A/N: Hey there! Back with another chapter!
Thanks for all the lovely reviews on the last chapter I posted, and of course, for your patience. Always appreciated :)
I responded to a few reviews individually, but most of them I didn't have the time to, so I'll do that here.
Sabrina Cahill- Updating as we speak!
katie- thank you for your review! Yep, I do plan on finishing the story! Sorry for the wait. :)
peanut- I will gladly continue to keep writing! Haha :D Thanks for the review!
grimmgirl1- I actually didn't get the last name from Kickin' It, though I have seen the show before. It's just a common last name I guess. Yep, google is definitely a life saver, LOL. Thank you for reviewing!
Someone- Like I say to everyone, I'm sorry that I'm not able to update as fast as YOU would like me to. Sadly I work around my own schedule, and not yours. I'm sorry to hear you're losing interest, but if that's the case then I suppose my story isn't for you? Lol, no I am not sick, nor is my aunt dead. But thanks for the review anyway.
siLv3ryG0ld- Thanks for the honesty! There's always room for improvement. :) I love those songs! Thanks for reviewing!
Fangirl26- Thank you love! XD
Shirley- Sorry I had to keep you waiting! Your reviews always make me smile. :) Thank you!
Rosalie-your fan- Hahaha thank you! I'm really glad you think so! I'll try to update faster as well.
Midnight- Yep I'm very much alive. I'm so glad you enjoyed the chappie! Yep, Puck is gonna be pretty special.
PercyPotterPopsicle- Aww, sorry for the wait! I really appreciate your patience though. Thanks for the review, & here's your update now!
awesomeness 21- And thank YOU for being such a faithful reviewer! You're so sweet. :D Thanks!
Curlscat- HEY. Yep, still alive lol. Why, thank you! And thank you for the reminder to keep the dialogue more simplified, I tend to forget that they're just teenagers sometimes.
Cynthia Darling (chapter 7)- Thank you for the review! And I love Of Monsters and Men, by the way. I missed you too! Hopefully I didn't keep you waiting too long.
Cynthia Darling (chapter 6) - Haha! I've always loved the name Declan!
Guest- You are quite welcome, darling! Love the British accent. Sorry for the wait!
- Umm. Okay? Don't expect there to be action between Puck and Sabrina in every chapter. Or, you can expect it, but in the long run you'll just end up disappointed.
HYpatheticallySPEAKING- I MISSED YOU TOO. I'm so glad I can inspire you! Thank you for your patience. Keep writing, and thanks for your thoughtful review. Seriously. :)
SisterGrimmFan347- Sure has been a while! Sorry about that!
whats-it-2-u- Thank you! I'm glad to be back! :D
IceQueenandFireQueen- I just listened to that song you recommended. She has a lovely voice. THANKS FOR ALL YOUR REVIEWS. And to answer your question, no, Puck isn't trying to cut Sabrina from the team. He just wants to test her limits.
Hanyou of the Grimms- AWW, thank you! I'll have to finish up the final chapter of JNWC for you soon!
The Irish Lass- Thank you! I'll try to make Puck more... Puck-ish.
twilightlover48- Thank you for reviewing! I'm really glad you liked it!
Lara D- HEY THERE. I missed you! I can't remember if I responded to your review in the form of a PM and I'm too lazy to check honestly. Thank you! And your writing skills are definitely not decreasing. I just read BCC for the second time because it was just that good. I hope you're doing well though! Thanks for the kind review! XD I've never heard of Rachel Platten, but I'll listen now! Don't you just love when singers don't use autotune? So refreshing. Oh, and Paris isn't bad. She's just annoying to most people, lol.
lilcarellijohn- Thanks for the review! :D I'll try to update faster!
QueenyleAcH- Aww, great to hear from you again! I'm glad to be back! Thanks for the kind review- I've really missed those! I've never heard of Colton Dixon, but Amy Lee does seriously have a nice voice.
daughter of Athena and Apollo- I HAVE MISSED YOU. Thank you! I wish the same! Yeah, Sabrina's hair color is returning to normal this chapter. I've never heard of Jason Walker, but I'll go listen!
