AU with LuZo pairing

Rating: M for sexual preference and mild language

Disclaimer: Eiichiro Oda is the rightful owner of One Piece, here I just borrowed the characters for my own pleasure.

A/N this is my first project to wash away the ukefied Luffy mainstream, don't you get tired reading a fic where Luffy was portrayed as a weak blushing girly uke? Screw them Luffy is a manly and strong character, don't you agree? STOP UKEFYING LUFFY!

Review's answer

yaoi lover: No I'm not stopping this story, like I said I'll finish this but with a very slow pace. Haha

Thanks for those who had favorite, followed, and especially reviewed this story.

On with the story!

-How to Tame Your Student-

Chapter 3

-X-Agent Program, Part II-

From behind the attic four persons emerged, two huge male and yet another blonde woman who revealed too much of her skin and the last one was Luffy. All of them wore the same attire, a green long-sleeved safari jacket with black belt and trousers with the same color, they used black boots and on top of their head was a green military cap. Their faces were all stern, except for Luffy who was humming and walking so carefree, and they formed a line beside Hina.

"Please introduce yourself." Hina said

"My name is Smoker, 39 years old, been a trainer since the program started 7 years ago, success rate 80%." The huge man, with white hair and smoked on two cigarettes that lived up to his name, said grumpily. He looked like a wild predator from Zoro's point of view, his eyes were so sharp and his body build said that he could crush your bones with just one of his arm.

The next man who was the same built as Smoker but with additional pink frilly thing around his neck began introducing himself, "The name is Doflamingo, guess my age and I'll kill you in instant, been fooling around with Smokey-chan in this program from the start, success rate 60%." He somehow said his barely-above-minimum success rate proudly, and from the way he chuckled and licked his lips Zoro knew that this man was a maniac and dangerous.

The blonde that from the start only stood stoically took one step forward, her bangs was covering her eyes and her face was showing no emotions at all so Zoro couldn't predict this woman's personalities, until after the woman talked in soft and lulling voice, "Sadi, my name is Sadi, and you can call me Sadi-chan, better yet, I'll like it more if you called me by screaming, the more desperate the better." Sadi let out a lunatic laugh, "My success rate is 65%, because I tend to keep the students from graduating to hear their screaming more, so you'd better scream for me!" Sadi laughed again, and swished a whip that looked similar to Hina's one to the floor, made the girls winced and the boys excited. What a pervert, Zoro thought.

"Now it's my turn, my turn!" Luffy said excitedly, he practically bounced to the front of the students, and then he stood still and talked loudly, "I'm Monkey D Luffy, you can call me Luffy-sensei or Monkey-sensei whatever you like, but you have to use 'sensei' as my honorific." Luffy said in happy voice, "I'm 20 years old and I joined this program 4 years ago, my success rate is…" He stopped his sentence for a while and gave the unusual side smirk, "100%." There's a few who gasped after Luffy mentioned his success rate even Zoro, even though they still hadn't grasped yet any idea of what the program was, they knew that those percentages meant something great.

"Don't show off," Hina scolded Luffy, but he only chuckled, "Well as for myself I'm Hina you've known that, I've been the one who's in charge of this program from the start, and I'll be the one who divided you into small group and choose your respected trainer, my success rate is 90%."

Besides Luffy, Hina was the most normal and composed teacher in Zoro's opinion, there were no malicious glance, threatening words, or strange laugh. If he was to choose his trainer, not that he agreed with this crazy training or what so ever, he would choose Luffy, based only on his interest on that young teacher and he could take care of him easily if somehow the matters were going out of hand. Judging from his one-side fight with Kidd, Zoro thought Luffy would be a decent rival and they could have an interesting fight to keep him away from boredom.

"Now I want everyone to stand up, quick," Hina gave a command to the students, on which they instantly obeyed, "Now close your eyes! Every one of us, the trainers, will pick you one by one, so don't be surprised and do not resist when you're pulled over."

Zoro, who wanted to get this over with, closed his eyes and didn't bother trying to peek. In a minute he heard the sound of heavy boots stomped and heels clattered against the floor, it suddenly became quiet, almost too quiet that it started to give him a goosebumps. Then it happened, his right arm was seized hard, the grip was quite tight but didn't wake up any danger alarm in his body, so he just relaxed and let him being dragged by the hand.

