Hello! Before I start the chapter here's a little recap of what happened in the past chapters:

Percy assigned Michael to become close to senator Mears, other than hat Michael doesn't have specific instructions yet and doesn't really know what is going to happen.

Owen and Alex are now a couple (but there won't be any Olex in this chapter)

This chapter will start where the last one ended.

Nikita and Alex threw a fundraiser for the charity they're starting named NOLB. Owen and Alex went as a couple and Nikita went with her close friend Daniel Monroe. Michael had to be Nikita's bodyguard for the night. When the everyone has already left it's just Michael and Nikita. They dance and they talk and they kiss.

They won't be talking about their relationship status in this chapter but it will probably come up soon. This chapter is a lot more intense then the past chapters I've written but I felt it was necessary to move the story along.

I hope you like it!

Oh and I don't own Nikita or any of it's characters :(

The next day Nikita had slept in, and really who could blame her? After all, the past few weeks had been pretty hectic and last night had been a pretty late night. Not that she minded. As a matter of fact she would take being exhausted every day if it meant that she could spent her nights kissing and dancing with Michael. Thinking of Michael made her smile and gave her butterflies.

God, what is happening to me? I'm not the type of girl to get butterflies!

She shook her head and got out of bed. Getting ready for the rest of the day she wondered how things were going to be now between her and Michael.

I doubt anything will change. This is Michael after all. Big, serious, boring Michael who would never date his boss's daughter...

Nikita couldn't help but laugh at her own thoughts. She didn't think Michael was boring at all. He was probably one of the most interesting and mysterious guys she had ever met. But she still thought he was too serious for his own good.

Taking a deep sigh, she opened her bedroom door and walked into the hallway. When she came downstairs she had the feeling something was off. Not wrong, just off. Just as Nikita was about to go to her training room she ran into Owen. He seemed like he was in a hurry.

'Oh, hey Owen! I was just about to go and work out for a while. Would you like to come with me?'

'Uhm, no. I can't sorry. I've gotta go.'

Owen was already walking away but Nikita grabbed his hand and pulled him back.

'Owen, what the hell is going on?' She started getting worried.

'Nikita have you seen the news today?'

'Nooo... I just woke up like, half an hour ago. Why?'

'There's been an attack on one of your dad's colleagues. His house was set on fire and he and his family barely made it out alive. They are being treated at the hospital right now but they might not survive. We're just taking precautions in case the attacker is planning on killing another member of the senate.'

'What! Where's dad?' Okay, now she was really worried. Someone is trying to kill United States senators?!

'He's in his office, we are not letting him out of our sight. Michael is with him right now and we're going to go over more security details later.' Owen started walking again but was once again hold up by Nikita.

'Wait! Who was it? The senator, I mean?'

Owen only hesitated for a second but that was enough for Nikita. The tears were already building up in her eyes as she couldn't believe it. She needed Owen to say it out loud, or it just wouldn't be real.

'Who is it, Owen!'

Owen looked at the floor and mumbled those three words that Nikita hoped would never come.

'It's senator Monroe.'

No no no no no! This can not be happening! Everything was just fine yesterday! She and Daniel had been dancing and laughing, and sure he was a little bit too touchy feely but that didn't change the fact that he was her long time very good friend.

'Daniel?' It was all she could say.

'Like I said, they're all in a critical condition. I'm really sorry Nikita.'

She just nodded as tears started rolling down her cheeks.

'Right. I uhm, you should go. My dad and Michael are waiting for you.'

'Nikita, are you okay? I mean, I could stay here with you if you'd like. I'm sure John will understand.'

'No, you go. They need you. I'll be fine.' She managed to give him an unconvincing smile as he left. Owen knew better then to force Nikita to talk about her feelings.

As soon as he was gone she collapsed. She fell apart and started crying. She really couldn't believe how fast things had went and couldn't help but blame herself for Daniel getting hurt. If only she did have feelings for him. Maybe he wouldn't have been home when the house had caught fire. But then her more rational side started arguing that if they had been a couple she could've been with him at his house during the fire and then they both would've been laying in the hospital. After she'd gotten herself back together Nikita went back to her room to clean herself up. She needed to get all of her thoughts back in order.