Winter's Flight- Why, thank you! I've missed you too! Yep, definitely reminds me of my elementary days too. Definitely not as extreme though. :P Yeah it's hard to chose a favorite singer, right? I still don't know who mine is. Thanks for reviewing!
Infinite-13- Thank you! YOU are a fabulous human being for being so patient!
TheNinjaKitsune- Thank you! So glad to hear from you! :D
I think that was everyone! if I missed responding to anyone, I'm sorry! But that doesn't mean I didn't see your review!
*The last QotD was: Who is the best singer, in your opinion? Many of you gave artists that I've never heard of, and now I've got some new music to listen to!
But, the winner of this question is Cynthia Darling! Her answer is Nanna Bryndis, who is the singer for Of Monsters and Men. She has a lovely voice. :)
So before I start up the chapter, I have two announcements.
*I am working on the final chapter of JNWC. It's going to to take some time, since I have to refer to the actual Shakespearean play and refresh myself on my story since it's been so long. But that's on it's way soon.
*My other SG fic, INFAMOUS, is on hiatus currently, but that is changing! I want to complete the story, but I've decided that I want someone else to work on it with me! If you haven't already, go check it out and see what I have so far. If you're interested in finishing this story with me, please PM me and I'll give you more info! Thanks!
Well, that's about it. Thanks so much for your patience, and here is the next chapter!
~Chapter 7
Sabrina Grimm ran out onto the empty soccer field, a ball in her hand and her cleats tied tightly. She wore an old hoodie and a pair of work out shorts, and her hair, now blonde once more, was in a loose braid down her back.
"What the hell..."
The field was completely empty, despite the fact that Saturday morning practice was supposed to have started five minutes ago. There was no way everyone would just skip out on practice, especially with a team captain like Puck.
"At least I know I'm not late," she muttered to herself, as she trudged to Coach Adam's office.
She entered the warm, administration building on the far side of the school, rubbing her hands together to warm herself. Knocking on the door of his office, she was first met with silence. A few seconds later, "who is it?"
Sabrina rolled her eyes. "Sabrina."
She could hear the sound of rustling feet and murmurs as someone got up to open the door. Rather than seeing Coach Adams, she was standing face-to-face with Jake. His dark brown hair was falling over his eyes, and he was comfortably dressed in his pajamas.
She crossed her arms as he stared back at her sheepishly.
"So... Can I come in?" she asked slowly.
"I don't think you want to do that," Jake responded quickly, trying to close the door in her face.
"Jake, who's at the door?" Coach Adams asked from inside.
"Uh, Sabrina. Here she comes." Jake gave her a warning look as he opened the door for her.
Sabrina's eyes widened as she saw the entire soccer team sitting on the floor around the coach's desk. The only person standing was Puck, who was leaned up against the far wall. He smirked at her when she walked in.
Immediately removing her focus off of Puck, Sabrina turned to her coach.
"I didn't know we were having a team meeting..."
"That's because you weren't asked to come," her young coach responded. "I'm sure you heard about the food fight that took place yesterday, right?"
Sabrina nodded, her heart beat quickening.
"Well, your teammates started this fight. It seems you were the only person absent from the mess, so that's why you weren't called here. We were just going over the proper punishments," he explained.
Sabrina exhaled slowly, not realizing that she had been holding her breath. All her teammates were looking at the floor or staring at her.
"Oh..." was the only response she could think of.
Coach Adams suddenly stood up.
"I've said everything I've needed to say. Does everyone understand the consequences?"
Everyone nodded, while a few people muttered under their breath.
"Good. You can sit in here as long as you like, but I have a meeting to get to." And with that, Coach Adams walked out, slamming the door behind him.
The group sat in silence for a moment. Sabrina finally spoke.
"Guys... You know it's my fault this whole thing happened."
"Technically, it's Jake's fault," Madison chimed in. "He was the one who declared the food fight."
Jake rolled his eyes. "Whatever."
"How did they not realize I was there?" Sabrina asked.
Everyone remained silent, and Sabrina eyed everyone in the room, until finally, her eyes found Puck's. Then she knew. He had gotten her out of the lunch room before the school faculty had seen what was going on. That was his plan the whole time.
