Hmm.Let's see.Oh I know!! B/V get high school!! *Smiles
devilishly* I just love these things :P
-Bulma is 18 (as of the first day of this fic) -Chi-Chi is 17 -18 is 17 -Vegeta is 18 -Goku is 17 -Krillin is 18 -Yamcha is 18 -17 is 17 I think that's all the little buggers.Heehee!! :P
"Psst! Bulma!!" called a voice from outside her window. The young girl only groaned, turning over and covering her head with a pillow. "Hey Bulma!! Come on!!" She shot up, an angry glare set in her eyes for the person who dared to wake her from her beauty sleep.
"This had better be good Yamcha!" she yelled in a hushed tone, leaning over her balcony railing. Her wild aqua hair frizzed around her face, her light blue tank top and matching pajama pants hung loosely on her tiny body.
"It is! Trust me!!" he called back, then ran around to the front of the house to wait for his girlfriend. Bulma grumbled various insults as she shoved on her slippers and trudged downstairs to meet Yamcha.
"This better be worth it." she mumbled, glancing at the clock, which read 12:26 AM. "I'm losing valuable sleeping time."
"Hey babe," Yamcha said, giving her a toothy grin as she opened the door.
"What. Do. You. Want," she hissed, making sure to separate each syllable.
"Happy Birthday," he cooed, holding out a bouquet of multi-colored roses, all of which were stripped of their thorns, explaining all the band- aids covering his hands. Bulma's angry scowl immediately formed into a smile, and she grabbed the gift, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend.
"Oh Yamcha." She kissed his cheek lightly, then pulled his arm for him to come in. "You're the best." She ran to the kitchen, leaving him in the living room, to put the flowers in a vase. She came back a few moments later, not being able to stop smiling so big. "You're so sweet," she whispered, grabbing him and pulling him to her 'til their lips met.
"Well." He gave her a devious grin. "That's not all." His grin widened, as if it were possible.
"Get out!" she practically yelled, slapping him on the chest. He winced slightly from the loving gesture, she was stronger than she looked.
"Come here," he said, pulling her arm for her to follow. He lead her outside, covering her eyes with his free hand. "Ooookaaaaay." He removed his hand from her eyes, and nudged her forward.
"Oh Kami!" she squealed, jumping up and down. "Yamcha!! I can't believe you did this!!" She hugged him and kissed his cheek quickly, then ran to her quite less than cheap 18th birthday present. There in her driveway was the car she'd been dying to get since she got her license (Yamcha is rich in this fic, and the only reason Bulma couldn't get the car on her own was her parent's cut her allowance. Does that sound logical to you? LOL! Hope so). A jet black Mercedes convertible, complete with two purple racing stripes up the middle. The seats were black leather, their head rests baring the word -Princess- in baby pink cursive letters. (Doesn't that seem like a car Bulma would want? LOL!)
"I take it you like it," he joked, grabbing her around the waist and lifting her up. He twirled her around a few times, then planted a passionate kiss on her lips. "Come on. Let's take this baby for a test drive."
"I'm driving," she said lovingly, reaching into his pocket for the keys, which she found easily. "Aww," she cooed, kissing him again. "You got me a Princess key chain too. You're so wonderful." Yamcha simply grinned, soaking up all the compliments.
"Come on babe. We're going to my house. I have one last thing for you," he said, opening the passenger's door and jumping in. Bulma stopped dead in her tracks.
"No Yamcha. No more. You're spoiling me, you know?" she scolded, placing her hands on her hips, attempting a glare but could only form a smile.
"Oh be quiet," he said jokingly. "Its just a movie at my house. I want to be the first person you spend time with on your birthday."
"Oh Yamcha. I don't know what I'd do without you." She blew him a kiss, then hopped over the door and into her seat. "I've always wanted to do that," she giggled, turning on the car and speeding out of her driveway.
