Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto

Alrighty after getting into the Naruto mood again, I, for some reason, wanted to do some sort of oneshot. Well I actually just can't wait to see the new Naruto movie with all the AU versions of everyone, especially Menma aka. Alternate Naruto. Anyways hope you enjoy the oneshot I made! (Honestly I don't know why, but the whole switch gender of main character...is pretty cool. :))

His eyes widened at what he had done, a Chidori straight into his best friend's heart! Uchiha Sasuke realized that Uzumaki Naruto was someone he had known a long time ago. The spiky blonde hair falling down, only to be revealed as a wig. Now Naruto's true long red hair fell done. As the sad smile emerged from Naruto's lips, he couldn't help but listen.

"I-I always watched over you." Naruto whispered those painful words towards Sasuke. "Y-You're my first friend."

Sasuke quietly looked up and realized the sense of familiarization from the red head, he suddenly remembered a person that he used to cherished a long time ago...

Six Years Ago

It was a lovely sunset as a seven year old Sasuke stumbled onto a lonely sight. The playground was abandoned with signs of recent use he head straight for the swing set and waited.

"Man when is big brother coming back." he told himself as he sigh at the time. "It's getting late."

A sudden rustle was heard, as Sasuke looked up he quickly blushed at the sight. A girl around his age was staring shyly at him, Her long red hair went down to her back, her orange dress flew along with the wind. Her scared blue eyes were staring straight into Sasuke's obsidian ones.

"S-She's cute." Sasuke thought to himself as he realized a very noticeable trait of her's. "Those whiskers make her c-cute."

"A-Are you here to kick me out?" the girl asked with fear as she held her hand to her chest.

"No, no of course not you can play with me!' Sasuke blurted out as he patted at the other seat next to his.

The two played for a long time around the playground. From the swing set to the jungle gym, the two had a very fun time just the two of them. Unfortunately for Sasuke it was already nighttime.

"That's so fun!" Sasuke smiled as the two used the slide together.

The two of them laughed at their joy, but for Sasuke it was time's up.

"Ah Sasuke there you are!" Itachi announced himself as he approached his younger sibling. His eyes widened in recognition at the girl playing with him. "Ah so they finally met."

"Hey Itachi where were you?" Sasuke pouted as he pointed an accusing finger at him.

"ANBU work is very tedious and long Sasuke, you should know that already." Itachi reminded him as he changed the topic. "Who's your friend there?"

Sasuke realized the girl was hiding behind him. Her uneven breathing made him very worried.

"H-Hey are you alright?" Sasuke asked as he turned around. The girl only nodded her head firmly as she shied away from the teen. "Itachi is the coolest brother in the world! He'll never hurt as someone as pretty as you!"

The girl blushed as she hid her face with her hands. she suddenly felt her hands being held onto.

"Promise me, we'll meet up here again tomorrow?" Sasuke begged with an exciting smile. The girl nodded as she smiled as well. "Keep that smile I really like it."

The girl couldn't help but blush some more at the compliment.

"Is she sick?" Itachi asked with a joking tone. "Maybe we could take her to the hospital."

The girl's eyes widened in total horror as she clutched herself onto Sasuke's chest.

"No!" the girl screamed. "I don't wanna!"

"Woah relax I was only kidding." Itachi reassured the girl, though his mind thought otherwise. "So the treatments were worse than the reports, I have to tell the Hokage about this."

As Itachi observed the two, he smiled as Sasuke finally had an actual friend. He remembered that all of Sasuke's peers were either from the other prestigious clans of Konoha, or were regular ninja families. He could understand his little brother's loneliness people befirending you only for your status and fame. He had to deal with that as well and was relived when he became chunin never seeing his old team ever again.

"C'mon Sasuke, mother and father are worried about you." Itachi reminded the boy, though he wanted to see more of the two.

"Remember same spot." Sasuke reminded her as he left with his brother.

The girl nodded as she waved at the departing siblings, a sad sighed escaped her as she headed back to her place.