"We have detention after school everyday for a week, and we have to clean the cafeteria and school kitchen every night. Plus we're not allowed to play in our next two soccer games," Paris grumbled. "Unless you can manage to beat two times by yourself."
Ignoring her last comment, Sabrina's eyes widened.
"That means we can't make it to the championships..."
Julie nodded, her glasses making her round face look even more child-like. "Not even a chance."
"This is the first year we haven't made it to the championships," Brandyn said, eyes downcast.
"Guys... I'm really sorry." Sabrina started. "It was my fault this whole thing started."
"It sure was," Paris agreed.
"Watch it," Sabrina snapped. "If you hadn't gotten me covered in your food we wouldn't be in this situation."
"It was an accident!" She exclaimed in her whiney voice.
"Sure it was."
"Are you guys done yet?" Puck finally spoke. Everyone turned to him, suddenly quiet.
"This whole mess is everyone's fault," he continued. "It doesn't matter who started it, everyone threw food at some point, right?"
The group nodded.
"Exactly. So blaming Sabrina, or Paris, or Jake in this situation is pretty damn pointless."
Sabrina snorted. "For someone so immature, you suddenly sound mature."
She knew she shouldn't be testing his patience, since he was clearly already annoyed by the group. Not to mention, he had saved her from having to serve detentions with everyone else. But Sabrina, being Sabrina, loved a good debate.
"Shut up," he snapped, as Sabrina snickered. "Now, listen. I have a plan."
"There's no plan that can get us out of this mess," Nancy groaned from her position on the floor.
"Trust me, yes there is," Puck said, his signature mischievous look back in his eyes. "As long as Grimm over here does her part, we're not missing those games."
"Um, what?" Sabrina asked, crossing her arms.
"Does anyone know when our next two games are?" Puck asked.
"Well, if we were allowed to play, one game would be tonight, the next would be in two days." Peter responded. "They're both away games."
Puck tapped his chin, a piece of curly blonde hair falling in his eyes.
"How many of you have cars on campus?"
Nancy, and Declan raised their hands.
"This is ridiculous!" Sabrina exclaimed. "So what's your plan? We sneak out of school, even though everyone here has detention, get in cars, and go to our soccer game? Without a coach?"
"No.You sneak us out of school. Then we get in cars and go to our soccer game. Without a coach." Puck corrected.
"You expect me to sneak 10 people out of detention without us getting caught?" she asked, eyebrow raised.
"No. I expect you to get 5 people out of detention. The other 5 will be washing dishes in the cafeteria."
"Okay, you've lost me," Madison intervened.
Puck sighed as he walked over to Coach Adam's desk. He rummaged through his drawers until he found paper and a pen. Laying the paper out on the desk, he motioned for his teammates to crowd around him.
"So, this is what we're gonna do..."
Sabrina sighed, examining herself in the mirror one last time. She wore a grey workout top, sweatpants, and her black, Nike sneakers. Her hair was in a bun, with a headband securing the stray pieces in place. To anyone else, Sabrina looked like a student about to work out. But her fellow teammates knew that underneath her sweats was her soccer uniform, and on her shoulder she sported a bag filled with her cleats, water bottles, soccer balls, and cones for her team.
Pressing the home button on her iPhone, the time read 7:43. The game started at 8:30. She had 17 minutes to do what needed to be done.
She sighed. Why had she agreed to this? Oh, right. She was the only team member who wasn't in detention.
She wasn't nervous- she had solved far too many mysteries and plotted too many shenanigans with her little sister throughout her lifetime for that. But she did have a feeling of anticipation growing in her chest. It seemed almost a life time ago that she and Daphne had fooled or tricked their way out of a situation. Hopefully she wasn't too rusty.
Hoisting the bag over her shoulder, Sabrina first made her way to the principle's office.
Mrs. Eldon, though best known to students as Paris Eldon's mother, was sitting at her desk, typing away at a laptop when Sabrina walked in. Her hair brown hair, streaked with grey, was pulled back tightly in a bun. She wore a tan women's pantsuit.
