With my little Eye by Yinx1

Black and white pictures of lilies, irises, and tulips hung on the light beige walls of the of the luxury hotel suite. Stylish modern furniture along with latest technology electronics and layout made the sixty-one meter squared room cost over eight hundred and fifty dollars a night. The expensive high rise was only needed for one night or so he thought.

His head was swimming as he groaned. Samuel Evans tried to open his eyes but his eyelids felt as if the weighed fifty pounds each. Moaning he wiped one hand over his face but the other—he felt—was handcuffed to the bed post; he realized he was naked. His ears rang as his normal calm demeanor started to panic. Popping his jaw for a few minutes gave way to them finally bursting; he could hear again. Sam's head snapped at the direction he knew as the bathroom and the shower running, coming from it was the sweet eerie song he heard once before.

"I was five and he was six
We rode on horses made of sticks
He wore black and I wore white
He would always win the fight.."

Sam swallowed hard as beads of sweat formed on his forehead. He felt for the side table as he tried harder to open his eyes, but all he felt was bed. Grunting he reach for the other side…bed. He cursed softly as the water shower turned off. He felt the bed sag as the song neared him straddling his hips; she was wet and naked.

"Bang bang, he shot me down
Bang bang, I hit the ground
Bang bang, that awful sound
Bang bang, my baby shot me down…"

"You didn't clap, Laurel," her voice husked in his ear. She licked then nibbled the lobe.

Sam smelt her perfume, it had been a long time since the scent of iris hit is nose it was his favorite smell in the world. "Sorry, I thought you were going to finish the song."

She chuckled laying fully on top his muscular form. "I will," she traced her fingers over his full lips, watching him still struggle to open his eyes.

"What did you slip me," Sam asked.

Smiling her fingers left his face heading south over the collar bone and chest. "Samuel, never could handle his liquor." She rolled off him and started humming the eerie tune again.

"I can handle my martini just fine it's that little extra I'm having a problem with." He heard rummaging and zippers, he knew he only had less than a couple minutes. "What are you doing here, Iris? Who sent you"?

She stopped humming as a deadly silence blanketed them, "You have gone rogue, Samuel; you knew this would happen."

"Yes, but did they have to send you"? He had done it. His light green eyes slowly adjusted to the blurry form getting dress. "Can I at least get a towel." He gestured to his bare nether regions.

Iris smiled picking up and tossing him her towel. "I volunteered for the job."

Sam stared at her, forgetting all about the towel. He gave a forced laugh, "I actually would be surprised if you hadn't." He moved his hand over the top edge of the bed feeling for the seam of the mattress, keeping his eyes on her as she pulled a curve hitting black cocktail dress down over her full figure.

He lost himself in watching lotion her mocha arms and legs before stepping into a pair of suede magenta pumps. Her humming brought him back his dire state. His hand wrapped around the handle of his .45.

"You should have done what you were told, Samuel." Iris slipped her shrug on she finger combed her bone straight hair. Taking her own .45 from the desk, she twisted the silencer on…

Sam fired the gun through the mattress grazing Iris right arm. She screamed gripping the wound. Sam popped his thumb out of joint and slipped the cuff off his wrist; he rolled off the bed just in time as silent shots missed his head. He rushed her tackling her to the ground.

Iris fought back with a hard right then left to Sam's jaw then a square one to his eye. Crying out in pain Sam crumpled off her holding his eye as another blow hit his nose breaking it. Iris scramble away grabbing her gun just as Sam grabbed his, they pointed them at each other.

"Do you really want to kill me, Iris," Sam asked, he slowly got to his feet. Iris fired her gun hitting him in the shoulder. "Fuck!" he cried gripping the wound.

"Shut up, Samuel, it's a through and through," Iris rolled her amber doe-like eyes.

Sam smirked straighten himself, with his training this wound was called a scratch. "So what do we do…"

"What do you do, you mean." Iris lowered her gun, Sam followed suit. "You disappear, Samuel. Your life is that of a sleep cell, no more eight hundred dollar rooms."

"I like my life, FUCK! STOP SHOOTING ME!" He grabbed his ear the tip was blown clean off.

