A/N: Okay, this is the official sequel to "What's Hidden" So, here's the deal. This is a chapter by chapter recap of "What's Hidden" for those of you who did not read it, or for those who did and just need a refresher. I wanted to make it so you didn't necessarily have to read that one to read this. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!
Notes all are regarding Rachel unless otherwise noted:
Ch. 1: Prologue
Ch. 2: Rachel's Week From Hell - Monday
Accidental cut while shaving legs, transfixed on the site of the blood
Slushy shower
Quinn doesn't laugh, but is concerned
First cut
Cut total: 5
Ch. 3: Rachel's Week From Hell - Tuesday
Insults from the Glee Club
Finn doesn't stand up for her
Quinn watching out for her
No plans to stop with the cutting
Cut total: 15
Ch. 4: Rachel's Week from Hell - Wednesday
Quinn still keeping an eye out and protecting Rachel without her knowledge
Day two of clingy Finn
Dance classes cancelled
Jeep won't start
No cuts today, total remains at 15
Ch. 5: Rachel's Week from Hell - Thursday
Cuts before school
Appetite returns
Quinn says "Hi" and smiles
Clingy Finn, day three
Tossed into the dumpster by jocks
Quinn pulls her out, noticing the blood on Rachel's arm
Quinn begins to figure out Rachel's secret
Vows to be more careful
Cut total: 20
Ch. 6: Rachel's Week From Hell - Friday
Catches Finn cheating
2 more cuts in the school bathroom
Breaks you with Finn
Tells off Finn, the Glee Club, and Schue
Quinn follows Rachel and tries to apologize
Shelby seeing the girls at the park
Cut total: 22
Ch. 7: Rachel's Week from Hell - Saturday
Dads have been gone for a week, will be gone for another
Dads are home for less then 1 weekend a month, a day or two at a time
Cut total: 22
Ch. 8: Rachel's Week from Hell - Sunday, Part 1
Wakes up in the living room
Unable to fall back asleep, decides to cut
Cut total: 35
Ch 9: Rachel's Week from Hell - Sunday, Part 2
Bleeds through the bandages, leaving blood on the sheets
Sees Shelby in the grocery store with Beth for the first time and instantly recognizes the baby
Rachel confronts Shelby in the store
Sees Shelby in the parking lot and refuses to acknowledge her
Quinn sees Rachel crying on her way home and follows her to her house
Rachel confronts Quinn about seeing Beth with Shelby and asked what she did to make Quinn hate her.
Quinn tells her that she doesn't blame Shelby for throwing her aside, that she would have done the same
Quinn asks Rachel if she's hurting herself, causing Rachel to panic
Quinn decides to talk to Miss Pillsbury to help Rachel
Quinn plans to gain Rachel's trust and help her, like it or not
Rachel feels alone and hates herself, also has lost a bit of weight
Cut total: 35
Ch. 10: Busted
Rachel gets called to Miss Pillsbury's office because of Quinn
Rachel is able to lie to Miss Pillsbury that she is okay and explains the truth about quitting Glee
Rachel gets slushied, Quinn leads her to the bathroom, Rachel yells and tells her she knows she told and kicks her out
Re-opens 2 cuts on the elliptical out of frustration
Cut total: 35
Ch. 11 Getting Under Her Skin
Quinn's P.O.V
Quinn decides to be Rachel's protector for the day
Quinn noticed slushy on the floor by Rachel's locker
Rachel refuses to acknowledge Quinn in any way
Quinn threatens Karofsky that Rachel is now off limits
Santana, Mercedes, and Kurt circle Rachel and yell, Quinn threatens them to back off
Quinn takes Rachel to the bathroom where Rachel breaks down on Quinn
Quinn sings to Rachel which calms her down
Rachel agrees to Quinn's offer to help, but only after she proves herself worth trusting
Quinn tells Rachel that she doesn't want her to feel alone anymore
Cut total: 35
Ch. 12 Well, It's a Start
Mr. Shu tells Rachel he's willing to overlook her attitude if she comes back to Glee Says the other students did nothing wrong, only she did
Quinn stands up to Mr. Shu on Rachel's behalf
Rachel invites Quinn over for the night
Rachel answers the door, letting Quinn in, wearing a t-shirt and not hiding her arms
Cut total: 35
Ch. 13 The Sleep Over
Rachel noticed Quinn looking at her arm, Rachel pulls away. When Quinn tries to apologize, she tells her not to and that she's trying to become more comfortable about her and is not ready to talk about it yet, but the shirt is a start for her
Rachel allows Quinn to see the cuts on her thighs later that night
Rachel begins to talk about her dads not being around
Rachel tells Quinn about how Shelby walking away hurt her
Rachel tells Quinn that she forgives her for their past
Phone rings at 2am; Rachel's dad
Cut total: 35
Ch. 14 It'll Be Alright
Rachel's dads will be back later than planned due to the weather
Both girls realize they are starting to have feelings for one another
Rachel admits to only seeing her dad for a few days here and there every month and that she thinks that they don't want her and that they regret having her
Rachel asks Quinn to sing to her
