Would like to thank ThroughMySoul44 for her help on this chapter!
This is officially the final chapter. Please review :)
Elena smiled and spun around twice. Jenna hugged her tightly , and attached the white veil to her hair, wiping a tear from her eye. It was finally her wedding day. After months of preparation, Elena was finally going to become Mrs. Salvatore. Hayley squeaked excitedly and Elena picked her up, kissing her fully on the cheek. The child was going to beElena's and Damon's flower girl, dressed in a cute, pink outfit that matched the little bows on her head.
"You look so beautiful, Elena," Jenna said, giving Elena another kiss. "The dress, your hair…everything's so perfect."
"It's my wedding day, Jenna." Elena gave her aunt a huge grin. "The humans that were Klaus's captives were freed and Klaus cannot bother us anymore. We finally built a home together and nowI'm glad to see everyone together after all these months."
Jenna nodded her head in agreement. "You deserve to be happy. We all do."
"I'm so excited," Elena said again, fiddling with her dress. "Damon went to get ready at Stefan's to keep with the tradition, but having him around would've calmed me down."
"Elena, take a deep breath," Jenna laughed softly. "Look around you. Everything's perfect. There is no need for you to worry."
Elena nodded and held Hayley closer to her chest.
"Are you ready? The limo is here," Jenna announced a few minutes later.
"Ready," Elena said, and Jenna held Hayley as they walked to the limo Damon had sent.
The chapel Elena and Damon had chosen was a small one, but very welcoming. Elena had created some beautiful craftwork with flowers and the chapel was entirely decorated with them. Damon stood by the aisle nervously, trying hard not to tug at his bow tie too much. Stefan was right beside him, hiding a grin at Damon's nervousness, occasionally nudging Jeremy. Bonnie was also seated in one of the front seats, waiting eagerly for Elena. She had gone that morning to help her friend get ready, but then she had left to give Stefan a hand with Damon.
"Your dress suits you," Bonnie heard a familiar voice and a pair of arms wrapped around her.
"Bree!" Bonnie squeaked excitedly.
After all this time, Bonnie and Bree had become close friends, but they hardly saw each other since Bree had gone back home to her family in Malta, where Elena, Hayley,and Damon were now going for their honeymoon. Bree had already offered to take care of Hayley on some days when they wanted to be alone, after all, she had her own children that would definitely enjoy a two year old's company.
"How are you?" Bree smiled, releasing Bonnie from the hug.
"I'm fine, thank you. And you? Must've been hard to fly over to the United States again, especially with your family. Speaking of, where are they?"
"Still outside, apparently," Bree sighed. "But we're fine, thanks for asking. A bit tired, but after the wedding we'll be staying at a hotel and then we'll travel with Damon and Elena to Malta."
Bonnie nodded. "Seems like everything has falleninto place."
"Yes. Yes, it has," She agreed.
Suddenly, soft music started to play and silence fell on the chapel. Except for the piano and the singer's nearly soprano voice, nothing could be heard. Elena appeared by the doorway, with Hayley in front of her. The girl was holding a bouquet and Jenna was behind Elena, helping her with the dress.
Damon felt his eyes tear up when he saw Elena in the wedding dress. She had chosen a simple one, but it was beautiful anyway. It was pearly white with silver designs on the fabric, and looked as if it were made for her body. She was smiling softly at him and Hayley also gave Damon a slight smile. Despite her age, she knew that it was a very special day indeed.
Damon took Elena's hand in his as the priest started the ceremony, first by blessing the rings. When it was time for the vows, Elena couldn't stop looking at the man who was going to be her husband.
"I, Damon Salvatore, take you, Elena Gilbert, to be my lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part."
When Elena repeated the same vow and Damon slipped the wedding ring on her finger, a tear escaped from her eye. They held each other's hands as the priest spoke again.
"You have declared your consent before the Church. May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. What God has joined, men must not divide. Amen."
Shortly after the wedding ceremony, Elena and Damon headed to the reception. It was not a small one. In fact, Damon had insisted that the guests be served a variety of finger foods in addition to the six buffet tables. Everyone seemed to be having fun and they both had received a lot of gifts. The guests's attention also fell on little Hayley, who was smiling at the people and constantly being picked up by them.
Elena raised a glass of water to her lips and her gaze fell on her husband, who was shaking hands and thanking the guests for attending. She felt a hand on her shoulder and saw Bree standing there.
"Hi, Bree. I'm sorry, I didn't see you there," She apologized. "Thank you so much for attending. I meant to talk to you earlier but…"
"You don't have to explain yourself," Bree smiled. "I know that the wedding day can be quite hectic. I'm here because I wanted to give you the wedding gift, and I didn't think it'd be a suitable idea for me to give it to you in front of the other guests." She took out a very small, crystal bottle.
"You told me that Damon wants another child," Bree said, her gaze fixed on the bottle. "I'm not promising you that this willwork, but I found an ancient spell that was used on women who were unable to bear children and who wanted them badly. As I said, I can't promise anything-but it's worth a shot, Elena. Just have Damon drink it and hope for the best."
"Oh my God," Elena took the bottle with shaking hands. "Thank you so much, Bree. I don't know what to say."
"You don't have to say anything, Elena," Bree smiled at the woman. "I hope that everything will work out the way you want to."
"Elena, are you ready?"
Damon carried Elena's luggage outside as well as the other bags that Elena was going to bring to Malta, bags which, according to Damon were unnecessary as they both knew that he was going to buy her more than enough clothing from Malta. He was wearing a light t-shirt and a pair of sunglasses and sighed because Elena took forever to get ready.
Hayley smiled at Damon. "Mommy is slow."
"She is, isn't she?" Damon picked her up. "Mommy too slow, daddy could fall asleep waiting for her."