Daniel was in the hospital and so were his parents. Senator Monroe had been attacked and her father could be next. This meant that she probably wouldn't be allowed to go to the hospital. They'd say it is too risky. As if she cared! She was going to see her friend wether they let her or not.

Nikita walked down the stairs and headed straight towards the front door. Of course one of the security buffoons was standing there. She just walked up to the door and acted as if there was nothing going on.

'Miss, I'm sorry but I'm afraid you're going to have to stay inside.'

'What do you mean i am going to have to stay inside? I'm a grown woman and I can go wherever the hell I want to!'

'I'm sorry ma'am. It's for your own safety.'

'Safety? Safety, my ass! My friend is in the hospital and he could very well die today! Like hell I'm going to let some security guard tell me I'm not aloud to go!.' Nikita started tearing up again as she really was starting to realize the hard reality of her own words.

Back at John's office they heard someone shouting and Michael and John went to see what was going on. They found Nikita shouting at the security guy. John instantly walked up to her.

'What's going on Niki?'

'What's going on? Seriously dad? Where you ever even going to tell me that Daniel was in the hospital? One of my oldest and closest friends?'

'Nik, I'm sorry. I've been really busy with everything that happened.'

'You're always busy dad. I just wished you would've taken the time and told me yourself.'

'I'm sorry, i really am. I'm just not thinking straight I guess. I lost my friend too you know.' He said softly looking straight in to her eyes.

'I know.' She hugged him and looked over his shoulders straight at Michael. He seemed to be really worried and she tried to give him a reassuring smile, but even she wouldn't be convinced at the smile she gave him.

Nikita let go of her father and turned serious.

'Dad, I have to go see him. I can't just stay here, okay?'

'Nikita, I'm sorry but I can not let you do that. None of us can leave this house for at least a few days. It's not safe outside.'

'I don't care.' Nikita was starting to get upset again and John noticed that.

'I do care! Nik, you and Seymour mean everything to me. You are my world, okay? If anything happened to you I wouldn't be able to live with myself.'

'Fine, whatever.' Without even glancing back at her dad or Michael, Nikita walked away and went straight to the backyard. There she started surveilling.

She knew were all the camera's were, that wouldn't be the problem. It's the security guards. In situations like these there are a lot of guards on the compound and they changed positions all the time, so how was she going to sneak past them? Then she remembered the small hiding place she had as a kid. Whenever Seymour, Alex and her were playing hide and seek she would hide there. There were no camera's, security wouldn't even bother to go there because it really was a forgotten spot. When they got older it no longer was a hiding spot, it was the spot Alex, Owen and Nikita would use to sneak out. Perfect!

She went straight to the wall at the east end of the compound that was covered with ivy. The wall wasn't that high so she could easily climb over it. No one would see her do it because the wall was covered by trees standing in front of it. She climbed over the wall and started running. As soon as she could't see the house anymore she stopped running and called a cab.

During the cab ride she was starting to feel pretty guilty. Her dad would be worried sick if he found out that she was gone. And later, he would be furious when she returned. And Michael, well, he would probably have the same reaction.

Sure, she was being selfish and reckless but she was just trying to be the friend Daniel deserved. He would do the exact same thing for her. The cab arrived at the hospital and Nikita started getting really nervous. What if they didn't let her see him?

She walked up to the receptionist and asked her where she could find Daniel Monroe. The receptionist immediately looked up and said:

'I'm sorry, but mister Monroe is not allowed to have any visitors at this moment. Only his immediate family is allowed to see him.'

'But I am practically his immediate family, he would want me to be there with him.' Nikita tried.

'I'm sorry ma'am there's really nothing I can do for you.'

'Could you at least tell me where his room is? Then I can just sit in the waiting room.'

'Of course dear. Right now he is still in our surgical wing, but he will soon be replaced to the intensive care unit. I suggest you wait there.'

