
I am sorry for the grammar in English I am only good at speaking but I will try to make it better I have made a poll to see who ends with zero please vote. She may date someone and then end it and find other…

5 Months later…

The time had flood by. A thunderstorm was coming. The winds were getting stronger and it had already started to rain.

3rd person's pov

Zero just knew it. This was not her day, she was positive of it! She had started her morning by being awaken by the freaking thunderstorm, she got to school late, and that wasn't her first time, not to mention the meeting she had with the council. She knew they were old has time, hell, even with the hunter's slow age everybody couldn't count the great and she meant GREAT amount of rinkles their faces held but to come to her asking to…urgh….


Zero arrived at the large room. It was quite simple. White walls, an only window to have some light, a round table in the middle of the room and a large collection, in the walls, of portraits of the many generations of royalty.

The people attending were, Yagari Toga that came with Zero, the hunter's association president (that looked at her blankly but you could see in his eyes a mischievous glint that gave him an evil aura. Zero honestly had no idea if the otako was a dude or not, but the she/he creeper her out, she actually had suspicions about him but wasn't so sure) the 4 elders whose function was to help the king's decision and in this situation advise the heir to the throne and in certain circumstances help the Hunter's Association President.

She sat down feeling nervous, not for the meeting itself, she had attended several before and was used to it, but the meaning…that is what was worrying her. They had already discussed her status, they had no problems with her being a vampire since damas negras only needed to drink blood from their soul mate, vampires considerate them to be "goddesses" , but the hunters see them as an "equal", that unlike the vampires they are not beasts but beings with power that help them prevent bloodbaths. After all they are only born in hunter clans.

Now that was her reason to be nervous, what could they possibly want? She was acting like a true princess. Except getting to school late sometimes, but hell, like the saying says "I am not late, everybody is just early", or something like that. She had etiquette, put up with condescending morons that only care about her status. She was acting like a lady, which was not her, so yhea she has some pretty dam good reasons to be nervous…

Good morning Kiryu-sama, please take a seat! - The only elder woman spoke. The older woman's face was blank but her eyes had something in it the young princess couldn't identify.

She obeyed and sat down. After a minute of silence, one of the male elders cleared his throat.

-we know that you are busy with your trainings, so we will cut to the chase. We summon you here to speak to you about two things. The first is that as of today you will be performing missions. We know you have a lot in your agenda but, Kiryu-sama, we understand your position but before everything you are still a hunter and per consequence you are needed in the field…-the elder briefly stopped so he could see the young girls' reaction.

Zero watch them with an emotion free mask. That's part of what they wanted!? She was a hunter for Pete's sake! Of course she was going to be needed in mission. Do this people just like to waste precious time that was dam well needed. The young huntress straight herself in her seat and replied:

With all due respect, since I was born I was signed to be a hunter, I was trained in their arts, what you are telling me is nothing new. I know in times like this all hunters are needed and I am in age to become an official one. So don't look so troubled.

The elder was about to speak until the president clapped his hands together and cut him off…

-"excellent! We already had an assignment prepared for you when the meeting ends. If you could, I apologize for not giving you any warning…

The Kiryu eyed him suspiciously:

"- of course there is no problem. I must be ready at any hour, but please reframe for doing the same next time."

-"of course, my apologies…- he apologized a second time without a single drop of regret in is voice, he sounded more amused than anything. What is he planning? She thought.

- Now that that is treated what was next?- when this words came out of her mouth, the others in the room tensed a bit and got nervous, well with the exception of the president, his smile just seem to grew wider and turned into a smirk, toga had suspicions of what they were going to talk and tensed as well.

This time it was the elder woman's turn to speak again.

-well hime-sama, with your brother's "disappearance" you were left as the only heir and someday in the future you will have to proclaim what's rightfully yours . Even before it was decided that you would be the queen people already knew you would rule since you were the strongest. Usually brother and sister get married to pass the bloodline to future generations, but since right now you are an only child, it is your duty to create an heir. We are not asking you to marry right now but to think about it. There is a problem right now you are 16. If by the time you reach 18, hime-sama hasn't found anyone we will be forced to find someone and arrange a marriage, preferable to someone strong able to increase your bloodline…


Zero had only responded with an "I understand", picked her mission files and left the room without looking back.

3 hours later in the middle of a deserted town…

The huntress had felt them, the levels E's they were close. And it was good because there was some steam in her that needed to be bowled of.

She was so pissed off. How dare they mess with her life? Like it was not crappy before, they just have to snatch this stunt off their sleeves. If you had asked Kiryu zero 1 or 2 years before if she would rise to the throne and carried her bloodline she would laugh at your faces and say that this curse would die with her. She had no intentions to continuing leaving, she had nothing left, but soon she realized how wrong she was. For herself, she held nothing, no bonds, family but she had obligations. Obligation to her people, and knew this was necessary.

But hell if the dam hags were choosing the person she got to spent the rest of her life with. She had 2 years it was plenty of time, but now, there were some E's waiting for her.