Cut total: 35
Ch. 15 Quinn's Idea
Quinn is protective of Rachel even in her sleep
Rachel finds comfort in Quinn's arms
Quinn offers to stay until her dads return
Rachel gives Quinn a spare key for the house
Cut total: 35
Ch. 16 It's Time To Talk
Quinn's mom is away for a few days
Rachel's daddy doesn't tell her that he loves her on the phone
15 cuts added in the shower
Quinn find Rachel in the shower, naked, bleeding, and sobbing
Quinn realizes she's getting turned on seeing Rachel naked
Quinn tells Rachel that it's time that they talk about the cutting
Cut total: 50
Ch. 17 Breathe
Rachel tells Quinn when and why she started cutting
Rachel breaks down again, Quinn sings again to calm her
Quinn finds Rachel in her dad's room. She tells the that they still love her
Santana seeing Rachel and Quinn out, Quinn threats Santana
Cut total: 50
Ch. 18 I'm Ready
They hold hands throughout the movie, Quinn initiates it
Rachel sings for Quinn
Rachel is ready to talk to Quinn
Cut total: 50
Ch. 19 Keep Holding On
Rachel tells Quinn she feels like she not worthy of being loved
Cuts for control
Not ready to stop cutting yet
Quinn apologizes for everything when she thinks Rachel is asleep
Quinn tells Rachel that she thinks that she likes her as more than a friend but can't tell her when she's awake for fear of rejection
Rachel kisses Quinn and tells her she likes her as well
Cut total: 50
Ch. 20 Teach Me?
Rachel admits to still being a virgin
Quinn asks Rachel to be her girlfriend. Rachel says yes
Quinn asks Rachel to teach her to masturbate
Cut total: 50
Ch. 21 The Deed
Rachel teaches Quinn to masturbate, along with demonstrating it for her and watching Quinn do it as well
Cut total: 50
Ch. 22 It Was Going To Be A Good Day
Semi-sexy times in the shower
Quinn tells Rachel she's not ashamed of her in any way
Cut total: 50
Ch. 23 The Dance Off
The girls take a trip to the mall
Quinn noticed Shelby watching them at the mall
Shelby noticed Rachel's arms
Very good day for both girls
Cut total: 50
Ch. 24 Rachel Breaks, Again
Quinn refuses to hide that Rachel is her girlfriend
Santana gets pissed that they are dating, Quinn tells her off again
Karofsky attacks Rachel, Santana protects her
Rachel doesn't relax for Quinn
Cut total: 50
Ch. 25 Shelby Returns
Shelby pays Rachel a visit
Shelby confronts Rachel about the cuts she saw the day before
Both Rachel and Quinn tell off Shelby
Rachel shuts herself in the bathroom, but unlocks the door for Quinn when she tells her she won't come in
Rachel pulls away from Quinn
Both girls break down
Quinn prays
Cut total: 70
Ch. 26 The Surprise
Quinn feels guilty for giving Beth to Shelby and potentially ruining any chance Rachel had at having a mom
The Berry men will be home for less than four days before leaving again
Rachel is still very jumpy and quiet around Quinn, but does allow one hug
Quinn returns home since the Berry men are back
Cut total: 70
Ch. 27 Kicked Out
Russell is back in the Fabray house, him and Judy are back together
Russell slaps Quinn, twice
Quinn tells her parents that she's gay and dating Rachel
Quinn is kicked out again, this time for good
Quinn shows up on Rachel's doorstep
Cut total: 70
Ch. 28 Quinn's Confession
Berry men approve of Quinn staying
Rachel apologizes for pulling away
Quinn tells why she told her parents
Cut total: 70
Ch. 29 The Family Talk
Quinn is still in shock in the bathtub when Rachel returns to her room. She washes her and helps her get dressed
Quinn tells Rachel's dad what she did to her in the past
Quinn admits that Russell has hit her all her life
Quinn starts to feel like she belongs somewhere
Cut total: 70
Ch. 30 Quinn Steps In
Quinn's new bedroom gets redecorated
Surprise visit from Santana
Quinn tells Santana what happened
Rachel allows Quinn to tell Santana that she has been cutting
Santana promises to help both girls
Santana admits to cutting herself, but has stopped
Rachel is furious when she finds out her dads are leaving for another month
Quinn holds on to Rachel so she won't cut herself and Rachel struggles to get away from her
Quinn texts Santana for help
Cut total: 70
Ch. 31 Santana Takes Control
Santana realizes that Rachel is starting to panic because she is scared in Quinn's tight hold Santana makes Quinn let her go
Santana helps Rachel get through her panic attack
Rachel is still hiding something
Cut total: 70
Ch. 32 The Truth Comes Out
Rachel feels like an inconvenience, useless, and unloved
Rachel admits to thinking of killing herself, a handful of times and still does
Santana tells Quinn that she plans to stay with them so they aren't alone and have more support
Cut total: 70
Ch. 33 Santana's Story
The Berry men have left again
Santana started to cut after her mom left, and did for two years
Santana tells Rachel that she intentionally pointed her out so that everyone would be laughing at her while she put her life back together
Santana sets a few basis "rules" for Rachel.