After walking only couple of steps the hand stooped dragging him and let his arm loose, but still he didn't open his eyes. He could still hear the sounds of heavy boots and heels from afar but it slowly faded until he could hear nothing. "Open your eyes!" said the surprisingly familiar voice of Luffy, and when he opened his eyes the said person indeed stood in front of him with his big grin.

"Welcome to the training program! I'm glad to have you all under my care…" Luffy then babbled long about formal introduction procedure, but he seemed failed here. So Zoro just tuned him out and started observing around, the other students were nowhere to be seen, and stood beside him was Kidd, his tall and bulky body even loomed over Zoro, made him looked inferior. I guess this man didn't take much of students under his care, no wonder his success rate was so high and perfect. But why did I have to be paired with Kidd? This insolent brat was just a show off.

"…so there is a time when-"

"Where are the others?" Zoro interrupted Luffy's speech, Luffy then looked at him in annoyance but then upon observing Zoro, that showed no interest at all to his speech, and Kidd, who already tense and glared at Luffy to get his revenge, Luffy realized that the speech was just a waste of time, and he too didn't like it at all, too many words to remember.

"Shishishi, I guess let's skip the boring introduction, and I haven't had any idea yet on how to train you too. The others have left with their own trainers, each of us has a special method in training and you must not find out about that besides your own trainer, that's the rules. So they are off to their own base camp, for us I like it here in the roof top so from now on this will be our meeting point, okay?"

"What? But it's too open!" Zoro protested.

"I've decided it to be here!" Luffy said nonchalantly.


"Shut up, you're all too loud! I'll beat the shit out of you!" Kidd growled at Zoro, the look of fury and annoyance clearly painted on his face.

Zoro only gave Kidd a side glance, and smirked, "Well I don't have time to play with someone who's beaten over a single blow from the man smaller than him."

"You! You wanna have a piece of me huh?" Kidd charged towards Zoro, and Zoro only pulled out the steel rulers from his bag, readying himself to receive the blow. But before the fight could happen, a pair of hand came between them and separating them apart.

"No fights on my watch!" Luffy said commanding, "Kidd try to control your temperament and Zoro it's dangerous to bring steel rulers to school if I caught you using those things for fighting I'll confiscate it from you." Luffy let out a long sigh, he drew back his hands and put it behind his back, "Haaahh, I hate handling two brats with exceeding testosterone and now I'm hungry."

"Watch your mouth brat, you're younger than me!" Kidd said angrily. Then in a split second there was a fist in front of his face just an inch away, the attack was so fast that neither Zoro nor Kidd saw that happened. If the fist was collided with Kidd's face the impact wouldn't be beautiful.

"It's Luffy-sensei for you, Kidd!" Luffy's face was terrifying and his eyes were shadowed by his bang but Zoro knew that it's full of fury, "I can't tolerate disobedience, so give me respect here. If you can't do at least that much then I has the authority to expel you from this training which means indirectly I can kick your ass out of this school. Am I clear?"

Kidd knew that Luffy told the truth, so he just gulped down and gave a growl as a sign of agreement. Zoro just calmly took the scene that was happening before him, he didn't wanna mess up with Luffy at least right know, and moreover he want to know more about the training, he liked training so he'll just wait and see what Luffy had in store for them. But if you think you can tame and control me, you're gonna have a bad time. Zoro gave a silent chuckle inside his head.

"Good, now you two are dismissed, I'm really starving right now!" Luffy turned around, and with his trademark laugh he said to Kidd, "Don't forget our fight tomorrow Kidd, I'll have something to offer, and Zoro, just wait till I find the most suitable training for you." Having said that, he then skidded off and disappeared to the inside of building.

-LxZ LxZ LxZ-

Zoro came to his room and closed his door but not locked it and then tossed his bag to his bed, today sure was a very long and tiring day for him. He stripped his uniform off of him, and changed into fresh clean clothes and basketball shorts. He thought over having a lunch first before taking a nap, but decided that he really did need to rest his mind for awhile after bunch of madness that happened this day. So he launched himself to the king-sized spring bed, bounced over a few times while letting out a very deep sigh. He reached out his hand under the pillow to get him one, but his hand touched something under the pillow instead, "Huh, what's this?" He grabbed the thing and pulled it out from under the pillow.

The thing turned out to be a grocery bag, or something that was put inside grocery bag. The brown-colored paper bag was plain except for two lines of handwriting on the other side of the paper bag. The writing said "Have a good night" and a phone number. In an instant Zoro remembered what the bag was. It happened yesterday when he walked home after working out on the local gym and his bad sense of direction kicked in and left Zoro wandering three miles from his house.