'Thank you. Could you maybe show me how to get there?'

'Yes, you take the elevator to the 4th floor and then you follow the red signs.'

'Okay, 4th floor, red signs. Thanks a lot!' Nikita gave the receptionist a friendly smile before turning around and half running to the elevator.

As soon as she got to the waiting area she was immediately greeted by a familiar face.

'Granny?' Nikita walked over to the older woman, who was still pretty upset, and gave her a hug.

'Nikita darling! Thank you so much for coming! I didn't think you could, with the security threats and all that?'

'Of course I'm here granny. He would be here too, if the roles had been reversed.' She took the woman's hand as they went to sit down in the chairs.

When they were kids Nikita, Daniel and Seymour would go and stay at granny's house after school until there parents could come and pick them up. Nikita had always considered Daniels grandparents as her own so it really hurt her to see the woman so upset. She really didn't deserve this. Her husband had only died a year ago and now there was a pretty big chance that she would lose her last real family. Sometimes life could be so unfair.

'How is our little Seymour doing Nikki? It's been so long since I have seen him.'

Nikita couldn't help but smile a little. Granny's world was on the brink of falling apart and she was asking about the wellbeing of others.

'Well, same old same old, really. It always surprises me how little he has changed in his life.'

'So still a little nerd huh? Alway making his clever remarks. I loved having him around, he always brought me up to date with the newest technologies.'

Both woman chuckled at that. Then everything went quiet and the atmosphere grew more serious.

'He would be here if he could, granny. He's just not very good at dealing with... well, stuff like this.'

'I understand dear. And I also know that you aren't supposed to be here. You're father called me earlier to apologize for not being able to come. He said that your family couldn't take the risk.'

Nikita looked like a deer caught in the headlights. After recovering she took a deep breath and said:

'Listen granny, I know I'm not supposed to be here but I can't let you go through this alone. I can't just not be there for Daniel. He's always been there for me. Even after -' Nikita started getting tears in her eyes again 'even after I turned him down when he said that he wanted to be with me.'

'Oh, darling. Don't you even dare feel bad about that, okay? The heart wants what the heart wants. And even though Daniel didn't get what he wanted, he was always very grateful to have you in his life. Every time he came to visit me he would tell me about all the crazy stuff you did together with the rest of your friends. He valued you more as a friend than as a possible girlfriend Nikita.'

God, Nikita couldn't believe herself. Granny was losing everyone she loves, and yet she is the one crying while granny is comforting her.

'You know, he really means a lot to me too. It just sucks that I might not get the chance to say it to him anymore. We've been through so much together.'

When Nikita calmed down the two women continued telling each other stories about Daniel. Granny was telling this story of when Nikita and Daniel had wrapped themselves in gift-wrapping paper and had put a bow on their head. Nikita did vaguely remember this. It had almost been christmas and Nikita and Daniel wanted to give Granny the best present ever that year. So they asked Seymour to wrap them up in the cool wrapping paper with all the toys on. Then the two of them went to sit under the christmas tree and Seymour went to get Granny to tell her that she had a very special present.

'I walked in that room, Seymour tugging my hand, and saw the two of you sitting under that tree, completely wrapped. It was without a doubt, the cutest thing I had ever seen! I still have that picture standing on my desk.' The elder woman started getting teary eyes again and Nikita squeezed her hand and put her head on granny's shoulder. Right at that exact moment a tall man in a doctors coat entered the waiting room.

'Mrs Monroe?'

Back at the Mears residence

The men had been going over and over all of the security details for over an hour when one of the security guys came in.

'Sir, there is an Alex Udinov at the door. She says that you know her?'

John looked up from where he sat at his desk and said:

'Yes, Alex is family and is always allowed to enter the compound. Sent her in.'

A few minutes later they heard Alex walking through the door and only seconds after that they heard her knocking on the office door.

'You can just come in Alex, since when do you knock?' John said with somewhat of a smile.