"You never did tell me her name, Sasuke." Itachi pointed out as the younger sibling only walked faster.

"H-Hey I didn't bother too." said Sasuke as he walked a a little further from Itachi...

Sasuke shook his head as his electric hand finnaly let go of the injured person in front of him. Naruto coughed in pain as blood slowly dripped out of her mouth.

"I thought I lost you." Sasuke muttered to himself as he looked at his blood stained hands. "I remember giving you a name after that one incident."

"Sasuke..." Naruto whispered his name as her dull eyes looked up to the boy.

"I remember naming you..."

It was supposed to be another usual day for Sasuke. After leaving the academy he would go straight to the park, after avoiding all his fangirls especially a pick hair girl and a blonde one. Then he would find her there looking very lonely, but whenever she sees Sasuke her eyes are suddenly filled with life and a smile is stretched out. They would play till it became nighttime, where Itachi would usually pick him up. Today though is truly different.

"Why is there a crowd here?" Sasuke wondered to himself.

As he got closer he realized the crowd was very unhappy, from the angry mutterings and cursing, he couldn't find his friend.

"Boy have you've seen a demon here?" one of the men asked with hate filled in.

"No sir." Sasuke shook his head in disbelief. He thought to himself. "W-Where is she, I hope she's alright."

"There were sightings that monster was roaming around these parks!" another of the crowd shouted.

"At least we convinced our children to not be here!" a woman laughed as her eyes her scanning hungrily at the woods.

"Boy it's not safe here." the first man warned Sasuke.

The boy was shaking in fear as the crowd searched throughout the empty park. Suddenly a smoke emerged straight from the middle.

"Enough of this foolishness!" the spiky silver haired ANBU screamed in anger as his hand ready to unsheathe the tanto. "Do you dare break the Hokage's law?"

"N-No sir." stuttered the leader of the crowd, the first man that talked to Sasuke.

"Then get out of my sight!" the ANBU demanded as he observe the crowd dispersing.

Sasuke examined the ANBU even though his hair should reflect the age he sounded like a young man.

"Boy why are you here?" the ANBU asked. "You're Itachi's brother."

"I-I'm looking for my friend!" he answered bravely at the intimidating porcelain dog mask. "She's around my age and-"

"Woah kid relax, sempai here just asked a question." a brown haired ANBU calmed the nervous Uchiha down.

Sasuke believed since they knew Itachi, he could trust them. He explained how he would always play with the girl after the academy everyday, but today was something that shocked him.

"Do you hate her?" asked the ANBU captain again. "Even is she turned out to be the so called monster people say she is?"

"I don't care what they think!" Sasuke declared proudly as a blush founded it's way to his face. "S-She's so pretty, nice and a lot more! I don't understand why the village hates her, that's all."

The ANBU nodded to each other in silent agreement. Sasuke pouted realizing they were doing some sort of hidden communication to each other.

"You'll understand when you're older kid." the captain waved lazily as his vanished along with the rest of his team.

Sasuke searched around the park for his friend. He felt he had to know, they've been playing together for a month now and she's warming up to him slowly. Sasuke knew she wanted to tell him something, but she never did.

"When she saw me the first time, I remember how her eyes were." Sasuke thought to himself as he decided to enter the woods by the park. "I don't want her to be lonely anymore, I'll be her friend. She changed me, I'm smiling more having fun more, I gotta tell her how much she means to me!"

Then he heard it, it was quiet crying. Civilians wouldn't have heard it, but ninjas can. Since Sasuke was part of a clan full of ninjas he followed the muffled cries.

"H-Hey are you here?" Sasuke asked the forest as he looked around the many trees surrounding him.

"W-What are you doing here?" asked the girl.

Sasuke's head turned to the direction of here the voice originated from and saw a tree. Though a very interesting feature was an orange tail fluffing around. He quickly approached the tree.

'There you are!" Sasuke smiled as he suddenly took note of the notable change in the girl. "Woah!"

The girl was still in her orange dress and all but the most interesting thing was a pair of fox ears sitting on top her head! The tail did come from her back, as Sasuke took note of the little hole the dress had.