"Stupid Onna," groaned a young man as he glanced out his window, just in time to see his blue haired neighbor and her brain-dead boyfriend fly down the road. His pitch black hair stood wildly up on end, though a little frizzy from when he had been sleeping. "Don't they know people are trying to sleep?" he asked aloud, to no one in particular. He flopped back onto his pillow, attempting to fall back asleep, but soon found that to be an impossibility. "Stupid dumbass and his stupid wench," he grumbled, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and rubbing his eyes. He was going to go for a drive to calm his nerves, otherwise he'd just end up getting mad and punching a hole in the wall. He climbed out his window, not caring about being quiet, and trudged to the garage. He hopped into his black convertible with blue racing stripes (Sound familiar? Heehee) and skidded out of the driveway and to his secret place. It took him no less than fifteen minutes to get there, a little faster than usually, seeing as he was going 50 the whole way. He jumped out of his car, encapsuled it, then walked into the nearby woods, taking an almost invisible dirt path to reach his destination. It was a well hidden area, surrounded by trees on three sides, and a beautiful waterfall on the fourth. The waterfall was connected by a fresh water stream at the top, and a crystal clear pond at the bottom. Behind the falls was a small in jet, which the teenage boy dubbed his "pad". Inside was an old ratty couch, covered in plastic (So it doesn't get wet), a few matching chairs, and a battered antique wooden chest.
He sighed deeply, then dove into the pond, not caring about getting his clothes wet, which were merely his pajama pants (*Drools*). He floated around in the surprisingly warm water for a few minutes, then having his fill, climbed out under the waterfall and to his "pad". He flopped down on the couch and closed his eyes, accidentally drifting off to sleep.
-BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!- was the next sound the teenager heard, and he bolted up, nearly falling off the plastic covered couch. He glared angrily at his annoying watch, pushing a little black button to stop the noise. "4:15.I better get home." he mumbled, ducking out the side of the waterfall, so not to get wet (He dried off while he was sleeping). He trudged out of the woods and plopped into his seat. He pulled his keys out of his pocket and after a few unsuccessful tries found the ignition and started the engine. He rubbed his tired eyes, then put the car in drive and sped down the road, thinking only of the warm bed waiting at home for him.
He swung around the corner onto his road, and pressed harder on the gas pedal. Then, just as he did so, a cat decided to run across the street, causing him to swerve to avoid hitting it. "Damn cat," he mumbled, completely unaware of the car heading his way. "Fuck!!" he yelled, trying to turn back into away from it, which was doing the same. But, unfortunately, for the two late night drivers, an accident was inevitable.
His first thought after impact (The cars both turned so the cars' sides collided into one another) was to check himself, make sure he was, well living. He grabbed his steering wheel with both hands, and banged his head on it, muttering various curses under his breath. "Hey!" he called to the driver of the car he'd just hit. "You alive!?"
"Vegeta!!?" the female voice hissed back. "Is that you!!?" The tone was angry, though incredibly shaky.
"Fuck," he growled, hitting his head harder on the wheel. He sighed deeply, then jumped out of his car and walked hesitantly over to the car he'd just hit. "Well I say we're even for you waking me up earlier," he said, an almost smirk on his lips.
"Even!!?" the aqua haired girl bombed, flinging her car door open and sticking her face in his. "You call this even, Vegeta!!? What the hell were you thinking!!?"
"Calm down baka.I almost hit a cat, so I swerved to avoid it, then you came flying down the road so fast I didn't have time to get back in my lane," he explained, not looking into her icy blue eyes.
"Arg!! Damn it Vegeta! I JUST got this car!" she yelled, almost to tears. "Now how am I going to get to school!?"
"You have your stupid baka boyfriend for that!!" he spat back, becoming increasingly annoyed at her attitude. Its not like he was planning on running into her, literally.
"That's not the point! What if he can't come get me every morning!? Huh!?" He glared at her angrily, arms crossed over his muscular chest.
"I." He hesitated, not sure if he should suggest what he was thinking. "I have another car." he mumbled, hoping she hadn't heard (Ok, so Vegeta is rich too and spoiled LOL!).
"And?" she growled, arms now crossed in the same fashion as his.
"And I'll drive you to school baka!" he hissed venomously, dropping his fists to his sides.
"Ack! Like I'd get in a car with you!!"
