroom and lay on his bed. His move to L.A. and his encounter with Violet had exhausted him. The exhaustion overtook him and he fell asleep.

Of course, the bitch now known as Hayden wouldn't let him sleep peacefully. As Tate lay down to rest, she hit him with a dose of nightmares, which in his case were really just memories.

He dreamt of what had happened to his Persephone. You see Persephone wasn't a goddess…that was just some bullshit someone made up. Persephone was only half goddess; Zeus had never gotten it on with Demeter. The whole: "he kidnapped Persephone" deal was also a complete crock. Sure he had seduced her, but Seph had been more than willing to go to the Underworld with him when they had left her mother's fields together. Importantly, because she was only half a goddess, she was susceptible to death.

Tate looked up as Hermes landed in front of him. Hermes looked grave and that was saying something for the ever-cheery god.

"What, Hermes?"-Tate said

"Persephone has died."

"That's not very funny."

"It's not a joke. She's dead."

"No. That can't be. I would have seen her on my list."

"Zeus had her name omitted until I told you."

Tate cried aloud in pain as he woke up from the nightmare. He hated reliving the moment he found out his wife was dead. Then he saw Hayden's impish face looking down on him.

"Hi there."-She said.

"Get out of my house."

"Aw, what's wrong? Didn't like the dreams I sent you?"

"No! I thought you would at least have some respect for the memories I have of your mother."

"Oh please. Just because she's the hole I crawled out of doesn't mean she was my mother."

Tate got up and slapped Hayden across the face. "Get out, Hayden before I make you."

"Ooh, I'm so scared!"-She said in a defiant tone.

"Fine. Your wish is my command."

The floorboards started shaking as they both heard stomps heading up the stairs. Inexplicably without damage to the house, Cerberus appeared before them and Tate merely looked from the dog to Hayden and calmly told him to attack.

"You dick!"-Hayden yelled.

Just as she disappeared, Cerberus jumped and managed to scratch the evil bitch.

When the dog sensed that there was no threat, he masqueraded himself as a Rottweiler. Tate rubbed his fur: "Good boy." The dog then curled himself up in front of the bed and slept there, guarding his master.

Tate got back in the bed and plotted how he would get Violet. First, he had to do a little recon and then he would attack. He would seduce her into submission. Then again, maybe this time around he actually would kidnap her. He was desperate after all…and after she had died the first time, Tate had become cruel and vicious. Chances are that she would melt his icy exterior again but in the meantime, Tate would make sure that Violet Harmon would be his. He would make sure that she would never leave his sight again.