She looked up quickly. "Ah, Ms. Grimm. What can I help you with?"
"Hey, Mrs. Eldon," Sabrina said with a smile. "How are you?"
"I'm well. And you?"
"I'm fine. So, I'm sure you've heard about the.. incident that happened yesterday in the lunch room?"
The principal nodded. "I have."
"Well, I'm the only one of my teammates who wasn't involved in the food fight, and I kind of feel bad."
"Why do you feel bad?" Mrs. Eldon asked. "You didn't do anything."
"I know, but they're all cleaning or in detention, and I feel like I should've been there to stop what was going," Sabrina admitted.
The principle took off her glasses, studying Sabrina for a moment.
"That's very mature of you, Sabrina. But no one expects you to stop a food fight. We just expect the students to refrain from such matters, which you did."
Sabrina nodded. "I know. I was just wondering if I could help my teammates clean the cafeteria? I still feel slightly responsible for everything that happened."
Mrs. Eldon nodded slowly. "Well... okay. If that's how you'd like to spend your time, then so be it."
Sabrina smiled. "Thanks. I really appreciate it."
Mrs. Eldon gave her a confused smile. "You're welcome."
As Sabrina made her way out of the office, the principle called her back.
"I'm impressed, Sabrina. Keep up the good work."
Sabrina smiled and simply nodded, before walking out.
Her next stop was the school lunch room. Searching through the bag over her shoulder, she found a whistle that Puck had given her earlier. Putting it around her neck, she sighed. If this next performance failed, she'd be screwed.
"Where have you guys been?" Sabrina stormed in the lunch room angrily. "I know you all got my email! Practice started 20 minutes ago!"
Brandyn, Nancy, Puck, Rebecca, and Jake all looked up from the dishes they were cleaning simultaneously.
The lunch lady, who was seated at an empty table reading a magazine, stood up with a start. She was a burly woman, with a large mole on the center of her cheek. Her hair was still wrapped in a hair net.
"Can I help you?" she asked in an annoyed, deep voice.
"Yes," Sabrina snapped. "These," she said, pointing to her 5 teammates, "are my soccer players. I've searched this school high and low for them. We have an emergency practice, which they just so happen to be late for."
"That's not my problem," the lunch lady said with a loud chuckle. "Your soccer players also caused a food fight in my cafeteria. Now they pay for it."
"Let me explain something to you," the blonde responded, placing a hand on her hip. "These students are the most talented group of athletes this school has. Every practice is shaping them to win the championships, which we win every year. And if we lose? That's on your hands."
"Who did you say you were again?" The lunch lady asked. "I've never seen you around here before."
"The new assistant coach. But that's none of your business," Sabrina snapped. "I'll just take this up with Principle Sanders myself."
Sabrina made it halfway out the lunch room before she was called back.
"Wait!" The woman exclaimed. "Take your soccer players. But they owe me 4 hours of cleaning tomorrow after school. Find a way to fit that into your star athletes' schedule."
"Thank you," Sabrina said stiffly. "Let's go, guys. You're beyond late."
She walked out of the room hurriedly, half of her teammates at her heels.
"Wow, Sabrina. That was an impressive performance," Nancy applauded.
Sabrina shrugged. "Me and my sister always used to do this kind of stuff. But I wasn't lying when I said we're late."
"Time check?" Puck said.
She looked down at her phone. "7:03."
"Okay, change in plans," Puck said quickly. "I'll get everyone else out of detention. You guys go pack the cars with all our equipment." He tossed Sabrina his car keys before sprinting down the hallway.
The group of four turned back around, heading out to the school parking lot.
"I can't believe we're actually doing this," Rebecca said with a groan. Her curly blonde hair bounced as she walked quickly down the hall.
Jake nodded in agreement. "This could either go really well, or fail horribly."
By the time Nancy, Jake, Rebecca and Brandyn had loaded Nancy's car with all the equipment and piled into the car, Sabrina was still searching through the parking lot for Puck's car. She didn't want to draw any attention by sounding the car alarm, but it seemed to be her only option.
