Chapter 1

It was after school that Chad had ask Troy and Gabriella to come over to his house. So Troy and Gabriella went over to Chad's house for awhile. Chad asked Troy if he want to play a video game with him. So Chad and Troy were playing a video game in the living room. Gabriella decide to call their other friends to come over to Chad's house too. Taylor was the first one that showed up at Chad's house. Then Ryan show up after that. Zeke,Kelsi,Sharpay and Jason finally showed up at Chad's house too. Troy and Chad had not notice that their other friends were there. Ryan,Jason and Zeke went to join Chad and Troy in the living room. Gabriella,Taylor,Sharpay and Kelsi went into Chad's kitchen for something to drink and to talk. The day was going well at Chad's house.

The girls were still in the kitchen talking,and Gabriella decided to go be with her boyfriend Troy in the living room. The guys were still in the living room playing video games, but they did not see Gabreilla come into the living room. Gabreilla came up with a idea to get Troy away from the guys. Gabriella went over to Troy and started sucking on his neck and putting her hands down his pants to rub his member. The other guys in the living room did not realize what Gabriella was doing to Troy. Troy let out a moan and Chad look over. Chad saw what Gabriella was doing to Troy and shook his head. The girls in the kitchen had not notice that Gabriella had left the kitchen. Back in the living room Gabriella had her boyfriend Troy turn on. Troy told his girlfriend Gabreilla that she had turn him on. Troy told the guys he be back in 45 minutes to an hour. Troy and Gabriella went upstairs to one of Chad's guest rooms and made love. Back down stairs the girls had left the kitchen and went into the living room and asked the guys where Troy and Gabreilla were at.

Back upstairs in the guest room Troy and Gabreilla were kissing and still making love. Their clothes were all over the bedroom floor. After Troy and Gabriella got done making love twice, they finally got up and got dressed in their clothes again. They did not get back down stairs till 2 hours had went by. Back down stairs in the living room, Chad could not believe that Troy and Gabreilla had been upstairs making love for 2 hours. Zeke, Sharpay, Jason, Ryan,and Kelsi had left Chad's house and went home. When Troy and Gabreilla had gotten down stairs and went to the living room. They saw Chad and Taylor making out on the couch. Troy and Gabriella decide to leave Chad's house and go to Troy's place instead. When Troy and Gabreilla got to his house they went upstairs to his room and laid down for a bit while waiting for dinner to be ready.

So Gabriella stay over night with Troy at his next morning Troy and Gabriella got ready for school. They went down stairs and had a little bit of breakfast. Troy and Gabriella got into his black audi car and went to school. When Troy and Gabreilla arrived at East High, they saw Chad and Taylor fighting with each other about something. Troy and Gabreilla walk over to their friends and asked Zeke why Chad and Taylor were fighting. Zeke told Troy and Gabreilla that he did not know why Chad and Taylor were fighting. Well that day of school went by fast. Troy and Gabreilla went back to his place.

Meanwhile with Jack,Lucille and Maria they were talking about their kids relationship and how they think that they should slow down a bit because they were thinking it was getting to serious. But what they did not know was that it was a serious relationship.

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