Chapter 2

"Granger wake up" She felt someone shaking her; sleepily she threw her arm up and smacked something solid waking her fully. She sat up in panic and turned to face Draco Malfoy who was holding his cheek and looking somberly "McGonagall wants to see us before breakfast. Get up" he sneered before turning and walking out, slamming her door shut behind him. Maia sighed and got up to begin her daily morning rituals.

"Merlin Granger, you take more time than Pansy in the morning, at least she's more presentable afterwards" He smirked at her, suppressing a laugh at her wild hair.

"Sod it Malfoy" She growled, eyeing him wearily as she tried to brush down her mass amounts of wild curly hair.

Within half an hour, she had managed to tame her hair with a spell and was already standing in front of McGonagall's office alongside Malfoy who knocked on the door.

"Mr. Malfoy, Miss Black good. Come inside." She said promptly before standing aside and allowing them to enter her office and took a seat behind her desk "You're probably wondering why I have called you here this morning. Albus, if you would?" McGonagall looked up as did Draco and Maia to see their headmaster walk in.

"Thank you Minerva. I have called this meeting, to inform you that Mr. Malfoy, Miss Black that you two can no longer live in the same commons alone. It has been made known to me that you, Mr. Malfoy have threatened Miss Black's life" Albus looked amused between the two students as they glared daggers at each other

"What is the meaning of this Professor? I would do no such thing! I am only a student." He defended innocently, only to receive a loud snort from his companion Prefect.

"Now, now Mr. Malfoy, We both know that you are not very innocent." Dumbledore replied nonchalantly, the twinkle in his eyes becoming brighter with amusement "Before you ask, no Miss Black was not the one who filled me in. Despite what you have heard, I do have eyes and ears around the entire castle my dear students. I was hoping that it would blow over, but alas I have realized that neither of you two can back down due to your pride. Therefore, I have decided that Miss Black will be returning to Gryffindor tower" Maia's eyes widened with glee "But you will be accompanied by Mr. Malfoy in one of our many guest rooms off the commons."

"No!" They yelled together "Professor, you can't do this, a Slytherin in our tower?" Maia protested as Draco yelled "I will most certainly not!"

"I am sorry Miss Black, it is the only way. Now as for your duties, I also realized that Miss Black has been on duty by herself Mr. Malfoy, therefore from this day forward you will also be eating with Miss Black at her house table and perform your Prefect duties together. Ligatae obligatoque attrahunt obliviscaris" He watched both of his top students shiver slightly when the spell hit them and smiled "That is all, your belongings have all been moved up to Gryffindor Tower. Good Luck." He smiled over at McGonagall and walked out of the office.

"Professor, can he really do such a thing?" Maia asked after a few seconds of silence

"Miss Black, He is Albus Dumbledore and he can do anything." She cleared her throat "Miss Black I know you already know where the guestrooms are, if you would please escort Mr. Malfoy there promptly, the password to the portrait is Unity. Do have Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley help you Miss Black." She stood and ushered them to the door. "Good luck Hermione."

As the two students walked up the stone steps to the seventh floor, she glanced over at Malfoy who has been unnaturally quiet "You're quiet" she whispered

He looked over at her and sighed "There really isn't much I can do or say is there? I may be rambunctious but I still follow the rules, mostly. I know you hate it as much as I do but I suppose we have to work together. I am s-s-" He sighed again and ran his hand through his hair "sorry" he whispered almost inaudibly

Her eyes widened with surprise but quickly returned them to normal, hoping he didn't see the shock written all over her face "Um it's ok, I was still pretty certain that you wouldn't go through with it. You're not a murderer D-Draco, you think you have something to prove, but that is where you are wrong. You have nothing to prove to them, or your father…."

It was time for his eyes to widen when she used his name for the first time in six years; it actually sounded kind of nice coming from her…

Maia stepped in front of the Fat Lady as the rotund woman in the portrait eyed the Slytherin suspiciously "Yes dear, password?"

"Mimbulus mimbletonia"

The portrait swung open to reveal the commons within. She motioned for Draco to go in first but he shook his head "No thanks, I'm not being fed to the lions, literally."