"I-I'm a monster!" the girl cried as her tail wrapped around her.

"No your not!" Sasuke denied firmly as he stroke the tail and scratched the back of her ears, he got a giggle for a response. "I-it's really cool you gotta tail!"

"I-Is it?" the girl blushed as the tail started to loosen up.

"And you look really cute, like a baby fox." Sasuke described to the girl what he was reminded off.

The girl's blush deepen further as the tail hid her face. Sasuke scratched his cheek nervously.

"I-I know what I'll name you!" Sasuke announced. Even though they played for a month now he never bothered with the name. "I'll call you...


Naruto looked at Sasuke again, a tiny laugh escaping her lips. It was a childish name but it suffice nonetheless. The moments were fun and everlasting, she found someone that would accept her wholeheartedly and now he's here killing her, or rather was.

"I know you'll never forgive me, Kitsune." Sasuke started as the rain started to pour down. "But I'm sorry, I'm so sorry all this time you've been Naruto amd for me to betray you not once but twice!"

Naruto only looked at Sasuke with the same look, the same smile. She can still remember that day, the scars on her cheeks didn't reveal how deeper her heart gotten after that day...

Kitsune was humming happily, unaware of the current events that have recently happened. It was strange for Sasuke to not come for a few days but she felt today was going to be different.

"Ino said these flowers mean that this person is really special to you." Kitsune reminded herself.

Before she comes to the park, Kitsune tended to wander around Konoha avoiding the crowds and all. One of her interested spots was the Yamanaka Flower Shop, where Yamanaka Ino was being thought the different flower meanings. Kitsune eavesdropped at the lessons and decided to find the flowers herself. She found a pile at the woods she hid when Sasuke founded her.

"At least I can control my tail and ears from appearing." she told herself.

The day after Sasuke saw her 'true' form, Kitsune tried to hid the features. She realized her emotions controlled it, that was why she was in that form when Sasuke founded her.

"Sasuke!" Kitsune greeted happily as she approached the boy.

She took note of something different about him. His eyes were filled with emptiness, as if he lost something very dear to him. His stance seemed stiff as he slowly brought his head up to stare at her.

"Where were you?!" Kitsune demanded as she cutely pouted at him. "I've been looking everywhere for you!"

As Kitsune kept rambling on and on how she was worried. Sasuke blank eyes suddenly widened, a kunai at hand as well.

"Sasuke?" Kitsune asked worriedly at the weapon on his hands.

"He told me..." he muttered like a zombie as he approached her.

Kitsune looked at Sasuke in total worry, she couldn't say anything as fear instilled itself within her. She was pushed down, her shocked face still present. As Sasuke's kunai started to slash around her violently she could hear his cries.

"He told me if I killed my best friend." Sasuke started as the desperation grew. "I-I get the same power as him, to avenge my family, to avenge my clan!"

Kitsune's eyes widened as she made a terrible conclusion to herself.

"To be used, is that all I'm good for?" she asked herself as tears started to fall. "Please Sasuke that's not you."

Her begging was ignored as she felt many slash marks her, especially her arms.

"L-Let go." she whimpered as tears began to fall. "I-I said stop."

Her begging was ignored again.


Her wounds get deeper.


The pain kept on growing.

"I said stop it!" she screamed suddenly as she stood up. Her fox ears and tail flailing wildly. She suddenly turned and ran away as tears kept on falling down.

"Huh, these flowers, what have I..." Sasuke started in a daze until he realized his actions. "Kitsune what have I done! I-"

She didn't hear the rest of the words she kept running and running to the only place she would feel safe now: her home. As she got to her only room she glanced at the setting sun with empty eyes, her eyes followed to a blonde spiky wig laying down. As she put the wig hiding her hair, she sported out the most goofiest grin she could make though her eyes remained the same...

"You were my first friend, how could I ever hate you." she whispered as she felt her head on his lap. His regretful eyes staring at her. "I don't care, even if you backstab, curse, and kill me, I can never bring myself to hate you."

