Korra knew this was going to become a problem eventually. Her relationship with Tahno, that is. The more she was around the sultry Wolfbat, the more she never wanted to leave his side. They had gone on three consecutive dates so far. Tonight's was a dinner date, followed by stargazing at the park across from Air Temple Island. Tahno was a showoff, but Korra didn't mind because he had a lot to show. He really was a gifted bender. He conjured water from the lake and formed it into various shapes. Liquid wolves and ferrets danced above their heads. The wolf suddenly took flight, making Korra smile. The flying wolf represented the Wolfbat. And the little ferret was her. He made it look so easy. Korra gave it a try, but her attempt at a bird was an unrecognizable dripping monstrosity. She decided to leave the Waterbending to him for tonight.

A sudden thought struck her. "Tahno?" she said urgently.

"Yeah?" he asked calmly, without looking at her, still concentrating on keeping the water animals suspended in mid-air.

"The match is tomorrow, isn't it?" Korra asked. "The match between the Wolfbats and the Fire Ferrets."

Tahno's bending faltered, causing the little animals to fall to their doom on the ground, nothing more than moisture on the grass now. "Yeah," he said quietly. "I guess it is."

"And.. we're going to fight tomorrow."

"That's what pro-bending's all about uh-vatar," said Tahno blandly.

"But," Korra hesitated, weighing each word as she spoke. "It won't affect us, right?"

"Of course not," he said seriously. "If you know how to accept defeat, that is."

Korra sat up straight, tearing her eyes away from the heavens. "You're joking!"

Tahno was still lying on the ground, propping himself up with one arm. "I'm serious," he said. "You've never faced me in an actual fight. Or does my little uh-vatar think she stands a chance against big, strong me?"

"I stand more than a chance!" Korra said defiantly. "I know I can beat you. Or have you forgotten what the word Avatar means?"

Tahno's lips curled into a shark-like grin. "It means you're good at bending all the elements. Yet you hold no finesse in any. And you're about to go up against a master bender. You've got no change, sugar."

Korra threw her arms in the air exasperatedly. "You're on, pretty boy! I could beat you any time, anywhere."

Tahno's smile widened. "Shall we make this a little more interesting, then?" he asked.

Korra crouched down next to him. "What're you thinking?"

"If I win, I get to bring you back to my apartment and teach you how to bend like a master."

"And when I win, what do I get?" she asked impatiently.

"Ah.. the pure satisfaction of winning?" the Wolfbat suggested.

"No way!" Korra shouted. "If I win, I will not only wear the Championship Belt around my waist proudly whenever we are together, but you have to publicly admit that you've been bested. No lies that will charm the press into the palm of your hand. No added fluff to make yourself look better. You have to heartily announce the fact that I am better than you, and always will be. Deal?"

Tahno didn't hesitate. "Deal," he said.