Zoro kicked a pebble under his feet from the pavement. The pedestrians passed him, like he's just another people that added crowd in the streets on their eyes, and what he hated the most was that they were right. It was 6 o'clock in the evening and he just went back from his usual work out on the local gym near his house. He jogged to home while listening to the music through his headphone, and somehow, he blamed the music that distracted his thought, he ended up in the area he was unfamiliar of. It was still in the West Blue, judging from the building and the structure of the street, but he'd never been in the area before. He cursed himself for not taking the bus that would go directly to his house.

"Maybe I took the third turn wrong, I guess I should take the right path instead," with that in mind he determined to track his route back, but poor him he walked to the entirely opposite way of his earlier route. So here he was, stuck in even more unfamiliar place than before. He stooped in the middle of the road and looked up, a look of frustration could be seen clearly on his face, and he took a deep breath and let it out in one single sigh. Asking a person won't be a bad choice now. And asking a person he did, but with his appearance people seemed afraid of him and ran off before he could finish greeting them.

Gave up, Zoro walked to the nearest shop, he didn't even read the name before coming in. In his mind if he asked the shop keepers they would never ran away from him. What he failed to notice was that the shop was no ordinary shop it was an adult sex toy shop. When the door automatically slid open and he entered, he was being greeted by a very cunning woman with a very short skirt and very tight t-shirt, and her face was covered with thick make up and her looks was so sultry that if Zoro was interested in woman he would have his way with her instantly, but fortunately he was not. So he just gave her an indifferent face and walked to the nearby rack. He was surprised when he looked at the things which were being put on those racks, sex toys, so many sex toys. His imagination had gone wild by seeing such things, and he felt blood seeping out from his nose. He quickly altered his thought and wiped his nosebleed because being caught in an adult sex toy was bad enough, and having a nosebleed in and adult sex toy shop was a whole different and worse matter.

Zoro maybe looked like a normal straight man, and he had a strong muscled body that strengthened his manly persona, but he was very oblivious to sex life. He was too focused on training himself to be the strongest swordsman that would replace his father, and in order of reaching his dream he had been training relentlessly night and day to increase his strength and endurance. The impact was he had to sacrifice, either knowingly or unknowingly, many things about being teenager, and one of them was sex life. When he heard that term and really understood the meaning of sex he was already in high school. At that time he, like a normal teenage boy who discovered his sexual desire for the first time, started jerking off while watching porn videos. Those two activities had then, just like training, become his routine something just to relieve his pent up sexual desires, which was very high.

Then one night after he joined yakuza, one of his friends introduced him to one prostitute and he decided to bring her home. That night he planned to lose his virginity. One thing though didn't work to his plan; he couldn't get 'it' up. It's not because he was still clueless and considered as newbie in that kind of field, but he didn't get the aroused feeling at all, even after thirty minutes of fellatio session. In the end he was frustrated and sent the prostitute off, she was so pissed and walked away while screaming "FAGGOT". From that night he learned two lessons, first he was sex traumatized, and second he learned the gay term.

Being raised in a very respectable noble family, he never heard about gay relationship, the thought about two males having an intimate relationship even never crossed his mind. All that was in his mind about relationship was every man would marry a woman someday, that his family would choose who will be the bride, and they would produce heirs. Since that memorable night he never again invited girl to his bedroom, and he changed his collection of porn movies.

He had already realized why he couldn't get his dick up, and somewhat it related to why the prostitute girl accused him as gay. The thing that made him aroused and climaxed while watching porn was the male actor, their tight and muscled body. The rougher the action the more he aroused, he never cared about the woman, that was why he always looked at the male actor first, if they were handsome then he surely downloaded the file. He then changed his collection into femdom porn movies, because the main focus was the male actor and the action was quite rough, somehow he really liked seeing male being tortured, he already accepted that he had a streak of masochism and he had no problem with that, conquering a man in a fight always turned him on so it's no new thing for him. Then after that memorable night he was starting to collect gay movies.

Zoro was snapped out of his thought when he heard a sound of lightning outside. He shook his head and began walking through rows of rack of sex toys. He had already familiar with some of the toys and could identify it and how it works, but there are some more toys that was very strange and he didn't know yet, some looked very odds even downright scary, like whip with studs on its surface. Well he had never been whipped before, but he at least knew that that studded whip was not a work safe. He proceeded to the next rack and found a long display of dildos and vibrators. From any range of size and form, smalls, medium, large, extra large, and unbelievably hung that even from staring upon it made his ass twinge. He pick a middle one and looked at the price and just put it down, the price was quite expensive, and he didn't intend to buy one anyway. He just sometimes wondered how it felt to have the artificial cock-shaped thing up inside his ass, because in the movie all male had that satisfied face when this thing inserted inside their asses.