The sides of her mouth twitched up a little and then she laughed "I think that is the funniest thing you have ever said Malfoy, come on." She entered the common room first, followed by Draco. The entire room was packed with students of all years studying and all of them gasped at the same moment. Books could be heard dropping to the floor with loud bangs and goblets cluttering to the floor, all staring at Malfoy

"Uhm…" She began, her cheeks becoming red in an instant

Draco coughed and held his head high "I think what my fellow Prefect it trying to say is, Dumbledore has set this up." He tried to explain, thinking if he mentioned Dumbledore then they would all understand, but of course the bloody Gryffindors all but still stared, unmoving. Maia turned to the fireplace and tapped the first brick above the mantle, the third bricks to the left and seventh from the top and stepped back as the wall beside the fireplace opened to reveal a long hallway leading up to a portrait of the Hogwarts Crest with only the Lion and the Serpent intertwined together. Draco swept over to the portrait as quickly as he could and muttered the password before almost literally diving into the room it hid.

"WHAT!" Harry yelled as he paced the Boy's Dorm as Maia played with the hem of the comforter on his bed

"I know Harry; I don't like this at all but Dumbledore said he has to. I don't know what Dumbledore is playing at, and I don't know what Malfoy is doing at night, but he will have to stop since he won't be able to get passed the Fat Lady without me." Realization hit her and she wanted to slap her forehead "Of course! That's why Dumbledore wanted him here!"

"Hermione, this is a bad idea, very bad indeed. I'm staying in there with you" when he saw her roll her eyes he added. "That's final."

"Harry you don't have to protect me, I know how to defend myself against that insufferable ferret, remember third year? We even got to watch it again" She mused

Harry laughed "I remember. That really was a good hit Hermione, both times." He sat beside her and sighed "I want to do this, please let me help you with this Mione, I wouldn't trust him and I certainly wouldn't be able to sleep knowing you were in there alone with him. He has no problem hitting you when you're down or turned around obviously, it would be the reason he was even turned into the amazing bouncing ferret in the first place." They both laughed at the memory

"Alright Harry, for now I'll help you pack your things." She said defeated

"It's about- What is HE doing in here?" Malfoy spat upon seeing Harry walk in after Maia with his trunk and owl in tow

"He'll be staying in here. I don't trust you Malfoy." Maia replied hastily as she took Hedwig from Harry and sat it down in the corner of the room. When she turned, Draco and Harry had their wands out and pointing them at each other.

"Give it up Scarhead, you're not staying in here, get out!" Draco hissed

"Not a chance ferret, Stupefy!"

" Protego"

"Boys!" Maia squeaked


"Petrificus Totalus!"


"Boys Stop!" Oh… Immobulus" Maia cried, hitting Draco first, then Harry. She cried out as her wand glowed and burned white hot around her hand, reluctantly dropping it onto the ground as both boys came out of their frozen states, holding her injured hand with her other.

"What-" Just as Harry began speaking, he had to duck and roll as Maia was pulled hard and fast towards Draco, inadvertently crashing into him and falling to the ground with a loud thud.

"Get the hell off me Granger!" Malfoy screamed as he tried to push her off

"I'm trying! Harry, help me!" She cried. Harry tried to pull her off of Draco, when he would pull her off, Malfoy would follow suit.

"I think…" She moved her left leg and Draco moved his as well, she moved her arm out and Draco's moved in

"Are you kidding me? This is injustice!" Malfoy screamed

"Dumbledore…" Maia whispered

When they were finally able to stand, which took a lot of moving this way and that to get them both to their feet; Maia tried a few spells to reveal the restraints upon her and Malfoy but to no success. She sighed and looked over at Draco "I'm hungry, let's go down to breakfast"

Draco reluctantly agreed and the three set off to the Great Hall. Whispers and stares followed Maia and Draco all the way into the Great Hall and didn't stop even after they sat down at the Gryffindor table. Draco sneered at the whisperers and sat with his arms crossed across his chest, forgetting for a moment that one was attached to Maia whose arm flew out and knocked a goblet of pumpkin juice into Draco's lap "Black! Watch what the hell you're doing!" He cried taking his wand out and casting a quick Scourgify to his lap while grumbling.

"You shouldn't have moved your arm like that and it wouldn't have happened Malfoy" Maia hissed quietly as she picked up the goblet and refilled it. "We need to learn how to work together because I don't know how to get these restraints off and I don't know how long we'll have them. We start tonight Malfoy."

Dumbledore turned to McGonagall and smiled "This ought to be amusing don't you think Minerva?"

"Yes quite… Though I still don't think it's right chaining them up like a pair of dogs Albus, but I respect your plan." A smile creased her lips and she turned back to the front to watch the two young students

~~ oo ~~

"Move over Granger, this is my desk" Malfoy growled, flanked with his goons Crabbe and Goyle; Maia had no choice in the matter and moved over to the next desk. "Keep moving Gryffindork" Goyle replied gruffly and Maia grinned before slipping carefully out from her desk and ran to the other side of the room, causing Draco to be yanked forward and trail bumpily behind her.