"Next time, I won't miss." Iris' full lips blew the smoke from the barrel of the gun before tucking it in a holster strapped to her inner thigh; she straightened her dress then her hair.

Sam wiped his nose; he watched her turn and start for the door. "What no kiss good-bye"? He gave her a bloody smile.

Grabbing her black trench coat, Iris stopped her hand on the door handle. "Next time, I promise," she glanced at him sadly then left humming.

Sam hurried to the bathroom to check his ear. Taking a hand towel he soaked it under hot water and began cleaning his wounds, he dropped it when his mobile rang. No one had his number. Walking slowly back into the bedroom he looked down at the screen. Blocked.

Sam picked up the phone, answering it, but didn't say a word.

"Four. Three. Two. One," came Iris voice from the other end. She hung up a mill-second later. Sam dropped his phone, he had never been in such a hurry to get dressed.

Four, men headed up to his room at this very moment.

Sam slipped his feet in to black steel toe combat boots and threw on a hunter green shirt over darken jeans.

Three, meant they had at least three weapons each on their persons.

Good thing he didn't unpack and traveled light as he stuffed his phone in his pack and placed his gun into his back waist of his pants; he left the room. He finished wiping his face in the hall leaving the towel underneath a room service platter.

Two, meant they were coming for him both ways, up the stairs and elevator.

Sam knocked on a neighboring door a ways down the long hallway but near the elevator. The resident an elderly man in his seventies answered. Sam pushed his way in covering the man's mouth as he leaned against the door.

One, you have one minute from the time I end the call.

The ding of the elevator rang. Sam heard cautious steps pass by the room. He forced the old man back into the room. "Are you alone"? He asked. The elder nodded franticly. "I'm not going to hurt you; I just need to use your balcony. May I"? The man nodded again. "Don't scream." Sam slowly released the man's mouth.

The elder didn't cry for help as his weak body collapsed into the nearest chair. Sam checked the rooms for another person finding them empty. He removed his pack and opened the bottom compartment getting out a rope used for rock climbing. "Sir, thank you for letting he use your unexpected hospitality." Sam zipped the pocket back up opening the sliding door to the terrace, walked outside. His phone rang. Digging through the pack he dropped some cord bend down he heard a buzz pass his ear then a thud. Turned his saw the elderly man on the floor a clean shot at his head, "Shit." Sam cursed as he crawled back in.

Math was never Sam's best subject in school but now it was. Using a simple formula he calculated where the elder's feet last stood and the building across the street. He deducted the exact place the sniper was stationed. He took aim and fired once. Hoping and not waiting to see if his shot hit its target. Sam crawled back outside hooked one of the spindles of the railing and lowered himself down two floors.

Luckily this room was empty and since no shots were fired at him. He assumed got his target. Sam sat on the edge of the bed. Closing his eyes whispered a prayer for the elderly man's soul. His mobile rang.

"We are leaving now," Iris voice said. "Do as I say and no more innocents have to die, Samuel." She hung up.

Sam fell on his back. He would spend the night and leave at dawn for where he did not know, just as long no one else got hurt.

"Should I try now," the sniper asked, "I have a clean shot at him."


"But our target is still active, we can't fail this mission…I've never failed a missi…" the sniper's body crumpled to the ground with clean shot between the eyes.

Iris nudged the body of the dead sniper as she slipped her gun back into its holster. She stood on the roof top of the neighboring building. She looked through her heat sensitive night-vision binoculars at Sam. Her heart waivered a little as she watched him get up from the bed and make his way to the bathroom, turning on the water and began to wash his wounds. She sniffed turning away and headed down to her car.

Her ear piece buzzed before she entered the elevator, "Let me guess he got away."

"He's still too strong for me," Iris whispered, "Besides a civilian was killed, I had to back off."

There was a pause, "Very well, I expect you at base now later than twelve for a debriefing."

"Yes, Sir." Iris exited the elevator and hurried across the lobby to a waiting car.

"You made the right call," the voice said. "Don't disappoint me again, Mercedes."

"I won't, Sir…next time…I'll shoot him down."

A/N: So what do you think shall I continue? Please review and let me know your thoughts.

Note: Bang, Bang by Nancy Sinatra