He randomly picked the dildos or vibrators. Sometimes he read the instruction when he encountered the unique-shaped one, and he even made a list inside his head of what to buy next time he went here, not that he will remember the place but just in case. He spent almost half an hour exploring the shop, until the woman came to him and ask if he needed assistance.

"No, just trying to find something for my girlfriend." Zoro quickly made up a story inside his mind.

"Kinky aren't you." The woman said seductively.

"Nope, she just gets lonely when I'm not around." Zoro said nonchalantly while giving his deadly half smirk, that he knew girls love so much.

The woman laughed, Zoro was a bit relieved since it meant his story was believable. "Now what do you need, maybe I can suggest something."

"Well, maybe a dildo or vibrator that is not too thick and the cheap one please, I'm short on money right now."

"Do you want the small size? What a shame, thought your gun is deadly down there." The girl looked downward to his groin and sighed disappointedly.

"What are you implying woman? I just don't want her to spoil all the fun, teasing her with small thing can made her an enjoyable ride the next time I meet her."

"Hahaha, I like you." The woman seemed to buy his excuse again, "well I think I have something in the storage room that meet your taste." The woman then disappeared to the back room that was supposed to be the storage place. In less than five minutes the woman came back with brown paper bag in her hands and handed it to him.

"How much?" Zoro inspected the paper bag and shook it, curious on what inside it.

"You can pay it five bucks," The woman said and stood closer to Zoro, she gave him a very seductive eye glance, and whispering on his left ear, "or free if you know what I mean."

Realized that the situation would get worse he quickly pulled out his wallet and gave the money to the woman. "Sorry gotta save up for tonight!" He said dismissively. "But thanks for this." After saying that he went outside and luckily the rain had stopped, but after walking for a while he realized that he forgot to ask the direction and now he was even more lost.

-End of flashback-

He tore the paper bag with new enthusiasm because it's been awhile since he let loose his sexual pent up. Inside was a transparent box that contained skin colored penis-shaped dildo. The shape was quite big almost 7 inches and about 3 inches thick, he was grateful thinking that the woman back then had guessed his thing was that big. The dildo was covered by tiny dots and instead a balls-shaped end the end of the dildo was shaped into rectangular box to put inside the batteries which were included in the package, and last there was a switch at the bottom of the dildo. Zoro then open the transparent box and pulled out the dildo, he grabbed it inside his hand and stroked it a little to feel the thickness and the firmness of the dildo. It only took a little time until his breath became deeper and harder and he felt his pants got tighter. "Damn, I get hard just from stroking this damn thing." He murmured to himself.

Nevertheless, he lowered his basketball short and his cock sprang out. It was almost 7 inches long, hot, and throbbing with streak of pre-cum on its reddened head. He put the dildo aside and laid down on the bed, He began rubbing his throbbing length softly and moaned a little, after awhile he gave up teasing himself, so Zoro proceed to stroke his hard length slowly smearing his pre-cum all over his dick. "Argh..emm." He closed his eyes and start sucking his finger but as his lust got higher, so the first digit was replaced by hiss three fingers at once. He sucking it furiously as tough it was a real dick, and along with that the stroking on his groin got even faster. "hmmf..hahh.." his body got hooter and he felt a building pressure in his sack signaling on what was to come. Zoro didn't want to come yet, he stopped all the ministration he was doing on to his body, he took a deep breath and calm himself, for someone who had a very good control of his body it was an easy task for him to cool down his lust.

After a minute of cooling down he bent both of his knees and spread his legs, one hand opened up his butt cheek and then Zoro inserted his saliva-covered finger inside. "Unggh.." He grimaced at the sting sensation inside his ass, but he loved it, he loved the pain, in fact he got a lot more excited when the action was hard, wild, and painful. The only thing that Zoro was still curious about inserting his finger inside his ass was the male spot that he always read in almost all gay sex stories. He never found it, no matter how deep he thrust his finger inside, he always jealous with the porn actor that moaned in pleasure everytime they were fingered. He then added two more fingers roughly, the more painful the better, "Auuhh.." His dick twitched in excitement, in dazed condition he pick the dildo and gave an experimental lick to taste the plastic-made thing. Zoro moaned again, because the dildo shape was so much similar with the real thing, so it only made his imagination wilder.

