A/N: So I'm a huge Kuroko no Basuke fan. No surprise. Well, this fic is just me ranting about GOM and Kuroko plus Kagami. My OTP is GOM+KagamixKuroko so that's what you'll be expecting in this rated M fic. By the way, this is my first time posting under KuroBasu. Please be kind to review this, thank you!

The room, in which two figures in the dark lie, is pitch black, with only the transparent light coming from the silent moon passing through the only available window. The air is misty and hot as passion currently resides in those four corners. Soft moaning and thrusts bounce around the area as the thick and dense walls keep them from exiting the said room.

A boy with hair as light as the blue morning sky let out soft sounds as he feels every inch of his body in absolute pleasure. On one hand, he holds tightly on the blanket on his back, trying to prevent his body from being moved forward by the force strongly and hastily being applied on his petite figure; he uses his other hand to cover his mouth.

"Don't," a voice not belonging to our protagonist says. Shades of red cover his face and he shakes his head in disapproval. "Come on, Kuroko. Let it out. Say my name."

The boy feels hesitant at first but his partner's pleading voice seems more overpowering.

"K-Kagami-kun... nngh..."

"That's it," the redhead says, now a smile dominating his face. He moves faster now, thrusting in the fragile boy's body much harder. Both feel their limits now. It is only a matter of seconds now before...



Before he realizes it, morning had already come and gone; the sun scorches hot and it only tells him that it's already late in the afternoon. His speculation is clarified as he checks his wall clock. Not only that, he missed all his classes. To make matters worse, he can't find a certain somebody by his side.

"Okay! Let's end practice here for today!"

All the members of the Seirin basketball club, as if on cue, drop down on the sweat-filled court and heave out large sighs. They take in the chance to once again, breathe air and relax their muscles. They have a lot to say about the regimens their coach gives them, but they don't complain. It helps them improve and brings out every ounce of potential they can bring out on the court. After a while, they start to get up on their feet.

"Hey, let's go out and eat."

"Sure. It's going to be your treat, right, Hyuuga-kun?"


The voices grow smaller as the boys enter the locker room.


"Kuroko-kun," a female brunette says, as she approaches him, with a worry written all over her face, "Do you feel any better now?"

The boy only gives her a small nod but the look on his face tells her otherwise. Aida Riko, the coach of the basketball club, takes a quick gander at him and tries to assess her member's inability to practice, or particularly move, for that day.

"Your stats are still the same, though... And you don't have anything broken or sprained. Maybe you're just lacking sleep?" she inquires to him. He nods again, probably agreeing with her. She sighs at how little his vocabulary seems to be and just advises him, "Well, just take it easy. You're a really big part of this team and I don't want you missing out on practice... especially since your stamina's still below average."

And again, he just nods.

"I'll go get my things then," she says with a smile, trying to reassure him that she isn't particularly mad at him, "I'll see you around."

He nods. Riko only mutters how very, very small his vocabulary is.

Kuroko Tetsuya, who has been sitting on the bench for the whole entire time of the practice, grabs the piece of paper and pen just inches away from him. He brings the paper with writings to eye level and reads his own penmanship:

Can't play. No voice. Feeling weak. Woozy.

He puts the paper and pen down back to where it had been laying around and once again brings his attention elsewhere.

Last night was something he wishes to bury deep in his unconscious; far, far in the depths of it. He can't help but bury his face in his palms as he recalls everything from the very beginning. From the time he and Kagami Taiga went to the said boy's apartment, had a few food and drinks, to the sudden interest of what it would be like to touch another's genital which eventually led to soft kisses and...

His pale face turns bright red at the thought.

He shakes all the thoughts out by focusing on what to do next. He'll fix his current predicament about what to do about Kagami later on... but for now, he should try to keep his thoughts about the man with blood-red hair out of his mind.

Kagami Taiga decides to check the gym for any signs of the little man. He had been calling Kuroko's cell phone nonstop since he woke up but never got through. Keeping out thoughts that his partner might hate him or something, he rationalizes by thinking that he must have been busy with practice. But it was not likely, because his teammates would have noticed him limping all over the place. But he goes to the gym anyway.

But just meters away before he arrives at the gates, he sees the team exiting.

"Yo!" he calls out and waves to everyone. His teammates, particularly their captain, Hyuuga Junpei, upon seeing him, could only smile – the kind of smile that could kill. Kagami gulps at his mistake and bonks himself on the head mentally.

"Yo, Ka-ga-mi-kun," Hyuuga calls out with his left brow twitching, still plastering that smile. The team approaches him, with different expressions on their faces; two, who would most likely be Hyuuga and Riko, of which seem ready to kill him on the spot while most showed pity for the fearless guy who dares skip practice. "What are you doing here so late in the afternoon?"

"Uh..." Kagami lets out of his mouth, trying to conjure up something to say. He scratches his chin while doing so and suddenly, a light bulb flashes above his head. "Oh that! I had a really high fever last night... so I slept kind of late and woke up just this afternoon... sir."

Seriously, the word 'lie' was written all over his face; especially when he speaks so politely.

"Well, whatever," Hyuuga scratches the back of his head, seeing it pointless to pry the truth out of him. "So? What are you here for? Practice's already over."

"Ah! Did Kuroko come by?" he asks suddenly, revealing his real purpose for coming. Everyone shares a look.

"He did," Riko decides to answer. She waves to everyone and says, "You guys go on ahead. I'll talk with Kagami-kun." The boys don't argue and nod at their coach. They walk on ahead and when their figures grow small due to the distance, the two continue their conversation.

"So... about Kuroko... ma'am," Kagami mutters just loud enough for Riko to hear. She finds it cute how the two seem like brothers. Like how Kagami is now, concerned with his 'shadow', support and even more than that, friend, she feels like she has a duty to tell him everything he wanted to know.

"Yeah, he went to practice, but," she trails for a moment and sees Kagami's jaw almost drops by the anticipation, "he said he was sick, that he couldn't move. No, more particularly, he wrote it down. It seems like his voice is gone for the mean time as well."

Kagami can only imagine Kuroko having a hoarse voice and weak lower limbs. He mentally hits himself for not noticing the boy's presence leaving his apartment.

"Do you know where he is now, though?" Kagami adds. Riko places a hand under her chin and hums. "I think he said he was going to meet up with Aomine-kun."

Kagami Taiga's ears must've failed him. If not, he hoped it did. He doesn't know what kind of face he's showing, but he's sure it's scaring the panties out of Riko. Her horrified eyes reflect a very angry tiger that's ready to pounce on its prey. He quickly bows before his senpai and storms off yelling something about Kuroko being a big idiot while taking out his cell phone.