"Let's make a deal Jerry."

"What did you have in mind Charley...?"

"A truce or, some kind of compromise..."


" You give me Amy, never hurt anyone I or my friends or family care about and swear you won't turn anyone anymore..."

"And why would I do that? What's in it for me, besides a new feeding guideline?"

"If you give me Amy and promise me that you'll follow those two rules... We'll fill the void you were talking about..."

He didn't know why he'd done that, offering a vampire that had just spent the last few days before that threatening him and trying to kill him a sort of compromise in exchange for his friendship; some semblance of a family or tribe. But, here he was almost six months after the fact and everything was just like it had been before Ed had told him what Jerry was... Well, sort of; if you counted having a four-hundred year old vampire and a vampire hunter for friends normal.

Charley stopped what he was doing as he recounted everything that had happened that night, everything that had been said between him and the vampire next door.

First there was the initial confusion of finding out that Jerry had only pretended to bite Amy in the club in an effort to lure Charley to him. Jerry had said it was because he wanted to test something he'd noticed in himself when the three of them were around him and mumbled something about not feeling the need for a tribe when he had them there.

Then there was Peter mentioning Jerry's breed being tribal by nature and his need for a tribe or some semblance of it being what he was after, and he'd been right. For whatever reason Jerry hadn't turned Amy because, while yes he was trying to kill them and yes they were trying to kill him in defence, Jerry had said they seemed to fill that tribal void he'd been searching for and he hadn't felt the need for one so long as they were around.

That mention of filling the void was what made Charley suggest the truce. He would take Amy back and, provided Jerry swore not to kill anyone he or his friends and family cared about or turn anyone else, Charley, Peter, Amy and even Jane would allow Jerry the opportunity to feel like he had a tribe again by interacting with them in a normal manner. Well, normal by Charley's standards anyways. He had made sure to stress that to the vampire which made Jerry laugh and agree.

He still couldn't believe he'd agreed though. Peter had been furious but figured it wouldn't be so bad when he actually calmed down and thought about it realistically. Of course he made sure they all knew that if Jerry tried anything fishy he WOULD come back here and finish what he started. Amy on the other hand was not happy about it, at all. She let him know every time she came by if not directly then subtly and it wasn't just him she made it clear to either. Jerry wasn't exempt from her anger about the situation in the slightest which had always made Charley worry that the vampire would snap and call off the whole thing.

"Hey, guy." Said vampires dark voice startled Charley out of his thoughts. He looked up and jumped backwards when he saw Jerry leaning on his bike looking down at him, landing harshly on his back and sending his wrench flying across the driveway.

"God damn it!" He howled when he calmed down. "Don't do that!" Charley rolled onto his side and had only managed to crawl onto his hands and knees when Jerry's voice startled him again almost making him crash into his bike when he jumped again.

"Do what, this?" Jerry chuckled. Charley clamped a hand over his chest and sighed heavily.

"Fuck." He muttered to himself. "Yes, that!" He huffed as he shoved Jerry backwards out of his way to retrieve his wrench. "Yea know, giving me a heart attack was NOT part of our deal." Charley dropped his wrench into his toolbox without even needing to look at the vampire to know he was watching him with an amused stare, his black eyes never leaving his figure and he swore he could see his fangs sticking out against his bottom lip out of his peripheral vision. "Hey, retract the fangs Jaws, or you'll lose em." Charley threatened holding up a pair of pliers.

Jerry just smirked at him and leaned against the bike with a hand on his hip. "You and Peter watch too many movies." He said finally, ditching his fangs. Satisfied that Jerry had listened Charley tossed the pliers back into the toolbox and sauntered out of the garage, around the side of the house and into the backyard. Jerry silently glided after him never once letting the boy out of his sights. "Why is Jaws the preferred nickname Charley?" He asked casually as Charley picked up the yard a bit.

"It's what Evil described you as." Charley replied without really thinking about it. "He said you were the shark from Jaws. You've seen that movie right?" Jerry watched as Charley bent down in front of him to pick something up.

"No, can't say that I have guy." He replied, a hint of laughter in his voice. Charley stood up and looked at the vampire with a look that read Are you fucking kidding me?

"Seriously?" He more stated then asked. "You've never seen Jaws."

"Nope. Should I?" Jerry humoured the situation. He wasn't really interested in watching the movie he had now been named after, he was just curious as to the origins of his new name was all. He wasn't about to cut Charley off though, that would defeat the purpose of him showing up unannounced like he does.

"Dude!" Charley started throwing his hands out in disbelief, momentarily catching Jerry by surprise. "Alright that's it. That is IT. You and I can't be friends if you haven't even seen Jaws yet." Charley waved the object in his hand at Jerry dismissively and sauntered off to the door leading to his kitchen, the vampire not far behind him. "We are gonna go buy Jaws and you and I are gonna watch it whether you like it or not."

Jerry stood at the door and ran his fingers down the frame. "And why would I want to do that?"

"Uh, because it's a classic and it's disturbing me that you haven't seen it yet." Charley paused in the middle of washing his hands and looked to Jerry standing in the doorway. "Dude, what are you doing?"

