I checked the story today- first, saw the number of reviews had grown massively, and started grinning crazily, causing my family to concernedly back away slowly. :D
Then, I actually clicked on that '24', and made the cutest little 'Eek!' noise I've ever heard! So many lovely people!
I actually did a little dance! I wasn't going to post a chapter today, since I started school today, but you guys motivated me to speed-write! Even if I have to sleep while writing, I'll do it. :D

Wheatley's POV:

It took my brain about ten more days to fully grasp what my little discovery meant.
I still didn't fully realise the gravity of the situation, until I decided to tell Chell what I felt. I made another discovery. Words fail me when I become nervous, and nothing is more nerve-racking than admitting your love.
It wasn't until I had called Chell over to my spot sitting on the deck, when a bloody huge problem occured to me. What if she didn't feel the same way? What if she still held a grudge after the whole Aperture-thing? What if...?
A huge list of 'what ifs' streamed through my mind with every step she took closer.
One more step, aaaand:
"Hey, what's up?" Chell greeted me cheerfully, brushing a loose strand of hair off her face. I had the strangest impulse to tuck the loose bit behind her ear, but figured out it might seem a little odd, so I improvised. My raised hand opened a little and I waved. Phew.
"Hi!" My voice seemed a little too high-pitched in my ears, and I was again distracted by my thudding heart. She looked at me expectantly, and it took me a few seconds to realise why. This was it. Time to tell her how I felt. Time to tell Chell that I love her. Time to...
"Oh! Right. Um... do you wanna go out today? Like... uh... I don't know, the... uh... other side of the lake? Like, with food and all?" I pointed in the general direction of the other side of the lake. Wonderful. I'd completely lost my nerve. Maybe I could tell her how I felt there?
Chell raised one eyebrow.
"So, a picnic?" Her voice was odd, and I couldn't quite pin down the emotion on her face.
"Is... is that what that's called? Okay, yeah. Wanna go on... a picnic? Is that the right use of the word, or-"
"It is, yes, but I can't. I'm sorry, I have work today! Maybe at the weekend?" That strange voice again. Mostly just normal, with a twinge of suspicion and happiness. Then again, I would be worried too, of someone who once tried to murder me in cold blood asked me to go to a secluded place alone. With food.
But... it wasn't me! I wanted to yell. It wasn't me, it was that stupid body! We would've escaped much sooner, and we would've been best friends with no bumps or issues! I can prove it, too. You told me this Caroline tried to help you, even saved you. She was GLaDOS when she was in the chassis, as in the murdering, psychopathic A.I? But she was Caroline outside of it. I thought you were the genius in this friendship!
(Silly Wheatley, not everything is as simple as it seems!)

Chell's POV:

Traces of worry, hurt and anger flashed across Wheatley's face. Part of me wanted to ask what was wrong, wanted to promise to ditch work, just for today, just this once. As normal, that particular emotion took my mental mashy-spike-plate to the face. It was bad enough that Wheatley liked me.
Him, being the open book that he was, was exhibiting all the signs of a lovesick puppy. I caught him staring at me more than once, I noted the gentle flutter of his t-shirt moving to his heartbeat increase around me, and now he was asking me on a picnic. By the lake.
That part of me, now squashed to the back of my mind, begged to give in. Let Wheatley be the exception to my rules of love. To my utter annoyance, it seemed to brush off the effects of the mental attack and bounced back, full of life. Before I knew what I was doing, a huge grin spread across my face.
"I'll skip work, but only today. Never again. Alright?"
Wheatley positively beamed, and that stupid little emotion was getting harder to fight against.
"That's fine! Okay, so... what do we need, on this, er, picnic?"
I sighed, my logical side still raging war against the not-so-small feeling.
"We'll need... food, like sandwiches, biscuits, cakes and such. Drinks, like tea or juice, or cola et cetera, a basket to put said items into... and a blanket to sit on, if the grass is damp. Okay?" I recited everything we might need, counting them off with my fingers as I did.
"Good, good. I'll organise everything. You just... uh... sit there and talk to me while I do all that. Okay?" Wheatley nodded, business-like, then ran off to start preparing. I just sat there slightly amazed that he'd volunteered to do all the work. I decided to make my way inside so I could monitor the preparations, as in stop any fires that may spring up.