"But you should, after what I've done." was his only response.

She chuckled as she stared up the sky. "Do you remember the locket I gave you?"

He quickly pulled out the said locket with a smile, he opened the contents revealing a picture. The two of them, still kids, laughing as Naruto clutched herself onto Sasuke's neck. The two of them, at that time, never knew the horrors of reality, the pain from losing one's self; it was just the two of them lost in their own world.

"I kept thinking to myself." mumbled Sasuke. "Why I kept this and not thrown it away, it was my reminder on who I used to be when I was a child."

For some reason he recalled a conversation he had with Sakura back at Wave...

Sasuke woke up from another nightmare, but it wasn't Itachi slaughtering his clan but something he truly regretted; the lost of his own friend. He got up avoiding the snoring Naruto and still recovering Kakashi. He headed to the living room and rested at the couch.

"Kitsune." muttered Sasuke as he took out the locket and opened the contents within.

He kept staring at it, wishing and believing that the world he is living is a genjutsu. He wanted to go back to those times with just her: no Naruto, no Sakura, no Kakashi, just them. He hated it his team was tolerable but she was just someone he needed right now. He remembered when she wondered if he had any problems he should talk about it. He remembered he told her how envious he was of his older brother and how hard it was to live up to the expectations of his own clan. He remembered how they would talk about their problems all the time. He remembered-

"Can't sleep Sasuke?"

Sasuke looked up to see a dazed Sakura, who recently woke up. He kept on staring at it, lost in his own memories. She didn't seem all fangirlish at the moment.

"Hn." was his usual repsonse as he kept staring at the picture.

"That's a pretty locket who gave it to you?" she asked with a tired smile.

"A friend from a long time ago." he answered quietly.

She examined the picture within. A younger Sasuke with an unknown girl hugging him through his neck, the both of them smiling and laughing.

"She was someone I cared for, until I screwed things up." Sasuke told her.

He didn't know why he's telling her this, but he just needed someone to tell just like from before.

'W-What happened to her?" Sakura asked with a forgone conclusion in her thought.

"Some other time Sakura." Sasuke said as he stood up from the couch. "Goodnight."

"Did Sasuke just tell me..." Sakura told herself as she shook her head. "No Sakura you gotta grow up, this mission is serious I'll probably stop with the chase after Sasuke thing. I just gotta!"

"I have to know Naruto." interrupted Sasuke as Naruto's dozing eyes looked up again. "Was that you at the festival? Or was that just my own hallucination?"

"What do you think?" she asked as she stared at the rain pouring down on her.

Her willpower to fight was already diminished after everything that built up in her. She wasn't dying she knew that it's all thanks to Kyuubi, but the scars have already ran deep; her dedication, her selflessness all to him just one boy. She couldn't care if he founded someone else to love. She had to confirm it if he ever moved on...

She sighed painfully as she recalled what happened...

"Sasuke thanks for bringing me around!"

"It's not a problem Sakura."

Sasuke knew how important and dear his bonds were, especially from his team. No longer he felt annoyed whenever their presence was in front of him, but this time he felt content. A festival was put out for the new Hokage and the doctors were nice enough to tell him to get some fresh air.

"So which game should we play this time?" Sakura wondered as she clutched a giant stuffed fox in her hands.

Sasuke won it at one of the booths, but for some reason he was reminded of Kitsune once again.

"I've moved on, Sakura might be the only other female that began to know me in a personal level." Sasuke shook his head as he attempted to remove the fox girl.

"I'm sad Naruto didn't come and join us." pouted Sakura as she secured the stuffed beast in her arms.

"The idiot is probably still tired from the long trip." he causally remarked, for some reason idiot seemed more like a nickname than an insult to the blonde.

As he kept on walking, with Sakura holding his hand, Sasuke took note of a very familiar orange dress and long red hair. The moment was quick, it was like she never acknowledged him but he took note of her, she looked all grown up just like him. To Sasuke the entire world slowed down just for him.

"Kitsune?" Sasuke whispered to himself as he passed her.

