The interviews. I know I know this is a short chapter, Merry Christmas and the next chapter is the bloodbath so get excited but hopefully chapters will get better and longer once it gets into the games!

Belladonna hurries around, "Oh my god, oh my god, oh my goddd!" she teeters around speedily in her heels "GET IN PLACE!" She roared at the girls, Wondra, Savannah, Flora, Pearl, Alyssa, Kitty, Atreyu, Victoria, Daisy, Taylor, Raven and Malia are all stood in a scattered mess blocking the hallway "GOD avox you're no USE! GET THEM INTO PLACE!" Belladonna shouted she then shook off her anger and smiled presumabley in a reassuring way only Daisy smiled back young and overly kind. Belladonna emerged from her dressing room five minutes later her bright blue hair curly and bouncy, she swishes around in her bright orange dress and heels the same colour as her hair, "Lets go to the stage girls!" she leads all 12 of the female tributes to the stage.

Tanya Sasick's POV (Capitol viewer):

"So Wondra tomorrow you are going into the games are you nervous?" The girl from 1 in her light orange dress shakes her head "of course not. I can see why some people are, because they don't have a chance" she smiles slyly and I gasp oh how exciting competitiveness! "Keegan what is your bloodbath strategy?" "Simple go in kill, survive and get supplies" he grinned widely before being replaced by Savannah "Sav-" "Dagger call me Dagger or that it what will meet your throat" she said laughing but I can see by the hardness in her eyes that she wasn't joking. "Ok- Dagger- why is it that you have this as your nickname?" She smiles "Well not only am I legendary with a dagger but my parents quality check send the weapons here to the hunger games back at home!" "Ah so you must know soo much inside information about the weapons in the games already!" She nodded slowly "My father had a dagger specially made for me-"

"Yes there is a lot of promise in the career pack this year and I do think the winner is from district 2!" Rowan Fightheart answered CaesarBot smirking. "Flora why do you think that you will survive the bloodbath?" Flora Lyne looked surprised "I didn't say I thought I could but I might I am intelligent, stealthy, speedy and I am good with a blow gun"

Hope you enjoyed this little slice of a chapter Review Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whatever you celebrate 3