Santana and Rachel end on friendly terms
Cut total: 70
Ch. 34 Plans
Nothing important happens, playful banter between the girls
Plans for the day/Santana staying arranged
Cut total: 70
Ch. 35 What Did I Get Us In To
Rachel and Quinn's shower time gets interrupted by Santana
Rachel tells Santana where the rest of her cuts are and why she was bleeding the day Karofsky attacked her
Cut total: 70
Ch. 36 I'm Proud Of You
Rachel and Santana notice Shelby at the grocery store
Massive shopping trip for all
Rachel wardrobe is cleaned out
Santana makes Quinn let Rachel have some alone time in the bathroom to think considering her world as been turned upside down. She knows she's not going to cut.
Santana finds no evidence of blood when she checks after Rachel's asleep
Cut total: 70
Ch. 37 Strange
Rachel is terrified for school
Santana declares Rachel off limits
Rachel is quiet and unsocial at school
Mr. Shu apologizes to Rachel
Cut total: 70
Ch. 38 Talk To Me
Quinn's not sure what to do when she gets home
Quinn finds Rachel in her bra an underwear on the bathroom floor. She has cut, but is playing with a razor blade
Quinn tells Rachel that it's ok if she cuts and that she probably will while she's trying to stop. Rachel gives Quinn the blade
Rachel asks Quinn to talk to her
Cut total: 70
Ch. 39 I Love You
Quinn still has regrets over giving up Beth
Rachel wants to go back to glee
Rachel hasn't eaten since her breakfast smoothie
The Berry have legal custody of Quinn
Quinn can't forgive herself for what she did to Rachel
Quinn tells Rachel she loves her when Rachel's asleep
Cut total: 70
Ch. 40 Slushied
Rachel looks at herself naked in the mirror is disgusted and vows to skip a few meals and increase her exercise
Santana notices Rachel flinch when Brittany hugs her - askes Quinn when she cut, and Quinn tells her that she didn't the night before
Quinn and Rachel are the only two who know about Santana's cutting -Brittany does not
Rachel gets two slushies
Quinn notices Rachel's change of clothes
Rachel sneers at Quinn to leave her alone when she asks
Cut total: 85
Ch. 41 She Needs Help
Quinn slushies the jocks that got Rachel, along with a kick to the groin
Rachel runs away when she's let go
Quinn realizes that Rachel really needs help
Rachel goes for a run after school, Quinn falls asleep, wakes two hours later and Rachel's still not home
Rachel ends up sitting in front of Shelby's house, lost
Santana picks Rachel up from Shelby's
Rachel tells off Shelby again, but does show her a moment of thanks
Santana tells Rachel that she knows that she cut and needs to strip and take off all bandages
Cut total: 85
Ch. 42 Dr. Santana
Santana explains to Rachel that this is not being done to call her out or put her on the spot, she just needs to see how bad it has gotten
Santana shows her cuts; close to 100 on each hip
Santana realizes that one of the cuts on Rachel's stomach is infected
Santana tells Quinn she's shocked that Rachel is letting them in like this, but that it's a good thing because it means that she knows that she needs help and is starting to reach out
Quinn realizes that Rachel hasn't truly forgiven their past
Quinn is close to falling apart, but doesn't want to add more problems for Rachel
The infected cut isn't that bad and needs to be watched closely. Will need antibiotics if it gets worse
Santana notices that Rachel is more calm/relaxed the rest of the night while Quinn looks ready to break down
Cut total: 85
Ch. 43 Disowned
Rachel and Brittany have history - same dance class since age 3
Quinn's belongings show up on the doorstep. She is disowned
Quinn asks Santana what it's like to cut
Quinn has a break down
Quinn tells Rachel that she tried to cut but couldn't
Rachel feels guilty and that everything is her fault. She plans to close herself off from the girls and act like she's okay, even if it kills her in the process
Cut total: 85
Ch. 44 Glee!