The girl's eyes widened in shock as she decided to make a quick dash, trying to blend in the crowd.

"Please stop!" Sasuke begged, as he lost his cool so suddenly.

"Sasuke?" Sakura wondered in total confusion on what just happened. She quickly decided to chase after them as well.

Sasuke would never forget her, she removed the loneliness in his heart and he had done a terrible mistake to her. He had to apologize, he just had to. The chase felt forever due to his recovering condition. They ended up by the park in the woods.

"Kitsune, I know you're around here!" Sasuke wheezed as he circled around the trees feeling a sense of nostalgia. "Please come out."

He took note of a tail fluffing at the back of one of the trees, again another familiarity emerged from within.

"There you are!" Sasuke smirked as the girl's daze look became one of shock. Their faces were inches from each other.

"Eeek!" she squeaked as jumped away under his arms thanks to her small stature.

Her shocked eyes became dim again as she looked at him with a smile.

"I miss you so much." Sasuke admitted as a smile dared to escape. "I want to apologize, after everything I've done to you."

"Sasu you don't have to say sorry." Kitsune smiled at him.

His eyes widened in shock, his actions to her were something he regretted. He betrayed her that day, a lonely girl they're the only friends for each other and he attempted to murder her!

"How could you just forgive me just like that?" Sasuke asked in disbelief.

"You are my first friend isn't that enough to forgive someone, Sasu?" Kitsune responded as she looked at the celebration. "I've always watched you over, whether you knew it or not."

"Kitsune I always wore this!" Sasuke suddenly said in desperation as he took out the locket. "I've had you in my mind from that day, I told myself I would find you once I'm strong enough and-"

"Enough Sasuke." interrupted the fox girl as a frown emerged, her fox ears and tail coming out. "You've moved on, I'm not in your life anymore."

"You are in my life!" Sasuke screamed as fought the tears away.

"You have Sakura, she's pretty, nice, smart and she'll be a strong ninja, I could feel it." Kitsune smiled sadly as she started to walk back.

"Wait please!" he begged as his legs had no willpower to move at all. His eyes widened in total shock. "I-I care about you, really so please don't leave me!"

He couldn't believe it, there it is her from disappearing as if she was only a specter. Her form fading as a sad smile emerged from her face.

"Sasuke, thank you for being my friend." her voice echoed throughout the woods. "Please just forget about me, you deserve happiness and I'm a symbol of your chained past. I want you to look forward to the future so never turn back, okay Sasu?"

For the first time, ever since his family died, Sasuke cried once again. His tears falling down as each drop brought a cherished memory about her. As his cries quieted down he felt a familiar girl behind her.

"There you are!" Sakura sighed in relief as she playfully punched his arm. "The doctor said you shouldn't be running around."

"Did you see her Sakura." Sasuke whispered as he slowly got up.

"See who?" asked Sakura

"Her, Kitsune we passed her and she suddenly ran away. I-I chased her, here!" Sasuke explained as his arms wiled around.

"Sasuke I think you're really tired, I'll bring you back." said Sakura as concerned is filled in her tone.

"Did you see here?" he asked frantically.

"N-No Sasuke." Sakura said as she was surprised on his antics. "There wasn't a girl I just saw you running away, what's wrong?"

His eyes widened at the realization, his head was playing with him and this happens.

"I-I thought I saw her, for the first time for so long Sakura." he admitted.

"You mean the girl at the locket?" Sakura wondered, even is she already knew the answer.

"Hn." he answered quietly. "Take me back to the hospital Sakura."

The pink haired girl nodded as she led the recovering Sasuke out of the woods.

"I'm happy for the two of you." Kitsune told herself as tears finally fell down. "Sasuke, I love you too."

She cried as her tail covered her sad form. She looked at the retreating pair with a painful smile. The illusion technique was strong enough to make him believe it was all in his head. But he thought it was reality, his face was very close to her's. She blushed at the moment.

"I'm happy when you happy." she said suddenly as she gazed up the stars. "But why...why am I crying?"

