A/N: Alright, just like I promised, here's your next chapter with your BIG SURPRISE! Hope you enjoy it. Now, I will apologize in advance because next chapter is going to be more of a filler chapter, sorry. But I hope you enjoy this chapter nonetheless!

Chapter 22

Tony slept for the next thirty-six hours. He woke up early afternoon not on the next day, but the following day after that. Rising from the sheets, eyes crusty and head clear, Tony felt the most rested he had in a long time.

"Good morning, JARVIS," Tony greeted, stretching his arms.

"Good morning, Sir," the AI responded, opening the blinds and turning on some quiet music. "Would you like some breakfast, Sir?"

"You know, some Poptarts would be nice," Tony responded, leaving his bed and rustling around in his dresser for some fresh clothes. He pulled out a pair of jeans and started to put them on.

"I will have it prepared, Sir. Would you like to read today's headlines, Sir? The Thursday morning edition is quite good."

"What?" Tony stopped, his pants on one leg. "But...today's Wednesday. Yesterday was Tuesday."

"I'm afraid not, Sir. Today is Thursday; you've slept for thirty-six hours."

This took a moment to process in Tony's brain. "But that means I missed Modern Family."

JARVIS, if possible, sighed. "It is recorded on the DVR, Sir."

"Oh. Thank you, JARVIS."

"My pleasure, Sir."

"Don't give me that sass." Tony finished pulling on his pants, put on a fresh T-shirt, and spent a minute looking at himself in the mirror before he had a horrible realization.

"Crap. It's July twenty-third, isn't it, JARVIS?"

"Correct, Sir."

"That means I have five days left...Wait. Uh-oh. JARVIS, have Natasha and Clint destroyed my tower? What have they done?"

"Nothing, Sir. They went out for the day yesterday, and then came home and watched Die Hard."

"And today?"

"They went out again today. Agent Barton said something about, 'That Brave movie at the second-run theatre.' And also, your Poptarts are waiting for you, Sir."

"Thanks, JARVIS." Tony went down to the kitchen. Of course Clint would want to see Brave; it was about a redheaded archer, two of his favorite things. Tony snickered, but he'd let them have their day. He needed this day to plan something else. Hopefully something big. A big finale. He was tired of all the waiting, all the trying and failing. He was positive now that these two had feelings for each other; he'd seen it. It was time for them to get together. And if they wouldn't do it, Tony would do it himself.

But first, he had to eat his Poptarts, the smell of which had penetrated the kitchen. Tony inhaled the strawberry, sugary goodness. Today would be a good day. Not to mention it was a bright, sunny day. He even heard birds outside. He took his Poptarts out of the toaster and took a large bite out of one.

But as he did so, he heard a loud crack and rumble outside. Confused, Tony walked to the window and peered outside, where the just-sunny sky was suddenly turning gray and cloudy.

"Well, that's strange," Tony commented, taking another bite of Poptart. A bolt of lightning flashed seemingly right outside the window, startling Tony. But then he realized. Lightning...thunder…

"No, it couldn't be."

But he had to be sure. He sprinted out of the room, up a flight or two and out onto the roof landing, where the clouds were swirling and lightning flashing. Tony was forced to shield his eyes.

All of a sudden there was a huge BOOM, close to shattering Tony's eardrums. He closed his eyes, covered his ears, and gritted his teeth. Even through his closed eyelids, he could see a large flash right beside him.

But then everything stopped. The booming thunder, the cracking lightning, and the swirling clouds all ceased. Cautiously, Tony opened his eyes and found a huge, hulking mass of a man standing in front of him.

"Thor!" Tony ran and embraced his friend the demigod, who gladly returned it. "What are you doing here? Doesn't Asgard need saving or ruling or something?"

Thor chuckled, a low, deep sound. "It is holiday on Asgard, Man of Iron. I opted to celebrate with my Midgardian friends. I have a week. I had planned on spending a few days with my companions, and then a few days with the Lady Jane," Thor explained.

Tony beamed. "Well, it's good to have you back, buddy, even if it's only for a few days."

"It is good to be back." Then Thor noticed what Tony was holding in his hand. "Are those...Poptarts?"

Tony held up the pastry. "Yeah, you want some? I've got boxes of them inside."

Thor salivated. "If I may...for a long time I have been craving the sweet delicacy of these Poptarts. We do not have such things on Asgard. If you would allow me, I would love to enjoy them while I am here."

"Then, come on, let's get you inside. I've got about fifteen kinds to choose from."

After Thor had decided on three boxes of Poptarts to call his own, he and Tony settled on the couch, catching up.

"Where is everyone?" Thor questioned after a bite of s'mores Poptart.