The girls go back to Glee
Quinn is now talking to one of the girl, usually Rachel, when something is bothering her
Rachel continues to pull into herself
Cut total: 115
Ch. 45 Finn Shows Up
Finn shows up and wants Finchel back together. Rachel refuses
Finn kisses Rachel and Quinn sees
All hell breaks loose - Quinn and Santana are both pissed
Cut total: 115
Ch. 46 Brittany Seeks The Truth
Rachel hasn't been sleeping or eating much. Dark circles under her eye and protruding bones show this
Rachel cuts her hip, but instead of release, she feels pain
Rachel tells Brittany what really happened
Rachel is starting to break down
Rachel wakes up alone
Cut total: 115
Ch. 47 Enough
The girls leave Rachel alone
The Berry's are leaving Rachel alone again and only spending a few hours (4) with Rachel for her birthday
Rachel goes to Shelby's to ask why she wasn't good enough for her
Rachel ends it with Quinn via text
Rachel cuts deep and nearly passes out. Quinn finds her in the bathtub
Cut total: 118
Ch. 48 I'm So Sorry
Rachel gets sick and has a panic attack. Quinn manages to calm her
Quinn apologizes
Quinn tells Rachel that she obviously hasn't been honest lately judging by the large amount of fresh cuts on Rachel body (Rachel is still naked at this point)
Rachel wasn't trying to kill herself
Shelby appears in the bathroom as Quinn is bandaging Rachel
Cut total: 118
Ch. 49 Take Care Of Her
Rachel is still hurt by Quinn and her actions
Quinn convinces Shelby that Rachel needs to be the one to tell her what's going on
Shelby doesn't want to walk away again, she wants to be in Rachel's life
Quinn realizes that she forgot Rachel's birthday
Shelby explains to Quinn that she wants her to see Beth and to have a relationship with her when she's ready
Rachel pulls away from Quinn in bed. Tells her she's still mad and hurt and doesn't want to be touched
Cut total: 118
Ch. 51 The Hospital
Quinn wakes Rachel from a nightmare at 3am and Rachel refuses to tell her what it was about
Quinn notices that Rachel doesn't look good
Quinn searches Rachel and finds a badly infected cut on her right hip
Quinn drags Rachel to the Emergency Room and threatens Shelby that if she really cares, she'll be there
Rachel needs massive antibiotics for the infection and is also 15 pounds underweight
Shelby does show up at the hospital, Beth in tow
Rachel hugs Shelby
Rachel cuddles with Quinn in bed
Cut total: 118
Ch. 52 Hell Breaks Loose
Quinn makes Rachel eat
Santana apologizes and Rachel pulls away and yells at her for walking away
Santana and Shelby argue, Quinn defends Shelby
Brittany notices Rachel isn't taking the fighting well
Cut total: 118
Ch. 53 Second Chances
Brittany yells at the other three to knock it off and that they are scaring her
Quinn tries to get close to Rachel but Brittany won't let her
Brittany notices the cuts on Rachel's arm when her sweatshirt sleeve gets pulled up
Brittany gets Rachel to start talking
Brittany has known that the girls were hiding something from her, but wasn't sure what until now. She had an idea since it was how Santana acted when she was cutting
Rachel finally opens up
Rachel feels everything and everyone would be better off without her. She feels she doesn't deserve to be alive
Brittany makes Santana leave the room, she knows that the other three need to be alone
Shelby apologizes
Rachel agrees to give Shelby one chance, but gives her rules
Rachel agrees to go to therapy after the holidays
Shelby suggests therapy for Quinn as well, who immediately agrees
Rachel tells what the nightmare was
Quinn vows to make Rachel's birthday up to her
Rachel and Santana have their talk- Rachel didn't want to bother either of them
Santana tells Rachel that she doesn't really understand how serious this is and how it would kill Quinn if anything happened to her
Santana admits that Brittany didn't know about her cutting until after she had stopped - come on, she sees her naked all of the time
Rachel and Quinn spend the evening alone, mostly in silence since conversations isn't needed between them
Rachel finally forgives Quinn
Cut total: 118