'Well, I usually wouldn't but you know, i didn't really know if you'd be busy or whatever. I just uhm well, I just, I really can't believe what happened. I'm so sorry you almost lost your friend.' Alex could barely hold it together herself, Daniel had been her friend too. They were not as close as him and Nikita, but Alex still cared about him.

'Alex, you almost lost your friend too. Come here.' John got up and gave Alex a big, fatherly hug. She really was like a second daughter to him.

'Yeah... Have you heard anything?' she asked

'No, but granny Alice was going to call as soon as there was news.'

'Oh ok, well I should go and see how Nikita is doing. I can't imagine what she's going through right now.' She left the room again and went upstairs to look for Nikita.

While walking up the stairs she ran into Seymour, who also looked like he was having a rough day.

'Hey, how're you holding up Seymour?' She put her hand on his arm, stopping him on his way down.

'I'm holdin'. It just sucks that I can't go to him, you know... He was like the brother I never wanted but loved anyways.'

'Yeah, I know what you mean. Why aren't you with Nikita right now? I'm sure you guys could use each other at this moment.'

'Hah, tell that too Nikki. She tried to go and see him, but dad wouldn't let her. She got mad and left anyways. She used the secret getaway spot.'

'She left?!' Alex nearly shouted.

'Shhhhh, keep it down sister! We don't want everyone to know about it.'

Alex really couldn't believe Seymour let Nikita get away.

'Seymour, how could you let her do this? Seriously? Do you realize how stupid it is of her to go away right now?'

'First of all I didn't let her do anything. She does whatever the hell she wants, she's Nikki remember? And second if I had known earlier what she was going to do I would've gone with her. So Alex please don't tell dad okay? Nikki needs this and granny could use the company.'

Seymour could tell that Alex was considering it. Sure, he had his doubts wether or not to tell his father too, but at the end Seymour would always have Nikita's back. No matter how reckless she was being. Besides, it's not as if he wasn't keeping an eye on her. He had hacked in to the hospital security camera's as soon as he realized Nikki was gone.

'Fine, I won't tell John anything. But you do realize that we're all going to be in big trouble as soon as he realizes that Nikita is gone, right? I mean, I get that we have to give her this time with Daniel but John will always put her safety first.'

'Yeah, I know. But Nikki knew what she was doing when she snook out of here.'

They both went back to Seymour's room to keep an eye on Nikita. Alex wasn't really surprised about the whole 'hacking the hospital' thing. Seymour really was a genius that way.

Half an hour later the men where finally done going over all over the precautions they were going to take for the next few weeks. Owen was going to stay with John and Michael had to go and check on Nikita and Seymour.

To be honest, Michael had been on edge all day. He hadn't seen Nikita, besides when she was yelling at the security guard, and he had wanted to talk to her to see how she was doing. Obviously they weren't going to talk about last night yet because there were more important things but he still wanted to make sure she was okay. He had been a little shocked and, this is going to sound horrible, he had been somewhat jealous when he found out how close Nikita and Daniel really were. He wouldn't have guessed that judging from the way they were acting last night. They had a history and Nikita was really upset when she heard the news about Daniel.

Michael walked upstairs to Nikita's room and knocked carefully on the door.

'Nikita, are you there? It's Michael.' When no-one responded he opened the door and saw that her room was empty. He decided to go and see if maybe she was with Seymour. Again he knocked and asked if he could come in but this time he heard panicked whispers.

'Shit, well, it's too late now...' Seymour said.

Michael opened the door to only see Seymour and Alex sitting there.

'Where the hell is Ni-' thats when he saw the computer screen. And on that screen he saw Nikita and an elderly woman talking to a doctor. Michael was absolutely fuming!

'She is at the hospital? How can she be at the hospital, the security guy stopped her. Besides, you guys knew she was there, why didn't you come and tell us! Do you have any idea the risk she is taking going in public without any fucking protection!'

Michael had to remind himself to calm down, but for some reason he really couldn't. Nikita was out there with no protection whatsoever and they just let her.

