A/N: Okay guys! Crazy chick's back with a new story! This one is Klaine and Wavel (AKA Wes/Gavel) And it's basically crack. Just a bunch of random drabbles about Wes and his...ummm...best friend the Gavel. Prompts would be nice..So read. :P


Drabble 1:

"Fellow Warblers! I have called this emergency Warbler meeting to enlighten you on some very invigorating news which I think you will all find very entertaining-"

"Oh my god! Wes! Get on with it already!" David groaned as he watched Jeff slapping his forehead with his science book muttering, "Please make it stop...please make it stop...please...MAKE IT STOOP!"

"Very well. I found it prudent to enlighten you all that I am to be married soon."

A chorus of "WHATs?" went around the room.

"To who?" Blaine squealed, leaping in his seat excitedly.

"TO MY GAVELS!" Wes spazzed out, clapping his hands giddily.

David scooted away from him.

Blaine looked severely disappointed.

"Umm..Wes? I don't think you can marry an inanimate object..." Kurt trailed off at the extremely creepy look on Wes's face.

"What the hell?" Nick and Jeff muttered in unision.

"You mock us, sir!" Thad called.

"Wes, you're scaring me. You need help," Trent stated as Wes cuddled one of his precious gavels.

"Let's leave before he goes psycho on us," David muttered, shooing the rest of the boys out of the room. "Goodbye, Wes! Have fun with Mr. Gavels."

"THIS ONE IS MR. BANG-BANG!" Wes screamed.

David ran out screaming like a little girl. "HAVE MERCY ON MY SOUL!"

"Gavels.." Wes hissed.

A/N: I listened to "They're Coming to Take Me Away" while writing this. Pretty accurate to this drabble. XD!