5 hours before, at Cross Academy

It had been so long since the silver head perfect had left and cross academy didn't seem to change. Well there was one difference. With zero's departure, Yuki had spent almost every day in the nurse's room for being stomped on. The fan girls were definitely wild now!

Day class students, most girls but some boys too, were glad that now they could contemplate their idols without trouble but they actually missed the lilac eyed girl. She was their only chance to beat the night class in something and they were rather curious to know how she looked as a girl. It was kind of unbelievable. One day chairman cross walks trough they classroom doors and tells them that the silverette perfect with the most deathly death glare and secretly class hottie, was a girl! Of course no one believed him at the time. After some explanation in which the excuse for the deceiving was that it was a trick to see if the day class was at the same level of the night that made every girl saying OHHHHH! Leaving the boys staring at them mouths hanging and WTF leaving their mouths. But after some time they got used to the idea, except for yuki, in her head Kaien was still joking and zero was a guy, well she was up for a treat!



-"Come in."- Kaname's voice filled the room.

The door opened and Kain, Aidou, Takuma, Shiki and Rima came into view.

Kaname, that until that moment was turned watching the view from his window, didn't bother to look at them he just spoke:

"I call you all here because I have been warned there was in a city nearby a horde of level E vampires that need to be executed, given the fact that their number is quite large I will sent the five of you, dismisses"

They nodded and left the room.


"A horde of level E's, hum… that is going to give us some work"- I say this with a warming smile and start humming to myself.

"Let's get this done with, it is not like those low levels are anything against us"- Aidou ciphered.

"Calm down Hanabusa, you shouldn't underestimate them. They may be weak against us alone but together they can cause damage"- Kain

"C'mon already"- Rima contributed with a bored voice.

Back with Zero

A scent of blood reached her; it was time she found them.

In a sudden movement, 10 level E's showed up in front of her.

"Little girl is a hunter, let's play"- it screeched and launched itself at Zero.

Bloody Rose, which was already in her hand, was shooting, and the vampire turned into dust.

"Bring it on! Leach"- she jumped from where she once stood and shoot again this time killing 3 more.

Zero had been killing them for almost 2 hours and they kept showing, this was unnerving her. She may be good but they weren't going to die soon if she kept shooting, they were to many, it was at this time that she was grateful for her recent trainings with her shishou, he had thought that in a situation like this she should learn how to use other weapons, she still didn't know her element but Yagari had taught her how to use swords.

Kiryu reached her back and took a long white Katana with some inscriptions written in black. It was beautiful. When her teacher presented it to her, she had fallen in love with the katana and soon became a pro in using it.

"Let's end this"- she cut the level E that was behind the building next to her in half.

Slashing, cutting, killing, this kept going until the hunter felt 5 knew presences that weren't so knew.

One of the vampires that was about to strike her in this moment of distraction was suddenly destroyed by a simple and clean cut.

"It seems the hunter's association sent someone to deal with this problem too!"- A very happy and hyperactive voice echoed through the street.

It was a voice she knew very well and that Zero didn't think would hear for a long time. She turned to face them:

"Ah! Ichijo-sempai, the five of you are a bit late! Don't you think?"

Zero's pov

If they are here in orders, they should have arrived long ago. Oh well, I wanted to go home soon anyways…

I turned and say to them:

"Ah! Ichijo-sempai, the five of you are a bit late! Don't you think?"

The moment they see my face, I just wished I had been recording this moment. It was freaking hilarious. I knew they had no idea how I look as a girl but this is too much!

Aidou's eyes pop out mouth gaping, making me want to drop on the floor and laugh like a maniac, Kain lost his cool and his jaw dropped, Shiki and Rima's usually stoic faces turned to shock and let the poky in their mouths drop. But the weirdest reaction was Ichijo's that stood frozen, his happy go lucky act long gone.

I really tried not to laugh but it wasn't the time more level E's were showing up ready to attack.

"I would assume you are here to finish them too, so if you want to stare do it when their dead please."

Without other notice I ran to the level E's and start killing them again.

10 minutes earlier, Takuma's POV

"Ah! Ichijo-sempai, the five of you are a bit late! Don't you think?"

The voice of the hunter cuts the air. It sounds so familiar and soft. The persons turn around and I felt my world stop. The hunter killing the level E's it was no other than Kiryu Zero, but not the "boy" Kiryu Zero the one with the overly large school uniform jacket, but the girl Kiryu Zero the one he had never seen.

I just stare at her. She is using a blood red gabardine that reaches a little above her knees showing her beautiful shaped legs, her long silver hair is tied in a fish-spine braid; her heart shaped face is illuminated by the moon and her lips are forming a light gentle smile. I couldn't believe. The ex-perfect that only needed one glare to make the female population ran away crying looked, in my eyes, like the most gorgeous creature I have ever met, even vampires that are born with beauty couldn't compare.

I was cut off my musings when she spoke again:

"I would assume you are here to finish them too, so if you want to stare do it when their dead please."

She went to fight again and we got out of our stupor. Kain was the first to speak.

" WOW"

yhay one more chappy, i am going to try to work on the other stories now by! zero will ber returning to cross academy in 3 to 5 chapters. it depends in how long i make them

vote the pairings in the poll i made