"You asked for it Malfoy" Maia sat down beside Harry whom was grinning ear to ear while the rest of the Gryffindors filled the classroom with laughter while the Slytherins looked blankly down at Draco as he stood up.

"You have to admit that was funny mate" Blaise chuckled

"Oh sod off Blaise; you're just friends with her so you can get her into your bed." Malfoy growled, sitting tentatively down beside Maia. Blaise sucked in a breath and shook his head

"Malfoy you know better than that. I'm with Daphne" He replied, sitting behind them and taking out his books.


"Good Morning class, this morning I am a bit behind on my potion making for poor Pomphrey…yes today I want you all to help me by creating several different potions. I will assign you partners and what potion I want you to make." Slughorn paired partners according to who they sat by which brought Maia to partner up with Draco.

To each pair he called off what potion they had to make and how long they had before opening the supply closet and allowing the students access. Maia and Draco stood up at the same time and Draco swept his foot under hers, causing her to topple over onto her knees and hands

"Ah look, you've found your place" Malfoy chuckled "Kiss my boot Granger" The Slytherins burst into laughter while the Gryffindors rushed forward to help Maia and sneering at the Slytherins. Draco turned and raised his arms up in a winner pose suddenly he was flying across the room knocking over a cauldron, the contents splashing his face, shoulders, and chest. He looked up best he could and saw Maia beside him glowing in a silver and red dim light.


"Miss Black, Please see me after class, everyone back to their seats please" Slughorn looked tiredly over at the spectacle and sighed "Mr. Zabini get Mr. Malfoy to the hospital wing"

"Uh sir…" Harry began just as Draco walked away, Maia toppled over onto her bum with a loud "Ouch"

Slughorn looked from Draco to Maia confused, dawning comprehension fell upon his face and he nodded "Mr. Potter, will you please escort Maia as well please?"

"Yes sir." Harry complied

~ oo ~~

Harry and Maia listened to Malfoy moan and complain the entire way down to the hospital wing. Madam Pomphrey greeted them as they entered the large double doors and went straight to work on Draco while Harry tried to explain what happened and why Maia had to be beside Draco.

"Potter, if it was true, Albus would have informed me." Pomphrey replied agitated "Now move away Miss Black."

Maia and Harry sighed inaudibly and moved away far enough that she wasn't in Madam Pomphrey's way but still close enough that wouldn't put strain on their arms.

"I don't even know why I'm even being nice. After what he just pulled in Slughorn's classroom." Maia whispered to Harry "Harry you don't think I'm going soft do you?"

Harry shook his head and looked over at the boy on the hospital cot "No. I just think you're Hermione Granger, the girl who can find the good in everyone, even Malfoy. Though I doubt there is any."

"I know there has to be. When we were on our way to Gryffindor tower, he apologized for making that threat against me. I know possibly no one, not even himself can see it but I can. Before the end, he will regret what he has done and not be able to ever forget it.

Harry tilted his head in confusion and sighed "Hermione don't read much into it, I think he is just trying to throw you off the trail."

Maia opened her mouth to say something just as Pomphrey spoke up "He can leave, he's fine. It was just a bit of Amortentia; just watch him because he'll try to love up on you for the next twelve hours." She turned to leave before stopping "Oh and please tell Professor Slughorn I am in need of those potions soon. My stock is almost non-existent." She shuffled away into an adjacent room that was her office.

"Come on Malfoy, Get up" Harry sneered, grabbing Draco's arm a bit too roughly and pulled him off the cot

"Get your filthy hands off me Potter" Draco hissed "She said I would feel the effect of Amortentia, not go insane." He pulled the hem of his shirt down to fix the wrinkles and shoved past Maia and Harry and walked out of the hospital doors, dragging Maia with him.

"Give her the bloody password so we can hurry up with the damn Prefect duty"

Maia looked solemnly at Draco and sighed "Can't you be nice ever? Is it even in your being Malfoy?" She turned to face the Fat Lady and gave the portrait an apologetic look "Dumbledore requested he stay here in the guest room" she explained

"Oh I know dear, Dumbledore spoke with me but I still don't trust the little snake. Password?" She chided softly

"Mimbulus mimbletonia"

"Watch him Miss Granger, He's up to something. I saw someone come out of the commons last night, I'm not sure if it was the usual or him" The Fat Lady whispered. Maia's eyes widened and she turned towards Draco who had his back turned on her

"Thanks" Maia whispered as the portrait swung open to let them in.

