Lily had just gotten into an argument with Severus. He had tried to talk to her again, but Lily wanted nothing to do with him.
She grumbled, "If he thinks of me as a 'mudblood', then he shall keep away from my dirty blood." With a scowl on her face, she grabbed her book bag and hurried down the corridors, making her way to the library. Her thoughts were

crowded and she was barely paying attention to where she was going. She was quickly turned around a corner and ran into someone. She stumbled backwards, dropping her book bag, "Oof!" She bent down to pick up her books which had spilled out of her bag. The guy who she had knocked into bent down as well and gathered up her books, slipping them inside her bag and handing it to her. "Here ya go, Evans." She looked into the eyes of James Potter, his usual obnoxious smirk and glasses. If Lily hadn't been in such a bad mood, she would have laughed out loud at the sight of his hair, which were jet black and impossible as ever, sticking out in every direction. James spoke up, "You're cute when you're flustered." Lily grew even redder at that. She was in no mood for Potter's flirting. James started to stutter. Somehow, he always lost his cool when he talked to Lily, and he lost his train of thought whenever he looked into her green eyes.

In an attempt to save himself, he continued, "Not that you aren't cute on any other day! I mean, you're cute in general! Pretty hot too... uh.. I mean you're always cute! Cute? Pretty? Yeah." He scratched the back of his head, turning red.

Lily groaned in disgust and rolled her eyes, "Save it, Potter." And with that she stood up and walked away, leaving James embarrassed. When Lily got to the library and took out her books, she found a note in her bag with a beautiful and delicate white rose. The note read, "Red roses are a bit mainstream, don't you think? -J.P."

That put a smile on Lily's face for the first time the entire day..