A/N: Hi there guys! Welcome to Fantastic Baby! This is a co-written story between Bambino-Rotto and the creator Cassix (which is why the story is posted on my profile). We have spent a long time researching things for this and planning this out, so hopefully you'll all really like this.
Go to Cassix's profile to get character references for the outfits and also to see some scenes that she's drawing.
Now, to clarify a few things: WE DO NOT OWN SENGOKU BASARA OR ANY OF THE SONGS USED. On a side note from that, for this chapter the song Fantastic Baby by Big Bang will be used. There will be a notice as to when you should start playing the song, so have it open in another tab waiting until then. It's not super important to listen to it, but it would definitely help set the mood. Enjoy!
Chapter One: Catch Me If You Can
A lone blue eye bore into the plain white ceiling focusing on the same spot it had been focused on for the past thirty minutes. Masamune groaned impatiently while sitting up from his lounging position on the couch in his living room. He knew why he was waiting, but it didn't make him any less impatient. Trying to occupy himself somehow, he changed the channel on his t.v. impatiently flipping the channels not really seeing what was on the screen. Not finding anything satisfying, he growled and all but slammed the small remote on the coffee table in front of him. A sharp resonating sound filled the air, and Masamune turned in his seat to see Kojuro standing in the kitchen with a large kitchen knife glaring at him.
"Masamune-sama, I understand that you are bored while waiting for Motochika-san to return, but please do not make a show of it. I am trying to prepare dinner for you after all," Kojuro said icily, but Masamune only waved him off.
"Yeah, I get it. I'll try to be more patient from now on. It's just, it's summer break! I can't be cooped up in here all of the time! It's not cool," he said proudly slipping in his one word English phrase. Kojuro sighed and placed his knife down on the cutting board where the leek he was slicing laid. He grabbed a towel and began drying his hands off.
"I understand that, but you can't very well leave when you know that Motochika-san needs us. His old house is next to Mori Motonari, right? That's quite a while away from here, and he never had time to pack his belongings before he was kicked out. It's important that you try to support him through all of this," Kojuro began.
"What the hell do you think I'm doing? I can't believe that Ieyasu would get Motochika kicked out of his house like that. I'm helping him out a lot, and I don't just mean letting him stay here with us," Masamune boasted proudly. Kojuro only sighed.
"Masamune-sama, I would like to remind you to think through your actions before you take them to prevent any unfortunate circumstances. I wouldn't want you doing anything too brash without even-"
Kojuro was then interrupted by the sound of the door opening. Masamune grinned widely and rushed to the door to greet Motochika who was carrying many boxes. He grabbed a few boxes from Motochika's load and smiled at the white haired teen.
"I figured you could use a hand with this. Is that okay?" He asked smugly before taking the boxes upstairs to a room. Motochika followed closely behind him with a mad grin on his face.
"It's more than okay since I figured you'd help me move the rest of my shit up here too," Motochika said cheekily.
"Yeah, yeah, afterwards. I'm bored, and I know you haven't been to the club in a while. Our usual spot's open tonight, so let's go," Masamune said all but pushing Motochika back to the entrance of the apartment. "I'm gonna help him move the rest of his shit, Kojuro!" He called out before slamming the door shut behind him. Both he and Motochika were laughing like mad by the time they had reached Motochika's motorcycle. Masamune glanced at the side car, unimpressed. "How in the hell did you even get everything to fit there andhave more to take in?" Motochika merely grinned.
"I roped everything in the sidecar down and took all of that inside first. I left everything in the underseat compartment though," Motochika explained holding a long string of rope before Masamune. Said teen examined the rope thoughtfully, even rubbing his chin as he did so.
"Alright… So, I guess you wouldn't mind-"
"You're riding the sidecar, you son of a bitch," Motochika abruptly interrupted. Masamune narrowed his eye at Motochika. Motochika returned the heated glare with his own sensing the mood from his one-eyed friend. "It's my motorcycle."
"But I rode sidecar last time. It's your turn," Masamune growled.
"I rode sidecar last time. I remember because you dropped your lunch on me," Motochika said just as menacingly.
"That was a month ago!" Masamune cried throwing his arms up as if it would help him prove his point more.
"That was the last time we rode together!" Motochika shouted getting testy with him. They growled and glared at each other. "I guess we're gonna have to decide this one way or another. I had hoped it wouldn't come down to that, but I'll do what I have to in order to escape riding side."
"I guess it's gonna have to come to that. Sorry if you get hurt in the process, I'm not one to go easy on anybody," Masamune warned his voice low and menacing. Motochika narrowed his eye to a mere slit.
"I wouldn't want you to take it easy on me. You might end up with a black eye to match that pretty eye patch of yours," Motochika said before walking back a few steps. Once they stood at less than an arm's length away, Motochika held out his hands as if to say "are you ready?" Masamune smirked.
