Hey everyone, Sahar here! :D Today I bring you a another Fanfic! This is a summer fic that I got inspired by my old days at summer camp. Goood timmes. XD So the whole story will be told by Jack's perspective because I mostly see stories told by Kim's point of view, so eh why not do something different? This story was sorta written last minute because I wanted to update on my birthday (August 3rd which is today! :D) Anyway I'll shut up now and let you read the first chapter of "A Summer To Remember!" (This chapter was edited on 2012-08-22)

Ah, summer.

Where kids can finally stop worrying about the homework and start having fun. Well as for me, my summer was an interesting one that I did not expect at all.

It all started on the last day of school. My friends and I were gathered in our dojo, The Bobby Wasabi Martial Arts Academy. We were together discussing what we're going to do this summer.

"I'm so excited! Julie and I are going to have the best time at science camp!" Cheered Milton my nerd of a friend.

"Well I'm going to Canada to stay with my Uncle Bill for the summer," exclaimed Eddie.

"I have to stay here and go to summer school! It's bad enough that I have to go to school when it's not summer!" Jerry cried.

"You did fail English. And math. And Spanish. Your family is even from Mexico! How can you fail Spanish?" Kim exclaimed.

"I don't know, but what about you Kim? What are you doing this summer?" Jerry smirked.

My eyes were on Kim now waiting for the answer.

"I'm not sure, but usually my family does last minute planning so it can go any way."

Since everyone got a chance to speak I finally decided to say something, "I don't know about you guys, but I am super excited to go to Hawaii with my family."

"Okay you guys have to agree that Jack's vacation dominates all of ours." Claimed Eddie.

"Yeah Jack, wish I was you right now Jack." Said Kim.

I chuckled, "Of course you do."

My parents and I were on our way to the airport. I couldn't help to be extremely excited for this trip. Other than going to China this was a trip that was going to be epic. I took a glance outside the window, we were driving in a middle of a forest. Huh, I thought you were suppose to take the highway to get to the airport. This must be a shortcut.

I was oddly confused because I saw a bunch of beware of bear signs on the road. This must be a mistake.

"Uh mom, dad where are we going?"

They kept quiet. My dad had his eyes focused on the road and my mom was just ignoring me.

I tried asked again, "Uh guys mind telling me where we're going?"


But then suddenly I see another sign, "You are now entering Uncle Joe's Summer Camp."

Summer camp? Are they taking me to summer camp?

"Are you guys taking me to summer camp?"

Finally my mom spoke, "Look honey, I know you were excited for Hawaii, but the truth is that we are going to Hawaii. Just not with you.."

I can't believe this. Is this really happening?

"Wait you guys lied to me? I can't believe my our parents lied to me."

"Listen kiddo.." Sighed my dad.

I cut him off, "DON'T YOU KIDDO ME! You lied to me! What am I going to do at this dump of a camp anyway?"

"Since your too old to actually go to the camp, we volunteered you to be a councillor." My mom nervously responded.

I was furious. I never been angrier in my life. If only they told me the truth about this camp in the first place then things would've been alright.

"We're here, do you want us to help you find your way?" My dad asked.

"No, You guys done enough. Have fun on your little tropical vacation and you know what? I'll never forgive you guys."

I grabbed my stuff and slammed the car door and didn't look back to those two traders.

I've been walking this campground around for an hour and I have no idea where to go.

"Yo brown haired dude!"

I turned around and saw three guys gesturing me towards them. Eh might as well go over there.

"Hey I'm Jack."

"Sup I'm Dane." Said the blonde kid with the beanie.

"I'm Evan." Said from the second blonde kid.

"And I'm Guy." Spoke from the brunette guy.

"Guy? Your parents named you Guy?" I asked confusedly.

"Yeah, they told me that they were going to name me Steve, but Guy is waaay better." He exclaimed.

"Anyway you guys been here before?"

"Yeah bro! We come here every year, we love it here." Evan explained.

"Do you mind telling me how things go around here because I'm kinda new."

"Sure, take it away Dane." Joked Guy.

"Okay, so everyone who's 16 and older partners up with someone who's the same gender as him or her and then Uncle Joe assigns us to a group of kids of the same gender of you. Until the last week of camp you're the caretakers to those kids for the entire summer. But there's always one group of misfit kids that one girl and guy take care together.

I was very interested in this concept, but thing kinda confused me.

"Okay I think I got it, but how do you avoid being caretakers of the misfits group?"

"Oh you just have to find a partner before Uncle Joe assigns you groups. But if your late to the meeting when he does, your partner can't claim to be with you."

Sounds simple just don't be late to the meeting. Got it.

"Do you guys have partners already?"

"Dane and I are already partners but Evan's free." Exclaimed Guy.

"Okay Evan wanna be partners?" I asked.

"Yeah bro! But honestly I wouldn't mind to spend time with a lady as a partner." He chuckled.

