Alrighty, so chapter 8! Finally.
Sorry about the lateness! I've been busy! School and work and no motivation to write, etc. etc. But here's the second to last chapter! Good news is the last chapter will be great!
Bad news is the last chapter is either gonna come soon or not for a while since school's starting up again; but after the final chapter I will be doing a Q&A session for this story! So if you want to know anything, like the lore behind our good friend mister hellhound here, or what made me write the story or why I didn't add so and so character, feel free to start asking in the reviews! I'll compile and answer them and they will be posted promptly after the last chapter.

Also, since this story is coming to a close, this also means I will be starting the rewards for the guess the cryptid contest I held around chapter 3.
And the only prize that will be posted here is a bonus one-shot requested by shade rose
The other prizes have either already been given out, or are requested art prizes which have nothing to do with the story. And we'll see how these go.

onwards to the chapter!

Houston, We Have Hope

As soon as we re-entered the attic, we were bombarded with questions from Jazz and I immediately regretted falling asleep on the couch downstairs. A constant strand of "Have you thought of"s and "well what about"s.

All of them being things we'd already considered until, "Have you thought of trying an exorcism?"

I heard a loud slap and looked around the room to find Sam with her hands over her face, because she hadn't thought of it or because it was stupid, I wasn't quite sure.
"Why didn't I think of that." She moaned.

Tucker laughed, "So much for being our encyclopedia on all things dark and deadly." She glared at him, "Whoa, don't give me the stink eye. This is why I suggested a break!"

"Well?" I asked

"Well what?"

"Well, would it work?"

Sam pondered it for a moment, "Maybe." She finally said as she sat up straight. "In theory of course it would, but exorcisms take a long time and are pretty shaky. There's a reason not a lot of people go into the demon exorcising profession. It's time consuming and we don't know how this whole 'see it three times you die' deal goes down. We should save it as a last resort."

I groaned, "So we're back to square one." Throwing my hands up I yelled, "Great!" Wonderful! Just what we need, more dead ends.

"Maybe there's something here that can help." Tucker started, "I mean between the 8 1/2th president and bloodthirsty wax figures, Gravity Falls is about as lively as Amity."

"Waitaminute!" Mabel shouted before grabbing the book Dipper had just picked up.

"Hey!" Dipper shouted, "I was still using that!"

Flipping through the book with a look of concentration on her face, she looked up at Dipper, "But I got an idea. You found that crystally shrinky grow thing in here, right?"

Cocking an eyebrow he answered hesitantly, "Yeeeaah, why? What does that have to do with anything?"

"Where did you get that?" She continued, ignoring his question.

"In the woods, where are you going with this?" We watched puzzled, the four of us sharing a quick look which conveyed our confusion before looking back to Mabel flipping through the mysterious book. What would a crystal even do in this situation?

"Well.." Mabel began as she skimmed the page she was looking for, "The book says theres no way to get rid of them, but pinecones and salt worked wonders. Maybe there's other stuff in here that can help us get rid of it!" She looked up with a grin. "That and I don't think it'll be as much of a threat if it's the size of my house key."

As the twins flipped through the book consulting all the pages they'd skipped, we grouped up to discuss our next plan.

"What's she talking about? Shrinking it?" Jazz asked, "Is that even possible?"

"I don't know, but even if it was, it doesn't help the fact that next time we see it we'll be cursed and die." Tucker interjected with a groan. "And if it's too tiny it'll be harder to see and catch."

"But it might cut down on it's powers too." Sam threw in. "What if we catch it in something? Think it'll be cool enough to put in a glass jar or something?"

"Wouldn't it melt the glass?" I asked.

"Yeah, I mean it's not like we know any ghosts with ice powers or anything." Jazz looked at me with a quizzical look, "If you coat the glass in ice it should hold, shouldn't it?"

"I dunno, it might…" I considered, thinking back to the last couple encounters with it. "I don't think it would unless it was weakened, so I think so-" The sound of shattering glass cut me off, and I spun around to see a fallen lamp and a cursing Dipper trying to recover from a trip. "Wha-?"

"I've got it!" Dipper shouted as he regained balance and ran out of the room, Mabel not far behind. "I know what to do to get around the death curse!"

The four of us looked at each other and followed after the boy reeling down the hall and burst into a closed room. Dipper hit the light switch and the light flickered to life above an old copy machine.

"Ta-da!" Dipper chimed as his sister apparently realized what he was thinking.

"Oh! Yeah! I forgot about this thing!" She exclaimed admiring the machine. She turned to us with a grin on her face, "This is how we'll be able to see the Hellhound again and not die!"

"Wait wait wait."Jazz shook her head. "A copy machine? Really? I'm used to crazy inventions and insane plans but this is a little much even for me. What're we gonna do, petition it away?"

Sam nodded, skeptical as well; but was cut off by Dipper's explanation before she could say anything. "No! you guys don't understand! Grunkle Stan told us to copy fliers for a party that Mabel and I really really wanted to go to! He told us to use this copier that was fixed instead of running into town and using a professional one!"

"And Dipper stuck his arm on the machine and it started it even though we thought it didn't work! But it did! It printed out Dipper's arm!" Mabel continued

"Only it was literally my arm. It jumped off of the paper and started coming at us!"

"Like a real 3D moving copy of Dipper's arm! And then he splashed my soda on it and it dissolved!"

"And then later that night I wanted to be in two places at once so I tried to copy my entire body and I made a bunch of living copies of myself!"

"And he told me they all got into a huge fight over something stupid because they all wanted to spend time with Wendy but that's not the important part!"

"We can use this machine to make copies of ourselves!" The twins finished together. At the confused look on our faces, Mabel ran over to the machine and stuck her face on it. "Watch!"

The copy machine buzzed to life and immediately made a copy of Mabel's face that Dipper retrieved with a grin.

"So what?" Sam asked impatiently, with a tap of her foot. "It's a copy of her fa-" She stopped abruptly as the paper started to wiggle and Dipper dropped it to the floor.
We watched in amazement as Mabel's head peeled off the page and flashed her braces in a smile, "And you doubted us!"

Sorry, it's so short but I feel like that's a great place to break it off.

Bet you all can guess the plan now!

Also there will be no season 2 in this fic for obvious reasons
So no, they are not consulting any of the invisible ink notes.