"Fine then!! But don't say I didn't offer you!!"
"Whatever!! Just don't make me late."
"Oh! So now you want a ride!? Make up your mind!!"
"I'll take the damn ride you jerk!! It's the least you could do after ruining my beautiful new car!!"
"Your hair looks awful," Vegeta said, completely off topic. He was getting bored with arguing about the topic, he'd been in so many accidents before this was all old to him.
"What's my hair got to do with anything!? You're such an ass!" she hissed, stalking in the direction of her house, which was only a few blocks away.
"Hey! Where are you going!?" he called, following her.
"I'm going to call the police and report the accident you moron! Stay with the cars and make sure no one else hits my baby!" she yelled back, then jogged down the road. Vegeta sighed angrily, then stomped back to his car and hopped up on the hood. He leaned back on the wind shield, putting his arms behind his head, and closed his eyes. "You ruined my birthday," Bulma said angrily, startling Vegeta, who fell off his car and onto the hard pavement.
"Wench," he spat, picking himself up off the ground and brushing off his pants. "What'd they say?"
"The Keebler Elves," he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "The police you stupid baka!" (LOL!! That wasn't OOC, no way. :P)
"Oh," she giggled, for the first time after the accident. "They're on their way. We have to wait 'til they get here."
"Oh joy. I get to spend some quality time with you. Just what I wanted to do," he growled, climbing back onto the hood of his car.
"Stop being such an ass," she sighed, following suit.
"Hey! Get off my car!!" he nearly shrieked, pushing her to get off.
"Stop it! You hit my car, therefore I can do as I please. Besides its my birthday. Be nice," she said with a wicked smile. He gave her an odd look, unsure of what brought on her sudden good mood, and decided not to test her or else he'd have to hear her screaming at him for the next hour.
"Whatever," he grumbled, leaning back onto the wind shield. "You better be ready tomorrow morning when I come to get you or else forget about the ride."
"Sure thing 'Geta," she cooed, patting his head lightly.
"And do not, I repeat, do not touch me."
"Soooooorrrrrry your highness," she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm cold."
"Don't you dare start with your complaining. We have a long time to wait for the damn cops, and then they're going to take forever once they do get here like they always do. So don't start."
"But I'm freezing," she whined, rubbing her arms to try and warm up.
"Here," he huffed, grabbing his leather jacket off his passenger seat and throwing it at her.
"Umm, thanks. But aren't you cold?" she asked, suddenly feeling guilty for taking his only jacket.
"I'm fine," he hissed, crossing his arms and turning his head away from her. "Wake me up when they get here."
"Sure." she sighed, pulling on his coat and clutching it to her body for warmth. She sat there a moment, just starring off down the road, not really thinking of anything in particular. Then suddenly she turned and looked at the sleeping figure to her right. He looked so peaceful while he slept, a quiet rumble coming from his throat. It was hard to believe he was the same loud mouth jerk she knew all her life. The annoying neighbor boy since as long as she could remember. *I have to admit.He is pretty cute.* she thought to herself, unaware that she was starring. *Oh, who am I kidding? He's damn sexy.* She sat there a few moments longer, watching him sleep, until she noticed something. He was curled into a ball, his hands under his cheek, shivering like a Chihuahua (Nice comparison huh? Heehee). "That liar. He's not fine," she whispered with a scowl aimed at him. "Wait, maybe," she mumbled to herself, hopping off the car and skipping over to open his trunk. "I thought so." She reached into it and pulled out a large plain flannel blanket. She closed the trunk carefully, so not to wake her "friend" and slid back up on the hood, covering him with the blanket. "You're so stupid 'Geta," she sighed, curling into a ball beside him and closing her eyes.
---Chapter one!! Woo!! That was on a whim! LOL! I hope everyone likes it so far. Hmm.I wonder how Yamcha will like Bulma's new couffer (That's totally misspelled). See what happens next time, cuz I ain't tellin'! :D
Next time: Vegeta gives Bulma a ride to school and Yamcha is a little less than pleased about the accident and her knew form of transportation. And kids will be kids, so inevitably rumors start going around.Dunt dunt dunt!!
