~omg! I feel SOO bad for not updating in a while. I've been in an emotional battle lately and I've been having some serious major writers block. Its REALLY annoying! Plus my computer broke and omg I feel super bad for not updating for so long! IM SORRY! Well I wont keep u guys waiting, here is the story…~
Previously on Austin and Ally:
While Katie and Jackie were talking Nick and I were listening. Katie also forgot to lock the door so we were peeking through the door. I was looking at Nick while Katie was telling the story; Nick looked like he wanted to kill someone but also wanted to cry. Then Ally said, "So, you don't want Nick to do what Michael did to you?" Katie quietly replied, "Yea." Nick then open the door and yelled, "DAMMIT KATIE, WHY DON'T YOU TRUST ME?!"Ally's POV:
Austin grabbed my hand and dragged me away. When we reached our room I looked at him and said, "Why'd you take me away?" Austin replied, "Because they need to work out their own problems themselves." I started to get angry. "Austin! We can help them! Right now you sound like a jerk." I yelled. Austin looked surprised at what I said but he got over it quickly. He calmly replied, "Ally, if we were in their positions, would you want anybody's help?"
I paused for a moment. 'Would I want anybody's help? Ugghhh Austin's right…' Austin realizing he won our argument took my hand and guided me to bed. Austin laid down then I laid down, putting my head on his chest. I heard his heart beat and my eyes started to drop.
~Next morning~
I woke up to the smell of French toast. I got out of bed carefully so I wouldn't wake Austin up. I look at the clock and it read 7:41 am. 'Who's up this early?' I walked out to the kitchen to see Katie making breakfast and Nick reading a book. I chuckled lightly and said, "You guys look like a married couple who's making breakfast for their kids."
Katie turned and smiled at me. She replied, "Yea, but we don't have kids." "Not yet at least." Nick said. Katie blushed then glared at him. I laughed and shook my head at them. Then I looked at the clock and it read 7:45. I asked, "So why are you guys up so early?" Nick opened up his mouth to say something but Katie beat him and said, "Because we had a good night sleep."
"Well I'm glad you guys are getting along again." I said, relieved. Katie nodded her head. I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and a head put on my shoulder. My whole body tingled with his touch. "Austin what are you doing up so early?" He replied, "It felt cold lying in our bed by myself." I smiled at his sappiness. Katie said, "We'll wait for everybody else to wake up then we'll do presents."
I face-palmed myself. "I completely forgot, it's Christmas." Austin said, "How can you forget Christmas?!" I chuckled and replied, "It just slipped my mind, that's all. I was distracted." Austin was quiet for a second. Then he said, "So… was I the distraction?" I could feel the smirk he was giving. I smiled and replied, "Nope, not one bit."
I heard Katie laugh while she put the French toast on a plate. "You guys, food's ready." Austin was there in a matter of seconds. "Awe, Katie. Why can't we have pancakes?" "Because Austin, not everybody here is obsessed with pancakes." "But-" "No buts." I rolled my eyes at Austin and grabbed a plate and put French toast, sausage, and some scrambled eggs.
I took one bite into my French toast and heard Dez say, "Guys look, it's snowing!" We all rushed to the window. I even saw Trish there. When I finally got a chance to look outside, there was a knock on the door. I looked at Austin with a questioning face. He shrugged his shoulders and walked over to the door. He opened the door and screamed, "Lauren?!" Then he fell to the ground with blood surrounding him. "Austin!" I screamed. Lauren had a sinister look on her face. "Ally…. Ally…. Ally…"
"ALLY!" I blinked a couple times. I looked over to a concerned Austin. "Are you ok? You zoned out there for a minute." 'It was just a daydream?' I blinked a few more times and said, "Yea… I was just daydreaming." "Oh, ok. You ready to open up the presents?" I smiled and said, "Sure."
~So that's the end of this ch. Lolz did u guys think I was gonna bring lauren back? I thought about it but I decided against it. Lolz well hasta la vista! Actually heres wat happened with Katie and Nick.~
Katie's POV:
"DAMMIT KATIE, WHY DON'T YOU TRUST ME?!" I looked up to see a pissed off/hurt Nick and a worried Austin. Austin then grabbed Ally's hand and dragged her away. 'Shit, this isn't gonna turn out good.' "Katie, I won't do that to you! I don't understand why you think I will!" I snapped at that. "BECAUSE! IT'S A POSSIBLE CHANCE! YOU CAN SO EASILY HURT ME! I LET MY GUARD DOWN AROUND YOU! AND IM SO TERRIFIED THAT YOURE JUST GONNA TELL ME THAT THIS WAS ALL A JOKE! I REALLY LIKE YOU AND I HOPE THAT I CAN HAVE A FUTURE WITH YOU!"
I was crying when I finished. I looked down and whispered, "I think I might actually love you." Then I started to walk out of the bathroom. I only got 3 steps then Nick grabbed my wrist and spun me around into to him. He kissed me. This kiss wasn't like any of our other ones, it was needy and hungry. He broke apart the kiss (leaving me breathless) and huskily said, "Well I know I love you."
I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him hard. Nick grabbed me and lifted me up onto the bathroom counter. I wrapped my legs around his waist and kissed him harder. We both ran out of breath so we broke the kiss, but that wasn't enough for Nick. He started to kiss down my neck. When he got to my collarbone, he gave me a hickey. After that he started to tug my shirt upwards. "Nick," I cautiously said. He stopped and looked at me. "I'm not ready." He smiled a gentle smile and said, "Ok." He picked me up bridal style (earning a squeal out of me) and carried me to the couch.
"So I'm guessing you didn't like it?" Nick said. I laughed and replied, "No, I did. It felt really good actually but I don't want that to happen in the bathroom and besides, there are other people here and they could've heard us." Nick chuckled, "Yea, I would've made u scream my name." I blushed and gently slapped his arm. "Goodnight." Nick said. "Night." I replied, snuggling into him. I whispered ever so softly, "I love you." I felt his arms hug me tighter, "I love you too."
~OK so that's wat happened between those to. Lolz it got alil steamy ;) but nothing to bad. Anyways hoped this ch wasn't too bad! Bye!~