"It's about time." Draco hissed, shuffling pass Maia and entering the common room that was still full of late night students studying and playing exploding snaps and shouted the password to the portrait that held their guest commons behind it and shuffled in quickly, Maia following closely behind.

"How in the world are we going to shower?" Draco stood in the bathroom scratching his head looking from the shower to Maia

"I'm not getting in there with you Malfoy." She replied bluntly

Draco smirked "Oh come on Black, I see how you look at me when you think I'm not paying attention"

Maia's mouth fell agape in shock and she could feel the blush growing across her cheeks. "N-n-no…" There was silence as Draco continued to smirk at her she cleared her throat, getting back her courage quickly now "You wish Malfoy"

Draco snorted and shook his head "I caught the hesitance. You can't fool me Granger, you've been doing it since the Yule Ball fourth year. Now, well I probably would give you a chance if it wasn't for the fact that you're a know it all filthy blood turned pure. You'll never be a pureblood."

Maia rolled her eyes as she has heard this since start of term by every Slytherin save Blaise and she was starting to get severely annoyed by it. "It's Black, Malfoy, get it straight I am Maia Black and I have been pureblooded from the day that I was born. Why can't you snakes get that? You're more thick-headed than Ronald."

Draco yanked his arm, bringing Maia towards him until she was flush against him, a blush creeping up her cheeks at the closeness "Fine, you want me to tell the Slytherins what exactly you are, you have to do something for me" He closed more of the space between them, leaning down a fraction

Maia opened her mouth to speak when she heard Harry calling for her, immediately snapping out of the daze Draco had put her in. She pushed Draco away from her, turning on her heels she walked as fast as she could out of the bathroom, nearly dragging Draco behind her.

"Harry, I'm here"

"Where-erm Why were you both-"

"Oh nothing, I was getting ready for Prefect duty" Maia cut Harry off "Now I'm really late because someone wouldn't listen" She glared at Draco "We must be going, I'll talk to you tomorrow while we're in Hogsmeade" Maia rushed out of the room, not stopping in Gryffindor commons when Dean called after her and pressed on outside into the corridor. Turning around quickly, she nearly unbalanced herself "Don't you ever do that again Malfoy. I'm sure it was the Amortentia was at work because Draco Malfoy, ferret boy, or whatever you are would never…"

"Shut up." Draco hissed "Of course it was the stupid potion, I can't stand being near you."

Maia rolled her eyes and turned around, walking as fast as she could down the changing staircase, Draco following close behind, his cheeks lit up with heat; of course he hadn't meant to get that close right?*It was just the potion* He continuously chanted to himself as he followed her down the fourth floor corridor. This is it; I need to do it nowhe thought, raising his wand, he thought Stupefy and watched Maia's body become rigid and fall hard onto the ground. He moved swiftly to blindfold her and muttered "Levicorpus" levitating her body up into the air, he used a quick disillusionment charm on the both of them and made his way up to the seventh floor and into the Room of Requirements.


Maia awoke to complete darkness. She tried to move, but found quickly that she was completely immobilized. The last thing she remembered was her and Draco leaving the Gryffindor commons to start their Prefect duties for the night. Draco! She screamed in her head. What the hell have you done! She thought to herself. Instead of panicking, she quieted her thoughts as best she could, hoping to get an idea of where she was.

First she heard something that sounded like metal clattering against other metals, maybe items falling over other items? She wondered. Then she heard a soft click to her left, even though she couldn't move, she tried to strain her ear to hear as much as she could.

Maia realized that straining her ear wasn't needed. The sound she had heard was closer than she thought. As clear as day, she heard Draco's whispered tones right beside her "Harmonia Nectere Passus" he kept repeating, every two minutes and three seconds, she had counted after the fourth time he repeated it. After the twelfth time, she heard him sigh heavily and then heard some scraping noise suggesting he may have pulled out a chair.

Maia's nose began to itch, signaling that the spell was wearing off 'Finally!' she thought. Very carefully, she tried to move her fingers, when nothing happened, she frowned.. she could move her mouth! This was a good sign. Picking each word carefully in her mind before she started to speak, knowing that she was still helpless, and that Draco could hurt her if he wanted or needed to.

"You're a good man Draco..." that was lame Hermione... she rolled her eyes at herself

She heard more scraping and then felt a small object press against her neck "Shut your filthy mouth Black, you think you know, but you don't." He snarled.


'Is that some kind of spell? I've never hea-' Her thoughts were interrupted by a loud 'POP' signaling Maia that a house elf had just arrived. "Kampri, It's time." he muttered, pressing the tip of is wand harder into her neck.

