Celestia buried her face in Discord's neck. The rest of her was gently reclined over his chest, stomach, and pelvis. Discord himself was exhausted. It was easy for him to conjure up strange creatures and bizarre spells at whim but it was still quite a bit of magic. By the end of the day he'd be out of fuel. A good sleep (at least over an hour) would give him back the energy he needed to wreak havoc again.

A grin stretched up his draconequus face as he rode a claw down Celestia's elegant neck followed by a satisfied purr. The spirit stood up as best he could on his front paws, Celestia falling into his lap, still asleep. He thought of a brilliant early-morning prank for her.

Most colts are attracted to a mare because she has a personality or looks or mannerism he adores. In Discord's case he loved Celestia's temper. Sometimes the tricks he'd play on her earned him a zap in the face or a throwaway comeback. No matter what it amused Discord to see Celestia so worked up over what he did to her. The princess was most beautiful when she was angry, because he was the only person who truly got to see it.

Celestia's mane and tail, like all alicorns that chose to be immortal, was not like regular horsehair. Hers was soft and though very heavy to keep up, felt like a cloud when you put your hoof through it. A single stain of hair would turn into sun dust the minute it dissolved in your hand. Giggling, Discord plucked out not one but three strands from her mane and a feather from his pegasus wing. He cupped them carefully in his paw and counted backwards from 1.

"Celestia~" chimed Discord's snickering voice, "wake up sweetie…"

The very inflection of the word "sweetie" was artificial as it always was. Celestia opened her eyes to his plea and looked hazily around the now illuminated room.

"Oh my goodness!" she exclaimed.

Drifting up the walls and past her head were rays of sunlight kept inside giant, turquoise bubbles. They would pop the minute they touched something sharp and the light would escape, blinding Celestia before burning out.

Discord approached her. "Lovely morning isn't it? If you like this, just wait till more then one pop at once. I hope you don't mind-"

"Oh Discord!" Celestia said in a dazzled voice. She threw her hooves around him and held tightly onto the surprised spirit's neck. "It's beautiful! What a way to wake up! I've never seen sunlight kept up like this."

"What? But-but she's not suppose to like it," Discord thought, "maybe she's just doing this to spite me."

"I've been trying to get my sunlight sealed up since I was a filly. You? You've done it in a day! Sometimes I wish you weren't the spirit of chaos. Sometimes I really wish you were the spirit of marvels. Thank you so much dearest!"

This was the worst prank he'd ever played on her. He wanted to do something special. Something that would hurt her eyes so that she'd yell at him. She treated this like an actual gift! Now what was he to do-


The princess kissed Discord on his misshaped muzzle, catching him off guard. There was no intent of giving him a taste of his own medicine. Celestia was sincere. Almost tragically sincere in fact… not aware, not letting go, not even for an instant. Not until he kissed her back. And he did, passionately. The same, rare passion he legitimately requited for the princess, though he'd never admit it.

All thought of pranks faded into nothing. All that mattered now was her.