"Are you ready?" He asked with a sneer. They both assumed a ready stance with one arm behind them.
As they shouted those words, they quickly flew out their hands in front of them. Motochika held out two fingers while Masamune held his hand in a clenched fist. Masamune smirked at Motochika before letting his fist fly into Motochika's face. Motochika was blown back a bit by the force of the punch, but he stood his ground. When he recovered from the shock of it, he wiped at his cheek giving Masamune a light glare.
"Dammit. I thought scissors would work this time," Motochika sighed as he stared sadly at the sidecar. Masamune kept up the smirk on his face as he brushed by Motochika to the motorcycle.
"Well, I won so get in loser," He ordered lightly turning on the motorcycle. Motochika stood still for a moment before begrudgingly hopping into the sidecar attached to the motorcycle. "Here we go!" Masamune revved the engine before taking off down the street.
Masamune pulled into a parking lot, turning off the engine. He kicked the kickstand down as he stood and glanced over at Motochika. He offered a very large grin. "Are you coming?" Motochika grinned widely as well and hopped out of the sidecar eagerly.
"Let's go! Quit dawdling around here!" Motochika laughed shoving Masamune out of the parking lot.
They walked around a short corner then turned to walk inside of a frosted glass door. Inside to the right was a long bar. People sat at sleek black bar stools ordering whatever drinks from the bartenders. To the far left of the room was a small stage with a karaoke machine attached to it. Many screens hung overhead for people to view the words of whatever song was being sung. Tables were spread between the stage and the bar, but the two teens walked by it all, not interested in what was found here. Instead, they traveled to the back of the room where a staircase guarded by a large man in a suit was. They approached the large man, Motochika just a few inches shorter giving a confident head nod to the man. The man said nothing but moved away from the staircase. The two looked at each other with a wicked grin wide on their face before they continued up the stairs. Graffiti art littered the walls of the staircase, yet the art would be something different every week.
As they finally made their way upstairs, they came across another door. This door was a black painted wood with red cushions protruding from the smooth surface. Masamune reached for the handle and opened the door allowing deafeningly loud music to fill the air. They strolled confidently inside, Masamune with his arms crossed, Motochika with his hands in his pockets. To the right was another bar, but no bar stools stood in front of it. It was a long counter with many bartenders behind it to serve drinks quickly. Around the walls of the room were many tables and couches for people to sit and chat or drink. Many people crowded the center of the room where the action was happening. The center of the floor was where the dance floor was, everyone there danced. Most people weren't great dancers, but passed with okay club dancing; however, there were always those few people who had exceptional dance moves. Those were the people Masamune and Motochika liked to spend their time with.
Masamune pulled Motochika to the left side of the room up a couple of stairs to a grand archway and onto the balcony outside. He turned and leaned his back on the cool white banister. When he caught Motochika's gaze he nodded his head towards the large dance floor. "So, anyone catch your eye?" Masamune asked viewing the dance floor carefully. Motochika twirled around glancing out onto the dance floor as well. They stood there for a good twenty minutes searching for any hopefuls on the dance floor. Motochika gave an aggravated sigh.
"I don't see anyone. Maybe we should just go," Motochika suggested restlessly. Masamune was reluctant, but he pushed himself from the banister.
"I'm not sure if we should go just yet. Let's just walk around for a bit," He said walking into the room. Motochika followed after him, the two shimmying their way across the dance floor. Just as they reached the end of the dance floor, movement to Masamune's left caught his eye. He turned to catch a glimpse of a black hood and a brown ponytail. He continued watching as the person walked further into the crowd before a new song started playing. Then, Masamune was mesmerized.
The person in the black hood looked down to their feet as they started dancing. They glided gracefully along the floor and shuffling their feet side to side. Masamune trailed his eyes from their red shoes up their white pants to a red shirt covered by a waist long black jacket, flames on the cuffs. They continued dancing with such grace and style that Masamune was awestruck. "Who… is she?" Masamune asked. Motochika turned to look at where Masamune was looking, grinning when his eyes fell upon the mystery girl.
"That's a good question. She's a wonderful dancer. I've never seen someone Melbourne Shuffle like that," Motochika said. The two teens stood there watching the girl as she danced across the floor, outclassing her friends she had brought. Motochika noticed Masamune shocked still, so he nudged him with his elbow. "What are you waiting for? Why don't you go dance with her?"
Masamune glanced to Motochika before grinning in thanks and moving towards the girl. By the time he had gotten close to her, the song had ended and various people offered the girl compliments on her dancing. Soon another song began playing and she started dancing again. Masamune smirked and started dancing as well, moving his way in front of the girl.