Zoro then shoved the dildo all the way inside his mouth, which made him choking a bit but excited a lot, he began sucked upon it like his life depends on it. As he sucked earnestly the dildo he started to working his finger to loosen his hole, spreading the tight muscle while twisting the finger to stir his hole and searching his man spot, which is futile anyway. After he deemed his hole loosen enough he pulled out his finger and grunted at the lost feeling inside his hole, he then stopped his sucking and moved the dildo on his entrance and pushed it slowly inside. "Aarggh…" he gritted his mouth when the dildo wouldn't come inside, it was simply too big compared to his three fingers. He then pulled his knees toward his chest to make a better access for the dildo, took a deep breath he pushed the dildo again with more force. "AAARGHMMmmmpph." Zoro muffled his scream when the tip of dildo inserted inside, the pain was so intense and pleasurable. He opened up his eyes, his pants could be heard clearly in his room, his dick which only few centimeters away from his face was leaking so much pre-cum and formed a pool on his navel.

"Whoever said spit can be used as lube is a total bullshit." Zoro groaned, yes he loved pain but the burning sensation and the feeling of his ass like it had been ripped in two were slightly too much for him. He thrust the dildo a bit more and cringed in pain, the saliva wasn't really suitable for lube at all and so he needed a lube. He stopped thrusting the dildo and swung his legs over the bed to stand up without pulling out the dildo first. Apparently he made three mistakes; first he didn't realize that he was on the very edge of his bed that if he moved his body even a bit he will fall, second he swung his legs with too much power causing him to fall over bed butt first, and third he haven't pulled out the dildo yet.

So yeah because Zoro was not a person who could defy the gravity at the first place, he fell. Then two things happened at once, the dildo that formerly only slightly sheathed inside his ass now, from the impact of his fall, fully sheathed inside, and secondly he finally figured out, at that time, where his male spot was and the dildo hit that spot dead on very hard. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH." The combination of pain and pleasure really drove Zoro insane that he lost control of himself and moaned out loud. His whole body trembling and his cock sprang up from the stimulation on the prostate. He needed roughly five minutes to regain his control back.

"Aah.." He tried to stand up but it only made the dildo grazed his prostate again and forced him to sit back. He panted hard and groaned a little at the feeling of fullness inside his hole, it was not that bad actually just a bit uncomfortable. He then spread his legs to inspect the dildo and when he looked over it was fit rather nicely in his hole. Zoro could see his stretched hole wrapped around it, the hole was a bit reddish and wet from his saliva. He was then noticed the switch, he almost forgot the tiny thing on the bottom of the dildo, feeling curious he switch it on.

The dildo was vibrating and the tip moved in whirling motion.

"Ah.. …argghh…aaaaaahh…" Zoro moaned, his legs shaking when the tip of the dildo twisted inside his hole and continuously jammed his prostate. "Sh…shit gotta stop this." He reached the switch and turned it off. The pleasure was too intense but he wanted to take it step by step, so he'd save the vibrating feature for later.

He pulled out the dildo slowly, when it almost half way out he thrust it back in, but this time it only grazed his prostate a bit not hit it dead on like the first time, but he still got the pleasure nevertheless. After a bit of pulled-and-thrust activity he completely pulled the dildo out. He saw his hole gaping a bit and he felt empty inside. "Haha I found you." He smiled feeling satisfied that he could finally find his male spot.

He stood up and walked to his drawer to pick up the lube, but when he got the lube and turned over, he froze on the spot.

His door was opened.

Aaaand that, ladies and gentlemen (if any), is the end of this chapter. I know I haven't updated in a long time when I said I shall update faster, I'm sorry but I have so many assignments for this semester (it's like sooooo much assignments that I'll start to get drowsy everytime I open ms word) and I kinda have some other thing to do. So sorry yeah.

And I got stuck while writing the lime part, I never write it before so probably it was a crap, and I had to make sure I got the character right, I'm not making Zoro act girly right in this chapter?

I still don't know when I will upload the next chapter, but I'm sure it's not this month, I have three papers due next week and I have to study for the upcoming exam (wish me luck!)

Anyway please read and if you have time give reviews, a lot of it would be very nice, so I can make this story better. Or you could give a constructive criticism or even flame if you want. Lol

See ya!