She laughed.
"Turning our daughter against me, I see?" Elena smirked, and his gaze fell on her bare legs. She was wearing short shorts and a lacy, strapless top. He began to stare and fought the desire to smack her ass when she bent down to pick up the few bags that were left.
"Ready?" She smiled sweetly.
"Ready," Damon cleared his throat, opening the door for Elena and heading toward the car to drive to the airport, where they were going to meet Bree and her family.
The flight was long but comfortable, as Damon got them first class seats. They were even given quite a good meal, and Elena felt full. When the plane finally landed, they were both sleepy but managed to make it to the luxurious five star hotel in time.
"It's too hot," Damon complained, turning the AC on.
"Yes…we should go to the beach soon," Elena replied, folding the clothes neatly and placing them in the drawers provided.
"Of course," Damon nodded, expecting to start sipping cocktails with Elena, and maybe even skinny dipping soon. Elena smiled, puttingeverything away before climbing on the bed for a well needed nap. Damon quickly tucked Hayley in and laid next to Elena, closing his eyes for a few minutes.
"Sleep, Elena," Damon smiled. "We have nearly two months here. We have enough time to sightsee."
After the well needed nap,which turned out to be twelve hours long, Elena and Damon headed to the beach where they hired a paddle boat and had a lot of fun swimming and splashing each other around. As Elena put sunblock all over Hayley's body, Damon got them two alcoholic cocktails, clicking their glasses and enjoying the view.
"Bree said that she can take care of Hayley tonight," Elena said after a while. "We should go out clubbing."
"Whatever you want, we'll do," Damon nodded.
"Good," Elena said, picking Hayley up. "I'll go get ready for dinner. The buffet starts at six. Then, we'll drop Hayley off at Bree's and we can go out for a while."
"Sounds good."
Dinner was pleasant and the atmosphere was relaxing, even though it was too formal for the couple with it being a luxurious hotel and all. Elena quickly put on a short, black dress that exposed a little bit too much cleavage, but it was a dress that Damon himself had picked up for her. Matching a pair of red, dangerous high heels and dark makeup, she waited for Damon to come back after dropping Hayley off.
When he finally returned, he snuck up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "Are you trying to drive me nuts, Mrs. Salvatore?"
"Maybe…" Elena muttered against his skin.
"Mhmm…" Damon lowered his hands but Elena smirked and swatted them away. "We won't make it through that door if you don't stop."
"It's not my fault that this dress makes you look so tasty…" He nibbled at her neck.
"Tonight," She promised him. "I'll give you the best night of your life."
The clubs were small for Damon's taste, but after a night of dancing with Elena rubbing her ass delicately against his front, he was more than ready to enjoy the rest of the night in bed. When they returned to the hotel, Damon left Elena alone for a brief moment to wear her sexiest lingerie, and she took the time to put the liquid Bree had given her in Damon's champagne.
"You look far too good in this…" Damon smirked as soon as Elena emerged from the main bedroom wearing a seductive red teddy. "You know that I love red on you."
"I know, that's why I chose it."
"So you like driving me insane, then?"
Elena smirked. "Would you like a drink, Mr. Salvatore?"
Damon followed her and they clicked the glasses together like they had been doing all night. Soon, clothes were being torn off from each other's bodies and Elena was on top of Damon, kissing every inch of him and pleasuring him with her hands. A soft growl left his throat as he pinned her underneath him and filled her to the hilt, causing her to cry out.
"I love you too much…" He moaned against herjust as he picked up his pace.
"I love you too…"
A few months passed and Elena and Damon returned back home. Elena was still disappointed that she couldn't have another child, but she kept putting the liquid in Damon's drinks before sex. She wanted to give him a surprise and she dreamt about announcing that she was carrying his child, however during the last few months all she did was throw away the pregnancy tests she used.
But now, she had been feeling sick for a few weeks, and somehow she knew that this time, their dream was going to come true. She knew that it wasn't possible, but she really thought that she had held her breath the entire time during the pregnancy test. She reached out for it and her face froze, before her lips turned into a grin.
She was pregnant! After all those months of trying, she was finally pregnant again! Damon was going to get the child he had been hoping for.
Screaming in delight, she called Damon's name over and over until he rushed towards her, startled. She threw her arms at him and announced the pregnancy in delight. Damon jerked away from her, his eyes wide.
"It's Bree," Elena screamed excitedly, "She created a spell for us as a wedding gift. I didn't want to tell you anything because I wanted it to be a surprise, but it has finally worked!" She showed him the test and he took it with shaking hands. "I'm pregnant, Damon! Congratulations, you're going to be a dad."
Damon threw the test away and picked her up, twirling and turning her around in excitement. He held her close to him, peppering kisses against her face until they were both breathless.
"I could not be any happier, Elena," Damon kissed her one last time.
"Me neither," Elena smiled, holding her hands in his. "Me neither."
"You…you were my last chance in saving my humanity," Damon told her. "You succeeded in saving it."
"And you are the person who has made me who I am today," Elena wrapped her arms around him. "I love you."
"I'm so lucky to have you…"
"No, Damon…" Elena smiled against his chest. "I'm the lucky one. Thank you."
"Sleep, my Elena," Damon stroked her hair gently, and when her breath evened out, he whispered, "Thank you, for saving my humanity."
Wow. That's it-I cannot believe that this story is also wrapped up. I have nothing more to say except THANK YOU. Thank you for supporting me, for reading and for appreciating what I do. It has been a wonderful journey of two years, in which even I as a person and as a student matured, and I cannot wait until I share with you my new ideas. Please stay connected with me through facebook, read and review my other stories, and support my newest story "Separate Souls".
Thank you so much. Love You!