My entry for Rutter66463s' contest!

"Come on, Nina. You can do it..." Fabian said to his wife. She glared at him.

"How would you know? Have you given birth before? NO! Now do me a favor and SHUT UP!" Fabian smiled inside. They were at the hospital, where Nina was about to give birth to his twin baby girls, Sarah and Shaylee (or Shay for short). He wiped the sweat off her forehead and she quickly grabbed his hand. He stayed quiet for the rest of the 5 minutes for Shaylee, then the other 5 for Sarah. The nurse gave Shay to Fabian and Sarah to Nina, when they were cleaned up. Fabian looked down at his little girl, and Nina knew that Shay was gonna be a daddy's girl. Which meant that Fabian was gonna be very protective of her. She looked down at Sarah for a second but looked back up when she heard Fabian talking to Shaylee.

"You're not dating until I'm dead. No, 2 days after I'm dead, just to make sure I'm really dead." Nina laughed. They had went to see Ice Age 4 when she was about 5 months pregnant. He looked at her, with a smile on his face. "She's mine."

"As long as I get Sarah." He nodded. As long as he gets Shaylee he doesn't care.

5 Months Later

"Fabian, Shays' crying!" Nina shouted to her husband. She watched as Fabian ran to the nursery, as Nina got the bottles. Fabian came back out and Nina threw him the bottle for Shaylee, and she took Sarah's and went to go feed her. When she got to the nursery, she saw Fabian feeding Shaylee. She knew Shaylee only calmed down for daddy, and it made her smile. Sarah whined, making Nina sigh and go over to her crib. Sarah instantly stopped whining when she saw her bottle in her mommys' hand. She smiled and put her arms up, indicating that she wanted to be picked up and fed.

"See? I told you." Fabian said. Fabian and Nina had fought the other day about how smart Shay and Sarah are. Fabian had said that they knew what a bottle was, and Nina disagreed. It's clear that Fabian had won, much to Nina's dismay.

"Alright, fine. You win." Nina said, walking over with Sarah, kissing Fabian's cheek before leaving the room with Sarah.

Please Review!
