Thank you to everyone who took the time to read, review, and follow this story. It inspires me to update so please keep it coming.

Eli paced around his room, clenching and unclenching his fists as he thought about what Clare had told him. Her boss, the same guy that he met and felt some respect for, had taken advantage of her. His hands were on her. That bastard had kissed her. The image alone made Eli want to punch that swarmy journalist's face in but instead he would have to settle for hitting the wall of his bedroom.

"Ugh damn it" he groaned in pain, holding his hand and sitting down on his bed. Eli took a couple of deep breaths as he tried to calm himself down but it wasn't working. All he could think about was how devastated Clare was when she told the whole story about what Asher did and how he was just going to get away with it all. He heard a soft knock on the door but before he could tell the person to go away, the door was opening.

"Hey champ, I heard a noise. What's going on?" Bullfrog asked looking around the room as he walked in.

"It's nothing" Eli quickly said trying to get his father to leave him alone.

"Didn't sound like nothing" Bullfrog replied noticing how Eli was nursing his hand. "Doesn't look like nothing" he said pointing to Eli's slightly swollen knuckles. "Do we need to call your doctor or do you want to tell me why you decided to go a few rounds with a wall?" he asked crossing his arms as he waited for Eli's reply. Eli looked up at his father, shaking his head and groaned in defeat. He felt a headache coming on and he really didn't want to recap everything but he knew otherwise his father wouldn't leave him alone. Eli dropped his hands and bowing his head.

"It's Clare" he said in a barely audible tone. "Something happened with Clare" he breathed, feeling himself getting sick when he thought about it. Bullfrog dropped his arms and his features softened as he took a seat next to his son on his bed.

"Is she okay? Did you guys break up again? What happened?" Bullfrog questioned, getting more nervous when he saw how agitated his son was getting. Bullfrog still wasn't thrilled with his son being in a relationship but Eli did seem to be handling things better and the doctor had told him that he should give Eli some credit and let him live his life. But whatever this was had something to do with Clare; the girl who had broken his heart and sent him into a downward spiral. Bullfrog tried to put those thoughts out of his head and just listen to what Eli was telling him. Maybe this was another situation when Eli was blowing something out of proportion. A part of him hoped that was the case. Eli clasped his hands together, ignoring the sight throb he felt and began to recount what Clare had told him. How her boss had sexually harassed her and she had kept it from him because she was worried about how he would react.

"Can you believe that? She gets harassed and fired and she's more worried about what I would do" Eli sneered. Bullfrog was at a loss for words and just watched as he son glared at the wall before closing his eyes. "I should've been there for her. I should've protected her" he uttered softly before jumping up from the bed. "I mean I met that asshole and I didn't even get inkling that there was something off about him because I was damn obsessed about NYU!" Eli exclaimed, swinging his hand and knocking off some papers on his desk. Bullfrog got off the bed, putting his hands on Eli's shoulders and forced him to stand still.

"This is not your fault. There was nothing you could've done to prevent this from happening" Bullfrog reasoned but didn't make Eli feel any better. "You couldn't have known this guy was a creep. Didn't you say he's some famous, well respected journalist? He's probably got the wool pulled over everyone's eyes. You can't blame yourself, son" Bullfrog reiterated.

Eli pulled back, shaking his head. "I saw her. I saw her all distraught and out of it and I never… I didn't think…" Eli choked out, backing away from his father's grasp, his guilt getting the better of him. "I have to make this right" he muttered to himself as he thought of Clare's tear streaked face. "I'm going to make this right" he proclaimed, lifting his head to lock eyes with his father.

"Now look son, I get that you're mad and that bastard should pay for what he did but you need to think this through. You don't want to end up doing something..."

"Crazy?" Eli interjected rolling his eyes.

"I was thinking more stupid, half cocked, you know the kinds of stunts you usually pull" Bullfrog jokily replied before getting serious again. "I just don't want you to do something that going to ruin all the process you've made so far" he admitted putting his hand on Eli's shoulder,
everything that you're trying to do."

"Don't worry Bullfrog. I have a plan" Eli replied as his signature smirk crept across his face.

** Reviews, comments, and critiques are all welcomed, wanted, and appreciated. That's how I know what you guys are thinking or if you're interested.