'Mickey, listen, that's how we both responded at first. But Nikki wouldn't do this if it wasn't really important to her. She has to be there with her friend. You need to understand that.'

'I do understand that, Seymour, but I also understand that she is out there alone and that we don't need another person lying in that hospital. I have to tell your father and then I'm getting her back.'

Michael turned around and stormed out of the room.

'Phew, that went... as we expected.' Seymour said, still shaking. He had never seen Michael this upset.

'Yeah, well, you know how they feel about eachother. He's probably really worried.' Alex wasn't really paying attention to Seymour. She was listening for any indications that Michael really did tell John. 3, 2, 1 and...

'WHAT! How the hell did she get out of here?! Michael I want you to get her straight away. She will be upset but I need you to bring her back here okay? God, I can't believe she did this. Well, I can, she is Nikita after all but still...'

'Yes sir.' Michael once again left the room and before the front door closed behind him he could here John yelling:

'Seymour, Alex, come here right now please!'

Michael kept walking and shook his head. He'd never seen a family like this. They were perfect in a way, but also really messed up. When he reached the car he started worrying again. In the weeks that he had known Nikita, he had never seen her this upset and it really upset him too. After last night he couldn't really deny it anymore. He was falling for her, hard. And that worried him even more. He was putting her at risk. Michael started the car and headed straight towards the hospital. He had more important things to deal with right now.

He arrived at the hospital 15 minutes later and headed towards the elevator. He already knew where Daniels room was so he didn't have to go to the receptionist. He got out of the elevator and followed the red signs. The closer he got towards the waiting area, the more nervous he got. She wasn't going to be happy to see him. Taking a last turn, Michael took a deep breath and opened the door to the waiting room area, only to find it completely empty. He'd assumed that she would be there, but the doctor on the security cameras probably told the two women that they could go and visit Daniel and his parents.

When Michael reached Daniels room he could hear her voice. Nikita was talking to him. Michael stood there, not really sure what to do. Two minutes later Nikita stopped talking and started crying. Michael couldn't stand to see her like this and decided to make his presence known.

'Nikita.' He said, trying to speak in a comforting tone.

She was sitting down on the chair next to Daniels bed with her hands covering her face. When she heard Michaels voice she looked up and she looked really nervous.

'Michael-' she barely had a voice due to all the crying so she scraped her throat and tried again. 'Michael, what are you doing here?'

He really didn't know what to do right now. Was he supposed to be angry at her for leaving and putting herself at risk, making everyone worried sick about her? Or was he supposed to be the supportive friend? He really didn't know, so he just stood there looking at her.

'Michael, I know you're mad. You have every right to be okay? But I needed to do this for Daniel, for myself. I needed to see him, make sure he knows how much he means to me and how sorry I am that I couldn't love him the way he wanted me to.'

She started crying again and Michael couldn't just watch. He crossed the room and held her in a tight hug.

'I know, Nikita. God, I was so worried when I realized that you weren't at home but I understand, okay? So you don't have to worry about that.'

Nikita held on to Michael for dear life and she kept saying 'I'm sorry, I'm sorry.' Michael just stroked her hair and tried to calm her down. After five minutes or so he let go of her and put a loose piece of hair behind her ear. They looked each other in the eyes and both could see the love there, neither saying it of course.

After a few seconds Michael pulled back and put some distance between them.

'Nikita, I'm really sorry, but I have to take you back home. Your father is pretty upset.' He tried to say it as gentle as possible.

'I understand, Michael. Can I just have 5 more minutes with him please?' Nikita could tell Michaels hesitation, but he nodded anyway.

He said: 'I'll be outside.' and then he left.

Nikita returned her attention to Daniel. She took his hand with her to hands and said:

'I have to go Daniel, and I'm pretty sure I'm not going to be able to sneak out of the house again. But I'll try okay? And if I don't make it here again, then just... I love you okay? You're my friend an I will always love you. No matter what happens from here on out. Try to keep fighting will you? I'm sure granny and Seymour want to see that handsome smile of yours again just as much as I do.'

