Disclaimer: I don't own Ouran HighSchool Host Club

The day started out normaly. Another one of the host club's outragoues outing led by Tamaki's desire to understand commoners more. Tamaki shouting 'those little devils', the twins pranking Tamaki. The day's start was normal.

That was until they breached a certain topic that would normaly have no effect whatsoever, but somehow today was different, it became a topic that changed the whole day, and have a huge impact on thier lives.

It started out with Tamaki's stupid desire to play a simple commoners game. "let's play this" or "let's play that" is all the ever so hyper Tamaki was usually the kind of games commoners play "not those stupid games again" groaned Hikaru, "when will you ever get tired of those!?" added Kauru. "well we all know why Tamaki likes those kind games so much, right Haruhi?" Kyoya said, clearly suggesting Haruhi is at fault, but being the dense person she is, she replied with a "huh?". Kyoya sighed "besides there really is nothing else we could do right?" he continued. "it's all your fault!" declared the twins while pointing at Haruhi, "if you and your commoner ways haven't come to this club" Kauru said "Tono would've never been interested in stupid commoners and their stupid, disguisting and boring ways!" Hikaru spat out. "and we've never have to do this?" Kyouya completed questioningly, "exactly!" the twins shouted in unison.

"oh, is that so? I'm really for being a commoner!" Haruhi exclaimed sarcastically, "it's not I like even have a choice, I need to work for you guys renember!? or is it just how" she said deciding for a moment what to say without offending anyone, even though she is extremly angered 'cause of them."thoughtless you guys are?" she continued after deciding that t is a good enough word. "of course we haven't forgotten, it's still your fault. If you haven't broken that vase, we wouldn't be like this right now" Hikaru replied, angry at Haurhi's aqusation "oh, of course, I'm extremely sorry" Haruhi replied sarcasam evident on her tone "yeah you should be, and you have no right what so ever to be angry, you just know it's true so stop denying it it's all YOUR fault!" replied Kauru "your a commoner, your poor live with it!" added Hikaru "Hikaru! Stop that!" shouted Tamaki "what it's the truth!" retorted Hikaru "I'm sorry I'm not born in the same luxury you guys live in. Others are not as lucky as you, you don't have to rub it in their face, just cause you got it and they don't and besides don't worry I'll be out of this club as soon as my debt has been payed" continued an extremly angered Haruhi. "now if you exuse me I don't want to cause anymore trouble now, do I" and with that said she came running out the mansion, in the rainy road.

"isn't that a bit over the top?" questioned Hani, "I mean sure maybe you guys are sick and tired of the commoner things that Tamaki is so interested in, but do yo really have to pu all the blame in Haruhi? Come on guys, I think you should now better than that" Mori just nodded "but it really is her fault, if she didn't show up in our club room, and break the vase, she would have no debt to pay, she wouldn't have to work and there would be no commoner interested Tamaki" the twins said in perfect sync. "and things wouldn't be so troublesome and a lot less interesting than it is right now" Kyouya mentally added.

"still do you realy have to be THAT mean and insulting, especially in front of her, she has a point though, you don't hve to do that to her" Tamaki said. "what would you guys do if something bad happened to her? It's raining hard out there, I woulddn't be suprised if there is a storm" continued Hani. "just send her to one of Kyouya-sempai's hopitals, she should be better" Hikaru said not caring the slightest "and add the bill to her debt, causing her to work longer for the aditional money needed to pay. Which means you'll see more of her, and besides I admit not all thingss can be cured or healed, may it be physical, physocological, mental, emotional or what ever kind of damaged done" interjected Kyouya.

"I suggest you think over your actions, while waiting for Haruhi to come back" said Tamaki, "IF she comes back" Mori whispered.