Wheatley was strangely secretive about the whole thing, turning away to put things into the basket and not answering direct questions. When he was finished, the basket was closed with a flourish, and he spun around to face me, his trademarked grin shining on his face.
"Right... allons-y!" He cried, picking up the basket and rushing over to the back door onto the deck. Since when did Wheatley learn French? Completely amazed, I just followed him.
It was quite a big lake. Small, in geographical terms, but big enough that it took us about fifteen minutes to walk around to the other side. On the way, Wheatley was uncharacteristically silent. He just walked, grinning happily.
Finally, Wheatley seemed to choose a site and plonked himself down. Almost literally.
"Ow..." He mumbled, wincing a little. "I think I sat on a rock... yep. More like a bloody boulder!" He placed the basket down and opened the lid to pull out the blanket. After clearing the 'boulder' away, (it was basically a pebble...) he laid down the blanket. It was a simple red one, worn slightly from age. I'd gotten it in a charity shop, because it had looked familiar. It had to be about as old as me, though. Maybe I'd had one as a child.
I was too focused on my thoughts to realise Wheatley had set up the food. I sat down, and gazed at it all in amazement. There were ham and cheese sandwiches, cut into perfect halves, a packet of chocolate biscuits arranged neatly on a plate, bread rolls with a selection of either strawberry jam or butter, and two bottles of Coke, condensation causing droplets of water to form on the glass.
"Wow... this is amazing, Wheatley! Thank you!" I leaned over the food, intending to just hug him briefly, but ended up wrapped in his arms for about five seconds. I was this close from staying there longer, but I fought back. My logical side won this particular battle. I pulled away, and Wheatley seemed to deflate just a little, until I smiled at him again, and he returned to normal. I could've sworn he looked a little distracted, and if I was some blushing girl with a flowing summer dress in a soppy novel, I would've thought he was about to propose, or something equally as life-changing. Most likely, he'd ask something completely trivial, then talk some nonsense for a while, before finally jumping to the item of importance in his mind. Cue start of the process... now.
"So.. uh, I guess you like sandwiches, then!" He beamed, that distracted look painfully obvious on his face. I let him continue as normal. Otherwise, I'd have a panicked Wheatley on my hands, and that's never fun.
"Yeah, they tend to be tasty. Sometimes you get the odd unpleasant one, but mostly sandwiches are good." I nodded, barely containing my laughter. He was just too easy to predict! I picked up a half-sandwich and took a bite. Huh. At least I taught him well in the art of food-making.

Wheatley's POV:

I watched anxiously as Chell ate the sandwich. This was it. I had to tell her. I had to!
I swallowed involuntarily, then cleared my throat. Chell's interest peaked immediately. The sandwich drooped, forgotten in her hands as she waited to see what I had to say.
Now that I had no option but to tell her, my heart pounded so loudly I'm sure good ol' Space would've been able to hear it. This was it. Now or never. Though, never was looking pretty damn good at this point.
"Ah... Chell?" That was wonderful, Wheatley. Bravo! I'm sure the bloody massive crowd around you know you're addressing only Chell, now. Again, congrats.
"Ummm... I-I-I- uh, remember two weeks ago, when you, er, explained what love was?"
"Yes..." Chell's voice changed slightly. What was that?
"W-well... I-I-I- seem to be, um, ex-exhibiting all the, uh, signs that-that- you mentioned, which, er, means that I-" I coughed nervously. Chell's face was unreadable. My heart was racing now, and I felt like I was gonna pass out, and then I spoke. "That I, er, lo...ve y-you? Er... am in l-love with... you?" I grinned weakly, and then the red blanket came up to meet my face, and everything stopped.

Wheatley's Disoriented POV:

Sound was dulled, almost as though I was underwater. The tiniest fraction of light cracked through my eyelids. The feeling of being carried and/or dragged was undeniable. Sounds of worry, panic and general unrest reached my ears.

