The Word according to Lady Gaia, the first chapter:
In the Beginning, Etrilium was a World o'er wrought with Chaos and destruction. The Gods and Goddesses abhorred the madness and so said unto the World, "We shall Create a creature anew, one whom shall bring an end to the madness." So said the Gods, so it became, and Man was brought into Etrilium.
Man was blessed, given the absolute purpose of Order and peace, and so began the New Cycle. No Beast or Plant was more nor less than another, and Life and Death turned in an everlasting Circle. Yet Man was weak and vulnerable, being neither Plant nor Beast, and had no place in the Circle as self-aware beings. The Gods looked upon them and said, "Thou art all our children, and so forth are blessed. We shall give you the gift of protection and the gift of safety." So said the Gods, so it became, and Angel and Demon were brought into Etrilium.
For many Rotations, the Demon protected Man with their Beast-like appearance, while the Angel gave Man safety and comfort...
So say the Gods.
The Word according to Lord Zane, the eighth chapter:
… Man became wary.
The Demon were unlike the Angel and the Man, with ghastly claws and Beast-like features, created to protect, fight, and defend from the Beasts themselves. Man, the prey of the Beasts, looked upon the Demon with fear and contempt.
"Why?" the Man asked of the Gods. "Why did thee bring these Beastly creatures down upon us?"
The Angel were soon surrounded by the Man, confronted with addressing their fears and doubts, and were soon swayed.
"Are we not good enough to watch over the Man?" the Angel asked of the Gods. "Are we, in our beauty and might, are simply to be the nursing mothers to thy creation of Man? Can we not fight and defend them?"
The Demon became aware of their situation, anger filling them. "Why would thee create such hate in the Angels and the Man?" the Demon asked of the Gods. "Do we not lay down our lives every day for their safety? Surely it is not thy will to render us the outcast of that which we seek to protect!"
The Gods watched and waited as mistrust was placed between the species...
So say the Gods.
The Official Word according to Lord Zane, the eighth chapter:
… Man became wary.
The Demon were unlike the Angel and the Man, with ghastly claws and Beast-like features, created to protect, fight, and defend from the Beasts themselves. Man watched as the Demon began to affiliate themselves with the Beasts, looking upon themselves as more Beastly then creatures of the Gods.
"Why?" the Man asked of the Gods. "Why did thee bring these Beastly creatures down upon us?"
The Angel were soon surrounded by the Man, confronted with addressing their fears, and watched the Demon converse with the Beast themselves, and they agreed."Why not let us watch over the Man?" the Angel asked of the Gods. "We, in our beauty and our might, can see the things coming to light in front of us, and we do not trust the Demon. Can we not fight and defend Man ourselves?"
The Demon became aware of their situation, and fear of being caught in their treason filled them. "Our Gods and Goddesses, surely you can see that the Angel and the Man are falsely accusing us?" the Demon asked of the Gods. "Do we not lay down our lives every day for their safety? Surely, if there were an issue, thou in all your Glory would be able to sense it!"
The Gods agreed with the Demon, for they are sly and slippery creatures...
So say the Gods.
The Word according to Lady Diana, the third chapter:
… and so Thomas mourned as his first born was consumed by the Lion.
Not three moments passed before the Demon appeared, and they had naught to look unto the Lion to know that they were too late. The Lion was killed and the Angel and Man approached the Demon.
"What art thou done?" They cried. "This Beast has crossed the border that thou were supposed to protect!"
The Demon had never been accused of such a crime, and they grew angry. "We have committed no sin! Our Days and Nights, each and every Rotation, it is filled with battle! We answer to thy every whim and grow weary. What has happened was a terrible tragedy and no one Demon's fault!"
Thomas had gone to the remains of the Lion, and from the bloody maw, extracted his first born son's torn robe. He was consumed with sadness and hate and he told the Demon, "Perhaps thou have turned thy back upon Man! Perhaps you have become one of the Beasts from which you look like!"
Anger and rage filled the air, and the Demon left with a bitterness in their hearts as the Angel began conversing their revenge with Man...
So say the Gods.
The Official Word according to Lady Diana, the third chapter:
… and so Thomas mourned as his first born was consumed by the Lion.
Not three moments passed before the Demon appeared, and they had naught to look unto the Lion to know that their plan was successful. The Lion was set free and the Angel and Man approached the Demon.
"What art thou done?" They cried. "This Beast has crossed the border that thou were supposed to protect!"
The Demon laughed at them. "We have committed no sin that you can prove. The Gods are foolish and weak, and they will soon realize that Etrilium should be ruled by us, the Demon!"
Thomas was consumed with sadness and hate, with naught a thing to remember his first born son by, and he told the Demon, "Thou have turned thy back upon Man! You have become one of the Beasts from which you look like!"
Anger and rage filled the air, and the Demon left with a cruel happiness in their hearts as the Angel began conversing their plans with Man to save themselves from the Demon...
So say the Gods.
The Word according to Lord August, the eleventh chapter:
… in the Rotations to come, Luke and Jayden were honored by the Angel and the Man, and scorned by the Demon, who mourned for the loss of Kayla, and the tensions grew.