Nancy pulled up beside a lost looking Sabrina in her white Honda. Jake was sitting in the passenger side.
"Puck drives a black BMW. It's usually parked in the way back of the lot," Jake said with a laugh.
Sabrina shook her head. It was completely dark outside, and the wind was nipping at her face. "Thanks. You guys should head over so the other team at least knows we're coming. I'll wait for everyone else."
Nancy and Jake agreed, before rolling up their windows and driving off. Sabrina watched as the red tail lights got further and further away before scrambling to the back of the lot to find Puck's car.
She weaved in and out of lines of car, before soon finding his BMW, which was easily the most expensive looking car in the lot. Rolling her eyes, she unlocked the car doors and slid into the passenger side before turning the key into the ignition. The car started with a purr, and Sabrina rubbed her hands together as she searched for how to turn the heat on. Cold air continued to blow out at her as she messed with the buttons on the car.
"Damn Puck and his car with no heat," Sabrina grumbled. She fiddled with the AC one more time, before giving up hope of having heat altogether. She slouched back in the seat, arms crossed and baring the cold.
It seemed ages before Puck finally ran up to the car, sliding into the drivers side. Sabrina checked the time: 7:10.
"Why didn't you turn on the heat?" he asked.
"I couldn't figure out how to," she grumbled.
He laughed loudly, startling Sabrina. She glared at him.
"You're an idiot. You have to push the A/C button twice," he explained, pushing the button again. The car immediately began to heat up.
"Well how did you expect me to know that? Not all of us can afford fancy BMW's like you," she snapped.
"Are you always this annoying?" he asked, pulling off his jacket and tossing it to her in one swift motion. "You can have my jacket 'till you warm up."
For a moment she stared at the black NorthFace jacket in her hands, before sliding in on over her pullover.
"Thanks. That might be the nicest thing you've done since I've known you."
Puck shifted the car into drive, and eased out of the lot.
"Yeah, well don't get used to it."
She rolled her eyes, staring out the window at the streetlights glowing from the sidewalk.
"How did you get everyone out of detention?"
"Don't worry about it," he said simply. "Just know that I took care of it."
She wasn't in the mood to pry. "Um, okay."
"They all left in Declan's car. I kinda got... caught up with a teacher. That's why I took so long."
"What does that mean?" Sabrina asked in alarm. "Is our cover blown?" Her heart started beating faster. She could not afford to get caught.
"Calm down, Grimm. The cover isn't blown. I took care of it," he responded simply.
"What, did you kill a teacher and stuff them in a closet or something?" she asked with a laugh.
Her question received no answer. They drove on in silence for a while, and Sabrina pressed her forehead again the cold glass of the car window.
"You're speeding," she noted, once they had reached the highway.
"I know. We're also running late," he pointed out.
"Don't get us pulled over."
"Stop talking."
"Make me," Sabrina retorted. It was a weak comeback, but it had been the only thing that came to mind in the moment.
He smirked at her, his green eyes gleaming through the dark. "I don't think that's a good idea..."
It took her a moment to realize what he had been hinting at. A blush covered her cheeks and she turned away.
"S-shut up."
He laughed for the second time, startling her. When he was genuinely laughing, and not snickering or being sarcastic, the sound actually had a nice ring to it. It was a happy sound.
"You're so confusing," she suddenly blurted out. She hadn't noticed that the car had stopped at a red light. He had turned to look at her.
"How so?"
"I... I'm not sure. It's like you're two different people sometimes." She didn't know what exactly she was trying to get at, but it was clear that after a moment he knew what she meant. For the first time, he seemed to be at a loss for words.
He finally settled for a shrug. "I just don't show people my personality."
The light turned green and he sped up again, turning his gaze back to the road ahead. Sabrina sighed.
"There has to be a reason for that."
"People never stay around long enough to see the real you," he stated flatly. "It took me a long time to realize that."
His answer sounded all to familiar, but she was shocked that he had actually somewhat explained himself. Actually, it sounded like something she might have said while living in Ferryport Landing. She knew what it was like to have people come into your life, only to disappear shortly after.
"Sounds like you've been through some stuff," was the only response she could manage.
