Essence of Soul

Chapter 5

"What do you mean I have to sleep with you?!" Rogue shouted at the top of her lungs, not realizing how her statement might have sounded to anyone else outside the room.

"Chere, there are no other beds in the house," Remy explained, "unless you want to sleep on the couch."

They had just walked into his room, to get her settled in when she realized there was only one bed in the room. She immediately grabbed a pillow and sheet off the bed and stood in front of him.

"Now, chere, you don't have to sleep out there, there's enough room for both of us," he explained and cut her off.

"One, my name is Rogue and two, I'm not sleeping on the couch," she said.

"What?" he raised an eyebrow, perplexed.

"You are," she shoved the contents into his chest. He immediately caught it before it fell to the ground and looked up at Rogue confused. She placed her hands on her hips and looked at him sternly.

"What?" he repeated.

"You heard me, I'm not sleeping in the same bed as you, I have morals!" she said, pushing him out the door and slamming it in his face. Remy stood there for a moment, simply staring at the wooden door in front of him. Sabertooth walked by him, snickering at his misfortune.

"What are you staring at, wolfie?" he glared at him. Sabertooth snarled at him before disappearing down the hallway. Grumbling a slur of profanities, Remy picked up the pillow and sheet, walking down the stairs to set up his make-shift bed.

Rogue plopped down on the bed and sighed. After kicking off her boots and pulling off her green mesh shirt, she instinctively reaching under the mattress to pull out her journal. She snapped her eyes open when she suddenly realized that she left it behind.

"Remy!" she yelled from behind the door and began to put her mesh shirt back on. Remy burst through the door, fearing the worst at her shouts, with a charged card in his hand. Seeing nothing, but Rogue struggling to maintain her balance as she pulled on her boot, he sighed in exasperation.

"What happened, chere?" "We have to go back," she said simply, nearly falling over as she shoved her foot further into her last boot.

"What?! What'd you mean we have to go back?" he asked, looking at her in disbelief. Not half an hour ago she blatantly defied her teammates and now she was in such a hurry to get back.

"I left. something. there and I need to go back and get it," she explained while snapping the last buckle in place.

"But, chere, do we have to go now? We just got here," he groaned, his muscles already sore from the commotion earlier.

"Hmm," she slowed her motions to pause for a thought, "you're right, we should wait until sundown, it'll be easier to stay hidden." Remy looked at her with a smirk on his face, a thought crossed his mind when he'd realized she had all the best qualities of a thief.

"After we get this. thing you oh so need, would you be willing to help me get something I need?" he asked.

"What?" she snapped out of her reverie and looked up at him. "Oh, sure, whatever."


"She should be here, like, any minute now," Kitty whispered to the others as she acted as if she were asleep. They had all either hidden inside or outside of their room, waiting for when Rogue would return for her possessions.

Everyone sat deadly still as the sound of the window creaking open was heard. Remy stealthily slipped in, looking around to see if there was anything different from when he was there the night before. Seeing none, he nodded towards the window and helped Rogue down.

"Hurry up, chere, something's not right." his eyes darting around the room as she quickly ran to her mattress and lifted the side. She stuck her hand underneath it and felt around when her hand found nothing.

"It's. it's not here." she whispered in disbelief.

"What do you mean it's not there?" he turned around to look at her.

"Looking for this?" Scott stood, holding onto the journal. The pair turned around to see him standing confidently.

"Scott, give it to me," Rogue ordered. Remy knew she wanted to get it for herself, so he pulled out the activator, to take off the suppression from her powers.

"I'll take that!" Kitty phased through his hand to grasp the small device. Remy turned on her and reached for it.

"Give it here, petite and no one gets hurt," he said condescendingly.

"Nope, totally sorry," she smiled and jumped away from him when he tried to snatch it out of her hand.

"Rogue, listen to me you can't do this! Stay with us!" Scott tried to reason with her.

Kitty jumped when Remy threw down a pair of cards at her feet, causing her to drop the device. He immediately went for it and pressed the button. Rogue felt her powers return to her and reached for the journal. Scott blocked her hand with his own, unfortunately touching her skin and having his power drained.

"Sorry, Scott," she grasped the journal, keeping her eyes shut as to not blow a hole in the wall. "Remy!"

"Come on, chere, I got you," he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her out the window. "Next time we come here, we come here with a plan!"