-Bulma is 18 (as of the first day of this fic) -Chi-Chi is 17 -18 is 17 -Vegeta is 18 -Goku is 17 -Krillin is 18 -Yamcha is 18 -17 is 17 I think that's all the little buggers.Heehee!! :P
"Psst! Bulma!!" called a voice from outside her window. The young girl only groaned, turning over and covering her head with a pillow. "Hey Bulma!! Come on!!" She shot up, an angry glare set in her eyes for the person who dared to wake her from her beauty sleep.
"This had better be good Yamcha!" she yelled in a hushed tone, leaning over her balcony railing. Her wild aqua hair frizzed around her face, her light blue tank top and matching pajama pants hung loosely on her tiny body.
"It is! Trust me!!" he called back, then ran around to the front of the house to wait for his girlfriend. Bulma grumbled various insults as she shoved on her slippers and trudged downstairs to meet Yamcha.
"This better be worth it." she mumbled, glancing at the clock, which read 12:26 AM. "I'm losing valuable sleeping time."
"Hey babe," Yamcha said, giving her a toothy grin as she opened the door.
"What. Do. You. Want," she hissed, making sure to separate each syllable.
"Happy Birthday," he cooed, holding out a bouquet of multi-colored roses, all of which were stripped of their thorns, explaining all the band- aids covering his hands. Bulma's angry scowl immediately formed into a smile, and she grabbed the gift, wrapping her arms around her boyfriend.
"Oh Yamcha." She kissed his cheek lightly, then pulled his arm for him to come in. "You're the best." She ran to the kitchen, leaving him in the living room, to put the flowers in a vase. She came back a few moments later, not being able to stop smiling so big. "You're so sweet," she whispered, grabbing him and pulling him to her 'til their lips met.
"Well." He gave her a devious grin. "That's not all." His grin widened, as if it were possible.
"Get out!" she practically yelled, slapping him on the chest. He winced slightly from the loving gesture, she was stronger than she looked.
"Come here," he said, pulling her arm for her to follow. He lead her outside, covering her eyes with his free hand. "Ooookaaaaay." He removed his hand from her eyes, and nudged her forward.
"Oh Kami!" she squealed, jumping up and down. "Yamcha!! I can't believe you did this!!" She hugged him and kissed his cheek quickly, then ran to her quite less than cheap 18th birthday present. There in her driveway was the car she'd been dying to get since she got her license (Yamcha is rich in this fic, and the only reason Bulma couldn't get the car on her own was her parent's cut her allowance. Does that sound logical to you? LOL! Hope so). A jet black Mercedes convertible, complete with two purple racing stripes up the middle. The seats were black leather, their head rests baring the word -Princess- in baby pink cursive letters. (Doesn't that seem like a car Bulma would want? LOL!)
"I take it you like it," he joked, grabbing her around the waist and lifting her up. He twirled her around a few times, then planted a passionate kiss on her lips. "Come on. Let's take this baby for a test drive."
"I'm driving," she said lovingly, reaching into his pocket for the keys, which she found easily. "Aww," she cooed, kissing him again. "You got me a Princess key chain too. You're so wonderful." Yamcha simply grinned, soaking up all the compliments.
"Come on babe. We're going to my house. I have one last thing for you," he said, opening the passenger's door and jumping in. Bulma stopped dead in her tracks.
"No Yamcha. No more. You're spoiling me, you know?" she scolded, placing her hands on her hips, attempting a glare but could only form a smile.
"Oh be quiet," he said jokingly. "Its just a movie at my house. I want to be the first person you spend time with on your birthday."
"Oh Yamcha. I don't know what I'd do without you." She blew him a kiss, then hopped over the door and into her seat. "I've always wanted to do that," she giggled, turning on the car and speeding out of her driveway.