"You could say that."
"I'm sorry."
"I know what it's like," she added quickly, "to go through stuff. I'm sorry you have to deal with it."
For a moment he just stared at her, his eyes seemingly trying to communicate something to her that she couldn't understand. She looked back at him, observing his features. His curly, blonde hair, slightly mused from the wind. His blonde eyelashes were long- the type of eyelashes that any girl would dream of having. His strong, structured jaw line. He had a small birthmark above his mouth. Her eyes trailed down to his lips, and down to his neck, his adams apple. Realizing what she had been doing, she immediately immediately snapped her eyes back up to his face. It seemed he had been studying her in the same way.
Had his eyes gotten darker?
Unable to hold his intense gaze any longer, she looked away awkwardly. The heat from the car was blowing out at her intensely, and she knew there was a blush on her cheeks.
The ride continued in silence for a few more minutes, until the car pulled into a graveled path. The old school could be seen from a distance, a large church bell hanging from the roof of the building.
"Why do I feel like I'm at church?" Sabrina said jokingly, attempting to break the ice from the previous moment.
"It's a Catholic school," Puck said, parking his car next to a green minivan. "They've got nuns here and everything."
After Puck locked his car, the two sprinted past the school and down to the open field, where the soccer game was to be held. The entire team was already there and sporting their soccer uniforms, which they had worn under their clothes. Sabrina immediately stripped off Puck's jacket and her own hoodie, shivering as the cold reached her exposed arms. She took off her sweatpants, revealing her shorts underneath, and tied her cleats on tightly.
She looked across the field at the other team. Their white soccer jerseys contrasted with the Brooklyn Heights' maroon ones. Family and friends sat out on blankets across the field, waiting for the game to start.
She watched Jake race over to one of the referees and immediately smiled, knowing that he was he was going to oversee the coin toss, which determined what side of the field the teams would be playing on. He was chosen for doing this at every game because the coin toss always turned out in his favor.
Like she had expected, a loud whoop of excitement was heard from Jake, and he suddenly began to salsa back and forth across the field.
"He's ridiculous," Sabrina laughed.
"True, but now we get the left side of the field," Rebecca pointed out. "If you look closely, you'll see that it's kind of sloping downward. Now we have an advantage."
At second glance, Sabrina did notice that the left side of the field was turning downward. When the opposing team would run up to score on their side, they would have a slight incline to make their way up.
She joined Rebecca in stretching off to the side. Out of all the players on the team, Rebecca was the one with whom she had spent the least amount of time with. She pulled her arm across her chest and looked around. Most players were taking last minute swigs from their waters, while others were stretching as well. Puck, on the other hand, was sitting on the bench, headphones in his ears and clipboard in hand. He had separated himself from everyone else, and was biting down softly on a pen.
"He does this at every game," Rebecca said, noticing Sabrina's stare. "He just distances himself from everyone and gets in the zone, I guess."
Sabrina shrugged. "As long as it helps."
Puck soon called the group over, and everyone huddled around him. The only person missing from the huddle was Jake, who had already manned his position as goalie on field.
"First, make sure you guys don't let your muscles get stiff, especially since it's cold. Try to keep bouncing on your toes at all times," Puck said. "Are we good on water?"
"Yep," Julie replied. "More than enough."
Puck nodded. "We beat this team almost ever year. It's an easy win, as long as we stay focused. No one gets cocky. We dedicate this game to successfully sneaking off campus."
The group laughed, and Jake cheered from out on the field.
"Julie, Rebecca, Madison, and Brandyn, I want you in midfield today. Declan, Nancy, and Paris, you'll be defenders. Sabrina, right forward. Peter, left forward. I'm center. Makes sense?"
Everyone nodded, putting their hands in the center of the huddle and cheering loudly on the count of three, "BROOKLYN HEIGHTS!"
The team jogged out to the field as the opposing team was already getting in position. Sabrina placed herself beside Puck in the front of the left side of the field. The referee stood between Puck and a tall, lanky male player on the other team.
"We meet again, Goodfellow," the player said obnoxiously.
Puck simply nodded in his direction. "Anderson."
