Okay. I'm just gonna let you figuratively run after me with pitchforks and torches right this minute. :I I'm SO SINCERELY SORRY I didn't update sooner! In my defense, homework has been plentiful and annoying for the past couple months, and second of all… Well, this is a transition chapter. It has three different sets of letters in it, and it's basically the turning point. It's way more difficult to figure out how to execute these without a filler, because I personally didn't want to write a filler. Those just turn out to be disappointing, sometimes. And I really needed to get to the main point of the story! It isn't all just butterflies, rainbows, fluffy sweaters, unicorns, narwhals, and letters here! This is in no way a purely romantic fanfiction. This is SERIOUS. I've had this typed up for roughly a week, but didn't post it until now because my computer is stupid. Thanks to those who have dealt with me through this obnoxiously long Author's Note.
Disclaimer: Rick doesn't even READ FF. Why would he write FF if he had the rites? :P
Piper's P.O.V.
My clock's alarm woke me up with its insufferable buzzing. I groaned and started to pound the clock until it shut up. I glared at it. 6:30 AM, it read.
I heard my roommates shuffling around, grabbing clothes and heading to the bathroom. It was my job this week to check the mail in the morning. So, I slid out of bed and trudged drowsily to the mail cubbies.
At this ungodly hour of the morning, several people from the dorms were taking letters and other random pieces of paper from their cubbies. I pushed my way through, and got to my dorm's "in" cubby. There was only one envelope in it, luckily addressed to me.
I walked back upstairs a little bit quicker than I had shuffled down, and got to my dorm. I sat down on my bed, taking note of the bathroom door that was still closed.
I turned on my lamp and opened the letter, grinning happily at Leo's reply.
Dear person of whom I addressed this letter to,
I actually have an incredibly diverse vocabulary, for your information, beauty queen. See? Diverse. Great word there. I'd say it's over 9,000 pages long! So, THERE.
Well, you can tell this 'Sophie' chick that she's 100% correct! I am definitely awesome. Jeez, how many people have you told about me, now? I feel famous or something like that!
1984, huh? Hm. I'll try to talk to them about it. Maybe I could read that instead! Sense and Sensibility...urgh. It's just too... Romantic. Too lovey-dovey. Too... heartfelt. It's kinda gross.
Oatmeal rocks.
:O I am hurt! You're gonna let your boyfriend die at the hands of dull individuals? (Another great word. Individual. See?)
I bet you miss all of my idiosyncrasies. (Wow. On a freaking roll, here! Idiosyncrasy. A mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to a human being. WHAT.) (Oh. My. Gods... That word is so much fun to say in a British accent! Idiosyncrasy. Idiosyncrasy. I just love that word.)
Okay, you wanna hear my foster parent's most recent antics? Now, they sing Somebody that I Used to Know by Gotye whenever they drop me off for school at the top of their lungs. And they are NOT good singers, thank you very much. I don't understand why, either. It's really strange.
The repair boy that totally dominates in your mind,
Peace out, yo.
I smiled again as I finished reading the letter.
Checking the clock (6:40), I grabbed a pen and some paper and wrote my reply.
Dear...jeez, I'm running out of options for openings, here!
Okay... Whatever you say, Leo.
Oh, no, you aren't famous. I've only told my friends about you. Have you told anyone about me...?
Oh, so you don't like romance? Well, I guess you just can't stand girlfriends then, huh? Don't worry. I won't burden you with the awfulness.
...Really? First you insult me, and then you go ahead and write a two word reply to a really nice paragraph? Three syllables in return for an entire paragraph? I don't think so! And oatmeal isn't THAT good, thank you very much!
Oh, I'm sure you are hurt. But I'm still not doing it.
...Leo... No, I don't miss your...idiosyncrasies. Who even uses that word? But, yeah. I have to agree with you. Though it is strange that you would point something like that out, or even notice that... It IS pretty fun to say in a British accent!
Um, okay. Why would they do that? It just seems so... Weird. They didn't seem like the kind of people to do that, although I've never met them.
Your beauty queen. (You know, it's starting to grow on me. The nickname, mean. It's still annoying, though.)
I folded the letter up and put it in an envelope, writing the addresses and names on it. I then proceeded to hurry back downstairs to put the letter in the "out" cubby.
It had been about a week since I sent Leo the letter. I was walking through the garden once again, and I was suffering from a throbbing headache after a long day of school. It was pouring, but I didn't really care. The small droplets pelt me heavily, but it felt great, in my opinion.
The vibrant neon green of the trees around me stood out brightly. Light, ballet pink flowers were scattered amongst the tiny bushes. The strong wind blew the trees and shrubs to an odd angle, bending them slightly. The garden was a child of Demeter's dream. Even more so when it was storming.
Lightning streaked the dark grey clouds with electricity. It was like Benjamin Franklin had rolled over in his grave.
In my plaid skirt, it was hard to walk, what with the wind. I struggled to keep my skirt from flying up as I ran the rest of the way to the dorm.
Running a hand through my damp hair, I hurried up to my dorm room. I unlocked the door at stepped inside. The door squeaking as it closed, I took note that none of my roommates were back yet. There was a small, pink envelope sitting on my bed.
Utterly confused, I sat down on the mattress and picked up the envelope. I opened it and started to read.
Dear Pipe-ar. (Pronounce it that way... It's so fun!)
Okay, first of all, the pink stationary. I have taken a liking to the color. After all, real men wear pink, right? So REAL men must write on pink stationery...No, I'm kidding. We ran out of copy paper and envelopes (something that is totally NOT my fault, thank you very much). Therefore, I had to use my foster mom's stationery that she got for Christmas last year. Don't worry. I just had Chef Boyardee. (Is that how you spell it?) Chef don't judge.
Nah, you're not that important. KIDDING. (Again.) I've told the few people that stand to be in my presence about you. They want a picture, but I'm torturing them. (They think you're smoking hot, or something.)
No, NO. That's not what I meant... I just... I prefer other genres. If it's romance, the main character is usually raving on about how perfect another character is while the apocalypse is going on and they REALLY have more important things to worry about. Such as making sure Earth doesn't blow up. OH, BUT JAKE'S EYES ARE SO BLUE THAT SHE CAN'T HELP BUT GET LOST IN THEM WHILE THE GIANT LOBSTER-SEAHORSE HYBRID DEMOLISHES THE CITY. UH OH. THERE GOES THE SECOND WORLD TRADE CENTER.
Psh. Yeah it is.
:O You don't miss me?!
They ARE weird.
Aww! I knew you'd end up liking that nickname...
The boy who lives,
I smiled. He must have finally gotten around to reading Harry Potter.
I started to write my very short reply. I didn't bother really even answering any of his questions or anything.
Dear Lilo (sorry, I recently watched Lilo and Stitch. I love that movie),
Okay, that's it. I have to come see you next weekend. I miss you.
Pipe-ar. ;)
I sealed the envelope, and sent it.
A few days later, I found a small pink envelope sitting on my pillow. The return address was a bit funny, but other than that, it was normal.
I opened it and read, a chill now going down my spine.
Dear Miss Piper,
I am truly sorry. I'm afraid that John cannot have you over, because... He has left. He ran away a few days ago. We are all very sad about it, but... There isn't anything we can do.
I wish you well,
Mrs. Liper.
Okay, again, super sorry. Apologetic, and all that. So, yeah. Review, even though I'm an awful person for not updating. :P