For those few of you following the story, I apologise for the long wait! Dance has been taking up all my free time and my exams are in four weeks time, so I don;t have much time for updating. But I will finish this story, no matter how long it takes! This is a relatively short chapter, I'm sorry! The next one will be longer.
Also to address one of my reviews, someone stated that this is completely AU and that Batman loves Selina. Her being a criminal only adds to the turmoil in his life. Right... Because we all know what Bruce needs is even more turmoil in his life. Not to be rude or anything, I appreciated that insight. It's just that it's not much to work on, I don't know how to improve based on that. So yup. You know the drill, read, and review! :)
Disclaimer: I don't own them, although, how cool would it be for a 14 year old to own the Justice League?

Diana walked back and forth, pacing endlessly in her modest room at the Watchtower. She couldn't stand it. It has been over a week since that incident occured, and yet she stil can't get a certain dark knight off her mind. Was this what it feels like in Man's World? Maybe her mother and sisters were right all along, Man's World is a terrible, heart breaking and corrupted place. But she found hope here. She found her friends, her new family, and most importantly; the love of her life. If she were to be completely honest, she had planned on helping the strange Martian who kept calling out to her with the invasion before returning to Thymescira and plead for forgiveness. She would reason that because the whole World was at stake, her beloved Paradise would also be directly or indirectly affected, no matter how their gods protected them. She would probably get punished, but after a few months, all would return to normal.

But she was so enthralled, so enchanted by Man's World. She was so shocked to find that not all Men were what her sisters told her about. She grew interested in Man's World, amazed by their antics and bizarre ways. Also, she saw that this World required a protector. Sure, the man only known to her as the one in blue and red was extremely strong, and certainly capable enough to protect this planet. The Martian was definitely powerful, and was able to defend himself against others. The fast one in red, was quick on his feet, both literally and figuratively. He wouldn't have any trouble at all, protecting the Earth. The one in green was a little tough on her at first, but he was strict, disciplined and his power was astonishing. Her fellow sister with the wings, had a fury and wrath to match an Amazon, it wasn't hard at all to tell that she was also a warrior by blood. She could have very well left, and nothing would have changed. The Earth would still be safe. These men she met, with gifts bestowed upon them, immediately gained her trust. After all, they all had a similar reason for fighting for peace and justice, instead of what she was taught men were supposed to be. Power grabbing, good for nothings who fight all day long; they all had a gift, which they could share by helping the world. It was the right thing to do.

However, she could not figure out the mysterious one in black, the one who called himself, "Batman". He was an ordinary mortal, who could have had a normal life with a family. He had no special abilities, only a belt with weapons. What was he doing here, with the rest of them? Risking his life to save others, when he owed them absoulutely nothing? He was the one that made her stay. He always had this pull, she would always get drawn in to him. He was the one, she truly respected. He was also the one that proved to her, that Man's World wasn't beyond hope, it could still be saved. Sure, there were horrendous people around. But she was sure that this "Batman" wouldn't be the only non-gifted warrior, fighting for peace and justice. Thus, she stayed. She stayed to help make the World a better place.

But right now, should she still stay? Her beliefs remain, she knows she can contribute alot to the league. But without Wonder Woman, would things really be different? Her powers were identical to Superman's after all. Nothing would change. But she stayed, so she could learn more about this World, and about Batman, about Bruce. She had already learnt plenty about the World, she knew more or less, how humans behaved, how humans talk, think, react, and she was glad. Glad that Man's World was still in reach of saving. They were not beyond hope, as her mother had put it.

Her only reason was Bruce. And now that he's gone... Does she really have a reason to stay anymore? She thought about Shayera and John. They were so in love, she just knew they were destined to be together. J'onn, like her, was slowly finding a place in this new strange World. Settling down, trying to find out about the ways of the planet. He would be alright. So would Wally and Kal-El, they both had their separate lives. Up till now she was convinced that Bruce had feelings for her, but after what happened, she's sure he only has Selina in his heart. They would be alright.

She went to her closet and packed everything she could find. She had no plans to return to stay at the Watchtower. She would inform J'onn to contact her telepathically when her help was needed, but other than that, she would have nothing to do with the League. She knew it would hurt her friends, but right now she needed to be alone. Atleast for a long while. When she feels she has gotten over Bruce, she would perhaps return, and become a fulltime member once again. She wrote a quick note to J'onn, Superman, Shayera, Wally and John, explaining herself and told them not to come looking for her unless it was an emergency. Explaining that she needed to find her place in the World, and that she needed to explore the world herself for awhile, she left her note on her clean, pressed bed and went on packing her clothes. She stopped when she came across a black garment. Memories of the night she figured out his identity and the first night they danced came into her mind once again. She remembered how it felt like, the warmth of his skin against hers, the way he said her name, the way he wrapped his strong arms around her. All of it brought tears to her eyes and confirmed what she already knew, that she needed to get out of here, and find someone new. She left the black garment in the closet and shut it tightly. Maybe she couldn't leve the past behind, but she wasn't going to bring any fragments of it into her new, and hopefully happier, life. She rapidly packed the rest of her belongings, leaving all photographs behind, except one of the seven of them Wally had taken during Clark's birthday celebration. Shayera was busy throwing cake at John, who grinned lovingly at her while wiping cake on her face. Wally was busy stuffing his mouth with so much cake he couldn't speak. J'onn and Superman were talking about their planets and how they came to love Earth as their own, they both had a serene, peaceful smile on their faces. Bruce was explaining the importance of a birthday to her. After all, immortals didn't have to care about the day they came into the world, they would stay forever. She had made a silly comment, and Bruce had let out a rare grin. Wally, with his quicker-than-light-reflexes, had immediately snapped a picture, before running back to join everyone in the photo. It was the happiest she remembered being with them. She decided she would atleast have one reminder of the past, if not of him, reminder of her friends, her new family. She packed it in and hurridly cleared the room, before anyone could notice what she was planning to do.

With a heavy heart, she picked up the phone and made a call to the only person she knew, living on Earth.

"She's gone."

"Impossible. She would never leave us."

"It's true alright. Diana, she left us a note. She left."

Bruce Wayne felt the familliar sting of heartbreak as Shayera broke the news. The League was worried. It wasn't like Diana to stay in her room the whole day. So at night, they tried calling her but she didn't respond. Hence, the five males waited in the meeting room while Shayera went into Diana's room to see what was wrong with her.

"She can't. She couldn't have left."

"Face it, Batman. She left. And she doesn't want to come back."

Batman stomped out of the meeting room and rushed into Diana's room, hoping to find her lying on her bed, hoping that Shayera was lying. But he didn't. All that met him was a cold, empty room. He opened the cupboard to find it completely emptied out. When he was about to close it, a piece of black garment caught his eye. He bent down and picked it up, immediately recognising it as the dress she wore that night in Paris. He brought it up to his face and breathed in heavily. Her smell was still on the dress. He understood immediately, she was leaving the past behind, moving on. And the knowledge that she wanted to forget all about him, shattered what was left of his already broken heart.