She got up, letting go of his hand and she could no longer contain her tears from flowing. She bent over and kissed his forehead

'Don't leave us okay?' She gave him one last look before leaving the room and walking up to where Michael was standing. She wiped away her tears and said:

'I just need to say goodbye to granny Alice and then you can take me back home.'

After granny Alice and Nikita had said their goodbyes and granny had promised Nikita that she would keep her updated, Michael and Nikita left the intensive care.

They didn't say anything but Michael could tell that Nikita was trying to hold back her tears. When they got in the elevator they stood next to each other and Nikita took Michaels hand. He squeezed her hand lightly to let her know he was there for her and before they could look at each other the elevator doors opened and they got out. Never letting go of each other.

As soon as they reached the car Michael let go of Nikita's hand and opened her door for her. Then he got in the car himself and started driving back home. There was a comfortable silence between them . Nikita seemed to have calmed down since she had left the hospital and decided to break the silence.

'So dad's never going to let me leave the house again, is he?' she looked at Michael and she could tell he was holding back a smile.

'Nikita, you're 24. I hardly doubt your father is going to give you house arrest.' He kept his eyes on the road, but he could feel her watching him.

'I don't know Michael. I feel like he doesn't always remember that I am 24. I mean, I get why he didn't want me to leave the house today, I get that I was taking a huge risk. But I think I'm old enough to decide where I can and can't go. I'm 24 years old. I've been thinking about it a lot lately.'

'You've been thinking about what a lot?' Michael asked curiously.

'Moving out and getting my own place. But I just don't know. I really love it at home. My entire family is there and I have everything I ever wanted, but maybe it's time for me to move on and start a new chapter. When I'm on my own, I won't have to listen to dad and his security men, no offense, I could just go where I want to go, without getting interrogated first.'

Michael started to tense up. If she moved out, he wouldn't get to see her anymore. Or at least not as often. He was pretty sure that if she left, the fun dynamic at the house would leave too.

'I get where you're coming from, I guess. But that really isn't something you should decide right now Nikita. And besides, even if you had been living by yourself when all of this happened, your life would've still been at risk and you would've found yourself in the exact situation you're in now.'

'Yeah, I guess you're right.' After a few minutes of silence Nikita started talking again

'Michael, can I ask you a question?'


'Why are you here? I mean, why are you a security guy? With your background you could be doing so many other things.'

'What do you know about my background Nikita?' He tried to come across as teasing but inside he was really panicking. What does she know?

Before saying anything she gave Michael a mischievous glance.

'I may or may not have broken in to my dad's office and read your file.'

Michael smiled at that and on the inside he was really relieved. Of course she did that.

'Right, why am I not surprised?' They both chuckled at that as Michael took his final turn and the house was was in sight.

Nikita tensed up again and was really nervous now. Michael noticed.

'Hey, don't worry. I'll have you're back okay?' He gave her a reassuring smile as he stopped the car in front of the house.

They got out together and walked towards the house where her father was waiting for her.

Meanwhile at Division

Percy was talking to Amanda in operations when one of his agents walked inside the room.

'Sir, fase 1 is complete. Senator Monroe and his family won't survive their wounds and will die within the next few days.'

'Excellent work Agent Tom. I'm sure senator Mears will take the threat very serious. Let's start planning fase 2. We need to get Michael back here for about an hour or so to brief him on our next plan.'

'I'll have Sonya sent Michael a message.' Amanda said.

'Great, everything is going exactly according to plan. If things keep going this well, it should all be over in 2 or 3 weeks. Michael can return and the government will be under my control.' Percy left and went to his office. Could this day work out any better?

Tadaaah ! I know there wasn't much Mikita in this chapter (I tried) but I felt that it was important to show how Daniels death would effect Nikita. Michael doesn't know that this was Division (although he suspects). The next chapter will be VERY MUCH MIKITA oriented.

I'm really trying to get the story moving because I don't have much time to write anymore. I'm sorry it took me so long to update. I'll do my best to update within the next few weeks.

Thank you for reading and please review! ;)