"You're going to make an unbreakable vowel Black"

"And what if I refuse?"

"I'll kill you right here. No one will ever find your body when it's done."

Reluctantly, she nodded and he pulled his wand away from her and stood up, leaving Maia to scramble, twist, and turn to get herself up.



Maia awoke in her commons, feeling refreshed. She rose from her bed and stretched, with a smile she started towards the bathroom, only to be pulled back. She had forgotten about the chains in which bonded herself to Draco Malfoy, who was asleep in the bunk above hers. Mumbling to herself, she stomped back over to her bed and shook Draco "Wake up you insufferable git, I have to visit the ladies room"


She screamed in frustration, causing the tired looking Harry to come out of his room "s'matter Mione?" he asked sleepily. "Ferret won't get his sodding self up so I can go to the loo!" she groused "My wand is over there by the end table" She became confused, 'why is my wand over there? I always put it two quarter inches away from my pillow, for convenience...' While she was deep in thought, Harry had crossed the room, grabbed Draco by his sleeves, and yanked him out of his bed. Before Draco had time to fully wake up and could respond, Harry already had his wand out and had it pointed at Draco"

"Do what 'Mione says or else Malfoy" Draco scoffed and pulled himself off the ground, nonchalantly striding to the bathroom, dragging Maia behind until he slammed the door in her face. She beat on the door "Malfoy I have got to take a shower, I cannot hold it off any more." The door reopened, and Draco slid out "All yours princess" he said in a sickly sweet tone. Unfazed, she walked into the bathroom, coming up short a few inches away from the tub 'Did the bathroom get... bigger?' she asked herself

"Draco!" she cried, pulling her arm to her, bringing Draco into the bathroom with her.

"What?" he growled

"You changed the bathroom didn't you?"

"Why would I do such a thing?" moments passed where neither of them spoke, Draco laughed menacingly, and with a sneer he replied "Oh, you thought I changed the bathroom so I could watch the filthy little bint shower?" He grimaced at the thought, and dry heaved. "You make me sick Granger."

Maia's cheeks flared up, becoming beet red with embarrassment. She hadn't meant it the way he took it. Sighing, she called Harry in "You'll keep an eye on him won't you? She inquired "Of course, but.." His hand push through his hair and looked confused "Erm, 'Mione, how are we going to do this?" He asked, a little embarrassed.

"You'll have to stay in here with him." she replied bluntly, watching Harry's cheeks grow redder than a tomato "I don't think this is a good idea..."

"Of course it's not a good idea scarhead!" Draco declared sarcastically, rolling his eyes. He had been listening to the entire conversation, with a bit of amusement. Maia scoffed and jumped into the shower stall and pulled the curtain closed, Draco followed her every movement with his steely gray eyes.

Harry watched him from his perch upon the double countered sink, skeptical as to what he had just witnessed. After a few more seconds of watching Draco stare at the dark rosewood wooden floor of the bathroom, he chalked it up to the fact that he was just extremely exhausted from the Qudditch trials and spending most of the rest of yesterday at Hagrid's with Ron. The four students walked down to breakfast together with Draco lagging behind as much as he could. By now, all of Slytherin should know that he was shackled up with the Gryffindors. He was not amused when a couple second year Slytherin girls passed him by in the hall and proceeded to giggle, point, and laugh at him. He grumbled, but followed the idiot trio begrudgingly. As they approached the large wooden doors to the Great Hall, Draco began to protest, pulling back, causing Maia to be yanked as she was in a secretive conversation with Ron and Harry in front of him. "What Draco?" she gritted, becoming quite annoyed. "I'm not hungry" he replied too quickly. 'Stupid answer' he thought to himself as he watched Maia look confusedly at him. For a moment, neither of them spoke, the only movement was from Draco, running his hand through his short, platinum blonde hair, awaiting for her big, long, drawn-out speeches he has heard her give Scarhead and Weaslebee, but nothing came.

Draco rolled his eyes and shook his head before walking around Maia, and all but dragged her through the doors. As they all ate breakfast, he watched in grimace at the trashy, disgusting way the Gryffindor's ate. Snarfing, talking awkwardly with their mouths full of food, knocking goblets over on the table and plates on the floor. He inwardly shuddered, biding his time until he can finally be free of the wretched chains that confine him to the nerd princess herself. Luckily today is their first Hogsmeade visit of the year, he could finally get some fresh air.

A/N Authors love reviews! Let me know if you guys are enjoying your read! Until next chapter