"Well, Clint and Natasha are out seeing a movie. I'm not sure where Steve and Bruce are. Probably out, too. That or Steve's in the gym and Bruce is meditating or something."

"What a shame. I wished to see them."

"Don't worry, big guy. You'll see them soon, I promise." Tony reached over and patted Thor on the shoulder. "But right now is just some quality time between the two of us. And I'd like to ask you a few light questions, if you don't mind."

Thor finished swallowing his most recent bite of Poptart. "Alright. Go on."

"What do you think of Natasha?" Tony asked.

"Ah, the Lady Natasha," Thor began. "One of the finest warriors on Midgard. I would not cross underestimate her, and I would certainly not cross her. But a fine woman, and I treat her with respect."

"Alright. What do you think of Clint?"

"I have not had as much time to bond with the Hawk. Silent but deadly is his type, though I have heard he is one to crack jokes. A brilliant marksman and smarter than everyone thinks he is."

"Good, good. Now, what do you think of Clint and Natasha?"

"A formidable pair. I would fear for my life were I their target. And also, I do believe being together makes them happy, from what I have seen. They understand and support each other, which I respect. It warms my heart to see people happy together."

Tony grimaced. Thor would be bitterly disappointed, but it was good that he agreed with Tony's opinion. This would be very helpful.

Thor noticed Tony's cringe. "What? What is the matter?" Thor asked, concerned. "Did I say something wrong?"

"So, here's the thing," Tony began. "Clint and Natasha are not actually a couple."

Thor furrowed his brow. "So he is not her man? And she is not his lady? Was I mistaken?"

"No, no, you weren't," Tony assured him. "We all thought they were, and we all want them to be. They want to, but they're too scared. So for the past however long, I've been trying to get them together myself."

Skeptical, Thor raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

So Tony informed Thor of everything, all of his trials and tribulations since the beginning. Thor listened intently, shaking his head at some things and opening his eyes wide at others.

"And then I woke up after sleeping for thirty-six hours, and you arrived," Tony finally finished.

Thor waited a moment before responding. "That is quite the tale, friend Stark. But why put yourself through this?"

"I'm committed!" Tony declared, standing up. "I really want to get them together. I need it. We all need it. And I have one last plan that will blow all the previous plans out of the water."

"But this is not the way," Thor retorted. "Something like this should not be forced. If it is meant to be, it will happen naturally on its own."

"See, I don't trust fate like that. I understand you're probably old enough to have seen lifetimes pass by and fate be fulfilled over and over again, but I'm not. And I'm a scientist. I work for my results, and I want them now. Please, just listen to my plan, will you? Even if you don't participate, I want your opinion."

Thor sighed. "Alright."

Tony told Thor of his elaborate and big go-out-with-a-bang plan. Tony spent a longer time elaborating it than he should have, but he was excited. When he finished, he waited expectantly for Thor's reply.

"It is quite impressive, Stark. Very elaborate and detailed," Thor admitted. Tony grimmed. "But I still think you should let it run its course. If you intervene, there could be bad consequences for you."

Tony scoffed. "I've already had my alcohol stash destroyed, been forced to watch an unbearable amount of children's shows, and been locked in a room with no electricity. Things can't be worse."

Thor looked like he wasn't so sure.

"Oh, Steve! I've got a surprise for you!" Tony sang into the door of the gym, where Steve had been all along. Steve, breathing heavily, stepped off the weight machine, toweled himself off, and chuckled.

"Is this a surprise I want to see, Stark?" Steve teased.

"Oh, trust me, you definitely want to see this," Tony grinned. "Now, come on, quickly, don't bother wiping off, let's go!"

This confused Steve, who complacently followed Tony out the door and to the elevator. "What's this about, Stark? What's so important?" Steve asked when they were inside and heading up.

Tony kept himself from showing too much excitement. "You'll just have to wait and see."

Luckily, that wasn't too long. The elevator door slid open, and Steve's eyes began to boggle.

"Captain!" Thor bellowed. He broke past Bruce, Clint, and Natasha, who had all come home and were catching up with him. Steve, in awe, left the elevator and left Thor in an embrace.

"You're the last person I expected to see today," Steve said, a huge smile plastered on his face. "How've you been?"

The two of them began to get into a nice chat; two old friends reunited. It warmed Tony's heart, but he stepped back from it. He was watching Clint and Natasha, who were talking amongst each other. The cogs in Tony's head were turning. The plan in his mind had never looked better.

Suddenly, Thor was at his shoulder. "I was right; nature will soon take its course." He, too, was looking at Clint and Natasha, and smiling. "Do not fret, friend. It will happen."

As Thor departed to say something to Steve, a smirk grew on Tony's face. "Oh, yes. Yes, it will."