"Stupid Onna," groaned a young man as he glanced out his window, just in time to see his blue haired neighbor and her brain-dead boyfriend fly down the road. His pitch black hair stood wildly up on end, though a little frizzy from when he had been sleeping. "Don't they know people are trying to sleep?" he asked aloud, to no one in particular. He flopped back onto his pillow, attempting to fall back asleep, but soon found that to be an impossibility. "Stupid dumbass and his stupid wench," he grumbled, swinging his legs over the side of the bed and rubbing his eyes. He was going to go for a drive to calm his nerves, otherwise he'd just end up getting mad and punching a hole in the wall. He climbed out his window, not caring about being quiet, and trudged to the garage. He hopped into his black convertible with blue racing stripes (Sound familiar? Heehee) and skidded out of the driveway and to his secret place. It took him no less than fifteen minutes to get there, a little faster than usually, seeing as he was going 50 the whole way. He jumped out of his car, encapsuled it, then walked into the nearby woods, taking an almost invisible dirt path to reach his destination. It was a well hidden area, surrounded by trees on three sides, and a beautiful waterfall on the fourth. The waterfall was connected by a fresh water stream at the top, and a crystal clear pond at the bottom. Behind the falls was a small in jet, which the teenage boy dubbed his "pad". Inside was an old ratty couch, covered in plastic (So it doesn't get wet), a few matching chairs, and a battered antique wooden chest.
He sighed deeply, then dove into the pond, not caring about getting his clothes wet, which were merely his pajama pants (*Drools*). He floated around in the surprisingly warm water for a few minutes, then having his fill, climbed out under the waterfall and to his "pad". He flopped down on the couch and closed his eyes, accidentally drifting off to sleep.
-BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!- was the next sound the teenager heard, and he bolted up, nearly falling off the plastic covered couch. He glared angrily at his annoying watch, pushing a little black button to stop the noise. "4:15.I better get home." he mumbled, ducking out the side of the waterfall, so not to get wet (He dried off while he was sleeping). He trudged out of the woods and plopped into his seat. He pulled his keys out of his pocket and after a few unsuccessful tries found the ignition and started the engine. He rubbed his tired eyes, then put the car in drive and sped down the road, thinking only of the warm bed waiting at home for him.
He swung around the corner onto his road, and pressed harder on the gas pedal. Then, just as he did so, a cat decided to run across the street, causing him to swerve to avoid hitting it. "Damn cat," he mumbled, completely unaware of the car heading his way. "Fuck!!" he yelled, trying to turn back into away from it, which was doing the same. But, unfortunately, for the two late night drivers, an accident was inevitable.
His first thought after impact (The cars both turned so the cars' sides collided into one another) was to check himself, make sure he was, well living. He grabbed his steering wheel with both hands, and banged his head on it, muttering various curses under his breath. "Hey!" he called to the driver of the car he'd just hit. "You alive!?"
"Vegeta!!?" the female voice hissed back. "Is that you!!?" The tone was angry, though incredibly shaky.
"Fuck," he growled, hitting his head harder on the wheel. He sighed deeply, then jumped out of his car and walked hesitantly over to the car he'd just hit. "Well I say we're even for you waking me up earlier," he said, an almost smirk on his lips.
"Even!!?" the aqua haired girl bombed, flinging her car door open and sticking her face in his. "You call this even, Vegeta!!? What the hell were you thinking!!?"
"Calm down baka.I almost hit a cat, so I swerved to avoid it, then you came flying down the road so fast I didn't have time to get back in my lane," he explained, not looking into her icy blue eyes.
"Arg!! Damn it Vegeta! I JUST got this car!" she yelled, almost to tears. "Now how am I going to get to school!?"
"You have your stupid baka boyfriend for that!!" he spat back, becoming increasingly annoyed at her attitude. Its not like he was planning on running into her, literally.
"That's not the point! What if he can't come get me every morning!? Huh!?" He glared at her angrily, arms crossed over his muscular chest.
"I." He hesitated, not sure if he should suggest what he was thinking. "I have another car." he mumbled, hoping she hadn't heard (Ok, so Vegeta is rich too and spoiled LOL!).
"And?" she growled, arms now crossed in the same fashion as his.
"And I'll drive you to school baka!" he hissed venomously, dropping his fists to his sides.
"Ack! Like I'd get in a car with you!!"
"Fine then!! But don't say I didn't offer you!!"
