"I don't believe you!" She said and Oliver pouted. But seconds later, the doorbell rang.

Riza opened it after ushering her daughter into the bedroom. Standing in front of the door was Rebecca, wheezing and coughing, gasping for breath.

"Ran over here!" She choked out, hands on her knees. "Stupid Havoc." Riza sighed and opening door wider as her best friends stumbled in. Rebecca collapsed on the couch while Oliver scurried into her lap. Riza grabbed a glass of water, and the sweaty woman gulped it down.

"Sorry. Havoc decided to work late last night, and thought it would be okay to waltz in my apartment now. I mean, where has that bastard been? It pisses me off. I am his girlfriend, I demand respect!" Rebecca blabbered on while Riza sighed. Then she looked up at her friend with wide eyes.

"Becca!" She interrupted. "What if he comes here looking for you?" Rebecca looked at her wide eyed.

"I did not think of that.." she droned off and then the bell rang once more.

"Holy shit!" Rebecca screamed and ran into the bedroom, a giggling Oliver under her arm. "I am not here!"

Riza sighed and answered the door.

"Havoc?" She asked, looking at the tired man in front of her with a cigarette hanging out of his mouth.

"Is Becca here? She like ran out of the house 'fore I could say anything.." He drawled.

Riza shook her head. "No, but maybe she went down to the park. She does love it there." Havoc eyed her suspiciously.

"Okay Hawkeye. I trust you. But you see her, give me a ring." Riza nodded.

"Of course Havoc, goodbye." She shut the door lightly and sighed.

"Rebecca!" She called and the woman is question stuck her head of the bedroom. "Don't curse in front of my daughter." She nodded.

"Sorry.." Riza let out another sigh.

"I am guessing you will be staying here tonight?" The woman sheepishly nodded. "Yep."

Oliver grinned and jumped onto Rebecca, latching onto her waist. "Sleepover!" She yelled and Riza smiled, a rather strained smile nonetheless.


Soon enough, dinner was created with a mess of flour and pasta sauce. The wonderful smell of cooking pasta came from the oven and after it came out, the saucy dish was consumed quickly. After came scary stories, and blankets were pulled into the floor in the middle of the living room. Oliver snuggled into the space in between the two women, who were quite surrounded by pillows and quilts.

"Night mom, night Becca!" Oliver chirped, and her eyes closed as she let out a small yawn. Rebecca and Riza exchanged looks, and soon both women were fast asleep as well.

Soon the sunlight crept in through the blinds, warming a certain blonde military officer. Riza let out a sigh and curled over, hitting a small lump covered in blankets. With a jolt, she jumped up, reaching for her gun to realize it was her daughter she had bumped, and she had not worn her handy gun to sleep.

Looking over at her daughter and her best friends, Riza felt her heart warm. Sure, she didn't have the love of her life, and sure, she wanted him. But the point was, Riza was happy. And now was the time, she knew, the time to move on.

Maybe today, she would give her new friend a ring. And maybe today, maybe today could be better. Because today was the day Riza was letting go.

Peeking another look at the two sleeping members of her true family, she crept into her bedroom and pulled on a shirt and skirt. Creeping back out, and grabbed her wallet and slipped out of the apartment. Maybe a nice breakfast would help jump start the day, and she knew the perfect bakery a few minutes away.

Whistling a carefree tune, Riza strolled down the bright walkway, basking in the morning sun. Glancing over to the grassy park on her left she saw the families already up and at it, playing ball in the park with their dogs and children.

Riza once again thought of her little girl. Her little miracle, the thing that kept her going. Her little olive.

She pushed the door to the bakery open and walked up to the glass display, revealing all the choices. There were muffins, doughnuts, tiger claws and fresh apple turnovers. The smell that filled the bakery alone made her mouth water.

Catching the attention of the man behind the counter, she smiled and then recited her order, pulling out her wallet as he began filling a small paper bag with the steaming pastries.

Handing over the bills, she missed the chime of the door as another customer walked in, until she heard a familiar peal of laughter. Grabbing the bag and her change, she turned on her heel and saw the person she had been afraid to see, Roy Mustang.

On his arm was a lovely, might she say, blonde woman in a turtle neck sweater and uncomfortably high shoes, clinging to the man like her life depended on it.

It was then that Riza realized the state she was in, her hair loose and not yet brushed, tangled from a night spent out on the living room carpet. Unlike the blonde in front of her with corkscrew curls and long black eyelashes.

Her clothes were most likely wrinkled, the first thing she had seen.

But then Riza assured herself. Why did she care? She had her girl, her friend and her life. Why would Roy Mustangs opinion of her ratty appearance even matter?

Mustang looked up and caught Riza's eye for a second.

"Riza!" he exclaimed, and gave a short wave as she walked by on her way out. Riza paused and smiled warmly.

"Always a pleasure sir. Hope you finished that paperwork from Friday though. Wouldn't want to reprimand you again tomorrow." Roy grimaced, Riza noticed with a bit of smug satisfaction.

"About that…" He droned off and Riza scoffed.

"Well, sir. Best have it done by tomorrow, or else." She waved once more and left the shop, her heart pounding in her chest, unaware of the lingering gaze on her back.

When Riza opened the door, she was pounced on by a small blonde and two dogs. She shrugged the two off and smiled at a tired Rebecca, with a mug in hand, who had obviously discovered her coffee stash. She dropped the bag on the table and immediately a little hand was reaching in and out came on of the tiger claws as Oliver smiled.

Rebecca herself took one of the apple turnovers and Riza poured herself a cup of coffee while setting her sights on a doughnut with chocolate frosting, calling her towards it.

Soon Rebecca had excused herself with a wave, saying it was time to reprimand her boyfriends while Riza grabbed the kitchen phone, looking at the number displayed proudly on a piece of paper. Taking a breath she dialed the number and waited for the response.

"Hey, Andrew, It's me, Riza. You know, Professional Parent and all."

So I am back!

I am also proud to announce my new contest. I am updating my stories according to Fav plus Follows. So The one with the most favs and follows is updated sooner, and I already have up until feb 25th planned. Every week, one of my stories will be updated. Also, if I get enough PMs about a certain story, I will be willing to update sooner, possibly. Maybe switch a few dates around. So the contest you ask, well, the story with the most favs and follows gets updated once a month. So far, it is Meeting Again, another one of my Yullens. I also have all the dates the rest of my stories will be updated on my profile.

After feb 25th, I will be starting all over, and making another list of dates for the stories that remain, so the order may change. Remember, I may update before the placed day, that is just the LAST DAY I can update. This is for all my followers sakes.

Here is a list of upcoming updates for the rest of November:

Controlled 11/14

The Last Battle 11/19

Witness Protection 11/26

So here you go, I hope this will stop all the complaints about my lack of updates. For a complete list of ALL my stories and their dates, just click on my name :)

Remember, if you are wary and it is the last day I have set myself for a certain story, feel free to go ahead and send me a violent threat. I am all good with that. If you are confused, review with your question and/or PM me, and I will reply in a 24 hour timespan.

OH! And I WILL NOT BE posting any NEW stories until I have completed at least one. So it is like an eye for an eye, ish. So unless you really want be to be the first to read one of the new things I have been working on, don't worry about any more interruptions. And if lets say you do want to read one of them, PM me and I will send you the first chapter of one that you choose. That way you all can give me an opinion if it is even worth pursueing.

So sorry about the really long authors note, and I hope you enjoyed this chappy. If so, or if you have any complaints, feel free to click that little review button and tell me. I don't know about other authors, but reviews make me feel all warm and gooey inside.