"Oh especially that new blonde chick." Guy laughed.

"Oh I saw her she's smoking!" Evan jumped.

I just rolled my eyes. I couldn't care less what girls that were here. I just wanted to get this summer over with.

So Dane, Evan, and Guy took the time to tell me more about the camp.

In the first few weeks of camp you'll have to train your group in three things, teamwork, responsibility and survival. On the last week of camp there's a whole survival games where your group will be put to the test.

These little camp activities interest me a lot, but it's going to take a whole lot to convince me to like it here.

It was around lunch time and we had a couple of hours to eat and spend time between ourselves.

The guys and I decided to go get some food.

When we entered the mess hall the guys were shaking and they were unable to speak.

"Guys, why so scared all of a sudden?"

Dane whispered, "That guy over there, his name is Kevin and he basically rules this camp. If you get in his way he's going to crush you like a grape."

"Oh come on guys don't be so afraid of him." I said as I was walking towards the food line.

We were just talking when that Kevin guy cut in front of us.

"Uh dude we were here first."

"Now you're there second." He smirked.

This got me very mad. It's bad enough my parents ditched today, but now some punk cut infront of me in line? I decided to push him out of the line.

"What is wrong with you? You just made a huge mistake." Then suddenly he pushed me. He pushed me way too hard and I triped and fell,


This summer isn't going so well.


I recognized that voice. Then I took a glance at the girl and knew exactly who she was.

"Kim? What are you doing here?"

"Me? What about you? Aren't you suppose to be on your way to Hawaii by now?"

"Uh yeah I'm suppose to, but I'm not."

"Okay, uh can you get off of me?"

"Oh sorry." As I was helping Kim and myself up. "Anyway, what are you doing here?" I asked suspiciously.

"I decided to volunteer here for the summer. I used to come here when I was a kid, so I thought why not come back."

"Oh that's cool."

"Yeah, what are you doing here? Did something go wrong on your way to Hawaii?"

"No it turns out I wasn't really suppose to go to Hawaii. My parents were, so they tricked me of saying that I'm going to Hawaii with them when really they wanted to dump me here before they go."

"Oh that sucks. But now we can hang this summer together since we're both here."

"Absolutely, that'll be great."

"I'll see you around Jack." As she turned around and walked the other way.

"See you Kim." I smiled. At least one thing turned out great so far. I get to spend time with one of my best friends.

My thoughts were interrupted by Guy excited about something, "Dude you know that blonde babe?"

"Yeah, we go to school together. And we train together. And we're best friends."

"Dude you got to hook me up! She is a heck of a lady!" Cried Evan.

I sighed deeply. There is no way I'm going to hook up Kim with anyone. Kim's like the little sister I never had. A tough, vicious little sister. It's not that I like her. Everyone implies that I do, but I don't. Even if she is pretty.

Wait, what?

What am I saying? I don't like Kim, I don't like Kim.

"Sure you don't buddy."

Who said that? Eh just forget about it.

After we got our food the guys and I found a table where we can eat. I ranted to them about how my parents ditch me this summer.

"Dude that's messed up! But this camp dominates every vacation ever made!" Exclaimed Dane.

"I don't know man I was really looking forward to this vacation, but this camp isn't that bad. At least I met you guys and one of my friends is here."

"Dude I think you have something going on between the hot chick and you. Am I right?" Guy chuckled.

"What? No Kim's my friend, I don't like her."

"Sure you don't bro." Evan giggled.

Great. Even my camp friends think I have a crush on Kim. Who's next?

"Uh guys I'm going to go for a walk before the councillor meeting. I'll see you guys later."

"Okay, don't be late Jack!" Yelled Evan.

Wow first time all day one of the guys used my name.

I decided to walk because let's me take my mind off things. So does karate, but I don't see any punching dummies around here. I was walking on a trail that leads through a forest. Then suddenly I see a girl sitting on a bench reading.

Of course, it was Kim.

It's summer, I might as well have a little fun. So I walked slowly towards the bench and...


"AHH!" She screamed. "You scared me Jack!" She said while punching me in the arm.

"Ow! That was kinda the idea." I chucked.

"Anyway what are you doing?" Kim asked.

"Oh I was taking a stroll in the forest. Then I saw you, so I decided to scare you."

"Well you shouldn't because now you're going to get it Anderson."

"Ooo, I'm scared." I smiled sarcastically as she rolled her eyes.

"You want to walk with me Kim?"

"Sure that'll be nice. She said as she bit her lip.

What do you think? I'm pretty pleased with it, but I got more in stored so stay tuned! Please review, it makes me so happy when I see all the nice comments and helpful suggestions people give me. Oh August 5th is Olivia Holt's birthday! :D If only I was born two days later... LOL XD I'm gonna say it now anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY OLIVIA! :D Alrighty then untill we meet again...REVIEW! :D