Jerry looked around the kitchen but made no move to come inside, instead choosing to turn his eyes to Charley and smile. "You don't need me to tell you that, guy."

"Jerry you do remember you have an invitation into this house right? You've had it for the past six months now." The teenager retorted shaking his hands free of the water and reaching for a towel.

"Five and a half actually." Jerry corrected. "And my invitation to your kitchen was revoked last time I was here for dinner. Or was I the only one paying attention to the rolling pin your mother was threatening to hurl at my head?" Charley finished wiping his hands off and couldn't contain the laughter that had been bubbling in him when Jerry brought up the last time he'd been over.

"Well." He said finally. "Mom did warn you about being a pest in her kitchen." He laughed when Jerry just rolled his eyes and leaned again the door frame looking a little disgruntled. "Relax man it was a joke! Are you coming inside or what?"

"Is that an invitation?" Jerry asked lazily. Charley shook his head with a groan, tucking the towel in the handle of the fridge and walking off to the living room with his hands up.

"If you didn't get that from are you coming insidethen there's no hope for you Jerry." He said with a laugh. Jerry growled to himself but took an unnecessary breath and stepped inside, following Charley to the living room. "Anyways, what brought you over here this time? Aside from the usual heart attacks you're just DYING to give me."

"I'm a vampire Charley, it's in my nature to scare people." The vampire mused slowly looking around the room. "As for my visit..." Jerry just smiled a knowing smile and Charley knew what he was trying to say.

"Never mind, I get it." Charley huffed and threw himself on the couch. Jerry took a few more steps before he spoke again.

"Your mom's rearranged things a little."

"Yeah she kinda had to after you blew the place up."

"Was that a hint Charley?"

"No I just find it a little hard to understand why you decided that blowing up my house was the best way to get me out..." Before Jerry had a chance to reply Jane Brewster came through the door carrying an armload of bags.

"Charley, I'm home!" She called out assuming he was upstairs or something.

"Hey Mom, need a hand?" Charley replied with a smile.

"Sure that'd be great if you could help out kid." Jane smiled, more than happy to relieve herself of a few bags when her son came to greet her. The smile faded though when her eyes landed on the vampire now sitting on her chesterfield with a smug smirk as he watched Charley head into the kitchen. Sighing inwardly she walked over to Jerry and held the remaining bags out in front of him. "And just for that smirk, you can help Charley unload." By then his smirk fell and Jerry just sat there looking up at Jane like he didn't believe she was really expecting him to get up and put these things away. Jane must have seen the look in his eyes because she motioned to the bags again waiting for him to get up.

"Why would I do that? I'm your guest, let Charley take care of it." Jerry replied calmly.

"Or." Jane said unphased by the vampire. "You can leave and not come back. Your choice Mr. Dandridge."

Jerry tilted his head and raised a brow in momentary disbelief before slowly reaching for the bags hanging in his face. "Yes Ma'am." He brooded but did as he was told, not wanting to escalate things. He wasn't in the mood for it right now nor did he particularly enjoy the thought of being kicked out and having to convince Charley to let him in again. He slowly got up and walked into the kitchen and placed the bags on the counter beside Charley. Curiously he rooted through them like a nosey dog. "You're planning a big meal tonight Jane." Jerry commented as he looked over every can and package he pulled out of the bags.

"You're more than welcome to stay for dinner Jerry but you know the rules. Stay out of my kitchen." Jane replied as she piled a few more bags on the counter and started placing the items in their respective places.

"Thanks but, I think I'll have to pass this time." Jerry smiled eyeing the rolling pin sitting in front of Jane, but his attention was elsewhere. "You have a visitor." Jane was about to ask him what he was talking about when the doorbell rang. Jerry just continued to smile at her even when she glared at him darkly.

"Charley could you get that please?" She asked never once taking her eyes off the vampire. "You, behave. No eating my guests." Jerry feigned a hurt look that made Jane roll her eyes and kick him out of the kitchen again. "Alright out, go do something with Charley or... something else you vampires like to do." Jerry wasn't about to complain. He sauntered off after Charley and stood a few feet away as the boy undid the lock smirking at him the whole time.

"What's so funny?" The vampire finally inquired.

"She's gonna kick you out you know." Charley warned. Jerry just snorted and jerked his head towards the door as his way of silencing the boy by reminding him there was a visitor. "Stop trying to change the subject Fang." Charley unlatched the chain on the door and pulled it open, but his smiled faded the moment he saw who it was. "Oh shit..."

"Charley who is it?" Jane called from the kitchen, but Charley couldn't respond. Jane sighed and marched out of the kitchen to see what had silenced her son just now, and partly to make sure the vampire was being civil. "Charley I asked who..." Jane stopped the moment Charley stepped aside with a horrified look on his face.

"Hello Charley, Jane." The man at the door greeted casually. "It's uh... It's been a while..."

The vampire didn't need anyone to tell him what was going on now. One sniff of the air and Jerry could tell...


Charley's father had returned.