For so long Naruto watched Sasuke, protected him as best she could. She hid in her goofball persona, the blonde wig and stupid jumpsuit helped out a lot, but the whiskers should have been a dead giveaway. Naruto smiled as the festivities began to quiet down...

"Sasuke I'm tired of everything." Naruto declared quietly as she couldn't help but stare at him. "Whatever your do from here on out, I'll support it."

"Naruto." Sasuke repeated her name.

"Sasuke, you can kill me if you still want too." Naruto offered with the same empty smile.

He stared at it, those lips in that shape. He was starting to hate it, he thought back to when Naruto still disguised himself.

"Stop that smile!" snarled the Uchiha. "How long have you kept that lie of a smile? When did you make an actual smile?"

"I kept this facade for so long Sasuke." Naruto started still keeping the same expression. "That I don't ever know if I'm smiling like I mean it. I don't know if I'm actually happy or did I ever delude myself."

"That's not right Naruto you can't keep holding that mask-"

"And you mask of being cool and calm wasn't one as well?" interrupted Naruto.

She saw through his so called cool personality in the academy days and when they were at the same team. Like her, his eyes were the dead giveaway. Like her's it shined of loneliness.

"Then we're not so different then." Sasuke concluded as he had a sudden resolve.

He suddenly picked her, her body in his arms. He stared at those blue eyes lovingly, as he couldn't help but play with her long red hair.

"S-Sasu?" Naruto wondered as she felt her body calming down. "I-I..."

"Shhh, Naruto rest easy." Sasuke whispered as he took a quick scent of her hair. He felt something surrounding him. "Your tail is lovely as always."

Naruto blushed as she clutched Sasuke's shirt as if it was a lifeline. She took out the destroyed jumpsuit, revealing a simple black shirt. Her matching pants were removed as well, showing black shorts to match. The tail nuzzled around, as Sasuke rubbed his face onto it.

"That tickles." she giggled.

Sasuke, for the first time in so long, smiled at the sight. A true genuine smile arrived at Naruto's face, his Kitsune, he couldn't help but get caught by it. Too bad all good moments never lasted long.

"Sasuke return to Konoha!" a stern voice demanded.

"Kakashi." Sasuke nodded his head calmly at his sensei.

The masked man looked at the scene, his only eye widened in shock. Sasuke was holding Naruto as if he was protecting her from anything that would harm her.

"He knows her secret." Kakashi thought at the sight.

Naruto's tail was hiding her shy face, he also took note on how Sasuke would occasionally scratch her ears. He had a cautious look at his student.

"What will you do to her, Sasuke?" Kakashi asked, eyes full on alert.

"You've known her, you were that ANBU with the dog mask." Sasuke stated out, as he finally recalled the familiar silver hair style.

"I won't ask again." Kakashi said, as he offered a hand. "Sasuke you have to come back."

"So Naruto can be hurt and mistreated again!?" Sasuke asked as he put Naruto down, who hid behind him.

The girl's eyes widened at Sasuke's protectiveness. She silently thanked him as she hid his face at his back.

"Sasuke, you do know we're protecting her, plus she's a ninja now. One who has great potential." reasoned Kakashi.

"No, you protected her from the physical wounds!" Sasuke shook his head in disappointment. "Even if you did that Kakashi, she's always lonely no friends, no family, no precious one. The village made her life hell, I can't believe I still remember how children tried to convince me to not play with Naruto! The angry mobs, the date of her birth and the history it wasn't hard to conclude why she's been mistreated like this."

"You've really seen underneath the underneath." smiled Kakashi, as he felt pride on the lessons he gave out.

"That's why I've decided." Sasuke declared with a smirk. "Naruto and I will run away, live off somewhere nice a peaceful village a new start. To look foward to our future."

"Well Sasuke, noble plan but the council will-"

"Damn the council and all what they wish!" Sasuke growled as his Sharingan spun wildly.