[Cue: Fantastic Baby - Big Bang]
"Are you doing alright?" Masamune asked gaining the girl's attention. She didn't lift her head enough for him to see her face, but she inclined her head towards him. It was enough for Masamune though, because up close he could see the brown bangs hiding her shy eyes. He could also see the necklace around her neck of the rokumonsen. Masamune smirked and started tutting, moving his arms and legs every which way in a carefully strewn together combo of sharp angles and slick movements. The way he moved told a story, and anyone who understood higher level dancing could tell he incorporated the lyrics in his moves. "You really have some great moves there. I'd like it if I could see your eyes though."
Masamune moved his arms to reach out to the girl, but the girl quickly scuffled and spun around so he would grab the back of her shoulder. He growled and spun her around to see a light blush dusting her cheeks. Masamune gave a short laugh and winked. "Wow, fantastic baby." The phrase was said matching the song, and Masamune gaining sudden inspiration picked up his dancing, trying a bit harder to impress this girl before him. The girl saw Masamune's sudden effort increase and also started doing more impressive things, a slightly cocky smile appearing on her face.
"You're really good. Let's see how far we can take this. Show me your all," Masamune said becoming lost in the music. The girl gave a short nod before also getting lost in the music. It wasn't long before the two forgot everyone else in the club and become focused on only each other. They both pushed each other to dance their best, performing outstanding dance moves they never knew they could do. Soon, they began almost battling each other with their moves to see who was superior. With every time that Masamune was really close to the girl, he always reached out to her only to be thwarted in his attempts every time. By the end of the song, both were panting from the exertion of energy. They had ended up standing close together, face to face. Masamune was looking down the girl, but the girl was still looking at the floor giving only her brown hair for Masamune to see. Masamune reached out a hand for the girl, placing it on her right shoulder.
"That, was an incredible dance," Masamune breathed out still trying to catch his breath. "I'd be honored if we could-"
Before Masamune could say another word, another hand grabbed the girl by her left elbow and pulled her away slightly. He followed the hand to see a boy standing behind the girl, his brown hair lighter than hers and held back by a black headband. His face had green paint on it and gave off an irritated expression, but his green eyes were impatient. "Danna, what were you thinking coming here? Master is worried sick wondering where you are." The girl turned to talk to the boy, but Masamune couldn't lean in to listen since a hand was on his shoulder as well.
"Masamune, Kojuro is fuming mad right now. We need to go home. Now," Motochika said trying to pull Masamune away. He struggled against Motochika's hand.
"Wait, Motochika, not yet! I wanna get her name first!" Masamune growled breaking free of Motochika's hold and looking back at the girl who was also struggling against her friend. She turned back to look at him but was pulled away by her friend. That last tug that was given made the girl's hood fall revealing large brown eyes lit with a certain fire that had him riled up. She was taken away in the crowd and the two disappeared leaving Masamune and Motochika on the dance floor when the next song started. Masamune smiled to himself as the image of the girl's eyes burned into his mind. "She was beautiful."
"Yeah, yeah, let's go! Kojuro's gonna have our asses I hope you know," Motochika reminded impatiently. Masamune snapped out of his stupor and cursed before running out the door with Motochika. They ran into the parking lot, and Masamune distracted by the mystery girl hopped into the sidecar before Motochika even reached the motorcycle. They drove off down the street, the dark haired teen relishing the feeling the cool wind gave his hot skin.
Motochika pulled into Masamune's apartment building's parking garage and sighed before shutting off the engine. "I wonder how mad he's gonna be," Motochika said getting off the motorcycle. Masamune remained seated, his mind still thinking about the girl he had met that night. Motochika gave an impatient growl and smacked his arm. "How long are you just gonna sit there?"
Masamune flinched at the smack and glared at Motochika before getting out of the sidecar. "What the hell was that for?" he asked. Motochika said nothing but pulled out his remaining belongings from the underseat compartment and giving half to Masamune. He begrudgingly took the items and gave a grimace to Motochika. "Whiney bitch."
"At least I wasn't the one who was smitten with some mystery girl all night," Motochika shot right back walking into the building's elevator without Masamune. Masamune scoffed and fell into step behind Motochika.
"You wouldn't be saying that if you had just danced with her. I swear, there's something special there. She had a nice fire in her eyes too. If only we could dance together again… I really want to talk to her," Masamune said finishing with a dreamy sigh. Motochika nudged the teen to get him off the elevator on the right floor. They continued walking down the halls side by side.
"Alright, so I didn't dance with her. I still wouldn't be as messed up as you are right now," Motochika snorted. Masamune glared at Motochika before nudging him in the side.
"I'm not messed up. I just really like her, and I happen to think she's a great dancer," Masamune said, justified. Motochika rolled his eyes and gave a sigh as they approached his apartment. The door swung open without anyone knocking and both teens gulped. In the doorway Kojuro stood glaring at both of them intensely.
