A/N: I would like to thank everyone who read my random little fluff :)
River was already out of the Tardis and in her blue bikini. The Doctor didn't see her come out so he had yet to see how she looked. She was currently holding a towel in front of her, a nice big white one. As the Doctor came out, she thought he had never before looked more ridiculous. He had on his blue trunks, to match her bikini, he had on his tweed, a pair of sandals that looked awful, and he was holding up a small pale and a shovel. River couldn't help but double over in laughter.
"Sw-sweetie what the bloody hell are you wearing?" she said between bubbles of laughter. He looked quite confused.
"Well I have my jacket so something can hold my sonic. And I also have this pale and shovel. Shovels are really cool. It's like a stick with a flat end. You can dig in stuff with it. Sand, dirt, grass, mud, it's a very useful tool," he said proudly raising his shovel.
"Please get rid of the tweed," she said once she could breathe again. He sighed and trudged back into the Tardis like a pouty child. River walked down to the edge of the water waiting for him. She look out at the sun began to set against the water. The sky was a lovely mix of pinks and blues and purples.
She was so distracted by the view she was almost startled when she felt the Doctor walk up beside her. And to her surprise she felt him slide his hand in hers and entwine their fingers. She smiled still looking at the setting sun and instinctively leaned on his shoulder. She felt him slightly stiffen at the new feeling for only a moment before he let go of her hand and wrap an arm around her shoulders.
"This view is gorgeous," River said softly. She heard the Doctor chuckle slightly and felt the laughter rumble through his chest.
"I've seen better," he said as he rubbed his thumb on her shoulder. She smiled softly and let out her own soft chuckle.
"Let me guess, the rise of a thousand suns in another galaxy or the Tardis," she said as she watched the sun set down passed the water leaving them under the shine of the stars and the moon.
"No," he said simply as he tilted her chin up making her meet his gaze. A gaze so wise with age even though the rest of him seemed so fresh with youth. " It's you. The most gorgeous and beautiful thing I have ever seen is you. Especially in Berlin," he said looking in her eyes. "You were fresh with time energy and new life. It was positively intoxicating. Every time I see you I notice everything. The way your hair changes from lightly blond to red when the lighting changes. How your eyes grow dark green when you're being mischievous. Or the way you laugh when I'm racing around the Tardis. River you're…..you're the most beautiful thing in the universe," he said. She felt the blood rush to her cheeks as a bright red blush crept over her skin. Only he could do that to her. And only he could make her feel like this. In love.