Chapter update! Please read my note on the bottom when done! Thanks! Disclaimer: Do not own. Yet.
It was a normal day at the mountain. There were no missions, nothing much to do at all in fact. The whole Team was in the living room, chatting about nothing, doing nothing, while the radio played in the background. Suddenly, that song came on. And of course, a certain speedster just couldn't help himself.
"Hey, I just met you! And this is crazy! But here's my number! Call me maybe~~" Wally sung out in an annoying sing-song voice. "And all the other boys- OW! What was that for?"
"It was to make you shut up, Baywatch." Artemis deadpanned.
"It's a good song!"
"Actually, it's pretty messed up." Their argument was cut short by a ninja who just happened to be sitting between them.
"I'm probably going to regret this, but... How's it messed up?" Inquired the archer.
Robin sighed, setting aside the book he'd been trying to finish for school. "Just think about the lyrics for a second. 'I threw a wish in a well' yet she also says 'trade my soul for a wish'. Therefore implying she threw herself in a well." By now, everybody in the room was listening to the Boy Wonder.
"Then she 'looked to him as I fell' and 'he's in my way'. Ergo, he's in the well too. His ripped jeans just prove that."
"What?! That makes no sense!" Interrupted Wally.
"It actually makes perfect sense." Conner surprised everyone by stating.
"Anyway..." Robin continued, "By now it's plainly obvious that this girl's crazy, so when she asks 'Where you think you're goin', baby?' it's describing how he's trying to get out of the well, but she won't let him."
"Can you please go back for a second?" Asked Megan, "Why did she throw herself in a well?"
"Ah, guess I forgot that part... She 'begs and borrows and steals', and then says 'All the other boys try to chase me'. "
"So?" Wally exclaimed, dumbfounded.
"Sooo... those boys were obviously a angry mob who ran her out of town because she's crazy and did all that bad stuff. That's why she jumped in the well. To get away from them. Duh." Robin scoffed at him before starting back on his analysis. "Moving on. They finally get out, and she's trying to get him to call her, hence the chorus of the song. But he never will because, as it shows in the music video, he realizes he's gay."
"How?" A completely confused Superboy asked.
"Because he was trapped in a well with a crazy chick. That makes it pretty easy to realize something like that," Robin concluded.
"Let me see if I understand," Kaldur said, rubbing his temples, "A woman is chased out of her town and jumps into a well to get away from the mob. At the bottom of said well there just so happens to be a man who she becomes obsessed with. They are both able to get out, and the woman wants the man to call her. But he will not do so because his experience with her has caused him to realize he in not attracted to women?"
"You got it, Kal," Robin says, picking up his book again. The whole team is silent, thinking about what he had just explained to them. After a minute, it was Wally who broke the silence.
"Hey, Rob?"
"You spend waaay too much time with Batman."
Sigh "Yeah..."
Hello everyone!
First off, I made a couple small changes to this chapter after several reviews that pointed out a mistake I had made. I wrote this really late at night, so I didn't realize I had done that until some people pointed it out. I'm sure those people know what I'm talking about. I'm really am sorry about that.
Second, thanks for reading! It makes me happy! So do reviews... *hint hint*