"Is there a reason that it took the two of you a little over an hour to carry in those few trinkets?" Kojuro asked menacingly. Masamune gave a short awkward laugh before pushing his way inside. He started going upstairs to put Motochika's belongings away.
"So we may have gone to our favorite hangout place downtown. No big deal. We're back before late, right?" Masamune asked confidently. Kojuro gave an impatient sigh and walked towards him allowing Motochika entrance to the apartment.
"That's not the point, Masamune-sama. What if something had happened to the two of you while you were out? I would never have forgiven myself if something like that had happened," Kojuro said.
"Please, Kojuro. Nothing like that happened. Though Masamune did find himself a hot girl at the club he's got his eye on," Motochika teased, giving a wink to Masamune. Masamune froze on the stairs, a deep blush covering his face.
"What?! No! Shut up, Motochika or I'll kick your sorry ass out," Masamune growled from the stairs. Kojuro studied him closely before he allowed a slight smirk to show.
"So Masamune-sama fell in love then? Was it love at first sight?" Kojuro asked giving a slight chuckle at Masamune's mortified face.
"Totally was! You should've seen his face when he saw her! He was all dumbstruck and had the most stupid look on his face too! His face was like this," Motochika stopped talking to give a blank face with his mouth and eye open wide. Masamune growled and threw Motochika's toothbrush at his head.
"That's not what I looked like! And it wasn't love at first sight! We just danced together!" He denied emphatically. Both Kojuro and Motochika started laughing. "Shut up! You know what? Forget you two! I'm going to bed!" Masamune stomped up the remaining stairs and threw Motochika's remaining belongings on his bed before continuing to his room and slamming the door shut. He threw himself face first onto his bed and growled into his pillow.
Aggravated with the two downstairs, he grabbed his pillow and flipped onto his back. He glared at the ceiling while clutching the pillow close to his chest. His glare soon softened and he gave a soft sigh. Though he'd like to deny it, he couldn't deny the fact that there had to be some truth to him falling in love at first sight. There was something about the girl that pulled Masamune to her subconsciously, even still while Masamune was alone in his room. He was still thinking about the mystery girl and the strong fire in her brown eyes that seemed to light some fire within him.
"Danna?" Sasuke questioned in a small whisper to avoid invading the privacy of others on the train. His friend still seemed distracted, staring out of the window at the passing city lights, his eyes glazed over with exhaustion and awe from their night at the club. Sasuke sighed, scratching just below the headband holding his brown hair back, "Yukimura!" he said a little louder with much more annoyance as he nudged his friend's side. That did the trick, for the boy snapped back to reality and looked around him as if they missed their stop. Finding he wasn't in any danger, he let his eyes fall on his friend, then eased himself into a familiar smile, "Yeah, Sasuke?"
Sasuke sighed and shook his head slowly as he looked at Yukimura, his hood hanging over his shoulders with his long brown ponytail splayed messily over it. His tan skin faintly glistened with sweat from dancing for so long at the club, as Yukimura must have been there for hours while Master was unaware and resting at home, "You okay? You've been quite out of it since we left the club. Did that man cause you any trouble?"
"M-Man, what man?" Yukimura fumbled in his words, his already slightly colored cheeks growing darker as he knew very well who Sasuke was referring to.
"The guy you were last dancing with. He seemed rather adamant on dancing with you, too…" The green eyed boy pressed his lips in a firm line as he grabbed a handle overhead to steady himself as the train stopped. Two more stops and they'd be home.
"No, he wasn't any trouble… And I do agree, he really pushed himself to dance with me," Yukimura looked up at the television screens absentmindedly as his eyes glazed over again in awe, "He was probably the first person I've ever danced with that… struck something in me. He had this great passion about him as he danced, and it seemed so natural. It was almost intimidating, but in a positive way." He laughed a little at his words and looked at his friend, who looked back at him with a dull expression, not sure how to react to such deep words.
"Well positive intimidation or not, I don't think he was there for a dance as much as he was there for a different idea of a fun night…" Sasuke said bluntly, letting his hand off the handle and finding itself back in his pants pocket. The train jerked forward as it continued on its run, causing Yukimura to stumble a little, caught off guard.
"W-What do you mean by that?!" He whispered with a puzzled expression, a light blush on his cheeks as he listened to his friend's rather blunt statements.
"I'm just saying, I don't think a guy who continuously refers to another guy he danced with - for a pretty decent amount of time, at that - as a girl has his head on right." With that, Yukimura couldn't do anything but pull his hood over his head in shame and keep his red tinted face glued to the window, watching the lights of the city dance like the fire his mysterious dance partner held earlier in the night.