"Kakashi-sensei, you said those who break are trash but those who abandoned their comrades are worse." Naruto said as she had a determined look. she could see her sensei's nodding response. "So please, let Sasuke and I go! We're both tired of being used at that village. Sasuke is wanted for his Sharingan, and me as the jinchuuriki, so please sensei let us go. We don't want this life anymore."

"Naruto..." Kakashi sighed as he looked away ashamed.

He fully knew how the council wanted him to treat the team. Discriminate Naruto and favor Sasuke, Sakura could join Naruto, leaving their potential locked. Kakashi hated the plan, it would be total disrespect to his old team. Obito would hate him for treating the Uchiha like a king, since Kakashi treated him like he was a loser. Rin would be disappointed if Kakashi would ever do such a thing. Minato-sensei would kill him if he avoided his daughter. He failed her once by not protecting her all the time when she was still a child. Of course he never listend to the old folks talking to him. He smiled at the two students in front of him.

"You two should go then." Kakashi stated. Of course he would never forget the only member missing. "Though Sakura would be lonely without the two of you."

"Tell her we're sorry." Sasuke requested as he grasped Naruto's hand. He untied his forehead protector and threw it his sensei.

Naruto followed suit as she gave it to Kakashi with an apologetic smile.

"So you guys are really leaving?" Kakashi asked with a sad smile.

The two of them nodded while Sasuke still held Naruto's hand. The girl blushed as she looked away from the boy, which made Kakashi giggled.

"I remember when Naruto's mom was pregnant, she wanted you Sasuke to be her lover if the child was a girl" Kakashi chuckled at the memory.

"Kakashi-sensei, can I have a request?" Naruto aaked.

Kakashi nodded, his guilt was truly high after the death of his sensei. He felt truly alone, but when he saw the baby his sensei clutched in his dead body; he knew right away it was his own child. He could feel it, if he helped Naruto out he would be able to lessen the guilt. Though his ANBU duties came in often, with his spare time he and his team would always watch over her.

"Anything you want." Kakashi eye-smiled.

"Please tell my friends of my heritage, please tell them the secret of me being a jinchuriki, please tell them on what I had endured throughout the many years here." Naruto requested.

She knew he knew a lot about her. She saw him as an older brother. When Naruto discovered Kakashi was his sensei, she was really happy. The bond between child and protector, became sibling like. Naruto would always beg for stories about her family, which Kakashi happily complied.

"Of course Naruto, I know your friends would never betray you." Kakashi reassured as he turned back to the two. "You do realize I'm going to have to make some sort of excuse."

"Excuses? Oh please." Sasuke scoffed as he recalled many of his sensei's tardiness. "Just do your usual thing."

"Kakashi-sensei thank you!" Naruto smiled as she grabbed Sasuke and started to head off.

He stood there until the two of them were no longer in his line of sight. He was sad, when he had to let go of two of his dear students. He was glad, the two of them changed for the better. Naruto, showing her real self to a few like Kakashi, was very lonely inside, her eyes show her despair and her false smiles always saddened the mask man. Sasuke was no different he hid his loneliness in that cool and calm personality of his, it didn't help that his eyes showed his true feelings.

"Naruto, Sasuke wherever you two go I hope happiness would find his way to you two." Kakashi told himself as the rain finally left.

...man I was on a roll and I'm not sure about the ending. First oneshot...I think I did alright. My inspirations? Well let's see: love triangles between Sasuke, Sakura and female Naruto, depressed and broken Naruto, friendly and guilty Sasuke but has to keep cool personality, Half-demon Naruto, Kakashi being a cool dad, and a Sakura who just wants to be friends with Sasuke. So I added them all up and...BAM oneshot (Hehe pun :D).

BTW the scene with Sasuke slashing his kunai at Naruto...It was inspired from those scenes with the person, whether it be boy or girl, has flowers and is waiting for that certain person they like to meet up with him/her. Then just as the boy/girl would give the flowers, the person he/she like confessed something. Whether from apologizing about not having the same feelings to saying that person like someone else, either it's pretty tearjerker. So I just added my little twist...pretty violent for a child, eh?

Oh well hope you enjoyed this oneshot.