I don't own any of the characters of this story or Pretty Little Liars at all and I'm making no profit from writing this...
Enjoy! : )
Spencer had just called the girls and told them that they could no longer have the sleepover, as Melissa had made plans to use the barn and Spencer was forced to obey. The story focuses around the Alison and Emily storyline if Alison had never died and 'A' didn't exist.
Spencer had just told the girls via text, that they couldn't have their sleepover as planned for tomorrow, because Melissa would be using the barn. Emily was upset because she was looking forward to spending the night with all the girls, or you could say she was looking forward to spending the night with Alison. However, she was also terrified of facing Alison after what she had done.
Emily had the written note in her hand that she wanted to send to Alison so badly. Oh, how much she wanted to, but pouring her heart out to Alison in a letter, telling her how much she loved her so wasn't Emily. Well not the Emily that Alison liked to 'practice' with. By the time she realised what a mistake it was she had already sent the letter. That was a couple of days ago and she is sure that Alison has received the letter because she is acting weird. Weird how you might ask? Well, normally Alison would make a remark to Emily about this. This, being Emily liking girls; like her. But Alison has been quite and weird towards Emily for a few days. Almost like Alison had been ignoring Emily.
Emily really wanted to call Alison and explain herself (even though she couldn't explain herself because she really did love Alison) but before she had any time to think her mobile phone had buzzed. When she looked down she saw that it was Alison.
-Meet me at my house, now.
That was the entire message. No hello or please or even a reason. Although Emily being Emily quickly rushed to her bike and went towards the direction of Alison's house. When she finally got there she suddenly felt very nervous. She was sure that they would have a long and criticizing talk about the letter. She wasn't sure if she should ride back home and lie by saying she couldn't make it. Although, her body had quickly taken over her brain, not allowing her mind to think anymore and made its own way inside the DiLaurentis' house. Her own body had surprised her. Normally she would knock, at the very least but once inside the house she realised that nobody beside Alison was home. Now she was feeling very, very nervous.
Emily told herself to man-up and go to Alison's room and she did. This time she knocked but nobody answered. She called Alison's named and nobody answered. Emily opened the door slightly and then decided to enter Alison's room. Why shouldn't she walk in? Alison did it all the time and Alison was the one who told Emily to come over without a reason. She stood there in complete silence near the door. Before she knew it Alison had walked out from the bathroom and made her way over to Emily. She pinned Emily into the door and starting kissing her. The kiss had been different to the ones before. This kiss was full of passion and desperation and Emily's body felt like it was on fire. But a good type of fire. The kiss kept going and Alison didn't stop it until both girls needed some air.
Both girls stood still, trying to getting a good amount of oxygen in their lungs and Alison never took her gaze off Emily. Eventually, Alison pulled Emily close to her, off the door and was now guiding them to her bed without taking her eyes off Emily for a second. Emily really wanted to continue where this was leading but she couldn't let herself be tortured by Alison.
They were now both kissing on the bed. Alison was on top of course; she always had to be in control. Emily was really fighting with herself in her head, trying to decide if she should continue or stop. Although this time her mouth had surprised her and took control of her body, which really wanted this to go further.
"Alison," Emily whispered. Though, Alison completely ignored Emily and started moving her hand up Emily's thigh. Even though her body was about to explode, Emily knew she had to say something.
"Alison wait," Emily said softly while putting her hand on top of Alison's to stop it moving further up.
"Emily please! You know you want this," Alison sounded very confident as if she knew that Emily wouldn't back away. Normal Emily wouldn't even dare to back away, especially in this situation; but this wasn't the normal Emily.
"Alison, you obviously know that I want this, but why are you doing this? We both know you don't want me and playing with my feelings is just a game to you," Emily felt upset saying it out loud even though she knew it was true. It hurt too much although she had to say it, for her sake.
"I- Um- I'm doing this to help you and it's not a game" it was quite for a moment and then Alison screamed out "and you can't tell me what I want!"
Emily just wanted to know what Alison was thinking. "It's not a game. Really? You got my letter and you know how I feel, but you continue messing with my feelings anyway. You know I love you, so how are you helping me by doing this?" Emily just looked at Alison who was lost for words which was a first.
"And don't say to help me know if I like girls because I don't like girls, I LOVE YOU." Alison didn't say anything and Emily had just about had enough with her games.
"You know, you can't ask me to come over, after ignoring me all this time and then expect to be able to kiss me and think that it will make everything better," Emily was really getting angry now. Alison tried to speak but no words would come out of her mouth.
"You know what Alison; I'm done with all your games. Whatever this is, it's over." For the first time in Emily's life, she had walked out on Alison and when Alison called out after her, she didn't come crawling back.
Author's Note: Should I continue or not?I just really love the Emily and Alison ship. I honestly and truly believe that, Alison was in love with Emily. This chapter was written in third person, but I'm planning to write future chapters, if continued from both Alison's and Emily's point of view. What do you think?
I also don't like the fact that there aren't many Alison and Emily stories out there.
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