"Whatever!! Just don't make me late."
"Oh! So now you want a ride!? Make up your mind!!"
"I'll take the damn ride you jerk!! It's the least you could do after ruining my beautiful new car!!"
"Your hair looks awful," Vegeta said, completely off topic. He was getting bored with arguing about the topic, he'd been in so many accidents before this was all old to him.
"What's my hair got to do with anything!? You're such an ass!" she hissed, stalking in the direction of her house, which was only a few blocks away.
"Hey! Where are you going!?" he called, following her.
"I'm going to call the police and report the accident you moron! Stay with the cars and make sure no one else hits my baby!" she yelled back, then jogged down the road. Vegeta sighed angrily, then stomped back to his car and hopped up on the hood. He leaned back on the wind shield, putting his arms behind his head, and closed his eyes. "You ruined my birthday," Bulma said angrily, startling Vegeta, who fell off his car and onto the hard pavement.
"Wench," he spat, picking himself up off the ground and brushing off his pants. "What'd they say?"
"The Keebler Elves," he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes. "The police you stupid baka!" (LOL!! That wasn't OOC, no way. :P)
"Oh," she giggled, for the first time after the accident. "They're on their way. We have to wait 'til they get here."
"Oh joy. I get to spend some quality time with you. Just what I wanted to do," he growled, climbing back onto the hood of his car.
"Stop being such an ass," she sighed, following suit.
"Hey! Get off my car!!" he nearly shrieked, pushing her to get off.
"Stop it! You hit my car, therefore I can do as I please. Besides its my birthday. Be nice," she said with a wicked smile. He gave her an odd look, unsure of what brought on her sudden good mood, and decided not to test her or else he'd have to hear her screaming at him for the next hour.
"Whatever," he grumbled, leaning back onto the wind shield. "You better be ready tomorrow morning when I come to get you or else forget about the ride."
"Sure thing 'Geta," she cooed, patting his head lightly.
"And do not, I repeat, do not touch me."
"Soooooorrrrrry your highness," she huffed, crossing her arms over her chest. "I'm cold."
"Don't you dare start with your complaining. We have a long time to wait for the damn cops, and then they're going to take forever once they do get here like they always do. So don't start."
"But I'm freezing," she whined, rubbing her arms to try and warm up.
"Here," he huffed, grabbing his leather jacket off his passenger seat and throwing it at her.
"Umm, thanks. But aren't you cold?" she asked, suddenly feeling guilty for taking his only jacket.
"I'm fine," he hissed, crossing his arms and turning his head away from her. "Wake me up when they get here."
"Sure." she sighed, pulling on his coat and clutching it to her body for warmth. She sat there a moment, just starring off down the road, not really thinking of anything in particular. Then suddenly she turned and looked at the sleeping figure to her right. He looked so peaceful while he slept, a quiet rumble coming from his throat. It was hard to believe he was the same loud mouth jerk she knew all her life. The annoying neighbor boy since as long as she could remember. *I have to admit.He is pretty cute.* she thought to herself, unaware that she was starring. *Oh, who am I kidding? He's damn sexy.* She sat there a few moments longer, watching him sleep, until she noticed something. He was curled into a ball, his hands under his cheek, shivering like a Chihuahua (Nice comparison huh? Heehee). "That liar. He's not fine," she whispered with a scowl aimed at him. "Wait, maybe," she mumbled to herself, hopping off the car and skipping over to open his trunk. "I thought so." She reached into it and pulled out a large plain flannel blanket. She closed the trunk carefully, so not to wake her "friend" and slid back up on the hood, covering him with the blanket. "You're so stupid 'Geta," she sighed, curling into a ball beside him and closing her eyes.
---Chapter one!! Woo!! That was on a whim! LOL! I hope everyone likes it so far. Hmm.I wonder how Yamcha will like Bulma's new couffer (That's totally misspelled). See what happens next time, cuz I ain't tellin'! :D
Next time: Vegeta gives Bulma a ride to school and Yamcha is a little less than pleased about the accident and her knew form of transportation. And kids will be kids, so inevitably rumors start going around.Dunt dunt dunt!!