Then, suddenly, my eyes were open, and I was halfway between the flat and the picnic spot, laying down on the grass. Chell was leaning over me, concern etched across her face. I smiled blearily up at her.
"I'm fine." I mumbled. She chewed the inside of her cheek, a habit I'd noticed she used whenever she was particularly stressed. Why was she so worried? I'd only fainted. Well. Only fainted was a bit of an underreaction. It was probably the world's worst faint, combined with the lack of sleep. So basically, a mega-faint. In fact, 'faint' is too gentle a word. I blacked out. Or, at least, that'll be what everyone hears.
Chell didn't talk, but she was obviously raging the largest war her brain had ever seen. Her eyebrows were drawn down and she was chewing on her cheek. I hoped she was okay.

Chell's POV:

I scrunched one hand into a tight fist and turned away, spitting swears under my breath. My emotions were on the last battlefield. This was the last stand. The turning point. The milestone. Which side would win?
I took a deep breath as the victor was decided. I turned back to the worried-looking, bleary-eyed, gangly-limbed man and leaned over to him again.

This time, I took all of us by surprise and pressed my lips to his. After the initial moment of panic that surged through Wheatley, he eventually realised what I was doing and kissed me back. Where he'd learned to kiss was beyond me, seeing as how he was a human for around two months or so.
After a moment or two, we broke apart. Wheatley looked on the verge of fainting again, and I felt a little odd myself.
"So, uh, is that the, er, normal human way of replying to someone when they admit their l-love for you?" He chuckled weakly. I smiled vaguely, then replied with a shake of my head.
"It's not really the normal method, no, but it is accepted."
"I know I accept it, anyway. Ah, ahaha, that... may have sounded a tiiiny bit creepy. Apologies. Sorry again."
"It's fine. Though, there is usually another thing I need to say, in reply to your admission of love."
"Yeah. It's needed to... kind of make the feeling mutual?"
"Oh. Okay? And that is?"
"Wheatley, I love you too."
"That... that I also accept as a reasonable response to it as well. Not quite as preferrable as the, er, first method, but still. It's always good to share your feelings, and all that." He grinned, and if I thought his trademarked grin was bright, it had nothing on this one.
"Oh! I almost forgot!" He cried, and tried to leap to his feet, but instead managing to unbalance himself even more and wobble precariously before falling to the ground again.
"Ow. No, that wasn't it. Wait here, two seconds! Promise!" He scrambled off back towards the picnic spot, where I'd neglected to bring the items with me when trying to drag Wheatley back home. Off in the distance, I saw him gather the blanket and food, and shove it all into the basket, then dig through his newly created pile of mush and pull out something I couldn't quite see from where I was crouching on the ground.
"Aha!" His voice echoed around the edge of the lake, and I seriously had to fight back a sudden case of the giggles. Me, Chell, killer of Turrets, destroyer of AIs, solver of tests, cheater of death... giggle? Then again, I did just fall in love with Wheatley, so I suppose anything was possible.
He reached me again, laiden with bundles, and panting heavily. His hand extended, and I saw a cupcake with unpleasant-looking grey icing on top. But, painted on very delicately, was a tiny pink heart in the centre. It looked almost like a Companion Cube...
And then it hit me.

Even if he hadn't been able to talk to me, even if he'd just given me the cupcake, my reaction would've been the same. With this one tiny, little pink icing-heart, he was saying that he wanted to stay with me forever, and keep me company for the rest of my life, providing unconditional love and support. Just like the original, half-scorched thing I got from Aperture, he'd never threaten to stab me, and I should never take his advice.
Actually, scratch that last one.

Awwww! Y'know, I think this turned out pretty well as a last chapter. Hope you enjoyed the series, and...
HAHA! Just kidding! I have many more chapters planned. You won't get rid of me that easily! But now, the gaps really will get bigger. I apologise in advance, and hope this was at least long enough to tide you over until next chapter (Probably later next week :( )
Oh, and 'Allons-y' is French for 'Let's go', and is also known as Ten's trademark phrase. STAY TUNED FOR THE NEXT WHILE, Cuz it's gonna start getting interesting.