Author's note: For my girlfriend, the insanely talented and amazing CarrotLucky13. Thank you for soothing the Bellatrix inside me and being the Narcissa to my Hermione, these past two years have been better than a fairytale, hurry back home to me from your holiday.
I had what I perceive to be an amazing idea for a Hermione/Narcissa and Narcissa/Bellatrix storyline this morning and I couldn't wait to start writing, this fan fiction is loosely (emphasis on the loosely) symbolic of my own relationship (the Hermione/Narcissa aspects) and is written as a gift to my girl who will hopefully help me write some of the latter chapters. I will try to stick to the events that occurred within the HP books, any differences I will try to notify you of in advance. The format of this fan fiction is one I personally haven't seen in a fic before (some of you may have) so it may be touch and go whether you all enjoy my work, hopefully you will, bare with me for the first 2/3 updates and see what you think. I own nothing except my memories and imagination, for the rest we need to thank JK Rowling but I'm sure you all know that. This is just a short chapter to see what everyone thinks but I already have the ideas for at least 5 updates mapped out and hope to update once a week on average at least. Reviews will be very much appreciated and any questions/suggestions answered in the next update, for even I don't know what this will turn out to be...
It had been five years since Voldermort's demise, a lot had changed, wounds had finally healed and lives had been rebuilt, England was in a state of peace and mundane tranquillity. There was little need for such a large workforce of the ministry had employed to capture and detain dark wizards, for these days there remained but few. The lack of actual dispute allowed for the formation of new departments such as the Department of Communications in which Hermione Granger worked. The newspapers currently reported on what they called the technological advancement era that had spread across the wizarding world, with the past five years seeing the introduction of television and the World-Wide Wizarding Web ( short) into a large percentage of people homes. Hermione had played a central role in these developments, essentially bridging the gap between the Muggle and Wizarding communities; whilst she was no longer fighting for freedom and peace she still liked to believe she was working towards a cause.
Sat at her desk in her fifth floor office Hermione rolled her shoulders, gingerly stretching her neck to ease some of the strain a 10 hour shift sat in front of a computer screen had caused. Normally she adored her job, travelling the country to meet people from all walks of life, researching new inventions and projects; no two days were ever the same but today she felt out of sync. The previous night it had been Ginny and Harry's turn to host the weekly dinner that she and Ron attended, whilst they had maintained their friendship after their brief but intense relationship it was always slightly awkward to be in the double date situation she found herself in every Thursday night. She tried to pass off her fatigue to just that, 'the effort of maintaining pleasantries is taking its toll' she had reprimanded herself in the mirror that morning but in reality she was lying to herself, she was bored. The telltale signs were all there, she would go to bed alone at 10pm, eat dinner at 6pm each night and TiVo re-runs of old 90's shows each evening, she was bored and lonely. Fed up of feeling sorry for herself Hermione absentmindedly found herself typing in the web address for a newly popular wizard dating website; . Maybe a romance would get her out of this rut, after all it had been, she counted in her head, 3 and a half years since she had been on a date.
'Welcome to ' the headline of the website read, 'whether it's a witch, wizard, goblin or elf you desire, we aim to find your perfect partner within 6 weeks.'
That's promising, Hermione mused, clicking the sign up button to begin her registration:
Username: Curiously_coy.
Age: 21-29
Interested in: a witch, aged 30-39 for companionship, adventure and romance.
Hermione then went on to fill in a 12 page questionnaire inquiring in every aspect of her life imaginable, Favourite film: Chloe...Favourite spell: Obscuro...Number of sexual partners: 1. By the time she had finish scrutinising every aspect of her life and looked up from the screen the sky outside was dark, checking her watch she noticed it was 19:45, she had stayed in the office a full 2 hours longer than necessary. Rising from her chair and shaking her auburn hair around her shoulders Hermione hesitantly pressed submit, whoever she was matched with better be worth it she thought with a huff before leaving her office and heading into the evening.