Hey! I'm Steph and I just wanted you to know, this is my first Austin and Ally, Fan Fiction and I hope you like it and will tell your friends. Okay so you cna understand the story better, it's sort of set the night after Trish's Quinceañeras, well this first chapter. The story progresses from there and actually loops into actual episodes from there. Of course there will by the all important Auslly moments so don't worry. Stay Auslly ! Mwah x

Friday 6th July 2012

I was incredibly confused. You would be too if you were in the same situation as me. Letting out a loud sigh, I open my eyes and look up at the ceiling

of my bedroom, my legs placed against the wall, my book sprawled out, open wide beside me, my favourite red pencil sitting in the book. This was so

weird. I'd never felt like this before and didn't think I would. Returning to a normal position, leaning my back against the pillows up against my my

headboard, I sigh again. The memory played through my mind like a hilarious YouTube video, over, and over, and over again. Austin had been /so/

sweet. Giving up a once in a lifetime chance, /just/ to make me feel good, even though in the end, it wasn't all it was expected to be, but still, it had

been a nice thing to do. And Austin /always/ did nice things for me, so why was I thinking /so/ hard about this one thing. Was it the dance? I'd danced

with Dallas too, which was hysterical. A smile forms on my face, as I think about this, but my mind frame immediately returns to its initial thought.

Groaning quietly, I take my pencil out of my book, and bored, I began to through it up and down and catch it again. Where was I? My mind says. Oh

yeah, the dance. It was probably because it was a slow dance, maybe it had something to do with his sparkly hazel coloured starring down at my

kindly, his bright smile, illuminating my heart, his -. Whoa Ally. Get a hold of yourself. Shaking my head slightly, I throw the pencil up again, and thanks

to my poor hand-eye coordination, it ends up hitting me in the face. Letting out a loud 'ow', I rise from my bed, clutching my eye, just as my dad enters

my room. "Hey Ally, dinner's ready", he says, then narrows his eyes at me. "You alright? he asks. "Yeah, fine, awesome, chill-axed", I say with an

overly-enthusiastic attitude that even I'd find suspicious. Changing my expression quickly, I head out of the door before he has time to question me,

and step sadly down the stairs.

I helped my dad set the table for dinner, silently, still wrapped around in my thoughts, and after finishing, slide into a wooden seat. My dad, places my

plate of lasagne in front of me and I smile at him weakly before picking up my fork and pushing the food around my plate aimlessly. I was really hungry,

but really deep in thought too. My mind just seemed to wander back to Trish's Quinceañeras, which despite all the unexpected surprised had been one

of the best night's ever. I couldn't keep my mind off, the now seemingly picturesque moment when I had Austin had danced in each other's arms,

smiling, enjoying the moment. "Ally, are you alright honey?" asked the kind concerned voice of my dad Lester, breaking the pictures in my thoughts into

a billion tiny pieces. I blinked, I had been totally zoned out and I just realised that I had let my head fall unto the table and into my plate of lasagne.

Only now that I'd snapped out of my weird trance, I felt the warm feeling of lasagne against my cheek. My head flew up immediately and I giggled

awkwardly as my dad handed me some paper towels. "Sorry dad, just been sort of tired, Austin and I have been busy thinking of song ideas and this

has included late night IM-ing sessions, so I'm wiped out", I explained to him in a sort of trying-so-hard-to-be-casual voice while I wiped lasagne off my

cheek. I wasn't lying to be honest. Austin and I were actually working on a new song for Miami Beat and we had been this whole week. My dad smiled

at me. I knew he trusted me, but I also knew he knew I wasn't telling the whole truth and was just deciding not to prey. Meanwhile, although I hadn't

meant to, I slipped into another daydream, absent-mindedly placing forkfuls of lasagne into my mouth. After being snapped out of my weird trance by

my dad, a second time, I decided I'd just go to bed, despite it only being eight thirty.

Excusing myself from the table, I trudge upstairs, hearing the 'click clack' of my ankle boots against the wooden stairs. Heading into the bathroom, I

splash my face to help me snap out of it, but surprisingly {sarcastically speaking}, it doesn't work. I brush my teeth while I'm at the bathroom and even

bother to floss and use mouthwash. Heading into my bedroom, I slip out of my current attire and slip into my pyjamas. They were quite quirky but fit

me, they were red and the shorts had printed musical notes all over them, while the tank top, just had a slightly big crotchet to the left. I loved them

and while slipping them off my initial thoughts fly away but come back a second later. I turn of the room light, but turn on my bedside lamp. Sliding

beneath my soft duvet, I close my eyes and try to fall asleep, but there was /too/ much going on in my head. Sighing I grab my book from my bedside

table and open it up to a new page. Sitting up straight I begin to write:

Falling in love, with who?

There isn't just one but actually two?

One at first, one at last.

Someone help me, I'm falling fast.

Making the full stop at the end, very bold, I smiled at the little passage. It was cute; maybe I'd use it in a love song, if Austin ever let me write one.

Shrugging off the thought of Austin, I let my head sink into my huge fluffy pillow and hum a little tune to myself. My mind started to clear up and my

eyes began to flutter close and sooner or later, I find myself in a gentle slumber.