Even though the player they called Anderson had height on Puck, Puck still had far more muscle definition. Not to mention that he was most likely far speedy than anyone on the other team.
"Who's the new girl?" Anderson asked, nodding in Sabrina's direction. "She's hot."
"She's off limits."
The warning tone in Puck's tone hit Sabrina with a wave of confusion, but she recovered momentarily.
"Sorry, assholes aren't really my type," she said with a fake-apologetic look on her face.
Puck snickered and Anderson glowered at her.
"Cool it, guys," the ref said, blowing his whistle. He looked at both sides of the field to make sure everyone was ready. A moment later, the ball was on the ground, and the game was on.
Puck had swooped the ball out from under the nose of Anderson, and began dribbling it down the field. Seeing that Peter was open, Puck kicked the ball swiftly to him.
Sabrina had never payed close attention to Peter while he played, but he was talented. Since he couldn't wear his glasses on the field, he had on a pair of goggles that tied around his head. Weaving the ball in and out of players' legs, he crossed up a girl on the other team, who cursed when she hit the ground. It seemed to be a one-man show, and he had almost reached the goal effortlessly, when a muscularly looking girl raced passed him, snagging the ball and running it down the opposite direction.
Sabrina groaned, running backwards and trying to keep herself open at all times.
The opposing team still had the ball, and had almost reached midfield, when Madison tripped her up, and swiped the ball from her as she ran down the field. She found Puck open and passed it back to him. Puck ran down the field, dribbling the ball between his feet effortlessly. He spotted Sabrina after a moment, who was open, but on the far side of the field. He called out "Grimm, ball!" and and kicked the ball so it went soaring over the opposing teams' heads.
She hoisted her knee up so the ball bounced off of it, and once her feet connected with the ball, she raced down the field. A defender was moving towards her at a slightly alarming pace. Sabrina feinted towards the right, before cutting the motion cleanly in half and twisting in the opposite direction. She lost some of her balance, but quickly caught herself and charged flawlessly on, leaving the defender far behind her in the dust.
Well, more like in the grass.
As soon as she'd passed that defender, two middle ones charged toward her to intercept the ball. She was still too far from the goal to shoot and make the goal, but not too far away to pass.
She sent the ball flying above the defenders heads, aimed right at Puck, who was getting closer and closer to the goal with every passing second. In one swift motion, Puck dribbled the ball forward, faked the goalie, and scored.
The Brooklyn Heights team went crazy, cheering loudly and whooping. They had scored in the first ten minutes of the game.
The rest of the first half went just as successfully, with Jake head-butting the ball away from the goal at one point, and Nancy giving a perfect pass to Peter, who scored within seconds.
Halftime came and went, and the score was 2-0.
"You weren't lying when you said this team was easy," Sabrina said, wiping a sheen of sweat off her forehead.
Puck nodded, taking a last drink from his water bottle and heading out to the field. "Believe it or not, they've actually gotten better since last year."
"That's debatable," Jake said from behind, putting his arms around both of their shoulders. "They've always been the shittiest team we've played against. Just putting that out there."
Sabrina laughed and Puck rolled his eyes.
The game continued, and before they knew it the ref was blowing his whistle: Game Over. The score was 3-0, with Madison making the final goal. The Brooklyn Heights team had won.
Everyone cheered and patted each other on the back as they made their way back to the sidelines. Sabrina helped pack the bag with water bottles, cones and soccer balls once again, before putting her warm clothes back on top of her uniform. Everyone dashed to the cars, quick to get out of the cold.
Sabrina put the bag in the back of Nancy's Honda, and found herself squeezed next to Madison and Jake in the back of her car. They quickly drove off, and Madison was soon asleep, her head on Sabrina's shoulder. she soon found herself about to doze off as well, when she realized that she was wearing Puck's jacket again. She had not remembered putting it back on while on the field, but she zipped it to her neck. The collar smelled like earth, but not in a bad way.
The car continued to cruise down the highway, and Sabrina soon fell asleep.
That's the chapter! Everyone please R&R! Hope you all liked it!
QotD: What is the most exciting job profession, and why?