I don't own Hetalia.

The store was lined up with every kind of super hero collection you could dream up. This was the reason Alfred liked to come here to shop. Sometimes they didn't have the ones he wanted online always either coasted more or they weren't real when he received them in the mail. This store was the best place to find anything and everything he wanted.

Walking into the store he hurried to the back to look for the one he desperately wanted to buy. Pretty much a jump in his run and a smile that just seem to bright up his world came to a screeching halt when hi alarm went off telling him that if he didn't hurry and get out of there then he would be late for class.

Frowning he ran out of the shop , grabbing his bike form the rack and go onto it and started racing for the high school where he was a senior this year. Just half a year more to go and he would be in collage and would that be great! He could move out.

As he rode into the campus Alfred locked up his bike. Running to class he stopped when he noticed who happened to be going into his class. It was Ivan Bringisk. The guy was Russian and insisted on picking on him for liking super heroes

Their eyes meet and Ivan smiled. "Got lost in your dream world again?"

"Shut up. Move it I don't wanna be late for class."

"After you, Princess." Ivan mocked a bow.

Growing Alfred flipped him off and started to walk in when Ivan grabbed at his side making him yelped in shock before shoving the taller male again. Ivan laughed and did the motion as if he was still squeezing his side.

"You've gotten fatter, Fredka!"

"Sh-shut up!" Alfred yelled embarrassed. "I have not!"

"Da, you have!" Ivan smirked. "More than last month."

"Shut the hell up!" Alfred yelled and hurried into the classroom.

Following him Ivan laughed more before taking his sit. Him and Alfred sat in the middle of the class but he was always on the left hand side as Alfred was on the right next to the door. Ivan watched him on and off as the class went on. Since they had started high school Ivan slowly began to have a crush on the blond.

Ivan had never been good with words so every time he tried to say something to Alfred he ended up teasing him. The blonde was a heavy set but he was in the mid. A little cubby but cute. However much Ivan wanted to say something nice it always turned into an insult so now he was sure the blond hated him but he still managed to chase anyone off who had interest in him.

That's when the trouble started however. Just has the class begin to end was when the door opened and teacher came into the class room saying they had a new students. The albino walked in and to their surprise so did another one. This one taller and more muscular.

Ivan wasn't impressed so he ignored them and continued to go over some notes. Alfred on the other hand took an immediately interest in the other blond with a small blush forming on his cheeks. Looking down at his book quickly he forced the blush away before looking back up.

Ludwig walked behind his brother so the other wouldn't take off. This had this problem in the last school so this time he had made Gilbert walk in front of him. Their parents had given up on Gilbert completely but Ludwig since birth had always pushed the other to do his best and the one year that Ludwig had taken to going to school in Germany he had come back to find out that Gilbert had gotten such lose scores on his test that he flunked and had no intention on going back to school so Ludwig had taken it upon himself to get Gilbert back into school.

In some ways it had been good. That meant he would have Gilbert go with him to collage and force him to learn what he thought was best. To be honest Ludwig had always known he would end up taking care of his brother no matter what.

A long time ago when he was younger he knew his brother wasn't dumb. He was really smart but the other had such a hard time learning how to read and write. Where as Ludwig learned fast he was always two grades ahead of Gilbert but he often refused to be bumped up to higher classes. Instead he would tutor Gilbert.

Another thing was that Gilbert was strong but had a lean build. Their mother and father complained made fun of Gilbert, calling him slow even a failure at times. It made him angry and the one year took off to leave to Germany made him wonder just what they put Gilbert through.

Although back Ludwig had taken noticed of Gilbert's dramatic change. The other was dressing in almost complete black, he was listening to music he never listened to before, eating patterns had changed to the point that it raised a red flag and he was locking himself into the room they had once shared. Now back they spent about five days cleaning up the room.


Snapping out of his thoughts Ludwig looked down at his older brother who was looking up at him with concerned eyes. The nick name west had come from the fact that Gilbert had been born in what used to be called Ear Germany and he was born in the Western part. So as they grew up Gilbert often called him West.


"Do I have to be here? Can't I just get a GED or something else? Anything else?"

Shaking his head he put a hand on Gilbert's shoulder and lead him forward. "No. You're going to get your high school diploma. It won't be too hard."

"Aww…" Giblet groaned. "I don't wanna be here."

"Too bad. Let's go."

When they got to their class and the teacher opened the door he made the Albino go first to ensure he didn't run off. Walking in he stood next to his brother and waited as they were introduced. Then the teacher said their age and someone asked why one was older and the teacher answered with the harsh truth that the older one did not pass.

From the side of his eye he saw Gilbert flush in embarrassment. As they the introduction was over they were told to find some seats. The only two open had been apart to Ludwig made sure to get the one next towards the door. A perfect place to watch Gilbert from.

Shuffling along Gilbert took a seat next to a rather tall student. Laying his head down on the desk he started to drift to sleep. It was a comfortable and where he was a warm. The next thing he knew that he was being shaken awake by his brother.

As he rode his bike home Alfred was thinking about the new student that he had taken interest in. He was just his type. Alfred always liked they tall guys with muscles but he knew they would never thought they would like him back because of his weight.

That's one of the reasons he started to lose weight. Riding his bike instead of his car. Walking more places. He took up jogging but only in his own back yard. He had a fear of jogging anywhere someone could see him.

As he rode back to the store Alfred's mood perked up. Parking his bike he rushed back into the store and headed right to where the action figure should be. When he found it he reached up and cursed that he couldn't reach. Only a few inches out of reach.

"Come on…. Come on…" Alfred muttered to himself reaching up as high as he could.

Suddenly someone came up behind him reaching up and grabbing the box and handed it ot him. Taking it he turned to thank the person when he was stopped short.

"You're welcome." Ludwig said and then his mind placed him. "Ah, we're in the same class. I saw you today."

"Yeah. My name's Alfred. Alfred F. Jones." Alfred tried not to blush and was feeling self-conscious.

"I'm Ludwig Belsmicted."

"Uh… thanks again." Alfred said and then gulped. "So… do you like action figures too?"

"Nein. My Bruder Gilbert's loves them however. I saw him come in here when I saw you struggling to get this." He gestured to the box in Alfred's hands.

"Oh…" Alfred felt so dumb. Of course someone like Ludwig wouldn't like these. "Sorry. I, uh, gotta go so see you at school tomorrow."

"Wait." Ludwig said watching the blond. "I was wondering if you would like to go to the welcome back school dance."

"Huh?" Alfred blushed. "Why are you asking me?!"

"I know this is sudden but you're really cute. I would like to get to know you and I want to take you to the dance. There's just something about you that I really like."

"Uh, um. Yeah. Yeah sure!" Alfred smiled as the blush appeared on his face.

"Wonderful. But first let me take you on a few dates, ja?"

"Ja? What's that mean?"

"It means yes."

"Cool! Then Ja!"

Someone else saw them talking. And the Russian didn't look happy at all.

Student RusAme. I thought I would give it a shot and see how it turns out.