Isabelle, Kayla's mother, was overcome with anger for the loss of her daughter, and with her sons and husband, refused to protect the village of which they were guarding.
That night, the Beasts came and reduced the village to nothing while Isabelle and her family looked on.
The Angel and Man demanded that the family and its entire kin be placed into jail, but the Demon refused.
So say the Gods.
The Official Word according to Lord August, the eleventh chapter:
… in the Rotations to come, Luke and Jayden were honored by the Angel and the Man for they had liberated their kin from the evil Demon Kayla, while scorned by the Demon, who mourned for the loss of Kayla, and the tensions grew.
Isabelle, Kayla's mother, was overcome with anger for the loss of her daughter and second in command, and with the entire Demon race, refused to protect all of the towns and the villages of which they were guarding.
That night, the Beasts came and reduced many villages to nothing while Isabelle and the Demon looked on with glee.
The remaining Angel and Man were overcome with sadness.
So say the Gods.
The Word according to Lord Drake, the seventh chapter:
… and so the Angel were blessed with the gift of protection, the weapons made by Frederick the greatest in all of Etrilium. Man and Angel had learned to fight.
And the Demon grew angry, for they knew they were no longer needed...
So say the Gods.
The Official Word according to Lord Drake, the seventh chapter:
… and so the Angel were blessed with the gift of protection from the Gods themselves, and the weapons made by Frederick were the greatest in all of Etrilium. Man and Angel had learned to defend themselves.
And the Demon grew angry, for they knew their strength was fading...
So say the Gods.
The Word according to Lady Katrina, second chapter:
… It was not until it was too late that the Gods looked upon Etrilium and saw the destruction before them.
For although the Demon were strong, the might of Man and the Angels was too much, and they were banished to the Forests of Zion, becoming one with the Shadows and the Darkness.
It was there in the Shadows and without the guidance from the Gods and the duty they were made to perform stripped from them that they slowly grew sick with the Madness. Several Demons mated with Beasts and a new species was born, a creature with the instincts of a Demon, and the conscious of a Beast.
The Angel and Man were unprepared for this result of their sin against the Gods creation, and as the new creatures hated them as much as their father and mothers, they became the New Enemy of the Man and the Angel.
And the Gods wept.
So say the Gods.
The Official Word according to Lady Katrina, second chapter:
… It was not until it was too late that the Gods looked upon Etrilium and saw the destruction before them, and knew they could not assist Man and the Angel.
For although the Demon were strong, the might of Man and the Angels was too much, and they were banished to the Forests of Zion, becoming one with the Shadows and the Darkness.
It was there in the Shadows and with the curse of the Gods that they slowly grew sick with the Madness. Many Demons mated with Beasts as a form of revenge and sick desire, and a new species was born, a creature with the instincts of a Demon, and the conscious of a Beast.
The Angel and Man and even the Gods were unprepared for this result, and as the new creatures hated them as much as their father and mothers, they became the New Enemy of the Man and the Angel. However, the Gods promised to look after them for many Rotations to come.
And the Gods rejoiced that the Demon was no more.
So say the Gods.
The Word according to Lady Annabeth, the sixteenth chapter:
... But lo, there shall always be hope. A demon with the sky in thy eyes shall love unto the creature with heaven on its back; an angel whom sacrifice knows no boundaries... the shadow and the moon, engraved upon them, to forever to show of eternal life and love...
… and it is within them that the Eclipse will be born, and with all its combined darkness yet illuminating light shall cast unto Etrilium a New Age, to forever fight against the creatures who would have the world otherwise... to have the world become one...
So I say unto you, the walls shall fall between the three kingdoms, and peace shall once again fall upon these lands.
So say the Gods.
A/N: Why hello there… welcome to my fic of DOOM! :D
I do hope you enjoy this fic- it's based off of a role-play done with my dear friend known as Inkaugneato on this site. We've done a lot of role-play together, but this one takes the cake for my favorite, therefore it gets its own fan fiction. :3
You can expect this fic to be a lot different from other demon/angel fan fictions you may have read- obviously, it takes place not on Earth, but Etrilium, and demons and angels are not hell nor heavenly creatures, but intelligent species much like humans. The time it takes places in doesn't really matter, as it's a totally different world, but you can expect a bit of a steam-punk feel. Also, heterosexual and homosexuality has never been an issue in this world, so lack of surprise from any characters that may or may not notice a man x man or female x female relationship is because it is not looked on as a sin or being unnatural. However, because of this, the population of humans, angels, and demons is not as large as Earth's.
This is the prologue, therefore YES, it should be a bit confusing. XD
You can expect other pairings other than USUK as well. I won't name them because I would like you to be surprised :) NO cheating and looking at my profile for the pairings I like, because it may or may not follow them :O I KNOW! WTF is this, pIcKinGBloOdyrOSes?! Going outside comfort zone with pairings?! Unheard of!
Anyway, read and review, please! :3 And do check out Inkaugneato's Hetalia fan fiction's!