A/N: Hello all with a special shoutout to Lexie - hope you like this chapter. This is the final chapter of the story. Don't worry I will be posting the sequel next week.

Before we get to all of that, I must sadly announce the departure of ChaoticSymphonyofDarkness. She has some matters to attend to and I wish her all the best of luck and I send my love to her. She is a great writer and a fabulous human being and it is my only wish that I could help her through what she is dealing with at the moment. I hope that all of you will share in my wishes and that she comes back soon. If you have read our story "Who Comes Calling", I will wait for my friend's return before anything more is posted. I at least owe her that much and I can never repay her for the friendship she has shown me. Thank you, my friend. I hope that we can speak again soon.

Chapter 40

Fiyero almost died right there. Elphaba lunged at him and used both good straw arms to stop her.

"I'm here and I'm safe," he told her. This time the tears were for joy as she cried into his shoulder.

"I'm afraid that unless there is a medical emergency, Miss Fae will have to refrain from using her magic," Brrr hated to interrupt but they had a serious problem on their hands. Fiyero looked at his lover and discovered what he meant.

"Your green is showing," he whispered to her. Something he didn't have a problem with but he knew that the soldiers would.

"Glinda's spell is not powerful enough to override whatever you are doing when you cast a spell. She never was as powerful as you," he chuckled.

"I will cast a new one as soon as I can," she nodded as he wiped away the tears.

"I hate that you have to do that to yourself," Fiyero admitted.

"It is in everyone's best interest that I do. The Wicked Witch must stay dead," she told him.

"One day, she won't have to," Fiyero smiled. They both knew better but now that the Gale Force was in the Village, being herself would never be an option.

"Well that day is not today and now we have to show the new you to the Captain," Elphaba smiled back as she stood up, drying her eyes one more time.

"Yes we do," he smiled and the two walked off to find the military officer. Brrr smiled to himself and wondered if everyone knew the real Elphaba then all their problems would be solved.

Sergeant Zetti arrived on the morning five days after he and his little squad left. They carried with them supplies to make homes, medical necessities, and of course letters from Glinda. One letter was addressed to Miss Fae and the other the Captain. Zetti parceled out what went where and rebuilding quickly got back under way. He was then called into a meeting with the Captain and King Brrr.

"What news from the Emerald City?" Khalil asked. He had shoved the letter Lady Glinda had sent him into his uniform pants pocket.

"Lady Glinda is requesting your presence as soon as possible. Things are stable in the big city but the Captain of the Guard needs to be at her side rather than out in the far reaches of the Oz. She also conveys her concern for your well-being and the well-being of the Village inhabitants especially King Brrr. She wishes to make a move on Animal rights and it will be tough to do so without definitive proof of the King's existence," Zetti explained.

"The Council is giving her grief aren't they?" Khalil asked.

"Personally sir I'd like to take them out of their cushy little offices and string them up by their shorts but I'm sure our allies would not take kindly to that," the Sergeant smirked.

"You and me both Zetti but you're right. Too many people were harmed by the Wizard and Morrible, leaving Glinda in charge, despite the fact that she's perfectly capable, would make people nervous," the Captain shook his head.

"If I may, sir, be as so bold to say that, perhaps she wouldn't seem like a magical overlord if she was married to a strapping young man you knew his way around an army," Zetti pointed out. To this the Captain almost reached across the table the three sat at and strangled him for mentioning anything.

"Captain, please do not pretend that those letters you get are strictly business letters," Brrr spoke up. He'd seen the look on the Captain's face when he'd received it.

"Besides sir do you really think she'd send just any Captain of the Guard letters…?" Zetti was on a roll only because he knew that the King was backing him up.

"I knew of only one and he broke her heart. So please tell me you do not intend to do so," Brrr said. At this point, Khalil knew that the men had him cornered.

"Gentlemen, as soon as the housing is settled, the King and I will travel back to the Emerald City," that ended the conversation as he stood and left the room.

"You're going to get yourself shot, you know," Brrr smirked.

"It will have been worth it," Zetti chuckled.

The End